Donald M. Lance Papers, 1960s-2000s (CA6213)
17.8 cubic feet, 25 audio tapes, 107 computer discs
Addition of correspondence, course materials, research files, surveys, computer data, audio recordings, photographs, and miscellaneous papers of a linguist and professor of English at the University of Missouri. Contains research on dialects and the pronunciation of "Missouri."
Donald M. Lance Papers, 1938-2002 (C3992)
11.3 cubic feet (754 folders), 144 audio cassettes
The papers of a University of Missouri English professor, well-known for his lectures on the pronunciation of “Missouri” and other dialect research, contain extensive professional correspondence, research data, articles, presentations, teaching materials, and materials related to his work with professional organizations. Audio cassettes include interviews with Germans in Missouri and with decorated U.S. Army Special Forces veteran Byrl D. Taylor, Missouri folk musicians, and examples of English language dialects.
Fran Landesman Papers, 1959-1998 (S0608)
3 cubic feet, 112 folders, 44 photographs, 6 CDS, 23 audiotapes
The Fran Landesman Papers contain correspondence, biographical materials, reviews, articles, audiotapes, CDs, and LPs documenting Landesman’s career as a lyricist and poet. In the 1950s she lived in St. Louis, where along with her husband Jay Landesman she operated the Crystal Palace nightclub in Gaslight Square.
Jay Landesman Papers, 1937-1997 (S0604)
6 cubic feet, 178 folders, 450 photographs
The collection contains correspondence, newspaper and magazine clippings, manuscripts, and photographs of Jay Landesman, an author, publisher, and producer, who owned the Crystal Palace cabaret and theater in the Gaslight Square district in St. Louis in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Landwehr Family Papers, 1920-2004 (CA6558)
4.6 cubic feet, 5 oversize items
The papers of a German Catholic family from Cole County, Missouri, that owned the Landwehr Dairy, contains correspondence, Christmas cards, recipes, financial records, religious material, and miscellaneous family material. The collection includes material concerning Sister Mary Gabriel Landwehr.
Phyllis Langsdorf Papers, 1977-2018 (S0383)
0.3 cubic foot
The Phyllis Langsdorf Papers contains photographs, newsletters, and program booklets documenting Langsdorf volunteer work with the Craft Alliance Center for Art and Design and Barnes Jewish Hospital.
John E. Lankford Papers, 1934-2018 (CA5175)
12.1 cubic feet
The professional and personal papers of a history professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia include correspondence, publications, research and teaching materials, biographical information, photographs, poetry, financial records, and miscellaneous material.
Raymond W. Lansford Oral History Collection, 1985-2010 (C4725)
0.1 cubic foot (5 folders), 7 CDs
Oral history of the life of Raymond W. Lansford. Landsford served in the United States Air Force during World War II and flew 30 missions over Europe. There are recorded interviews along with transcripts of the recordings. Additionally, there are materials that detail portions of Raymond's life before and after his time in the military.
Sid Larson Papers, 1960s-1990s (CA6427)
3 cubic feet
The papers of an artist, teacher, and curator of the State Historical Society of Missouri's art collection include newspaper clippings, correspondence, and research on Thomas Hart Benton, as well as records of Larson's restoration work on various Missouri murals. Also included are slides from Larson's art and art history lectures as a professor at Columbia College.
Sidney Larson Photograph Collection, 1953-1999 (P0210)
1 folder
A collection of photographs of and relating to the work of Sidney Larson, art curator for the State Historical Society of Missouri. 15 b/w photos, photocopied news clipping feat. Thomas Benton, artist (MO State Fair 1990). b/w photo of Truman, Benton, and Larson (artist; donor) (with negatives). 3 35mm b/w slides, State Capitol restoration. b/w of Rolla mural. b/w Shane Drawings exhibit, 1964. 2 b/w photos of paintings with notes on figures depicted. 4 color photos of Larson's artwork shown at Columbia College, August 1999.
Frederick H. Laas Collection, 1935-2001 (R1323)
4 cubic feet (197 folders)
The collection of railroadiana consists primarily of printed memorabilia such as timetables, station maps, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia. Most pertains to passenger operations in the United States and Canada, especially those by Amtrak, but there are also brochures and printed materials from passenger railroads in Europe and Asia. The bulk of the material dates from the 1960s to the 1990s.
Laura X Papers, 1958-2006 (S1106)
6 cubic feet, 17 microfilm rolls
This collection contains microfilmed files on marital rape law and women's rights, collected by Laura X. Also included in the collection are photographs, news clippings, and scrapbooks, documenting Laura X's early life in St. Louis.
Edwin F. Lawler Jr. Papers, 1924-1991 (C4371)
1.25 cubic feet (40 folders)
Military documents and photographs, travel and family photographs and slides, college yearbooks, personal correspondence, and miscellaneous material.
Lead Mining Companies (Washington County, Mo.) Records, 1809-1954 (C3893)
0.5 cubic feet, 29 rolls of microfilm (1 folder, 155 volumes)
This collection contains business records of lead mining companies and company stores in Washington County, Missouri, from 1809 to 1954. The companies include R. Smith and Company; Stone Manning and Company; Manning, Smith and Company; the Missouri and Pennsylvania Lead Company; the Palmer Lead Company; and the Renault Lead Company.
League of Women Voters of Columbia-Boone County (Mo.) Records, c. 1934-2005 (CA5742)
34.6 cubic feet, 7 audio cassettes, 31 video cassettes, 1 DVD
Addition includes correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, committee files, scrapbooks, and audiovisual material, as well as reports, studies, and background material related to local conditions in housing, criminal justice, sanitation, and government.
League of Women Voters of Missouri Records, 1911-2023 (S0232)
23 cubic feet, 536 folders, 7 audio tapes, 56 rolls microfilm
League of Women Voters of Southwest Missouri Records, 1952-2004 (R0938)
(12 rolls of microfilm)
These are minutes of meetings of the board of directors, newsletters, and project and topical files of the League of Women Voters of Southwest Missouri. Organized in 1952 as the League of Women Voters of Springfield, Missouri, the organization has been especially active in voter registration, home rule and county charter government propositions, education, planning and zoning, and other civic, social, and environmental issues.
Harold H. and Dorothy V. Leake Papers, 1841-1990 (C4011)
40.25 cubic feet (2288 folders), 4 card files, 9 audio discs, 8 video cassettes
The papers of Harold H. Leake, music teacher, radio broadcaster, and Episcopal priest, and Dorothy V. Leake, educator and biologist, consist of correspondence, radio scripts, manuscripts, diaries, subject files, and other materials relating to the personal and professional lives of the Leakes and their family.
Leawood Garden Club Records, 1952-2002 (K0427)
5 c.f.
Scrapbooks relating to the activities of the club, minutes of meetings and membership yearbooks of the Club in Leawood, KS.
Leawood Women's Club Records, 1960-2013 (K0428)
7.6 c.f.
Scrapbooks, minutes, annual reports, newsletters, Yearbooks, and bylaws for the Club in Leawood, KS.
Kate and Eugene Lebovitz Papers, 1964-2013 (K1310)
0.2 c.f.
program: Harry S. Truman Commendation Award Dinner, 1965; newspapers: KC Jewish Chronicle, September 11, 1964; January 22, 1965; The Buffalo Jewish Review, September 27, 2013.
Frederic Sterling Lee Papers, 1972-2014 (K1317)
34 c.f.
The papers of Frederic Sterling Lee, former Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, contain his personal and professional research files, correspondence, writings and edited works. Dr. Lee was internationally known for his work on alternative microeconomic theory.
Lee’s Summit Underwater Rescue and Recovery Team Collection, 1988, 1998-1999, 2014 (KA2626)
.04 c.f.
The collection contains a certificate of recognition, correspondence, and a book related to the Lee’s Summit Underwater Rescue and Recovery Team.
Carolyn Cook Leffler Photograph Collection, 1996 (P0027)
35 photographs
Black and white and color photos of the Ben Bolt Theatre in Chillicothe, 1985 and 1996, the Nelson Kneass tombstone, and the Zero Mile Stone in memory of composer Nelson Kneass.
Eugene E. Leibson and Shirley Dunn Leibson Papers, 1932-2006 (K0972)
0.09 cubic foot (6 folders, 3 CDs, 11 photographs)
The Eugene E. Leibson and Shirley Dunn Leibson Papers contain correspondence, audio, and video related to Dunn family history, correspondence about a family reunion, undated photographs of relatives, and a group photograph, as well as three items related to the Harvey Jacobson family and Jacobson's Strictly Kosher grocery store.
Austin Porter Leland Papers, 1954-1991 (S0202)
5.4 cubic feet, 186 folders, 1 oversize folder, 64 photographs, 10 volumes, 1 reel-to-reel, 1 16mm film reel
The papers of Austin Porter Leland document his time as the Chairman of the Old Post Office Landmark Committee. The committee successfully campaigned to preserve the Old Post Office in St. Louis, which led to national legislation allowing for commercial use of historic buildings. Included in the collection are articles, correspondence, legislation, newspaper clippings, presentations, reports, statements, TV documentary transcripts, and photographs. The collection also contains material on other civic projects, including the Wainwright building.
Janet Deborah Katz Lerner Papers, 1989-1994 (K1004)
0.4 c.f.
Lerner was a teacher and coordinated a celebration of Martin Luther King's birthday called Project HEART. Includes a scrapbook documenting the Project
Paul L. Lerner Papers, 1958-2001 (K1122)
0.3 c.f.
Personal papers of Lerner, member of Congregation Beth Shalom, and volunteer chairman or coordinator for several major community events. Includes invitations, programs, correspondence, clippings, and photographs of events held at Beth Shalom, and family members of Lerner.
Sandra Davis Lerner and Kenneth D. Lerner Papers, 1940-2000 (K1178)
.5 c.f.
The Lerners were active in Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) and B'nai B'rith youth organizations, and with the Beth Shalom Synagogue in Kansas City, MO. Includes photographs, programs, video, and artifacts.
Robert Leroy Papers, 1963-1996 (S0579)
0.2 cubic foot, 6 folders, 1 cassette tape, 4 photographs
Born in Ellensberg, Washington in 1923, Robert Leroy grew up in the Tacoma area and became involved in populist-right political causes. He served as a paratrooper in the South Pacific during World War II and worked briefly as a public school teacher afterward. In 1962 he joined the Minutemen. LeRoy later split from the group and started another anti-Communist ministry, Christian Sons of Liberty, in 1970, in Liberty, Missouri. The collection includes correspondence, newsletters, photographs, and a copy of LeRoy's autobiography "From My Foxhole to Tokyo."
Lesbian and Gay News Telegraph Records, 1981-1990 (S0445)
1 cubic foot, 3 microfilm rolls, 1 audio tape
The Lesbian and Gay News-Telegraph was a local LGBTQ newspaper founded in 1981 to encourage communication with St. Louis' LGBTQ community. The Lesbian Gay News Telegraph reported on local, regional, and national issues affecting the LGBTQ community and also published a calendar and directory of gay organizations. The collection contains unpublished articles, newspaper clippings, newsletters, a poster, and issues of the Gay-News Telegraph. Also included in the collection is an oral history interview with Gay News-Telegraph editor, Jim Thomas.
Betty Pfeffer Lesky and J. Louis Lesky Papers, 1954-1999 (K0664)
3.25 c.f.
The Lesky's were active members of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Includes programs for the Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award commemorative luncheons and the Purim Balls sponsored by Kehilath Israel Synagogue of which the Lesky's were planners..
Leo and Helen Edelbaum Lesky Papers, 1960-2007 (K0959)
0.09 c.f.
The Leo and Helen Edelbaum Lesky Papers include Leo Lesky's obituary, a sales book from Lesky's dry-cleaning business, and a CD of family videos of the Lesky family and their friends.
Chris R. Lester Papers, 1970-1999 (K0912)
15 c.f.
Lester was an investigative reporter for the Kansas City Star. Includes Lester's research materials for his Star series on banker Frank Morgan, Kansas City sprawl, and other articles.
Robert Ridenour Lester Papers, 1874-1997 (K1158)
5 c.f.
Correspondence, photographs, ephemera, and some printed and published material related to Lester and the Ridenour Family. Seventeen scrapbook volumes depict travel in the U.S. and Europe, as well as Lester's involvement in France in WWI.
"THE LETTERS OF FREDERICK STEINES (1802-1890), 1834-1840," Norma Steines Cunningham, 1999 (C2364)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
THE LETTERS OF FREDERICK STEINES by Norma Steines Cunningham is a translation of correspondence, poetry, and songs written by a Missouri immigrant who was the first German schoolmaster west of the Mississippi River.
Carolyn and David Leuthold Papers, 1964-1996 (C3960)
3 cubic feet
Papers concerning the community and state-wide activities of Carolyn and David Leuthold of Columbia, MO, relating to politics, mental health, energy, and other issues. Includes committee and organizational records, personal papers, publications, and miscellaneous.
Carolyn and David Leuthold Papers, 1960s-1990s (CA5951)
10 cubic feet
Addition of papers of David Leuthold, a professor of political science at the University of Missouri-Columbia and consultant, includes teaching material, reports, studies and surveys, campaign literature and other research material related primarily to public attitudes, voting patterns, and mass media impact in Missouri state politics.
Emelie Levin Papers, 1969-1994 (K0363)
0.11 cubic foot (8 folders, 10 photographs, 2 oversize photographs)
The Emelie Levin Papers contain materials related to Emelie Levin's career in social services, her experience as the executive director of Jewish Family and Children's Services, and her affiliation with the National Council of Jewish Women. Also included in the collection are unidentified photographs and obituaries for Samuel Sosland.
Marian Sunie Sherman Levin Papers, 1940-2010 (K1211)
0.09 cubic foot (5 folders)
The Marian Sunie Sherman Levin Papers contain articles and books with advice for grandparents and senior citizens written by Sunie Levin, as well as a copy of the 1940 Congregation Keneseth Israel Beth Sholom Synagogue Schools yearbook.
Rose Shapiro Levine Papers, 1920-2000 (K1167)
1 .5 c.f.
Levine was a choral director at Beth Shalom Synagogue. Includes Musical programs of Levine, her son-in-law, Tiberius Klausner, news-clippings, photographs, and memorabilia.
Andrea Levitan Papers, 1978-2011 (K1293)
0.25 c.f.
The collection contains material relating to the youth, education, community leadership, and extracurricular activities of Andrea Levitan. The collection also includes material relating to Levitan family history.
Norman Hadley Levitan Papers, 1969-2008 (K1108)
0.5 c.f.
Personal papers of Levitan including photographs, a scrapbook, school records, and publications, particularly relating to his amateur theater work as a youth.
Sharon Bitner Levitan and Howard Steven Levitan Papers, 1929-2008 (K0803)
2.5 c.f.
Personal and family papers of teacher, small business owner, and leader of local Jewish women's organizations, Sharon Bitner Levitan. Also includes materials concerning Esther Gottlieb Bitner's career as a professional dancer and scrapbooks and items from Howard Levitan.
LGBTQIA+ Periodicals Library Collection, 1986-2014 (S1177)
5 cubic feet
The LGBTQIA+ Periodicals Library Collection contains national publications pertaining to LGBTQIA+ parenting, political and legal groups, travel, and HIV/AIDS.
William Jefferson Lhamon Papers, 1882-1952 (C2464)
1.2 cubic feet (36 folders, 4 volumes, oversize)
Papers of a minister of the Christian Church and former dean of the Bible College of Missouri, Columbia, under whose leadership Lowry Hall was built. Typescripts of Lhamon's essays on religion and a short autobiography. Clippings include Lhamon's articles and editorials for religious periodicals as well as sermon synopses from newspapers.
Liberty Baptist Church Records, 1884-1952 (R0196)
(1 roll)
The Liberty Baptist Church Records contian record books and miscellaneous papers of the Liberty Baptist Church northwest of Potosi in Washington County, Missouri. The records consist of minutes of meetings and membership information, 1884-1952, and a few pieces of correspondence, 1891-1936.
Libra Club, Lebanon, Missouri Scrapbook Collection, 1950-2003 (R1153)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
These are scrapbooks of the Libra Club, a women's club at Lebanon in Laclede County, Missouri. The scrapbooks include newspaper clippings, annual booklets, photographs, and miscellaneous papers.
Genevieve Lichtenwalter Papers, 1889-1951 (K0210)
3 c.f.
Personal papers and collected items of a prominent musician and music teacher in Kansas City, MO. Contains concert programs, meeting programs from local, state and national music societies, and other material representing Lichtenwalter's interest in classical music. Also correspondence from other musicians and photo albums contain family photos and travel photos from East Asia.
LifeBridge Partnership Records, 1952-2021 (S0280)
2 cubic feet, 1.9 GB
The LifeBridge Partnership Records contain meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, and histories documenting its mission to help individuals with disabilities become independent and active members in their communities. Materials of interest include a feasibility and need analysis commissioned by LifeBridge in 1983 to evaluate and recommend a centralized recreational facility for the St. Louis Region’s disability community. Also included in the collection are LifeBridge Partnership's born-digital files, including board meeting minutes and resolutions, newsletters, and strategic plans. Topics of interest consist of LifeBridge's reevaluation of its mission, name, and logo; program support services, including transportation services for clients; and LifeBridge's updated health policies and fundraising strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The materials in this collection date from 1952 to 2020.