Philip G. Olson Papers, 1919-2006 (K1126)
10 c.f.
Olson is a retired University of Missouri-Kansas City professor in Sociology whose research focused on urban neighborhoods. Includes research materials, gathered by Olson, about neighborhoods in Kansas City, MO.
Helen Onson Papers, 1938-1994 (C4043)
0.65 cubic feet (14 folders, 1 oversize volume, 1 DVD)
The Helen Onson Papers contain photographs, diaries, newspaper clippings, and a scrapbook documenting Onson’s career as a basketball player in the 1930s and 1940s. Also included are clippings and correspondence related to Helen Stephens and her Olympic Co-Eds traveling basketball team, and material on the Harlem Globetrotters and its founder, Abe Saperstein. The collection also includes a DVD with an interview of Onson discussing her basketball career and friendship with Olympian Helen Stephens.
OPEN PLACES (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1960s-1990s (CA6620)
2.8 cubic feet, 11 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape, 2 video cassettes, 1 video tape, 14 oversize items
Addition of records includes correspondence, photographs, audiovisual material, and miscellaneous business records.
Open Space Council Collection, 1988-2005 (S0302)
1 cubic feet
This collection contains photographs of events sponsored by the Open Space Council of St. Louis, including Operation Clean Stream, which seeks to protect and restore the Meramec River and its tributaries.
Opera Theatre of St. Louis Records, 1939-2023 (S0062)
51 cubic feet
The Opera Theatre of St. Louis Records contains correspondence, programs, and financial materials relating to the history of opera in St. Louis from 1939, including the opera productions, metropolitan opera auditions, and the efforts to raise the public's interest in opera.
Optimist International Records, 1919-2019 (S1244)
137 cubic feet
The Optimist International Records contain board and convention meeting minutes, club files, publications, grant files, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting the organization’s mission to promote the common good in communities, traditionally supporting youth through various programs. Materials of interest include files on individual Optimist Clubs throughout Missouri and the world, which include membership lists and club reports sent to Optimist International. The materials in this collection date from 1919-2019.
Oral History Collection, 1971-1995 (S0829)
11 cubic feet
The Oral History Collection consists of reel-to-reel tapes, cassettes, and transcripts of oral histories conducted by Western Historical Manuscript Collection staff and the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) students. Topics of interest include African-American community leaders, labor leaders, immigrants, the Great Depression in St. Louis, and Jazz musicians.
James W. Orchard Papers, 1958-2016 (R1351)
0.5 cubic foot (10 folders, 1 CD, 4 DVDs, 1 a.c.)
The James W. Orchard Papers contains the papers of Missouri bluegrass musician Jimmy Orchard including event and festival fliers, photographs, recordings of shows, and music album information.
Oregon County Masonic Records, 1871-2018 (R1469)
3.25 cubic feet (58 folders, 10 photographs)
The Oregon County Masonic Records contain materials related to the Masonic lodges and Order of Eastern Star chapters in Thomasville and Alton, Missouri. The Woodside Masonic Lodge No. 387 and the Alton Masonic Lodge No. 255 were the only lodges in Oregon County, Missouri. These materials include meeting minutes, membership lists, financial records, bylaws, photographs, and membership petitions.
Organization for Black Struggle Records, 1970-2016 (S1240)
3 cubic foot, 72 folders, 905 photographs, 35 video cassettes
The Organization for Black Struggle Records (OBS) contains correspondence, press releases, flyers, and newsletters pertaining to the group's mission to address the needs and issues of the Black working class in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. Topics of interest include housing and job discrimination cases, criminal justice reform, and apartheid in South Africa.
Osage River Resevoir Region, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1891-1999 (P1129)
An artifical collection of photographs of the counties surrounding Truman Resevoir and Lake of the Ozarks: Henry, St. Clair, Benton, Hickory, Morgan, Camden, and Miller counties.
Joseph J. Oshiver Papers, 1933-2005 (K0596)
33 c.f.
Architectural drawings and other records for Kansas City architect Oshiver, as well as research and other materials relating to Sacred Structures, the Jewish Community in the Kansas City area, and other personal and professional activities.
Otterville Presbyterian Church (Cooper County, Mo.) Records, 1849-1996 (C3951)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of the church consisting of record books containing minutes of meetings and church registers, and a church history. Includes similar records of the Stony Point Presbyterian Church, Morgan County, MO.
Our City/Ourselves: Portrait of a Community"" Records, 1998 (K1116)
2.5 c.f.
Photocopies of Kansas City family photographs for a collective community work of art exhibit, "Our City/Ourselves: Portrait of Community". Includes scrapbooks, photographs, and other memorabilia, and public comments were once found in the exhibit at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art and Design. Most all of the photocopied images are unidentified.
Outlook St. Louis, Collection, 1994-1995 (S1046)
0.04 cubic foot, 7 videotapes
This collection contains Videotapes of Outlook St. Louis, a WHSL-TV and cable access television program for the LGBTQ community. The program featured episodes that focused on political and cultural events relevant to LGBTQ community.
Ozzie Overby Papers, 1950s-2010s (CA6470)
27.85 cubic feet, 6 oversize items, 2 rolls of architectural drawings, 2 audio tapes
The papers of a University of Missouri architectural professor and historian, who served as the director of the MU Museum of Art and Archaeology and was involved with historic preservation efforts, largely contain professional material, along with some personal material.
Geneva Overholser Papers, 1970s-2000s (CA6182)
19 cubic feet, 40 audio cassettes, 44 video cassettes, 13 DVDs, 1 CD, 5 computer discs, 1 oversize volume
Papers of a journalist who was an editor for the Des Moines Register, on the editorial board of the New York Times, ombudsman for the Washington Post, and director of the school of journalism at University of Southern California. The papers consist of her writings, administrative files, speeches, and correspondence documenting her career in newspapers and public affairs journalism.
Dennis Owsley Papers, 1978-1999 (S1238)
44.0 GB
The Dennis Owlsey Papers contains filmed lectures, essays, oral history interviews, playlists, and photographs pertaining to his work as a Jazz scholar and critic. Owsley is the long-time host of KWMU's Jazz Unlimited (1983-present), and has written several books on St. Louis Jazz history, including City of Gabriels: The History of Jazz in St. Louis, 1895-1973. Materials of interest in this collection include oral histories Owsley conducted with notable St. Louis Jazz musicians, including Clark Terry, Larry Bowie, and Willie Atkins. Other items of interest include photographs Owsley took of Jazz performances in St. Louis, including the St. Louis Jazz Fest in 1988 and the Mid-America Fest in 1983. The materials in this collection are entirely digital and date from 1978 to 2019.
Ozark Land and Lumber Company Records, 1887-1933 (C0037)
8 cubic feet (688 folders), 100 oversize volumes
The business papers and record books of a Shannon County, Missouri, lumber company consist of correspondence, financial records, minutes of directors’ and stockholders’ meetings, store records, cutting and other lumber records, land records, and survey maps.
P.E.O. Reciprocity Group of Greater Kansas City Records, 1916-1995 (K0604)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of a women's educational and philanthropic club including minutes, a history of P.E.O., lists of presidents and officers, membership directories, state convention programs, and slides and program notes of Cottey College.
P.E.O. Sisterhood, Missouri State Chapter Records, 1890-2010 (CA5409)
9.8 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 2 oversize items
The records of the organization include publications, chapter histories, record books, scrapbooks, directories, yearbooks, photographs, membership records, financial records, convention materials, and miscellaneous material.
Regina Entin Pachter Papers, 1946-2006 (K1142)
3 c.f.
Pachter was owner with her husband, Meyer Pachter of the Pachter Garment Company. she was also a talent pianist who performed widely. Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, programs, scripts, and sheet music pertaining to Pachter's involvement in various Kansas City Jewish organizations.
Palmer & Kuehn and Associates Architectural Records, 1960-2002 (K1117)
40 c.f.
Architectural drawings, specifications, photographs, and correspondence, of the firm who specialized in churches, schools, hospitals, and small business buildings primarily in the Kansas City area.
Panel of American Women-Kansas City Branch Records, 1963-1991 (K0618)
5.5 c.f.
Organizational records of the Kansas City branch, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes treasurers' files, program Committee information, correspondence, miscellaneous articles, workshop and panel information, cassette tapes, and historical information on the branch establishment.
Cowan Family Papers, 1855-2013 (SP0007)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)
The Cowan Family Papers contain correspondence and financial records pertaining to Frank Cowan and his property in Barton County, Missouri. Other materials include documents and photographs relating to the history of the Golden City High School.
Quintin Papineau Photographs, 1996-1998 (CG0034)
0.01 cubic feet
35 photographs taken by Quintin Papineau of agriculture, buildings, springs, riverboats, and machinery several counties in southeast Missouri, Oregon County, Marion County, and cities in Illinois along the river.
Fred and Ora Pearl Paradis Collection, 1887-1947 (K1388)
0.05 cubic foot (4 folders, 23 photographs)
The Fred and Ora Pearl Paradis Collection contains materials related to Fred and Ora Pearl Paradis, their family, and their friends, which includes a ledger, postcard, certificate, and photographs.
Paraquad Records, 1981-2002 (S0956)
17 cubic feet
The Paraquad Records contain correspondence, grant files, legislative materials, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the organization's mission to help people with disabilities to live independently in the St. Louis area.
Judith Katz Parelman Papers, 1920-2007 (K0759)
1 c.f.
Parelman was an educator, youth director, and administrator. Includes event programs, newspaper clippings, photographs, and resumes often pertaining to Congregation Beth Shalom.
Parents As Teachers Records, 1973-2022 (S1125)
44 cubic feet
The Parents as Teachers Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, evaluation reports, facilitator guides, training manuals, DVDs and CDs, pertaining to early childhood education. Established by early childcare educators in 1981, Parents as Teachers mission is to promote early childhood development by assisting parents and caregivers with providing educational opportunities for pre-K-12 children.
George W. Parker Papers, 1962-2000s (CA5963)
115 cubic feet, 3 oversize volumes, 176 audio cassettes, 9 audio discs, 47 audio tapes, 10 video cassettes, 3 CDs, 7 oversize items
Sara A. Parker Papers, 1970s-2000s (CA6104)
13.7 cubic feet, 2 oversize items, 4 audio cassettes, 31 video cassettes
Professional papers of the Missouri State Librarian who served from 1995 through 2005. During a career spanning 43 years, Parker also served as Pennsylvania and Montana state librarian and held other librarian positions in Colorado and Springfield and Monett, Missouri.
William E. Parrish Papers, 1940-2016 (CA6500)
9.4 cubic feet, 4 oversize items
The papers of an historian specializing in Missouri history who attended the University of Missouri contain correspondence, scrapbooks, speeches, postcards, and miscellaneous material. Parrish taught at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, before becoming a professor at Mississippi State University.
Duke Needham Parry Papers, 1882-1932 (C2227)
2 cubic feet (115 folders, 20 oversize items, 1 oversize box)
Newspaper clippings, unpublished articles, and miscellaneous notes by Parry while International News Service foreign correspondent in Japan.
Kate Parry Papers, 1973-2022 (CA6660)
1.4 cubic feet, 7 computer discs
The papers of a reporter, editor, ombudsman, and assistant managing editor who primarily worked for the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the St. Paul Pioneer Press, contain clippings, correspondence, training materials, speeches, and miscellaneous professional material.
Mary Banks Parry Photograph Collection, 1880-1920 (P0515)
12 photographs
Photos of Columbia, 1870s-1913, including an early image of Stephens College, 1913 photos of Sigma Chi fraternity, and images of the Parry family.
Partin and Lash Family Papers, 1911-2021 (K1416)
7 c.f.
Papers of the Partin, Lash, and Bristol families, include correspondence, photographs, marriage records, divorce papers, deeds, birth and death records, and other materials. Papers refer to over thirty individuals from the Partin, Lash, and Bristol families; many papers are related to William (Bill) Charles Partin, son of May and Marvin Luther Partin.
Matthew K. Partin Collection, 1919-2005 (K1254)
15 c.f.
Research notes and materials collected for a book concerning Harry S. Truman's early political life, federal prosecutions of election fraud, Tom Pendergast and his political machine, and Kansas City police.
Robert Anthony Pastore Papers, 1985-2002 (K0577)
3.5 c.f.
Papers from former member of Board of Directors of Trans World Airlines (TWA). Includes stockholder meeting reports, minutes, bankruptcy reports, annual reports, and miscellaneous reports.
Dale Thomas Patton Papers, 1944-1994 (K1309)
0.25 c. f.
The collection contains the personal papers of Dale Thomas Patton, former Deputy Director of the Regional Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for the U.S. Department of Labor in Kansas City, Missouri. Included in this collection are letters of recommendation on behalf of Mr. Patton for the position of Deputy Director, correspondence, certificates, a military photograph of Dale Thomas Patton, travel expenses, employee records, pamphlets, a memoir of a World War II combat diver written by William J. Donath, and a 1944 U.S. Naval Aviation yearbook.
John H. Pattrick Papers, 1885-1962 (C1291)
24.5 cubic feet, 5 oversize volumes, 1 audio cassette, 1 oversize item
The John H. Pattrick Papers include photographs and miscellaneous material related to Pattrick's experiences while stationed in France during World War I, as well as correspondence and scrapbooks documenting his life and the lives of his family before and after the war. An extensive postcard and greeting card collection, which belonged to his daughter, is also included.
Thomas D. Pawley III Papers, 1930s-2010s (CA5546)
35 cubic feet
Papers of a professor of speech and theater at Lincoln University, poet, and playwright; member of Missouri Arts Council, Missouri Humanities Council, Mid-America Arts Alliance, and other organizations. Includes manuscripts, correspondence, organizational records, teaching materials, and miscellaneous.
Marjorie B. Paxson Papers, 1844-2008 (C4078)
7.25 cubic feet (180 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 27 audio cassettes, 2 video cassettes, 2 computer discs
The papers of Marjorie B. Paxson, a journalist and newspaper publisher who established the National Women and Media Collection, include news articles, correspondence, material on national and international women's conferences, and miscellaneous personal and professional papers.
Frank Paxton, Jr. Papers, 1960-1997 (K0558)
41 c.f.
Personal and business papers of Paxton, former president of Paxton Lumber Company and civic leader in Kansas City, MO. Includes material on the lumber business, and his interest in education and the Guadalupe Center. Also extensive genealogical research on the Paxton family.
Heather N. Paxton Collection, 1820-2015 (K0721)
2 c.f.
Advertising flyers to local Kansas City area events and organization, concentrated mostly on the artistic community. Also research and writings by Paxton, a local author and historian.
John W. Payne Papers, 1940-2023 (C4707)
0.2 cubic foot (3 folders)
Memoir written by engineer officer Daniel P. Griffin to honor his commanding officer John W. Payne upon his death in a plane collision over the Grand Canyon in 1956.
Payne-Broadwell Family Papers, 1803-1903 (C0983)
4.8 cubic feet, 11 volumes
The Payne-Broadwell Family papers contain the business, personal, and legal papers of Moses U. Payne and his nephew Moses M. Broadwell. Moses U. Payne resided in Boone County, MO, from 1823 to 1895. Moses M. Broadwell's papers contain significant family letters and revealing correspondence from the Civil War and from the Reconstruction era. Also present are miscellaneous papers of the Oliver C. Roby family.
Stanley Stuart Pearson Diaries , 1947-2019 (KA2621)
7 c.f.
This collection contains the daily diaries of Stanley Stuart Pearson from 1945 to 2019.
Pearson was born in Minnesota on September 4, 1928, to Albin S. and Mary R. Pearson. In 1960, Pearson married Ardyce “Ardy” Hemmingson. Together they had three children: Steven, Charles “Chip,” and Susan. The Pearsons moved to Kansas City, Missouri, in the 1970s. Content of the diaries contain weather and agenda items as well as opinions and current events.
Peckenpaugh Family Papers, 1885-1967 (R1460)
0.04 cubic foot (4 folders)
The Peckenbaugh Family Papers consist of personal papers for Lura and Adah Peckenbaugh, including wedding invitations, correspondence, reception cards, and pamphlets. The collection also contains newspaper clippings concerning Peckenpaugh family and photographs.
Sharon Pedersen Papers, 1975-2017 (S1157)
31 cubic feet
This collection contains personal papers documenting the education, work, hobbies, and personal life of Sharon Leslie (Smith) Pedersen (1943-2017). Pedersen, a Kirkwood, Missouri resident, and mother of four, worked as a high school English teacher and librarian, public librarian, and Peace Corps educator in China. She earned degrees in English, philosophy, education, history, library science, and creative writing from the University of Missouri and the University of Colorado. Throughout her life she was an avid outdoorsman, master gardener and was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, International Folk Dance Association of St. Louis, Ethical Society of St. Louis, Wild Ones Native Plant Society, and Washington University Woman's Club. Papers include genealogy and family history, photographs, educational and work records, correspondence, journals, and essays.