Siegfried "Fred" Ruschin Papers, 1920-2008 (K1193)
4 c.f.
Personal records of Ruschin and his family, particularly relating to applications for restitution for losses in German under the Nazis; writings and other materials relating to Ruschin career as a librarian at Linda Hall Library; his volunteer work; and other interests, research, writing that he did.
Howard A. Rusk Papers, 1937-1991 (C3981)
24 cubic feet (888 folders), 13 audio tapes, 23 audio cassettes, 1 video tape, 7 video cassettes
The papers of Howard A. Rusk, who developed the field of rehabilitation medicine, include correspondence, photographs, writings, publicity clippings, photographs, speeches, and other materials documenting his work in the field.
Ruskin Heights Presbyterian Church Records, 1954-2009 (K1169)
21 c.f.
Organizational records of the Church including general office files, pastor's files including sermons and special services, newsletters, bulletins, photograph albums, publications, architectural drawings, and records of several women's organizations associated with the church.
Rustemeyer Family Papers, 1884-1953 (C4017)
0.3 cubic feet (14 folders), 1 computer disc
The Rustemeyer Family papers contain correspondence written to Bernard Rustemeyer by friends and family in Germany after his immigration to America in 1882. The collection also includes newspaper clippings and photographs of the Rustemeyer, Alteköster, Stöckbrand, and Giese families, and Rustemeyer’s hometown, Körbecke, Germany.
Ryan Family Papers, circa 1890s-2000 (C2561)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
Papers of a family from Wright County, Missouri, include photographs as well as correspondence and educational, military, and political material concerning H. Eugene Ryan, a lawyer from Mountain Grove who later moved to Ohio.
William James Ryan Papers, 1914-1996 (K0457)
10 c.f.
Research material, draft manuscripts, and oral history interviews and transcripts related to Ryan's book and other writings on the history of radio and television broadcasting in the Kansas City region.
Elaine Baum Ryder Papers, 1908-2006 (K0701)
1 c.f.
National Register of Historic Places forms written by Ryder while a researcher for the Kansas City Landmarks Commission, booklets, books, newspaper clippings and magazines, and photographs.
Saint David's Welsh Society of Greater Kansas City Records, 1966-2015 (K1201)
2 c.f.
Organizational records including minutes, newsletters, memorabilia, rosters, photographs and two bound volumes. Also files for the 61st Annual Welsh National Gymanfa Ganu, held in Kansas City, MO.
Saint John's Lutheran Church, Benton County, Missouri Records, 1881-1945 (R0546)
4 volumes MICROFILM
These are records of St. John's Lutheran Church at Boeschenville in Benton County, Missouri.
Included are the constitution, by-laws, registers of members, lists of births, baptisms, communicants,
and deaths, and minutes of meetings, 1912-1941. Most of the records are in German.
Saint Louis Zoo Records, 1910-2014 (S0194)
30 cubic feet
The Saint Louis Zoo Records document the evolution of Zoo's philosophy from providing entertainment to educating the public and preserving animal species. The collection contains annual reports, meeting minutes, photographs, films, and scrapbooks. Topics of interest include animal acquisitions, as well as birth and deaths, and construction of new zoo buildings.
Sainte Genevieve Academy Records, 1808-2001 (R1394)
0.3 cubic foot (14 folders)
The Sainte Genevieve Academy Records consist of photocopied documents pertaining to the founding of and preservation of the Academy, also known as the Old Louisiana Academy in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. These records include a history of the school, construction records, land records, and records kept by the Foundation for the Restoration of Ste. Genevieve during the preservation of the school.
Sainte Genevieve, Missouri Collection, 1885-1967 (R0165)
0.04 cubic foot (4 folders)
The Sainte Genevieve, Missouri Collection contains photocopies of miscellaneous papers concerning the history of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. The papers include a historical address by Firmin A. Rozier, a printed directory of the Catholic Church, a souvenir program from a production of Shaun Rue, and two architectural reports by Ernest A. Connally on historic homes.
Salute to Veterans Air Show Records, 1990-2019 (C4720)
3.2 cubic feet (111 folders), 1 CD, 6 DVDs, 2.3 GB of digital files
The records of the organization contain photographs, publications, correspondence, planning materials, and audiovisual material. The Salute to Veterans Air Show held an annual Memorial Day celebration to honor military veterans in Columbia, Missouri, until 2019.
Patricia and Earl Samel Normandy School District Collection, 1944-2002 (S1146)
Approximately 2 cubic feet
Papers collected by Patricia and Earl Semel (Normandy High School, class of 1944), including newsletters, photographs, publications, ledgers, and VHS tapes pertaining to the Normandy School District, the Normandy High School Class of 1944 reunions, and the history of Normandy, Missouri.
Francis A. Sampson Collection, 1880-1913 (P0627)
Images of Missouri politicians, Central Business College, Fulton Synodical College, and the Cruikshank House in Hannibal. Photographs of Native American artifacts, likely from a mound in Cooper County. Postcards for holidays and from CA, ME, OR, RI, and WI.
Harold David "Hal" Sandy and Wilda Barmore Sandy Collection, 1974-1995 (K0718)
3 c.f.
Research notes, photographs, draft manuscripts for various local history writings by the Sandys. Includes Articles, promotional materials, working drafts, photographs, slides and talks concerning their book, "Here Lies Kansas City," articles, correspondence, taskforce report, notes, and resolutions relating to various historic preservation projects.
Art Santen Collection, 1940-2010 (S0980)
0.4 cubic foot, 579 photographs
This collection contains songbooks, scorecards, and photographs pertaining to events, individuals, and places connected to Art Santen, a longtime resident of the Skinker Debaliviere neighborhood and noted collector of bottle caps.
Marshall Bryan Saper Collection, 1984-1991 (K1065)
16 c.f.
Saper was a clinical psychologist in private practice an author, lecturer and radio talk show host on KCMO. Includes audio recording of his popular call-in radio program.
Sapp Family Papers, (CA6707)
0.05 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of a Boone County, Missouri, family include a birth registration, marriage certificate, court documents, death certificates, wills, and stock records.
Sappington Family Genealogical Collection, 1926-2010s (CA6435)
23 cubic feet, 2 audio cassettes, 1 CD, 2 DVDs, 7 oversize items
The papers in this collection are a genealogical history of the Sappington family who were largely located in central Missouri with likely origins in Maryland, Georgia, and Mississippi.
David Blake Sasse Collection, 1940-1993 (C4107)
1 cubic foot (27 folders), 5 audio cassettes
The collection of David Blake Sasse contains mostly correspondence between Sasse and military veterans describing their experience with Missouri National Guard units. Sasse also collected military unit histories and political campaign materials.
David Blake Sasse Collection, 1940s-1990s (CA6736)
1.2 cubic feet
Addition of letters written by Louis Donald Sasse during World War II. Also includes miscellaneous notes and correspondence relating to the history of small towns in Chariton County.
David Blake Sasse Photographs, 1988-1991 (P0449)
1 folder
Photos of Chariton County and Boone County (Katy Trail Fun Festival), ca. 1988-1991
Lou Saur Papers, 1967-2015 (S0708)
30 cubic feet
The Lou Saur Papers contain correspondence, master plans, feasibility studies, architectural plans, photographs, slides, and sketchbook drawings documenting Saur's architectural career as co-founder of Hoffmann/Saur Architects.
Elizabeth Gentry Sayad Papers, 1943-2009 (S0476)
12 cubic feet, 1274 photographs, 7 reel-to-reel tapes, 5 videotapes, 1 scrapbook
The Elizabeth Gentry Sayad Papers consist of newspaper clippings and correspondence, documenting her activities in St. Louis-area cultural events. Topics of interest include A Fair to Remember, Christ Church Cathedral, the Mayor's Task Force on the Humanities and the Arts, the Mississippi River Festival and Tricentennial, the New Music Circle, and the Repertory Theater.
Scandinavian Association of Greater Kansas City Records, 1879-1999 (K1180)
7 c.f.
Organizational records pertaining to the Swedish in Kansas City. Includes meeting minutes, by-laws, and member rosters. Also programs, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, scrapbooks, and research files for the Association's 50th Anniversary History book.
Alma Sioux Scarberry Papers, 1899-1990 (C3913)
3.0 cubic feet (107 folders), 41 audio cassettes, 14 audio discs
The papers of Alma Sioux Scarberry, a reporter, novelist, script writer, publicist, and entertainer, include correspondence, clippings, photographs, newspaper serials, books, manuscripts, sheet music, audio tapes, and material documenting her career and personal life.
Scenic Missouri, Inc. Records, 1980s-2000s (CA6243)
6 cubic feet, 5 audio cassettes, 57 computer discs, 47 video cassettes
Records of a nonprofit organization advocating scenic conservation in Missouri. The group conducted "Save Our Scenery" initiative-petition drives and placed a statewide vote on billboard control on the November 2000 ballot. The measure lost 51 to 49 percent. Contains correspondence, financial records, publicity materials, photographs and slides, and audiovisual materials.
Dorothy Fulbright Schaper Genealogical Papers, 1905-1999 (CG0031)
2.0 c.f.
Genealogy family charts, correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings related to the Fulbright family of Cape Girardeau County.
Robert F. Scheef Papers, 1980s-1990s (CA6719)
0.6 cubic feet
The papers of Robert F. Scheef include drafts of his manuscript on Missouri wineries titled, “Vintage Missouri,” and research material on various Missouri wineries. Included in the research materials are Scheef’s notes while touring wineries, copies of the “Missouri Wine Country Journal,” wine labels, photographs, and other miscellaneous research materials.
John Freeman Schermerhorn Papers, 1809-1909 (C0160)
0.4 cubic feet
Letters and papers of Schermerhorn and his heirs, located in New York (1809-1840), Indiana (1840-1858), and Missouri (1858-1909). Schermerhorn was a frontier preacher, peacemaker with the Indians, and landowner.
Elenore Schewe Collection, 1920-2002 (C4266)
1.8 cubic feet (39 folders), 3 audio cassettes, 5 oversize items
The collection of Elenore Schewe contains material of her research into refractory companies in Missouri, including both institutional records of the companies themselves and the personal papers and records of various important figures in the refractory companies. This collection was created as part of Schewe's work assisting in the research for the book Refractories: the Hidden Industry by Corinne Azen Krause.
Morris Schlozman Papers, 1953-2004 (K1092)
0.2 c.f.
Schlozman was Business Manager and General Manager of Box Office, an international film trade journal. Includes materials pertaining to Congregation Beth Shalom (commemoration books, memories of Rabbi Gershon Hadas) and a articles and other materials from renowned Jewish scholar Irving Levitas.
J. Peter Schmitz Papers, 1992-2004 (S1120)
13 cubic feet
The J. Peter Schmitz Papers contain correspondence, legal research materials, and newspaper clippings relating to Schmitz's career as an environmental lawyer. Subjects of interest include the Open Space Council, the Missouri Pacific Railway, and White Haven, Missouri.
Dorothy Schneider Papers, 1921-1995 (S0982)
43 cubic feet
The Dorothy Schneider Papers contain correspondence, diaries, photographs, scrapbooks, and a dissertation pertaining to Schneider's experiences volunteering with the American Red Cross during World War II in the Pacific Theater, as well as her peace activism with the United Nations Day World Holiday.
Vincent Schoemehl Papers, 1981-1993 (S0792)
379 cubic feet
This collection contains budgets, meeting minutes, press releases, reports, and subject files pertaining to Vincent Schoemehl's three terms as the Mayor of the City of St. Louis. Subjects of interest include housing, Homer G. Phillips Hospital, the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council, and cable television.
Ruth B. Schowalter Papers, 1944-2006 (R1488)
0.25 cubic foot (6 folders)
The papers of Ruth B. Schowalter contain the personal papers of Norma Ruth Baxter Schowalter and genealogical materials related to the Schowalter, Bickey, and Bradford families.
Adolf E. and Rebecca B. Schroeder Collection, 1550, 1800-1804, 1913-2012 (C4483)
19.0 cubic feet (458 folders), 233 audio cassettes, 28 audio discs, 41 audio tapes, 80 video cassettes, 1 CD, 2 rolls microfilm, 1 film, 8 oversize items, 229 MB of digital files
The papers of Adolf Schroeder, professor of German at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and his wife Rebecca, editor of the Missouri Heritage Readers, including their work with European-American oral histories and Missouri folklore and folk music.
Victor J. Schroeder Papers, 1891-2010 (CA6496)
4.4 cubic feet, 2 oversize items
The papers of a Methodist minister from Troy, Missouri, contain a transcription of his journals, along with correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous material. Schroeder served churches in Georgia, Ohio, and Illinois, as well as Warren, Lincoln, St. Charles, and St. Louis Counties, Missouri. The collection also includes family material, including papers concerning his father, John Ernst Schroeder, a chiropractor who served in WWI.
Walter A. Schroeder Papers, 1972-2008 (CA6385)
0.6 cubic feet
Papers contain material pertaining to Schroeder's work with Missouri place name surveys involving Adolph E. Schroeder and Don Lance, as well as the founding of the Missouri Board of Geographic Names.
Schubert Family Papers, 1834-1996 (C3005)
0.6 cubic feet
The Schubert Family Papers contain diaries, drawings, prints, and account books related to the immigration and livelihood of family members. There are also genealogical notebooks for families of Atchison County, MO, and documents dealing with the Sociality.
John C. Schuder Papers, 1969-2002 (CA6342)
3 cubic feet
Addition of papers of an officer of the Columbia, Missouri, Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and member of the Anti-War Moratorium Committee. The papers consist of correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material.
Eunice Westhusing Schussler Collection, 1944-2017 (C4594)
0.1 cubic feet (3 folders, 9.5 MB of digial files)
The papers of a resident of Henry County, Missouri, include World War II letters from Eugene "Gene" Sickman and Korean War letters from her brother Clyde "Bud" Westhusing. Also included are family photographs and obituaries.
Charles and Elizabeth Schwartz Papers, 1915-1990s (C2217)
0.4 cubic feet, 2 volumes, 1 computer disc
The papers of Charles and Elizabeth Schwartz document their lives as wildlife conservationists and enthusiasts in Missouri. The collection contains the manuscript of The Wild Mammals of Missouri, published articles and newspapers, artwork, research, and photographs.
Ellen Jane Schwartz Papers, 1860-1992 (S0984)
1 cubic foot
The Ellen Schwartz Papers contain photographs, a diary, and VHS and cassette tapes of oral histories pertaining to her research on the Freund family.
Schwarz Studio Taxidermy Records, 1882-1987 (S0520)
9 rolls microfilm
Founded in 1882 by German immigrant Frank Schwarz, Schwarz Studios passed through four generations to become the oldest taxidermy operation in the United States. Its clients have included L. Roos Fur Company, Adolphus Busch, Simmons Hardware, and special clients such as the Board of Education, the Boy Scouts, and the St. Louis Zoo. The collection contains scrapbooks, daily journals, and customer ledgers of the Schwarz Studio Taxidermy Company, 1882-1987.
Schwarzer Zithers Photograph Collection, 1885-1913 (P1057)
Thirty photographs of Franz Schwarzer, the Franz Schwarzer Zither Factory in Washington, Missouri, zithers, zither artisans, zither players, and zither clubs.
Scotland County Genealogical Society Collection, 1841-2021 (CA6609)
2.2 cubic feet, 4 card files
The collection contains material collected by the Scotland County Genealogical Society including photographs, funeral programs, county history, court records, tax records, marriage licenses, and miscellaneous documents.
James W. Scott Papers, 1930-2007 (K0554)
4.5 c.f.
Correspondence, paperwork, political cartoons, various notes and booklets written and/or collected by Scott, reporter, editor, and later vice president of the Kansas City Star Company.
Janet Scott Papers, 1951-2019 (S0353)
4.8 cubic feet
The Jan Scott Papers contain correspondence, program booklets, photographs, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, and cassette tapes documenting Scott’s career as a flutist, educator, and founder of the National Women’s Yellow Pages of Greater St. Louis. Also included in the collection are materials relating to Scott’s involvement with the Women’s Policy Alliance (formerly the Alliance for the Status of Missouri Women), which dedicated itself to developing a proactive women’s policy agenda to empower and improve Missouri women’s lives.