Bob Priddy Collection, 1973-2024 (CA6086)
10.5 cubic feet, 300 audio cassettes, 33 audio tapes, 22 CD's, 10 audio disks, 52 computer disks, 5 video tapes, and 2 oversize items
The collection contains materials concerning the Jefferson City American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. Also included are audio recordings from bust unveilings in the Hall of Famous Missourians; recordings and interviews concerning the Thomas Hart Benton’s mural and the Missouri State Capitol; programs from Priddy’s radio show “Missouri Moments” produced for Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri; and miscellaneous political recordings.
S. Fred Prince Papers, 1899-1999 (SP0005)
.5 cubic feet (12 folders)
The S. Fred Prince Papers document the work of a naturalist and illustrator who spent many years studying the geology and ecology of the Southwest Missouri Ozarks. They also include the research conducted by Suzanne Wilson, a freelance writer who published an article in the Missouri Conservationist magazine about Prince’s life and work. The collection consists of copies of Prince’s unpublished original manuscripts along with interviews and correspondence that Wilson conducted with those who knew Prince or had possession of his work.
Waller M. Pritchett Papers, 1884-1913 (C2887)
0.24 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of Waller M. Pritchett contain family and personal correspondence, bills and receipts, and letters of sympathy on his wife's death.
Privacy Rights Education Project (PREP) Records, 1990-2000 (S0738)
1 cubic foot, 57 folders
The St. Louis-based Privacy Rights Education Project (PREP) formed in July 1986 as a response to the United States Supreme Court's decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, which upheld Georgia's anti-sodomy law. PREP's mission is to further the cause of privacy rights for gay and lesbians in the United States. The collection contains handbooks, flyers, news releases, newsletters, and meeting minutes, reflecting this mission.
Arthur Proetz Papers, 1885-1917 (S0065)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder, 1 roll microfilm
The Arthur Proetz Papers consist of a family scrapbook containing theatre programs, flyers, and newspaper clippings from German and English newspapers, documenting the musical and cultural milieu of turn-of-the-century St. Louis.
Project Congregation + Offender Partnership Enterprise (COPE) Records, 1980-2022 (S0364)
3 cubic feet
The collection consists of meeting minutes, correspondence, applications, photographs, and newsletters chronicling Project Congregation + Offender Partnership Enterprise's (COPE) mission to assist prisoners with re-entry into society. Materials of interest include an autobiography written by Ted Schroeder, who helped Project COPE's founder, Hershel Walker, develop the organization.
Provident Association Collection, 1880-1944 (K1284)
0.3 c.f.
The collection includes one copy of a document prepared by R.F. Townley in 1944, regarding the history of the Provident Association.
Provident Behavioral Health Records, 1848-2002 (S0360)
26 cubic feet, 16 microfilm rolls
The Provident Behavioral Health Records contain annual reports, meeting minutes, press releases, scrapbooks, presentations, videotapes, relating to mental health and social services in the St. Louis Area. Found in 1860 by James Yeatman, Provident Behavioral Health's mission is mental health services to St. Louis area residents. The collection also contains the records of Provident's predecessor organizations: The Family and Children's Services of Greater St. Louis, the Family Service Society of St. Louis County, and the St. Louis Children's Aid Society.
Randolph E. Puchta Interview, 1998 (C2521)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 3 audio cassettes, 3 CDs
Interview with Puchta, a resident of Hermann, MO. Puchta discusses his early life, German ancestry, wine making, local customs and leisure activities, and transportation. Of note are his descriptions of photographs from the Edward Kemper Collection at WHMC-Columbia (Accession No. 4633).
Barbara Smith Pugh Collection, 1871-1990 (R1531)
1.5 cubic feet (30 folders, 1 oversize item)
The Barbara Smith Pugh Collection contains photographs and papers created and collected by Barbara Smith Pugh during her life. Photos depict family members from both the Smith and Pugh families. Barbara was an avid genealogist and photographer from Rolla, Missouri.
H.D. "Doc" Quigg Papers, 1883-1998 (CA6368)
25.6 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 6 oversize items
The papers of a journalist who spent most of his career at UPI include story files, clippings, article drafts, correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous personal and professional material. Quigg, a native of Boonville, Missouri, graduated from the University of Missouri School of Journalism in 1934.
Martin P. Quigley Papers , 1930-1996 (S0589)
1.2 cubic foot, 70 folders
This collection contains writings by novelist Martin Quigley; Neurotica Volume 1, Numbers 1 (Spring 1948) 4, (Spring 1949) and Volume 8 (1951); Bound volumes of Midwest Motorist, 1971-1996; interviews with Bing Devine and Bob Costas; and writings by Fran Landesman.
R.E. Lee Mercantile Company Records, 1881-1941 (C0292)
0.5 cubic feet (2 folders, 14 volumes)
Receipts from a general store in Doniphan, MO; account books, cash books; day books; inventories; and minute books. This store succeeded Pearce and Lee Mercantile Company.
Jerry Rabushka Papers, 1975-2020 (S0299)
11.5 cubic feet
The Jerry Rabushka Papers contain diaries, scrapbooks, script, program bills, posters and VHS tapes documenting Rabushka's career as a playwright, author, and musician. Materials of interest include scrapbooks and photographs of Rabushka's original plays, including Full Frontal Nudity, Gaywatch, and Woof! The Road Show.
Radio Homemakers Oral History Project Records, 1992 (C4080)
0.1 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records contain transcripts of interviews with women who worked as radio homemakers from the 1940s through 1980s. Radio homemakers broadcast on rural, Midwestern radio stations and offered information and advice on domestic affairs such as cooking, sewing, and child rearing. Also includes paper presented to 1992 Popular Culture Convention based on the interviews.
Ragtag Cinema Café (Columbia, Mo.) Collection, 1977-2002 (CA6023)
2.3 cubic feet, 55 oversize items
Collection of film catalogs, publications, promotional material, posters, and advertisements for film showings and other events at the theater.
Rainbow Diamond Optimist Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1991-1993 (C4526)
0.3 cubic feet (11 folders)
Records of the Rainbow Diamond chapter of Optimist International--a service club organization focused on youth development--including governance and membership materials; event information and photographs; and newsletters.
Jack Leonard Ralston Papers, 1874-1996 (K0424)
21 c.f.
Research materials, magazine articles that Ralston wrote, books, and sheet music for the Organ that he collected and some he wrote. Much of the material is religious in nature. Also correspondence, scrapbooks, and material that discusses Ralston's personal life and career as music librarian.
Julian Sturtevant Rammelkamp Papers, 1800-1994 (S0568)
65 cubic feet, 202 folders, 39 photographs, 6 microfilm rolls
Julian Sturtevant Rammelkamp was a journalism historian, history teacher, and one-time chair of the history department at Albion College in Michigan. He authored "Pulitzer's Post-Dispatch," published in 1967. Included in the collection are note cards from his study of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Post, correspondence with major writers, and rare books.
Robert Rankin Papers, 1937-1992 (S0252)
20 cubic feet, 835 folders
The papers of Robert Rankin contain correspondence, articles, meeting minutes, and reports chronicling her career as vice president of the Danforth Foundation, where he focused on issues dealing with spirituality and ministry on college campuses. Subjects of interest include campus ministries, higher education, African Americans, women, and disabilities.
Elizabeth Jones Ratliff Photograph Collection, 1880-1924 (P0251)
94 photographs
Various images related to Macon County, specifically the town of Ethel, photos of Kirksville State Normal School, 1919-1924, including the 1924 fire and its aftermath, and portraits of identified and unidentified families and individuals.
Mazÿck Porcher Ravenel Papers, 1884-1958 (C0578)
1.7 cubic feet (108 folders), 1 card file
The papers of a bacteriologist and teacher, including correspondence, notes, and other material. Information on disease research, health organizations, other scientists, World War I army life, the University of Wisconsin in 1914, and the effects of World War II on Columbia, Missouri.
Ray Family Collection, 1900-2002 (R1356)
5 cubic feet (91 folders, 2CDs, 10 oversize volumes)
The Ray Family Papers contains the personal papers of Wilda I. Housden Ray and genealogical information on the Ray and Housden families, photographs of the family and Licking, Missouri.
Mary Ray Collection, 1981-1993 (CA3169)
5 cubic feet
Research materials of a Missouri genealogist consisting of correspondence with clients, family charts, and other research papers.
Carol M. Raynor Papers, 1961-2022 (CA6505)
3.2 cubic feet
Journals and miscellaneous material of a psychiatric nurse therapist and writer from Saline County, Missouri. The journals cover Raynor's frequent travels to London and include photographs, drawings, postcards, and ephemeral material.
Allen Walker Read Papers, 1835-2002 (C4033)
82 cubic feet (2127 folders), 11 oversize items, 2 audio tapes, 6 audio cassettes
The papers of Allen Walker Read contain the personal and professional papers of a prominent etymologist, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, teaching and research materials, writings, and records pertaining to his involvement in linguistic organizations and conferences.
The Readers (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1925-2012 (C3638)
0.8 cubic feet (23 folders)
The origins, history, minutes, and memorials of The Readers, a Columbia, Missouri, club for women started in 1925. The club’s emphasis is the reading and discussion of books. Profiles of women from this club give a useful comment on the concerns of educated women in the early twentieth century.
The Readers (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1926-2024 (CA6651)
0.3 cubic feet
Addition of correspondence, minutes, membership lists, programs, constitutions, memorials, and miscellaneous material, 1926-2022. See also C3638.
Reagan-Boegel Family Papers, 1855-2021 (S0505)
1 cubic foot
The Reagan-Boegel Family Papers contain family tree charts, photographs, and newspaper clippings chronicling the history of the Reagan and Boegel families of Montgomery and St. Charles counties dating back to the mid-1800s.
Rebekah Assembly of Missouri Collection, 1932-1990 (R0616)
(8 rolls of microfilm)
The Rebekah Assembly of Missouri Collection contains microfilm copies of printed minutes of the annual meetings of the Rebekah Assembly of Missouri. The minutes include lists of state officials, delegates and alternates, financial information and committee reports, matters concerning the Odd Fellows Home in Liberty, Missouri, and a listing of the names and local addresses of all Rebekah lodges in Missouri.
Red Bridge Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Congregation Records, 1879-2016 (K1361)
2 c.f.
Member directories, financial summaries, photos, programs, newsletters, records of land purchases, sketches of bldg plans, records of dissolution of corp., anniversary booklets and other items from the life of the church. Previously known as Oak Park Christian Church.
Rediscover Mental Health Services Records, 1969-1995 (K0511)
41 c.f.
Administrative records, board minutes, legislation on federal and state levels, community contact and involvement, funding and programs offered and administered by Rediscover and its predecessors.
Reed Family Papers, 1894-1996 (C4065)
2.4 cubic feet (69 folders)
Lyle Reed Collection, 1874-1998 (C4382)
1 cubic foot (52 folders)
Rare fiddle books, magazines, and other items related to the history of fiddle music collected by Lyle Reed and his wife, Marjorie Reed.
Madge J. Reese Papers, 1887-1962 (C2405)
1.3 cubic feet
The papers of Madge J. Reese contain publications, reports, and statements on Reese's career with the U.S. Agricultural Extension Service, 1914-1955. The collection emphasis is on home demonstration work.
Earl J. Reeves Papers, 1933-2001 (C4378)
5.4 cubic feet (143 folders)
Correspondence, reports, newsletters, teaching material, diaries, education material, genealogical material, military service, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, travel and newsletters of a professor of Political Science, former president of Missouri Valley College, and co-director of Community Bible Study International (CBSI) for Asia.
Reform Organization of Welfare (ROWEL) Records, 1971-1998 (S0757)
15 cubic feet, 15 cassette tapes, 5 videotapes
The records of the Reform Organization of Welfare (ROWELL) contain correspondence, meeting minutes, press releases, and audiovisual records documenting the organization's mission to advocate for the poor by working for legislative and administrative changes to the welfare system. In particular, ROWEL advocated for increases in cash grants for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and provided workshops to train welfare supports as lay lobbyists. Included in the collection are issues of ROWEL's in-house newsletter "Action Alerts."
Leonard D. and Marie H. Rehkop Collection, 1917-1990s (CA6608)
4.75 cubic feet, 28 oversize items
Addition of correspondence, photographs, school papers, business papers, women’s extension club records, and miscellaneous material of a family from Higginsville, Missouri, that owned Rehkop Studio in Higginsville, Concordia, and Sweet Springs, Missouri.
Charles Rehkopf Papers, 1923-1995 (S0705)
6 cubic feet, 92 folders, 3 discs
The Charles Rehkopf Papers sermons, articles, and papers written by Reverend Charles Rehkopf during his career as an Episcopal pastor, archivist, and historiographer. Also included is his book on the history of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church and recordings of some of his sermons.
Loren D. Reid Papers, c. 1900-1992 (C3946)
6.8 cubic feet
Personal and professional papers of a professor of speech at the University of Missouri-Columbia, include correspondence; manuscripts of two of his books, HURRY HOME WEDNESDAY and FINALLY IT'S FRIDAY; other writings and speeches; and travel memorabilia.
Jack Reitzes Papers, 1931-2006 (K0996)
1 c.f.
Born in Kansas City, Reitzes was an member of Temple B'nai Jehudah. Materials related to his and his family's activities including newspaper clippings, yearbooks, correspondence, commemoration booklets, event programs, newsletters, photographs.
Renshaw and McLin Family Papers, 1845-2000 (SP0087)
4 cubic feet (61 folders, 3 volumes, 1 oversize box)
The Renshaw and McLin Family Papers contain the personal papers of the Renshaw and McLin families of Cave Spring, Missouri, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, and genealogical material. The collection also consists of records related to Mount Zion Presbyterian Church located in Cave Spring.
Reproductive Health Services Records, 1969-1992 (S0197)
14.5 cubic feet, 1 microfilm roll
The Reproductive Health Services Records contain correspondence, brochures, reports, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks pertaining to the organization’s mission to provide reproductive healthcare to individuals. Subjects of interest include family planning, opposition to abortion, and birth control.
Bob Reuter Papers , 1977-2013 (S0368)
4 cubic feet
The Bob Reuter papers consist of photographs, diaries, flyers, CDs, and a song lyric book, documenting Reuter's life and career as a singer/songwriter, musician, photographer, and host of KDHX's Bob's Scratchy Records. During his career, Reuter belonged to several influential St. Louis-area music groups, including the Dinosaurs (Punk), Kamikaze Cowboy (Alt-Country), and Bob Reuter's Alley Ghost.
Paul Joseph Revitt Papers, 1940-1990 (K0849)
14 c.f.
Personal and professional papers of Revitt, professor in the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music. Includes research and final drafts of his master's thesis and doctoral dissertation and other articles and books; daily expense books and diaries; travel scrapbooks; and printed, and published material.
Reynolds Family Papers, 1875-1997 (CG0007)
2.6 cubic feet
The Reynolds Family Papers contain photographs, correspondence, reel to reel films, and other papers related to the Reynolds family of Morehouse, Missouri from 1875-1997.
Donald W. Reynolds Papers, 1945-1994 (CA6476)
11.55 cubic feet, 2 films, 1 oversize item
The papers of Donald W. Reynolds, a journalist and founder of the Donrey Media Group, include correspondence, photographs, articles, biographical material, and audiovisual material. Reynolds was a University of Missouri alumni and the Reynolds Journalism Institute was named after him after the university received a grant from his foundation.
Fannie A. (Mrs. Sidney) Reynolds Scrapbook, 1880-1911 (K0411)
0.1 c.f.
Clippings of poetry, stories (religious, holiday, morals, children), news stories from around the United States and Europe, stories of famous people, histories of various things (animals, potatoes, gold leaf, etc) Grover Cleveland, and homilies.
John A. Rich Diaries, 1884-1943 (C0898)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Diaries kept by a lawyer and judge who was a resident of Slater, Saline County, Missouri. General home affairs, his law practice, religion, the Southern Methodist Church, politics, travel, business, bank failures, and improvements made over the years. Also includes genealogical material.
Richmond Heights Historical Society Records, 1900-2013 (S0274)
21 cubic feet
The Richmond Heights Historical Society (RHHS) Records contain photographs, scrapbooks, newsletters, plat maps, newspaper clippings, and correspondence collected by RHHS’s volunteers documenting the history and culture of Richmond Heights from the 1900s to the present. Materials of interest include maps of Richmond Heights’ area subdivisions, including the names of homeowners. The materials in this collection date from 1900 to 2013.