

Larry and Margaret Peeno Papers, 1959-2016 (S0306)
9.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Maggie and Larry Peeno Papers contain correspondence, meeting minutes, curriculum guides, newsletters, reports, surveys, photographs, and VHS tapes documenting the Peeno’s 50+ year career in art education in Missouri and the United States. Items of interest include curricula developed by Maggie Peeno for the University City School District, including the “We Live in University City” booklet.

Eugene Joseph Peltier Papers, 1934-1991 (K0417)
19 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Rear Admiral Peltier Chief of Civil Engineers of the U.S. Navy and prominent Public Works civil engineer. Includes scrapbooks, photographs, personal and professional correspondence and related papers.


Raymond Peltzman Collection, 1914-2007 (K1140)
6 c.f.

Personal, academic, and professional records of Raymond Peltzman and his wife, Anna Lottie Berkson, and genealogical information about their extended families. Also family photographs and genealogical information about the Alport, Berkson, Dworsky, and Peltzman families.


Penn Valley Meeting of Friends Records, 1943-1998 (K0077)
4.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Penn Valley Meeting of Friends including minutes, correspondence, photographs, periodicals, political and social issues literature, and other records of the Quaker organization.


Penney-Missouri Journalism Awards Records, 1960-1993 (C4050)
23.4 cubic feet (1056 folders, 2667 photographs), 20 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

The records of the Penney-Missouri Journalism Awards consist of administrative material concerning the program's newspaper, magazine, and television competitions and workshops. The collection includes correspondence, financial records, and photographs.

Penninger and Bolin Families Collection, 1823-2023 (R1517)
12.5 cubic feet (358 folders, 1 volume, 13 compact discs, 168 photographs, 6 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Penninger and Bolin Families Collection contains genealogical research conducted and collected by Linda Marie Penninger Henry on the Penninger and Bolin families, of whose descendants many settled in Christian, Dent, Greene, Howell, Jackson, Phelps, Shannon, and Stone counties in Missouri.

PEO-Missouri Chapter HN Records, 1948-1999 (K1086)
2 c.f.

The P.E.O. Sisterhood is a philanthropic and educational organization interested in bringing to women increased opportunities for higher education. Includes scrapbooks of photographs of individuals and events, booklets, clippings, and listings of officers.


Selwyn Pepper Papers, 1928-1995 (S0488)
2 cubic feet, 98 folders, 2 photographs

 Finding Aid

Selwyn Pepper was a St. Louis-area journalist who Began career at "The Scrippage," the Soldan high newspaper. In 1935, Pepper joined the staff of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and covered major news stories, including heatwaves, riverfront bond issue fraud, and the Cardinals' World Series win in 1946. The collection includes correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings.



Perche Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Minute Books, 1874-2005 (C3635)
2 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Records of the Perche Church from its founding in 1874 as the Arm of Bethlehem Church. The name was changed in 1880. Minutes of business sessions include periodic lists of members.


Marlin Perkins Papers, 1873-1991 (S0516)
17.4 cubic foot; 350 folders; 2854 photographs; 32 16mm films; 29 audio cassettes, 14 audio discs, 16 items

 Finding Aid

The Marlin Perkins Papers consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, zoo animal feeding records, business contracts, equipment lists, maps, archaeological records, publications, and zoological findings, conservation and ecological writings, scrapbooks, photographs, and film. The materials in this collection are related to Marlin Perkins’ involvement in national and international zoos, wildlife and nature conservation, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, Zoo Parade, and various other dealings involving wildlife.  


Personal Rights of Missourians (PROMO) Records, 1984-2003 (S0960)
12 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Personal Rights of Missourians (PROMO) Records contain meeting minutes, newsletters, legislative materials, and educational resources pertaining to PROMO's mission to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ Missourians through education, political lobbying, and grassroots organization.



Peter Tamony Memorial Lecture Collection, 1986-2003 (C3944)
0.3 cubic feet, 20 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

Audio cassettes and transcripts of speeches, photographs, and advertisements documenting the Peter Tamony Memorial Lecture series at the University of Missouri.

Ryan K. Peterson Photograph Collection, 1995 (P1026)

Aerial photograph of construction of house


Walter L. Pfeffer II Collection, 1949-2021 (CA5847)
17.45 cubic feet, 48.4 MB of digital files, 3 VHS

 Finding Aid

Records of Columbia Association of Life Underwriters, University of Missouri Alumni Association, Evans Scholars Alumni Association, MU College of Arts and Science Alumni Association, MU Political Action Committee, Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Southside Optimist Club, and DeSmet Jesuit High School, and personal papers.

Walter L. Pfeffer II Photographs, 1982-1994 (P0408)
0.25 linear feet

Photographs of several Homecoming King candidates (Pete Cowgill, Kevin Avondet, and Marty Heady) for the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1977 - the first year for a king candidate. Photos of model railroad installation and Highland Park Carousel. Westcott, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Extensive photographic documentation of muscular dystrophy telethons and award banquets, early 1990s.


Michael Gene Pfefferkorn Papers, 1976-2001 (S1219)
9.25 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of Michael Gene Pfefferkorn contain correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, and speeches concerning the historic preservation of St. Louis landmarks and neighborhoods, including the Major John Stevens Bowen House; the integration of St. Louis City Schools during the 1970s; and the establishment of the American Tax Token Society in 1971. Other topics of interest include the publication of the Missouri Journal of Numismatics, which Pfefferkorn edited from 1976 to 2001. The papers date from 1964 to 1993.

Phelps County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Records, 1950-2015 (R1262)
7 cubic feet (15 folders, 37 volumes, 1 oversize volume)

 Finding Aid

The Phelps County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Records contain meeting minutes, printed newsletters, and scrapbooks of the Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Auxiliary (now Phelps Health Auxiliary and Volunteer Services) at Rolla, Missouri. Organized in 1950 as a women’s auxiliary to the Phelps County Memorial Hospital (now Phelps Health), the Auxiliary grew to coordinate a number of programs including volunteer services, fundraising, programs for youths, and nursing scholarships.


Phelps County, Missouri Collection, 1921-2012 (R1303)
1.25 cubic foot (41 folders, 2 oversize, 3 photographs, 130 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Phelps County Collection is an ephemeral collection containing materials related to the history of Phelps County. Those materials include information on local businesses, civic and social organizations, schools, churches, historical information on the county and towns, and photographs.

William C. Phelps Papers, 1918-2014 (CA6721)
1.8 cubic feet (1 audio tape), 17 oversize items, 3 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

The papers of William C. Phelps, the 40th Lieutenant Governor of Missouri, contain correspondence, programs, newspaper clippings, certificates, campaign materials, and photographs. Also include are three scrapbooks, which contain photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other miscellaneous materials.

Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Missouri Chapter Records, 1971-2011 (CA6280)
0.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest academic honorary society for general education in the United States. The Alpha of Missouri Chapter was founded in 1901. The records include correspondence, membership lists, speeches, and information about the chapter's history.

Charles Lincoln Phifer Papers, 1880-1908 (C3527)
0.2 cubic feet (14 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers contain two unpublished novels. The County Editor is autobiographical; The County Judge, or the Osceola Fox is about the repudiation of fraudulent railroad bonds in St. Clair County, Missouri, in the 1860s.


Philia Club, Lebanon, Missouri Records, 1961-2004 (R1190)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

These are minutes of meetings, a scrapbook, and miscellaneous papers of the Philia Club, a women's club at Lebanon in Laclede county, Missouri.


Perry C. Phillips Papers, 1882-1909 (K0085)
0.23 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Photographs and papers including a diary and autograph book concerning the personal life of Phillips, and attorney and president of the Inola Oil and Gas Company of Kansas City, MO for which there are also some records.


Photographs of Harmony Mission and Papinville, Missouri, 1996 (P0291)
9 photographs

snapshots from 1996 of the sites of Harmony Mission and Papinville in Bates County, Missouri



Physicians for Social Responsibility Records, 1977-1993 (S0660)
7 cubic feet, 211 folders, 9 cassette tapes

 Finding Aid

Physicians for Social Responsibility is a national non-profit organization of doctors and concerned citizens committed to public education on the medical dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear war. The organizers created symposium to present lectures on nuclear hazards that included noted authorities such as Robert Jay Lifton, Helen Caldicott, and H. Jack Geiger, as well as such media figures as Carl Sagan and Benjamin Spock. The records include resource kits, newsletters, subject files, and cassette tapes.


Pi Lambda Theta, Central Missouri Alumnae Chapter Records, 1920s-1990s (CA4973)
7.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 4 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Meeting and executive board minutes, correspondence, reports, membership lists, financial records, scrapbooks, and newsletters of a national scholastic association for women in education.

Picher, Oklahoma Collection, circa 1975-1995 (R0754)
(3 folders)

 Finding Aid

These are photocopies of pamphlets and scrapbooks of newspaper items concerning the development and decline of the lead and zinc mining industry at Picher, Ottawa County, Oklahoma. There is also information on other mining communities in the Tri-State Mining district of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.


Frank Piepenbring, Jr. Papers, 1933-2009 (K0585)
5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal papers of Kansas City area resident, businessman and World War II veteran. Includes correspondence, publications and printed materials, and World War II military training materials, maps, and photographs.


Barbara Sandra Pittel-Katz Papers, 1917-2010 (K0661)
0.6 c.f.

 Finding Aid

A teacher and musician, Katz is an active member of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Includes sorority publicity, Heritage Center art, and the musical "Letters to Russia" composed by Pittel-Katz. Also certificates of scholarship for Bertha Glazer and David Pittell from Jefferson School and Woodland School in Kansas City, MO; correspondence; and materials related to the "Save Union Station" event.


Ann Pittman Collection, 1972-2004 (S0332)
1.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Ann Pittman Papers contain correspondence, program booklets, sheet music, and grant applications, documenting her efforts to preserve African American spirituals.


Ann Pittman Missouri Folklore Project, 1997 (S0598)
0.4 cubic foot, 7 folders, 11 audio tapes

 Finding Aid

This collection contains an oral history project documenting the life of Ann Washington Pittman, an African American song folklorist and singer.


Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri Collection, 1981-1995 (CA6294)
7 cubic feet, 43 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The collection includes newspaper clippings mostly from Missouri newspapers regarding all aspects of the abortion issue in America, including politics, protests, sexual health, women's health, legislation, Supreme Court cases, population control, and birth control. Also included is a small amount of printed material and informational posters on the AIDS crisis.

Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri Records, 1930-1990 (S0195)
6 cubic feet, 109 folders, 22 photographs, 13 scrapbooks, 2 audio tapes, 2 16mm films, 2 45 RPM records, 5 microfilm rolls

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri Records document the group's founding in 1932 as the Maternal Health Association of Missouri, its transformation to Planned Parenthood Association of Missouri in 1943, and growth in the post-war period. The collection contains annual reports, correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, and two reel-to-reel tapes.


Platt and Thornburgh Paint Company Books, 1889-1900 (C2332)
0.32 cubic feet (2 volumes)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains books of a St. Louis, MO, paint company. Vol. 1 is an inventory book, 1889-1891. Vol. 2 is an order book, 1899-1900.


Rose Kentner Poehlman Papers, 1930s-1990s (CA5683)
3.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, travel materials, and other papers. Includes papers of University of Missouri agronomist John Milton Poehlman. Mostly correspondence with family and friends.

Political Ephemera, Campaign Posters, and Bumper Stickers Collection, 1930-2008 (S0789)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Political Emphemera collection contains posters and bumper stickers collected by Senturia, largely from the 1970s through the present with a few from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1960s.Most posters support political candidates standing for office in the state of Missouri or its political subdivisions. The remainder support presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Topical posters advocate or oppose propositions to enact state and local laws, or support particular social issues. Most relate to Missouri or St. Louis.


Politics in Missouri Oral History Project Records, 1996-2020 (C3929)
2.2 cubic feet (171 folders), 338 audio cassettes, 18 CDs, 5 DVDs, 5 Mini DV cassettes

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Interviews with Missouri legislators, politicians, aides, and others involved in Missouri politics. The records include audio cassettes, compact discs, and transcripts of the interviews.

S. Pommer Photograph Collection, 1886-1905 (P0056)
4 photographs

 Digitized Materials

Photos of University of Missouri Columns ca. 1892, during the clean-up following the destruction of Academic Hall in a fire. Photographs of the Boone County Courthouse and Christian Female College's Main Building.


Jerry Wayne Ponder Papers, 1865-2004 (R1260)
13 cubic feet (580 folders, 1 box photographs)

 Finding Aid

These are correspondence, papers, and research materials of a genealogist and local historian from Ripley County, Missouri. The collection covers the descendants of Abner Ponder and allied families, the history of Ripley County, and the Civil War in southeastern Missouri. Much of the information was incorporated in publications by Ponder Books, 1987-1999.

Earl L. Popkes Genealogical Collection, 1994 (C4557)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection of genealogical information was compiled by Earl L. Popkes. The families resided in the Perry, Missouri, area.



Sylvia F. Porter Papers, 1939-1991 (C3977)
16.0 cubic feet (601 folders), 3 video cassettes, 6 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

The papers of Sylvia Porter, a personal finance columnist who wrote for the New York Post and New York Daily News, consist of her columns, books, speeches, and other writings.  Also included are correspondence and other publicity clippings concerning the Sylvia Porter Organization and her involvement in President Ford's efforts to curb inflation in the 1970s.

Possum Trot Orienteering Club Records, 1991-2007 (KA2617)
6 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Possum Trot Orienteering Club Records contains scrapbooks and loose materials related to the Club and its activities, including the sponsorship of local and regional events, production of maps, and instruction in the sport of orienteering (the skill of navigating through an unfamiliar area using a detailed map and a magnetic compass).


Kay L. Potter Papers, 1939-2000 (K0630)
0.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Photographs and collected materials of former J.C. Nichols Company employee and amateur photographer.


Prairie Grouse Technical Council Records, 1957-2001 (C4582)
0.75 cubic feet (22 folders)

 Finding Aid

Newsletters, programs and proceedings, and correspondence surrounding conferences held by the Prairie Grouse Technical Council from 1957-2001.

Prairie Lick Presbyterian Church (Prairie Lick, Mo.) Records, 1885-1901 (C3028)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Records of the church, containing meeting minutes and lists of new members.


Prairie View Presbyterian Church (Audrain County, Mo.) Records, 1881-1921 (C1361)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Prairie View Presbyterian Church contain organizational meeting, 1881; minutes of sessions, 1882-1917; record of congregational meetings; membership records; record of infant baptisms; and petition to be dissolved, 1921.


President Hotel Renovation Research Papers, 1995-1996 (K1128)
0.01 c.f.

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of research material related to the renovation of the President Hotel on Baltimore Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri. Includes a feasibility study for additions and renovations to the hotel, a typewritten presentation by Philip Klein concerning the hotel, and a history of the hotel.


Presidents and Past Presidents General Assembly of Greater Kansas City Records, 1917-2009 (K1131)
8 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Minutes, financial reports, programs, correspondence, clippings, yearbooks, financial records, and a small number of photos. The minutes include information about a variety of world, national, municipal, social, and cultural issues.


William E. Preston Collection, 1902-1993 (C4543)
0.4 cubic feet (8 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection was complied by William E. Preston and contains periodicals, newsletters and journals of organizations, newspaper clippings, articles, illustrations, postcards, photographs, and other materials concerning the history of mules in Missouri and the United States.


Janet Gale Price Papers, 1996-2002 (K0806)
0.11 cubic foot (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection includes materials related to Janet Gale Price and her family. The collection also includes materials related to Mucolipidosis Type IV, a genetic disease prevalent among Jewish families.
