Harry M. Hyatt Papers, 1792-1956 (C4301)
3.8 cubic feet (105 folders)
The papers contain material generated or received by Harry M. Hyatt, a genealogist. The material consists of family lineage charts, family correspondence, journals, photographs, and correspondence between Harry Hyatt and other genealogical researchers. Families researched are predominately the Richardson and Baker families, but other related families are included, such as the Miller and Walton families.
Arthur Mastick Hyde Papers, 1913-1954 (C0007)
20.8 cubic feet (965 folders)
The papers of the Republican governor of Missouri from 1921 to 1925 and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture from 1929 to 1933, consist of correspondence, clippings, printed material, photographs, and personal items. Major topics include agriculture, conservation, road construction, education, taxation, Republican politics, labor disputes, law enforcement, prohibition, and Missouri state institutions and politics.
E. Clarendon Hyde Papers, 1940s-1990s (CA5726)
14 cubic feet
Sermons delivered by Hyde, a minister of the Episcopal Church, and a few copies of sermons collected by Hyde. Addition of personal correspondence, subject files related to the Episcopal Church, race relations and civic affairs in Columbia, MO, the University of Missouri, and miscellaneous material.
Laurance Mastick Hyde Papers, 1869-1978 (C3390)
16.6 cubic feet (1131 folders)
The papers of the Missouri Supreme Court Justice, 1942-1966, relate to his activities in the American Bar Association, Conference of Chief Justices, and MissouriBar Association, and in promulgating the Missouri Court plan, Missouri Constitution of 1945, and the Missouri Code. The collection also contains limited Hyde family papers and genealogical materials.
Robert Hyland Papers, 1935-1990 (S0637)
4 cubic feet, 55 folders, 281 photographs, 13 audio tapes
The Robert Hyland Papers contain correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, and audiotapes of Robert Hyland from 1935 to 1990. He was a CBS regional vice president and general manager of the radio station KMOX in St. Louis, Missouri, for four decades. Hyland was also a civic leader, serving on the boards of the St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association, Downtown St. Louis, Lindenwood College Board.
Iberia Junior College Collection, 1914-1958 (R0231)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Iberia Junior College Collection contains bulletins of the Iberia Academy and Iberia Junior College in Miller County, Missouri. There is also a history of the town of Iberia, the Academy and the College by William F. Jones.
Illinois Pure Water Committee Inc. Records, 1944-1985 (S0538)
0.8 cubic foot, 53 folders
The records of the Illinois Pure Water Committee, Inc., document the efforts of Gladys Caldwell and the Committee in their legal fight against fluoridation, including their efforts to educate the public about the hazards of fluoridation. The materials in the collection consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, newsletters, publications, brochures, and flyers.
Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pilot Knob, Missouri Records, 1861-1982 (R0383)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pilot Knob, Missouri Records contain records of baptisms, confirmations, communicant, marriages, and deaths of members of the Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church at Pilot Knob in Iron County, Missouri. The church was formally organized in 1863 and is now part of the Missouri Synod. Most of the records are in German.
"Implications of Land Use Adjustments in Connection with the Defense Program," Albert H. Mussman, 1941 (C1188)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)
Report on activities of agencies concerned with the assisting in the relocation of families disturbed by the construction of Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Includes photographs and case studies.
Independence Young Matrons Records, 1941-2006 (K0725)
2 c.f.
Organizational records including their monthly newsletter, "The Mirror", yearbooks, Children's Theater Play programs, and the Holly and Mistletoe Tour.
Independence, Missouri Fire Department Records, 1894-1946 (K0842)
0.01 c.f.
Photocopied ledger book recording fires that occurred: date, time, address, description of the fire, the losses, and origin of the fire.
Independence, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1827-1957 (P1115)
An artificial collection of photographs of Independence, Missouri.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) Records, Southwestern Missouri, 1868-2008 (K1321)
10 c.f.
organizational records of several Missouri lodges which merged into the Debolt Lodge, framed items (frames removed), bound ledgers, member registers, account and minute books
Organizational records of several southwestern Missouri women's lodges of the Rebekah Assembly, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Materials range from c. 1893 to c. 2007. The collection consists primarily of bound ledgers, such as member registers and account and minute books. Many of the older ledgers are quite fragile. Earlier record books may show occupations of members and their spouses. Records also show support services provided to members.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), Savannah Lodge # 14, Records, 1846-1965 (K0170)
1 MR
A Degree Book and an Historical Register for the lodge in Savannah, Andrew County, MO.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Beta Phi Theta Rho Girl's Club No. 10, Joplin, Missouri Records, 1946-1950 (R0539)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Beta Phi Theta Rho Girls’ Club No. 10 Records is the microfilmed minute book of the Beta Phi Theta Rho Girls’ Club at Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri, spanning January 1946 through December 1950.
This is a minute book for cotton Hill Lodge No. 306, a chapter of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows located at Malden in Dunklin County, Missouri.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Cuba Lodge No. 887 Records, 1947-1955 (R0964)
(1 folder, 1 volume)
These are the by-laws and membership register for the Odd Fellows lodge at Cuba in Crawford, County, Missouri, beginning with the organization of the lodge on June 21, 1947.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Mount Vernon Lodge No. 151 Records, 1865-1974 (R0689)
(4 rolls of microfilm)
These are the records of Odd Fellows Lodge No. 151 in Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri. The records consist of minutes of meetings, rolls of officers, reports to the Grand Lodge of Missouri, membership records, and miscellaneous papers.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Owensville Lodge No. 654 Records, 1914-1972 (R0965)
(2 volumes)
This is Roll of Officers, 1946-1972, of Odd Fellows Lodge No. 654 at Owensville in Gasconade County, Missouri, earlier known as Red Bird Lodge. Also included in the collection are the Secretary's Cash book and roll of Officers of Crawford Lodge No. 840 for 1914-1935. The location of Crawford Lodge No. 840 is not known, but presumably it was in Crawford County, Missouri.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Rolla Lodge No. 416 Records, 1928-1958 (R0962)
(1 folder, 10 volumes)
These are records of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Edgar Springs, later (1936) at Rolla, in Phellps county, Missouri. Included are minute books, membership records, roll of officers, abstracts of semi-annual reports to the Grand Lodge of Missouri, a visitors register, and a letter concerning consolidation with the lodge at St. James, Missouri. Until 1948, the chapter was known as Spring Creek Lodge No. 416, after which it became Rolla Lodge No. 416.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Webb City Lodge No. 79 Records, 1888-1961 (R0502)
(3 rolls of microfilm)
These are the minute books of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Webb City in Jasper County, Missouri. The minutes begin with the organizational meeting on August 9, 1888 and continue through 31 January 1961. Lodge business included the acceptance of new members, payments of sick and funeral benefits, work on the various degrees of the order, matters concerning the lodge hall, and consolidations of the Alba, Carterville, and Duenweg lodges with Webb City.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Wentworth Lodge No. 732 Records, 1914-1972 (R0711)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
These are the records of the Odd Fellows Lodge in Wentworth, Newton County, Missouri. The records consist of minutes of meetings, cash books, membership records, reports to the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and miscellaneous papers.
Nellie A. Ingram Scrapbooks, 1872-1946 (C2488)
0.3 cubic feet (2 oversize volumes)
The scrapbooks contain news clippings and memorabilia about Nellie A. Ingram, who was a well-known elocutionist in Sedalia, Missouri, in the 1880s, as well as clippings about her father, Benton H. Ingram, a prominent Mason.
James B. Inmon Collection, 1941-1979 (C4608)
0.8 cubic feet (28 folders)
Genealogical records and correspondence pertaining to the Inmon/Inman and related families.
Instrument Society of America (ISA)-Kansas City Section Records, 1943-1954 (K0989)
2 c.f.
Includes general correspondence, meeting notices, meeting minutes and regional and national conference materials. Also information about the Electric Association of Kansas City and the Kansas City Industrial Instrumentation Society.
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 9 Records, 1901-1965 (S0238)
3 cubic feet, 74 folders, 14 volumes, 2 microfilm rolls
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 9 Records document the district's growth, campaigns for an eight-hour workday, strikes and strike benefits, labor grievances, employment in St. Louis, jurisdictional disputes with other unions, and national union policy. Railroad machinists founded Locals 41, 85, and 394 of the International Association of Machinists in 1888-1889. They were chartered, along with Local 121, as District 9 of the International Association of Machinists in 1902.
International Institute of St. Louis Records, 1919-1960 (S0422)
14 microfilm rolls
The records of the International Institute of St. Louis contain founding papers, correspondence, minutes, reports, financial records, case reports, and photographs documenting the institution's mission to assist immigrants with assimilating into American culture.
International Ladies Garment Workers Union in St. Louis Collection, 1933-1978 (S0779)
0.4 cubic feet, 1108 photographic images
The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) organized local garment workers in St. Louis in 1933 and was active until 1995. The ILGWU in St. Louis Collection is an artificial collection combining small acquisitions pertaining to the history of the ILGWU Southwest Regional Office, the St. Louis Joint Board, and its affiliated locals. The collection contains photographs and film negatives, a contract, correspondence, newspaper clippings, newsletters, and theatrical programs.
International Theatre Program Collection, 1930-1981 (K0454)
2 c.f.
Theatre programs from Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and United States, including a number from Missouri and Kansas, gathered by University of Missouri-Kansas City Theater Department faculty.
Ionia School, Benton County, Missouri Records, 1941-1958 (R0257)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Ionia School, Benton County, Missouri Records contain microfilm copy of records from the Ionia School in northern Benton County, Missouri. Included are records of the district clerk and daily and term attendance records kept by teachers.
Irari Club Foundation Records, 1931-1990 (K0727)
2 c.f.
Organizational records of a small, exclusive social organization in the Kansas City Jewish community. Includes minutes, correspondence, publications, financial records, photographs, news articles, and artifacts,
Irwin Family Papers, 1864-1997 (S0904)
4.5 Cubic Feet
This collection consists of papers and photographs of Mathew Irwin, primarily documenting his ancestors—the Storch, Wuellner, and Slavik families. The Storch and Wuellner branches immigrated to St. Louis, Missouri, from Germany and Bohemia in 1838 and settled in the St. Louis area. After their settlement in St. Louis, Magnus Storch (1825-1900) and his wife, Elizabeta Steibert (1843-1896), had Louisa Storch (1870-1934). On April 6, 1893, Louisa Storch married George Friederich Wuellner (1864-1955); their union produced Talitha Wuellner (1895-1955). Talitha subsequently married Albert Slavik (1891-1939) on April 10, 1917, which led to the birth of Marjorie Louisa Slavik (1918-1997). Marjorie married Russell Ewing Irwin (1912-1984) in 1940. From this union came Karin Louise Irwin, who had Mathew S. Irwin and Samuel White Swan-Perkins.
Virginia Irwin Collection, 1934-1963 (S0084)
1000 index cards, 1 cubic foot
The collection consists of annotated index cards to newspaper articles Virginia Irwin wrote for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as a feature writer.
Charles C. Isely Papers, 1912-1951 (C2535)
0.5 cubic feet
The papers of Charles C. Isely contain correspondence; articles published in various newspapers and magazines; materials from campaign in the Kansas senatorial primary of 1932; manuscripts of books, articles, and poetry; and miscellaneous photographs and graphs.
J.C. Nichols Company Records, 1896-2007 (K0106)
325 c.f.
Company records relating to the activities and history of the J.C. Nichols Company, the premier real estate company in the Kansas City area. Included are some personal papers of J.C. Nichols. Also architectural drawings for some Nichols development buildings and residences.
J.C. Nichols Company Scrapbooks, 1910-1997 (K0054)
58 v
Scrapbooks relating to the activities and history of the J.C. Nichols Company, the premier real estate company in the Kansas City area. They were compiled by employees of the Company for public relations and other uses.
J.P. Morgan and Co. Bond Notices, 1937, 1940, 1983 (S0251)
0.01 cubic foot
The J.P. Morgan and Co. Bond Notices consists of notices to foreign bond holders, including the First National bank in St. Louis, regarding the Imperial Chinese Government 5% Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911.
Sarah Belle Jackson Papers, 1942-1999 (C4103)
0.5 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of Sarah Belle Jackson contain high school and college diplomas, extensive documentation on Sarah Belle's role as a community leader within Columbia, Missouri, and many church programs, songs, and choir booklets. The papers also contain news articles regarding the racial tensions in Columbia, including police reports and social response to the Kimberly Linze case in 1985.
V. Corinne Jackson Papers, 1920s-2000s (CA6393)
4 cubic feet, 4 audio cassettes
The papers of V. Corinne Jackson, a schoolteacher from Arrow Rock, Missouri, include correspondence, programs, speeches, photographs, poems, diaries, scrapbooks, plays, audio cassettes, radio broadcasts, school and professional papers, and miscellaneous material from her life and work.
Jacobs-Henley Family Papers, 1890s-1980s (C4609)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders, 1 oversize volume, 1 oversize item)
Photographs and miscellaneous papers of the Jacobs, Henley, and related families from Cole and Moniteau County, Missouri, and Arkansas. Includes a scrapbook of WWII clippings.
Jason D. Jacobson and Amy H. Jacobson Papers, 1945-1949 (K1006)
0.16 c.f.
Issues (some incomplete) of the Zionist newspaper The New Palestine.
James Foundation Collection, 1912-1980s (R1316)
4.5 cubic feet (109 folders, 4 oversize folders, 719 photographs)
The James Foundation Papers contains materials on file at the James Memorial Library before it was transferred to municipal control. The materials contain correspondence, photographs, legal and estate documents, maps and project proposals pertaining to the estate of Lucy Wortham James, the establishment of the James Foundation, and the management of properties in Missouri.
James Memorial Library Photograph Collection, 1870s-1992 (R1480)
3.5 cubic feet (52 folders, 4443 negatives, 50 glass plate negatives)
The James Memorial Public Library Photograph Collection contains negative copies of photographs brought to the library in St. James by residence who lived in town and the surrounding area. The original images date from the 1870s to the 1990s and include family portraits, city scenes, local businesses, area schools, events, parades, weddings, and church activities among many others. The majority of the photographs are from Phelps County with representation from Crawford and Dent counties.
David A. James Papers, 1790-2008 (C4126)
5 cubic feet
The research material of a hotel management instructor, whose work resulted in the publication Historic Hotels of Missouri: Hotels, Inns, and Taverns of 19th Century Missouri.
Ivan James Papers, 1938-1981 (S0144)
0.8 cubic foot, 4 rolls microfilm
The Ivan C. James papers contain correspondence, reports, newsletters, souvenir programs, and announcements pertaining to St. Louis housing developments and African American churches, fraternal, and social organizations in St. Louis.
Larry A. James Photograph Collection, 1870-1980 (P0240)
Copy photos of Pioneer, Newtonia and Stark City, Missouri. Also, copy photo of J.M. Ritchie and an original photo of the Purcell family on steps of home, circa 1910. 35mm slides of southwest Missouri.
William W. James Sheet Music Collection, 1927-1981 (SP0101)
0.5 cubic foot (23 folders)
The William W. James Sheet Music Collection contains sheet music created by Springfield, Missouri, composer William W. James. The collection also contains copyright agreements between James and music publishers.
Jameson Family Papers, 1800s-2008 (CA6741)
0.4 cubic feet
The papers of a Fulton, Missouri, family include correspondence, a travel journal, photographs, miscellaneous family papers, and a scrapbook containing obituary clippings. The bulk of the photographs are of Jameson family members and friends from the Fulton area. The correspondence contains letters from Anna Belle Jameson to her mother, Mary E. Jameson.
Janssen Place Collection, 1912-1966 (K0739)
0.7 c.f.
Abstracts, specifications, architectural drawings and other items relating to houses on Janssen Place in the Hyde Park historic area of Kansas City, MO.