Grand Temple Pythian Sisters of the Grand Jurisdiction of Missouri Records, 1900s-1960s (CA2579)
10.4 cubic feet, 8 oversize volumes
Ledgers, minutes, membership lists, and roll of officers of a secret sisterhood consisting primarily of wives, mothers, daughters, and widows of Knights of Pythias. Records are from defunct Missouri Temples.
Grandview Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1869-2005 (C3049)
1.16 cubic feet (3 folders, 6 oversize volumes, 1 roll of microfilm)
Record books containing monthly reports of the church business meetings, 1869-1994, and church histories, 1994-2005. This country church faithfully recorded its religious activities, pastors, financial transactions, membership, mission contributions, and social gatherings.
Graniteview Missionary Baptist Church, Roselle, Missouri Records, 1948-1967 (R0745)
(2 folders)
These are photocopies of records of Graniteview Missionary Baptist Church at Roselle in Madison County, Missouri. Included are the church record book, containing a register of members and minutes of church meetings, 1948-1967 and "Uniform Association Letters" sent annually to the Franklin Baptist Association, 1956-1966.
Grant School PTA (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1944-1973 (C3451)
1.4 cubic feet (27 folders, 15 volumes)
Bayard M. Grant Collection, 1915-2005 (K0892)
14.25 c.f.
Collection consists of various business documents that Grant used as a commercial real estate agent. These include correspondence, lease agreements, legal documents, appraisals, and pamphlets. Also included in the collection are the documents from the many local and national organizations in which Grant was active. Of particular interest are the papers for Kansas City Jazz Inc., which Grant was president for several years, and the pamphlets and correspondence for Future Farmers of America (FFA).
David M. Grant Papers, 1917-1986 (S0552)
0.8 cubic feet, 18 folders, 7 photographs
The David M. Grant Papers document David M. Grant's career in St. Louis as a civil rights activist and lawyer. Beginning in 1931, Grant organized protests and demonstrations against racial discrimination. He was also active in the local Democratic Party, Labor unions, and a founder of St. Louis’ March on Washington Movement chapter. Grant also served on the U.S. Presidential Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. The papers include speeches, correspondence, photographs, political fliers, and newspaper clippings.
Grant-Davis Lumber Company Records, 1882-1949 (R0109)
6.5 cubic feet (20 volumes, 9 oversize volumes, 9 folders)
The Grant-Davis Lumber Company Records are business records of a lumber company based in Cabool, Missouri, which operated in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. The collection includes ledgers, cash books, trial balances, inventories, and correspondence with the St. Louis and San Francisco ("Frisco") Railroad Company regarding freight claims. Russelle Grant Simonsen, daughter of Paul S. Grant, the last president of the firm, donated the records of the Grant-Davis Lumber Company. Mrs. Simonsen also provided background information on the company and the individuals who operated it.
Gravel Ridge Baptist Church, Charleston, Missouri Records, 1925-1990 (R0609)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Gravel Ridge Baptist Church, Charleston, Missouri Records contain microfilm copies of six volumes that include financial records, business meetings minutes, and membership information from 1925 to 1990.
Oliver Rudolph Grawe Papers, 1930-1962 (C3578)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Miscellaneous papers of a professor and author of University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla. Included are manuscripts about minerals and ores of Missouri, and a copy of Noel Hubbard's history of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and duplication of engineering education in Missouri in 1938.
Edmund Gray Papers, 1831-1955 (C3611)
1.8 cubic feet (97 folders)
Mississippi River pilots’ charts, ships; logs, steamboat directions, and personal papers of Edmund Gray, a resident of Gray’s Point, Scott County, Missouri, and Cape Girardeau and steamboat pilot on the Mississippi for many years.
Great Western Stage Equipment Company Records, 1925-1976 (K0717)
114 c.f.
The Company was one of the leading designers and suppliers for theatrical stages and auditoriums in the Midwest. Includes job files containing work orders, design plans, invoices, correspondence, and occasionally fabric samples. Also some catalogs, financial records, photographs, and drawings.
Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Minutes, 1856-1991 (K0274)
4 c.f.
Minutes of the Chamber's Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Included in most of the volumes prior to 1968, are also minutes of the various standing and ad hoc committees of the organization. Most of the volumes are indexed.
Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Records, 1856-1990 (K0527)
23 c.f.
Organization records of the Commerce including general files of clippings, brochures, and correspondence; photographs; and slides, motion picture film, videotape, and audiotape.
Greater Kansas City Chapter of Hadassah Records, 1916-2010 (K0593)
25 c.f.
Organizational records of a Jewish women's organization dedicated to strengthening the relationship between the United States and Israel.
Greater Kansas City Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter Records, 1935-1997 (K0948)
1 c.f.
Organizational records of the Chapter, whose purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility, and develop the finest qualities of character. Includes meeting minutes, directories, printed and published material, and event planning files.
Greater Kansas City Section, National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Records, 1893-2004 (K0145)
30 c.f.
Organizational records of the Greater Kansas City Section, including administrative, financial, membership, committee, publications, and public relations files.
Greater Kansas City, Missouri, Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO Records, 1946-1970 (C2514)
1.2 cubic feet
The papers of the Greater Kansas City Central Labor Council of the AFL-CIO contain the minutes of the Central Labor Council, miscellaneous copies of letters, resolutions, and notices.
Greater Rolla-St. James Region, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1884-1996 (P1123)
An artificial collection of photographs of the greater Rolla-St. James region in Missouri, including Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Maries, and Pulaski counties.
Greater St. Louis Federal Business Association Records , 1927-1981 (S0695)
5 cubic feet, 188 folders, 68 photographs
The Greater St. Louis Federal Business Association was founded in 1927. Its purpose was to coordinate efforts by various Federal agencies to exchange ideas about the efficiency of routine work methods, to loan equipment, and to share surplus furniture. The records include correspondence, membership lists, minutes, newspaper clippings, annual reports, and photographs.
A.P. Green Letters, 1941-1942 (C3103)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains correspondence of a Mexico, MO, fire brick manufacturer with Forrest C. Donnell, Hugh Stephens, vice-chairman of Missouri State Council of Defense, and Keith Martin, discussing industrial camouflage program of Missouri Council of Defense. Green resigned from the Council shortly after his appointment.
A.P. Green Papers, 1926-1958 (C2960)
29 cubic feet (2576 folders) 1 volume
The papers of A.P. Green contain business and personal papers of a Mexico, MO, fire brick manufacturer. The collection includes correspondence with family members; business associates in Europe, and South America; as a trustee of Westminster College and member of the Board of Visitors of the University of Missouri; and with miscellaneous business and charitable organizations.
George Fuller Green and James Anderson Photograph Collection, 1845-1957 (P0669)
Photos of Kansas City, MO.
Robert S. Green Papers, 1943-1944 (C3213)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Letters to A.P. Green about his subscription to the Missouri Public Expenditure Survey, Missouri Constitution, Constitutional Convention Bulletin, and minutes of the organizational meeting of Missouri War Chest, 1943.
Green-Bond Family Papers, 1902-1993 (C4566)
2.0 cubic feet (45 folders, 34 oversize items)
The papers of two related Mexico (Mo.) families, including travel journals, genealogical information, photographs, and the papers surrounding the construction of the A. P. and Josephine Green estate in Audrain County.
Greenbush School, Phelps County, Missouri Records, 1927-1947 (R1310)
(2 oversize volumes, 1 oversize folder)
These are the teacher's register, district clerk's record book, and miscellaneous papers of the Greenbush School, a small rural school in Phelps County.
Greene County Abstracts of Title, 1846-1976 (SP0045)
.1 c.f.
The Greene County Abstracts of Title collection contains abstracts of properties located in Greene County. It includes the abstract for property owned by Springfield, Missouri, attorney Henry C. Young, the abstract of a home located at 2400 S. McCann in Springfield, and a home located in the Rosewood sub division in Springfield.
Lorenzo and Thomasina Talley Greene Papers, 1910s-2003 (C4712)
15.5 cubic feet (408 folders), 2 audio cassettes, 1 DVD, 6 video tapes, 1 oversize volume, 18 oversize items
Research files, personal papers, and family materials of a professional historian who taught at Lincoln University from 1933-1972. Includes materials of his wife, Thomasina Talley Greene, a concert pianist and music teacher, 1942-2003.
Nelle Claycomb Greenwaide Papers, 1877-1988 (K1104)
0.3 c.f.
Family photographs, baby book, school/sorority composites, passports, a framed letter and embroidery, an autograph book, and several photograph albums belonging to Greenwaide.
Greenwood Cemetery Records, 1904-2004 (S0577)
2 cubic feet, 62 folders, 503 photographs, 1 microfilm roll, 3 audio cassettes, 8 videotapes, and 1 DVD
This collection contains record books of an African-American cemetery in St. Louis. Included in the collection are legal exhibits and maps, as well as student papers and photographs documenting efforts to preserve the cemetery.
Paul Greer Papers, 1900-1977 (S0169)
0.05 cubic feet, 31 folders, 5 photographs, 2 scrapbooks
The Paul Greer Papers contain the work of a newspaper editor, and liberal social activist, Paul Greer. Topics include senior citizens, integration, housing, agricultural conditions, and conservation and includes correspondence; subject files; Greer's writing, including drafts of his two books, articles and book reviews; articles about Greer; and photographs and memorabilia.
Harlan Cecil Gregory Papers, 1900-2023 (R1530)
0.2 cubic foot (4 folders, 158 photographs, 2 negatives)
The Harlan Cecil Gregory Papers contain photographs and genealogical histories of the Gregory and Skyles family who settled in Howell and Texas Counties in Missouri.
Russell and Gloria Peace Griffiths Photograph Collection, 1928-1956 (P1036)
Family photographs and ephemera, spanning from the late 1860s through the 1970s.
Frank Grimaldi Architectural Records Collection, 1920-2010 (K1252)
385 c.f.
Architectural drawings, plans, renderings, construction documents, books and journals, records and work papers of Frank Grimaldi Architecture and its predecessor entities, including Bower and Grimaldi Architecture, and Shaughnessy, Bower and Grimaldi Architecture.
Hugh Fox Grinstead Papers, 1889-1950 (C2742)
1.8 cubic feet
Western stories by Grindstead and letters, photographs, and news items pertaining to his family. Ribbons, programs and certificates relating to his career. Also United Daughters of the Confederacy material of Mrs. Grinstead's.
R.C. Grisson Photograph Collection, 1930-1956 (P0559)
0.125 linear feet
Photos of Carthage, MO, buildings, businesses, and features, ca. 1940s.
Evlewt Groene Kirkwood Collection, 1928-1944 (S0895)
0.04 cubic foot
The Evlewt Groene collection consists of two scrapbooks documenting her student career and activities at Kirkwood High School.
Henry Emmett Gross Papers, 1921-1981 (R0837)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)
These are the professional papers of Henry Emmett Gross, an engineer, inventor, and map-maker from Webster Groves, Missouri. Most of the collection concerns his patents for deep ocean oil drilling and marine salvage.
Anna Lee Grossman Papers, 1944-1989 (R1509)
0.2 cubic foot (2 folders, 14 photographs)
The Anna Lee Grossman Papers contain correspondence written to Anna Grossman in response to letters she sent to politicians and world leaders regarding current events. The letters date from 1959 to 1989.
William Henry Gruen Drawing, 1943 (C1819)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Sketch of the St. Louis skyline from the Chain of Rocks Park, 1943.
Louis J. Gualdoni Papers, 1924-1998 (S0603)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
This collection contains newspaper clippings and correspondence of Louis J. "Jean" Gualdoni, an influential Democratic politician in St. Louis in the 1940s.
Charles Guenther Papers, 1899-1991 (S0358)
32 cubic feet, 183 folders, 63 photographs
The Charles Guenther Papers, 1899-1991, document the career of the internationally important literary translator and poet. Charles Guenther (1920-2008), nicknamed the "Poet Laureate of St. Louis" was a native of St. Louis and a widely published writer and poet, as well as a founding member of the St. Louis Poetry Society and past president of the St. Louis Writers Guild. The collection includes much of his translation work and poetry; notes and study materials; materials he used to teach and conduct workshops; minutes and newsletters from various Missouri and St. Louis writing and poetry associations; news clippings on writing and poetry; and some family and personal correspondence and papers.
Robert H. Guffey Papers, 1944-1947 (R1398)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Robert H. Guffey Papers contain the history and of the USS LST-670 during its service in World War II.
Guitar Building (Columbia, Mo.) Account Book, 1914-1961 (C3060)
1 roll of microfilm
Account book detailing rental of office space, maintenance, and taxes for a building located in the downtown business district. Clearly enumerated are tenants, rental fees, operating expenses, assets and liabilities.
Sarah Guitar Papers, 1931-1944 (C3563)
1.2 cubic feet (87 folders, 1 card file)
Correspondence and miscellaneous information on Missouri compiled by Sarah Guitar during her employment, under the direction of Floyd C. Shoemaker, as Reference Librarian for the State Historical Society of Missouri. Includes one card file of reference notes.
Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company Papers, 1929-1970 (C3659)
1.3 cubic feet (83 folders)
Records taken from the abandoned station of the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad at Cairo, Illinois in 1975. Includes correspondence, waybills, reports of traffic, blueprints, tariff information, a timetable, and pamphlets of work rules and rates.
Charles Claude Guthrie Sr. Scientific Papers, 1898-1970 (C3108)
23 cubic feet, 87 volumes
Correspondence, research notes, manuscripts, family history, reprints, and microscope slides of a physician, professor of physiology, inventor, and pioneer researcher in the field of vascular surgery with Alexis Carrel.
Charles Claude Guthrie Sr. Family Papers, 1896-1978 (C3549)
2.8 cubic feet (202 folders)
The papers of Charles Claude Guthrie, Sr. contain college essays and notes, correspondence, and miscellaneous personal papers of Guthrie. The bulk of the collection is letters written between Guthrie and his mother and sisters living in Columbia and Marthasville, Missouri.
Francis Arthur Guy Papers, 1938-1955 (K0184)
0.4 c.f.
Legal correspondence, client files, and personal files of Guy, an attorney and officer of the J.C. Nichols Company. In addition to legal work for the Company but also carried on his private practice from his office, as well as served on a number boards, and as a councilman for Westwood Hills, KS.
Ha Ha Tonka Collection, 1905-1942 (K0310)
0.3 c.f.
The estate was owned by Robert Snyder Sr. located near Camdenton, MO. Photographs of the mansion (interior and exterior) and the surrounding countryside, including the Niangua River, caves, and fish. Also correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, and notes for publishing.
Stuart T. Hadden Papers, 1931-1967 (C3845)
0.6 cubic feet (45 folders)
The papers of Stuart Tracey Hadden, a chemical engineer whose research included the statistical mechanics of liquid hydrocarbons, consist of correspondence, memos, copies of reports and professional papers, some printed material, and scientific notes, graphs, lists, and tables.