Bernard Jacob Fremerman Family Papers, 1947-2004 (K0663)
0.1 c.f.
Newspaper clippings concerning members of the Fremerman family who were actively involved in business, music, and sports.
French Heritage Project Collection, 1948, 1985-1999 (C4735)
0.2 cubic feet (12 folders), 28 audio cassettes, 3 video cassettes, 283 KB of digital files, 15 oversize items
Audio and video recordings of interviews and performances; audio logs and transcripts; field notes; posters; and miscellaneous material related to French settlement and culture in Missouri and the Mississippi valley.
Shela S. Fretwell Genealogical Collection, 1824-2020 (CA5886)
4.3 cubic feet, 1 card file, 1 CD, 2 computer discs, 2 oversize items, 1.03 MB of digital files
Correspondence, photographs, and other genealogical research material related to the Fretwell family of Lewis County, Missouri.
Florence Freyermuth Collection, 1939-1975 (S0885)
20 cubic feet
This collection contains a 16mm film and slides of world travels of Florence Freyermuth, a friend of Marlin Perkins and family.
Friedens United Church of Christ (Warrenton, Mo.) Record Books, 1868-1967 (C3631)
1 roll of microfilm (3 volumes)
Record books of the Friedens Evangelical Church, Warrenton, Missouri, and the Bethany Evangelical Church, Pendleton, Missouri. The two merged to become the Friedens Evangelical and Reformed Church, later renamed the Friedens United Church of Christ. The Friedens Church was organized in 1877, but the record book has entries dating from 1868. The earliest record in the Bethany book is for 1910.
Howard W. Friedmann Family Papers, 1923-2007 (K1263)
4.5 c.f.
The papers include correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, yearbooks,
memorabilia, and other materials collected by Friedmann and his family covering the
period 1923-2007.
Friendship Christian Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1837-1974 (C4236)
0.25 cubic feet (5 folders)
The records of the Friendship Christian Church in Boone County consist of ledgers documenting membership, Sunday school attendance, and land deeds associated with the church. (See also C2372, Church of Christ at Friendship membership record)
Jane Froman Papers, 1891-1980 (C3695)
8.5 cubic feet (343 folders), 2 rolls of microfilm, 14 audio cassettes, 453 audio discs, 13 audio tapes, 4 films, 1 video cassette, 1 DVD, 25.6 GB of digital files
The papers of a singer and radio, theater, and movie star contain correspondence, financial records, musical arrangements, photographs, audio and film recordings, and scrapbooks. The papers include material on radio, movie musicals, the USO, theater and club appearances, television, and popular music of the 1930s through the 1950s. Also includes some papers of her mother, Anna Barcafer Froman Hetzler (1873-1962).
Jane Froman Collection, 1930s-2010 (CA5677)
0.2 cubic feet, 3 audio cassettes, 27 audio discs, 1 audio tape, 8 CDs, 12 DVDs, 1 film, 3 video cassettes
Addition of correspondence, sheet music, audio and video recordings, and miscellaneous material pertaining to Jane Froman.
Frost Family Papers, 1862-1988 (R1404)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Frost Family Papers contain photocopies of compiled correspondence of Luther and Orville Frost from 1862 to 1889. Also include is a brief family history and genealogical information for the Frost family.
Frost Family Photograph Collection, 1930s-1970s (R1294)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder, 31 photographs)
This collection consists of twenty-nine black and white and two color photographs showing scenes and businesses in Rolla, Missouri from the 1930s into the 1970s.
Sallie Hoskins Frost Papers, 1928-1963 (C3612)
0.4 cubic feet (28 folders)
Genealogical papers of Sallie Frost. Families researched include: Birch, Campbell, Carmichael, Cox, Foster, Frost, Galbraith, Hoskins, Howell, Redfearn, and Routh.
Annette Riley Fry Papers, 1882-1983 (C3729)
0.4 cubic feet (24 folders)
The papers primarily contain correspondence between Fry and people, or relatives of people, who came to Missouri from New York on “orphan trains” sponsored by the Children’s Aid Society during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Fry wrote an article on the orphans, which appeared in the December 1974 issue of American Heritage.
Albert Burr Fuller Architectural Records, 1914-1963 (K0029)
25 c.f.
Architectural drawings, specifications, photographs, and other material relating to Fuller's career as an architect in Kansas City, Missouri.
Edward Marshall Fuller Jr. Architectural Records, 1920-1975 (K0697)
160 c.f.
Architectural drawings, renderings, specifications, correspondence, notes and other documents related to Fuller's career as an architect in the Kansas City, area specializing in schools and churches.
Funk-Blue Family Genealogical Collection, 1917-1996 (C4369)
2 cubic feet (176 folders)
Genealogical research relating to the ancestors of John Leon Funk and his wife, Ruth Eleanor Blue, both of Columbia, Missouri and originally from Ohio. Includes genealogical correspondence and notes; family group (pedigree) sheets; biographical records; photographs of grave stones; and original and photocopied primary sources such as death certificates, marriages, obituaries, wills, deeds, and court documents. Also included is research material for a book on the 100th Ohio Infantry Regiment in the Civil War.
Gabard-Oheim Family Papers, 1903-1958 (S0640)
0.2 cubic foot
The Gabard-Oheim Family Papers contain photographs, French ribbons, and a Cleveland High School newsletter. The materials largely concern Louis Gabard and Adele Marie Oheim. Some of the photographs depict the National Association of Letter Carriers, of which Adele Marie Oheim was a member. Also included in this collection are sample ballots from 1944 Missouri elections, Muny programs, a 1904 World's Fair map, and a Meramec School Picnic program.
Merrill E. Gaddis Collection, 1941-1955 (C3961)
1.8 cubic feet
Term papers about historical houses in Missouri, written by students of Gaddis for his course, History of the South, at Central Methodist College in Fayette, MO.
John Bailey Gage Papers, 1943-1964 (K0254)
0.60 c.f.
Correspondence of Gage, a prominent attorney and mayor of Kansas City, MO, relating to the Midwest Research Institution (MRI) and other organizations and issues in which he was involved. Many letters have attachments, most of which are the agendas and the minutes of the meetings of the MRI's Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, income and expenses, and a variety of reports. Also awards and certificates received by Gage.
Galena Christian Church (Galena, Mo.) Records, 1887-1964 (C3820)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The records of Galena Christian Church in Stone County, Missouri, consist of membership lists, vital statistics information, and correspondence concerning membership in other churches. The records are incomplete and appear to have been transferred from other record books.
Galilee Association of General Baptists Records, 1913-1980 (R0077)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The Galilee Association of General Baptists Records contains a microfilm copy of the proceedings of the annual sessions of the organization of General Baptist congregations in southeastern Missouri. Also included are Old Liberty Association proceedings, Liberty Association proceedings, and a reprinted sermon of Benoni Stinson.
James F. Gamble Papers, 1931-1977 (S0886)
19 cubic feet
The papers of James F. Gamble consists of correspondence, memos, reports, and meeting minutes pertaining to his career as a lawyer, conservationist, and executive director of the Meramec River Basin Association.
Mary Abney Gamble Photograph Collection, 1907-1944 (P0876)
11 photographs
Photos of Naption area, Saline Co. Also of Gamble family ancestors. 35mm color slides depicting travel and farming in Missouri
William J. Gammon Papers, 1856-1967 (CG0056)
0.5 c.f.
This collection is primarily made up of genealogical papers and cemetery research conducted by Wm. J. Gammon of various families as well as his own. Also included in this collection is transcripts from the operation of the Center Point school in Jackson County, Missouri, personal papers of the Gammon family, and correspondence from different societies and political organizations.
John Allen Gano Family Papers, 1794-1948 (C0065)
1.2 cubic feet, 6 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence of Elder John Gano of Bourbon County, KY, an evangelist in the early Disciples of Christ Church. The papers also include accounts and bills, advertisements, circulars, publications, and a diary describing his conversion, baptism, and life as a preacher.
Raymond Gant Photograph Collection, 1940-1947 (P0486)
6 photographs
Photos of the Cutoff Club, near Dalton, MO, ca. 1940s.
Joe Gantner Photographs, 1944 (P1185)
Photographs by Joe Gantner, propieter of Deluxe Studio in Boonville, MO, of the 1944 Missouri River Flood in Boonville.
James A. Gardner Papers, 1937-1987 (C3702)
1.4 cubic feet (41 folders)
Papers of a historian including coursework from his time as a student at Washington University in Saint Louis, manuscripts written about Moses Austin, and teaching and administrative materials from the social sciences department at Mineral Area College.
Mary A. Gardner Papers, 1940s-1990s (CA5740)
41 cubic feet, 3 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape, 2 films, 2 video cassettes
Papers of a professor of journalism and newspaper consultant, consisting of personal and professional correspondence and subject files, research and consulting material, photographs, and family papers.
Garfield School (Mexico, Mo.) Records, 1910-1975 (C3925)
4 rolls of microfilm
Student attendance records of a black elementary and high school in Mexico, MO.
Doug Garner Papers, 1940-1947 (S0887)
0.25 cubic foot
This collection contains two 4x5 copy negatives: the Comet at Forest Park Highlands and The "Flying Turns" (The Bob Sled); one 5x6 BW print of "The Flying Turns"; One 4.5x6 BW copy print, aerial view of Westlake Park; and one 5x7 BW print of Scenic Railway at Forest Park Highlands.
Edward B. Garnett Papers, 1914-1959 (K0940)
0.12 c.f. (4 folders)
Garnett, was the longtime editor of the Sunday Kansas City Star, Includes diaries, cancelled checks, correspondence, and personal papers.
Ruby Dwight Garrett Papers, c. 1910-1968 (C2558)
1.6 cubic feet, and 1 reel of microfilm
The Dwight Ruby Garrett collection contains papers and photographs of Garrett, a Kansas City, MO, lawyer. Garrett commanded the 117th Field Signal Battalion, 42nd (Rainbow) Division, U.S. Army, American Expeditionary Force. The collection concentrates on his World War I and postwar veterans activities. The clipping scrapbook is on microfilm.
Donald Charles Garrigues Papers, 1942-1945 (R0126)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The Donald Charles Garrigues Papers contain a microfilm copy of diaries and correspondence of a native of Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri. He served during World War II in the United States Army with the 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion.
Eileen Garry Papers, 1930-1998 (K0700)
0.1 c.f.
The Garry family was involved in the garment manufacturing industry in Kansas City, MO. includes book on Congregation Beth Torah book Garry co-wrote and a photograph of garment industry manufacturers featuring members of the Garry and Pachter families.
Meredith Garten Constitutional Convention Papers, 1942-1945 (C4534)
0.3 cubic feet (9 folders)
Letters, photographs, and papers from a Republican delegate regarding the revision of the Missouri Constitution in 1943.
William L. Garver Papers, 1879-1953; 1990 (C4521)
0.6 cubic feet (36 folders)
The papers of William L. Garver, an architect and leader in the Socialist movement in Missouri, contain his writings--including the original manuscript for Brother of the Third Degree, his 1902 work of esoteric philosophical fiction--as well as an unpublished biography, correspondence, and photographs.
Gasconade Writers' Guild Collection, 1941-1942 (R0563)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Gasconade Writers’ Guild Collection contains a one-volume anthology of poems by members of the Gasconade Writers’ Guild.
Gateway Human Resources Records, 1949-1989 (S1063)
2 cubic feet, 28 folders, 167 photographs
Gateway Human Resources (GHR) was an organization that provided professional development resources for women in the workplace. The materials in this collection contain meeting minutes, budget reports, membership applications, and correspondence relating to developmental workshops, dinner meetings, and annual conferences. Also included in this collection is a short history of GHR and the National Human Resources Association (NHRA), the parent organization of GHR.
Gateway Region Young Men's Christian Association Records, 1853-2020 (S0473)
87 cubic feet
The Gateway Region Young Men's Christian Association was founded in St. Louis on October 20, 1853. Initially, the organization focused on young men's spiritual development but later expanded to include the mental, social, physical, recreation, and vocational needs of both sexes. The collection consists of by-laws, correspondence, meeting minutes, schedules, press releases, and photographs.
Gaylord's Social Club Records, 1936-1980 (S0126)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
Joseph Chapman and Wayman Smith organized the Gaylord’s Social Club in St. Louis in September 1935. It was composed of young Black men who had grown up together, went to different colleges, and returned to St. Louis. In addition to enriching the social lives of its members, the club also makes contributions to charitable organizations.
Louis G. Geiger Papers, 1840s-2011 (CA6433)
2.5 cubic feet, 13 computer discs, 780 MB of digital files, 1 oversize item
Addition of family photographs and slides. Locations include Missouri, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, India, Thailand, and Europe. Includes World War II Navy photographs. Also includes scans of most images along with descriptions, publications, and personal and professional material of Louis G. Geiger and Mark Geiger.
Louis G. Geiger Papers, 1803-2002 (C4058)
17.5 cubic feet (355 folders)
Edna Gellhorn Scrapbook, 1922, 1937-1970 (S0642)
0.5 cubic foot, 1 folder, 1 scrapbook
The Edna Gellhorn Scrapbook contains photographs, newspaper clippings, and correspondence documenting St. Louis activist and suffragist Edna Gellhorn.
General Metal Products of St. Louis Records, 1904-1986 (S1085)
5 cubic feet
This collection contains meeting minutes, financial statements, and newspaper clippings of a St. Louis firm dedicated to producing metal products, including fenders, hood supports, and ordinance fuse liners.
Gentry Family Papers, 1828-1977 (C4026)
4.0 cubic feet (130 folders), 1 oversize volume
The papers of the Gentry family of St. Louis and central Missouri consist of correspondence, photographs, newspaper articles, genealogical material, certificates, poetry, and miscellaneous material of the Gentry, Denny, Estes, and Althouse families.
Gentry Family Papers, 1898-2012 (CA6514)
3 cubic feet
Addition of papers of a prominent family from St. Louis and central Missouri includes correspondence, news clippings, genealogical material, and miscellaneous material.
Alonzo Gentry Papers, 1901-1967 (K0827)
0.3 c.f.
The papers of Alonzo Gentry contain information about Gentry's career as an architect, primarily in the Kansas City area and pertain to particular buildings he designed as well as correspondence with clients. Also included are certificates awarded to Gentry, newspaper clippings relating to Gentry and members of his family, and numerous photographs of Gentry and his architectural projects.
North Todd Gentry Papers, 1837-1947 (C0049)
4.2 cubic feet (242 folders)
Papers of a Columbia, Missouri, lawyer and amateur local historian. Anecdotes, articles, speeches, and biographical sketches about events, people, and places in Columbia, Boone County, and Missouri. Family papers, correspondence, and some legal and business material.
George Family Papers, 1880-1989 (C4385)
2 cubic feet (85 folders, 1 oversize photograph)
Correspondence, personal material, photographs, research material, notes and scrapbooks concerning the George and other related families.