George Muehlbach & Sons Grocery Company Records, 1874-2003 (K0643)
7 c.f.
Organizational records including employee policies, legal agreements, publications and advertising materials, photographs of the grocery stores, and architectural drawings of a Kansas City area grocery store chain.. Also photographs of the family.
B. James George Collection, 1887-1975 (C3564)
5.2 cubic feet (70 folders, 16 oversize volumes)
The collection contains correspondence, clippings, photographs, diaries, and bound material on the George family, Quantrill, William H. Gregg, and civil rights, compiled and authored by a native of Jackson County, Missouri, whose father served in the Civil War under Quantrill.
B. James George Collection, 1832-1965 (C3361)
2.2 cubic feet (45 folders, 14 volumes)
B. James George Sr. Photograph Collection, 1855-1970 (P0010)
0.78 cubic feet (26 folders)
Large collection of copy photos and originals related to the George family, ancestor of donor rode with and was related to Jesse and Frank James. Includes images of James and Younger families, bushwhackers, and Quantrill's Raiders reunions.
Mrs. Vincent George Papers, 1941 (R0808)
(1 folder)
This collection consists of three letters to Mrs. Vincent George of Lynn, Massachusetts, from her newlywed daughter, Mary, who was on her honeymoon road trip to the Grand Canyon. One letter was written from Lebanon in Laclede County, Missouri.
Nicholas George Papers, 1930s-2000s (CA5993)
78 cubic feet, approx. 900 audio tapes, approx. 800 audio cassettes, 3 video cassettes, 13 films, 15 audio discs, 17 CDs
Office correspondence, wire copy, and news reports on audio tapes and cassettes of managing editor for ABC Radio News during the 1960s and 1970s. Tapes document most major events of this period including the Kennedy and King assassinations, Vietnam War, and space missions. The papers also contain materials from George's teaching career in the 1980s and 1990s.
Todd M. George Papers, 1890-1968 (C3770)
0.5 cubic feet (33 folders, 8 photographs)
Correspondence, newspaper articles, book manuscript, and photographs of a realtor from Lee's Summit, Missouri, who was an authority on the history of Jackson County and the Civil War. The typescript deals with George's memories of life in Jackson County, while the correspondence concerns primarily his business and family.
German Club Papers, 1903-1965 (C3360)
1.4 cubic feet (12 folders, 8 volumes)
The papers of the University of Missouri German Club and Modern Languages Division contain correspondence and minutes written in both English and German. The papers are partially translated and include programs, menus, elections, degree requirements, clippings, visitors, songs, photographs, and five woodcuts for German Christmas cards.
German English Evangelical Friedens Church (Hamburg, Mo.) Records, 1920-1940 (C0748)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Records of the German English Evangelical Friedens Church, Hamburg, MO, consisting of an undated church history and record books from the years 1920 to 1940. The record books contain the church constitution, membership records, cash receipt accounts, expenditure and collection records, minutes of directors meetings and annual meetings, and the cemetery fund records.
George Miles Gibson Jr. Papers, 1914-1980 (S0300)
7 cubic feet, 138 folders
The papers of George Miles Gibson contain correspondence, journals, sermons, and books documenting his career as a pastor, professor, and prolific writer. Also included in the collection are biographical and genealogical material about Gibson.
Gideon-Anderson Lumber and Mercantile Company Records, 1901-1985 (R0449)
21 folders MICROFILMED
This is an addition to the business records of the Gideon-Anderson Lumber & Mercantile
Company (see also R290), which operated at Gideon in New Madrid County, Missouri. Most of the
papers concern operations in 1901-1919, but there are also papers of a subsidiary operation, the
Gideon and North Island Railroad Company, 1903-1932, and historical materials on the firm to
Ona M. Gieschen Papers, 1935-2005 (K0562)
15 c.f.
Personal professional files and collected materials of former TWA hostess, supervisor and director of customer service, and historian of TWA. Also articles written by the Gieschen, histories and recollections by former employees, and correspondence between two pioneers of TWA, Hal Blackburn and Gordon "Parky" Parkinson. And research materials, photographs, and correspondence concerning Watts Mill and Dallas, MO.
Jerena East Giffen Papers, 1893-2008 (C4086)
2.0 cubic feet (72 folders), 3 video cassettes
The papers of a former journalist, educator, and author of several books on women in Missouri history.
Molly Levey Gilgus Papers, 1916-2012 (K0808)
0.5 c.f.
Personal papers including correspondence, speeches, certificates and awards, newspaper clippings, and photographs of Gilgus, an active member of B'nai B'rith Women (Jewish Women International).
M. E. Gillioz Collection, 1926-1994 (R0575)
0.1 cubic foot (4 folders)
The M. E. Gillioz Collection contains printed material and newspaper clippings concerning the life and career of M. E. Gillioz, a construction contractor and businessman from Monett, Barry County, Missouri.
Charles Gills Papers, 1891-1973 (R1451)
2 rolls (2 volumes)
The collection of Charles Gill contains diaries, writings, travelogues, magazine/newspaper articles, letters, expense records, photographs/post-cards, and many miscellaneous articles written or collected by Charles Gill.
George I. Gird Photographs, 1938-1952 (P0149)
208 photographs
B/w aerial views of Clayton, Hermann, Independence, Joplin, Kansas City, Nevada, St. Louis, Springfield, Webb City, and Weston from around 1955.
Cora S. Gladish Papers, 1885-1951 (CA5818)
1 cubic foot
Sheet music of compositions written and published by Cora Gladish of Higginsville, Missouri, related correspondence, biographical information, watercolors, photographs, and miscellaneous material. Also includes diaries of Ann Eliza Gladish and miscellaneous Gladish family material.
Dorothy and Herman Glass Papers, 1916-2000 (K0936)
0.07 c.f.
The collection consists of photographs, programs, and newsletters from B'nai B'rith and Hadassah along with a high school commencement program, yearbook, and newspaper clippings.
Glenn Farm Records, 1943-1995 (CA6087)
7 volumes
Farm ledgers kept by the Edward Glenn family in Pike County, Missouri from 1943 to 1995.
Frank Ivy Glenn and Ardis Couchman Glenn, Glenn Bookshop Records, 1920-2010 (K1267)
36 c.f.
The Bookshop was an internationally known antiquarian book store in Kansas City, MO that bought and sold collections of books and manuscripts and other rare items. Includes financial records, reference indexes, files on purchases and sales, inventory, appraisal files, customer lists, photographs, personal papers of the Glenns, and other related materials.
Robert H. Gneiser Papers, 1931-2008 (C4500)
1.25 cubic feet (43 folders, 9 oversize items, 2 audio tapes, 1 film reel)
Papers of a radio and television broadcaster include correspondence, clippings audiovisual material, drafts of novels, and miscellaneous personal and professional material.
Roy Godsey Papers, 1921-1967 (C3435)
0.2 cubic feet (11 folders)
The papers contain newspapers and other articles, mostly about agriculture and small towns in Missouri, by Roy Godsey, journalist and early air travel promoter; letters to Godsey from national and state officials; original manuscript of his novel, Aunt Betty; and miscellaneous items of interest to Godsey.
Townsend Godsey Photographs, 1928-1958 (P0153)
0.67 linear feet
Images of 1930s Jefferson City people and politicians, including many images of Governor Stark, and "Ozark personalities."
Golden Valley Horse Show Collection, 1945 (R0943)
(1 folder)
This is a program booklet for the Golden Valley Horse Show, held on September 11-12, 1945 at Clinton in Henry County, Missouri. The Clinton Chamber of Commerce sponsored the event, which was held at Artesian Park Stadium.
Rhetta Turkin Goldstein Papers, 1940-1998 (K1145)
0.1 c.f.
Goldstein was active in B'nai B'rith and the Jewish War Veterans, Missouri-Kansas, No. 605 Post and Auxiliary, among other Jewish organizations. Includes photographs, programs, clippings, correspondence, and publications.
Albert Irving Goller Papers, 1941-1998 (K0863)
4 c.f.
Goller was a principle with the Vile-Goller Fine Arts Printing & Lithographing Company and a civic leader in the Kansas City Jewish Community. Photographs, newspapers, films, VHS video tapes, newspaper clippings, letters, cards, invites, certificates, high school and college yearbooks, commemorative booklets.
Samuel David Goller and Edith Silberman Goller Papers, 1923-1960 (K1175)
0.25 cubic foot (10 folders, 12 negatives, 32 photographs, 1 photograph album)
The Samuel David Goller and Edith Silberman Goller Papers contain materials related to the Vile-Goller Printing Company, Jewish community activities and organizations, and a variety of personal photographs, including a photograph album compiled by Edith Goller.
Shirley Stolowy Goller Papers, 1924-1992 (K1189)
2 c.f.
Goller was an prominent Jewish civic leader in Kansas City, MO photographs, scrapbooks, diaries, and other documents related to Goller's life and many community activities.
Malvin R. Goode Papers, 1911-2001 (C1706)
8 cubic feet, 275 audio cassettes, 88 audio tapes, 11 video cassettes, 6 film reels
Malvin Russell Goode, Sr. was the first African American broadcast journalist at ABC News. The collection consists of letters, speeches, photographs, audio cassettes, reel-to-reel tapes, awards, and other miscellaneous items documenting his life, career, and African-American culture.
Goodhealth Shoe Company Records, 1921-1945 (R0727)
(1 roll of microfilm)
These are corporate records, mostly minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders, of the Goodhealth Shoe Company of Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri. Its purpose was to manufacture children's footwear and, after, to lease its factory to other manufacturers.
Jack Goodman Travel Account, 1944 (C3124)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Account of a journey from Hoboken, NJ, to Wimborne, England, in June 1944 on the troop ship LOUIS PASTEUR. Describes discomforts and crowded conditions of ocean voyage.
Stanley Goodman Papers, 1931-1992 (S0179)
41 cubic feet, 540 folders, 138 photographs
The Stanley Goodman papers document his life as a business, civic, and cultural leader in St. Louis, including his time as CEO of the May Department Stores Company (1969-1976); Consul to France (1971); president, St. Louis Symphony Society (1964-1970); member of Civic Progress, the City Plan Commission and Downtown St. Louis Inc. Included in this collection are Goodman’s speeches, and drafts of his book, How to Manage a Turnaround.
James Edward Goodrich Papers, 1904-1950 (K0383)
5 c.f.
Goodrich was an attorney, Jackson County Circuit Judge, Curator of the University of Missouri, and general counsel for the Commerce Trust Company. Includes business records and correspondence, along with personal receipts and correspondence to and from Goodrich. Some deal with the bankruptcy of businesses in Kansas City and annual reports, notices publications related to Commerce Trust Company and other local and national corporations.
James W. Goodrich Collection, 1770s-2001 (CA6053)
8 cubic feet, 8 rolls of microfilm
Papers and miscellaneous research material collected by the Director of the State Historical Society of Missouri. Includes correspondence; photographs, slides and negatives; newspaper clippings; issues of the Missouri Conservationist and Waterfowl magazines; research notes, and photocopies; Revolutionary War Orderly Book of Tertius Taylor, volumes 1 and 2 [bound and foldered]; and history and genealogy of Charles H. Taylor family [Goodrich maternal ancestry].
Dr. James Goodrich Photograph Collection, 1912-1955 (P0389)
0.2 linear feet
Photos of family and friends, mainly related to recreational activities (hunting and fishing). Copy prints of 1993 flooding, Townley Log House, hunting and fishing. Two postcards of Springfield, MO Hospital and Training School for Nurses and Courthouse, California, MO
William Hammock Goodson, Jr. Family Film Collection, 1947-1980 (K1290)
7 c.f.
Family home movies and documentaries
Goodwill Family Photograph Collection, 1940s (R1479)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Goodwill Family Photograph Collection contains an original photograph of KWTO Radio's Goodwill Family. KWTO hosted its own live musicians to circumvent the Federal Radio Commission's ban on playing recorded music.
Addie Aldridge Gordon Papers, 1855-1943 (K0068)
1 c.f.
This collection contains a portion of a manuscript written by Addie Aldridge Gordon, a woman born and raised in Cass County in the late 1800s and early 1900s, as well as other drafts, essays, notes, and assorted family papers.
Gordon-Cox Family Papers, 1784-1980 (K0156)
0.07 c.f.
Genealogical research, correspondence, and copies of the documents to prove the lineage, anecdotes and reminiscences about family members in the form of short stories, and clippings; death, birth, and marriage certificates; and photographs relating to family history in Clay County, MO.
Dorothy Gottlieb Papers, 1938-1986 (K1338)
.08 c.f.
photograph, materials relating to Gottlieb's involvement with Hadassah, Beth Shalom, clippings, awards
Philip Gottschalk Collection, 1863-1991 (C4247)
1.25 cubic feet (31 folders)
The Philip Gottschalk Collection contains research materials for his publication In Deadly Earnest and multiple versions of the original manuscript.
Sam Gould Collection, 1936-1995 (K1176)
0.02 c.f.
Research material relating to Congregation Tifereth Sforad and its successor, Kehilath Israel synagogue and publications on the history of the KI synagogue.
Grace Church Collection, 1944 (S1141)
0.25 cubic foot
Panoramic photograph of the 100th anniversary observance of Grace Church; annual report. 1944
Grace Episcopal Church (Jefferson City, Mo.) Records, 1840-1952 (C3013)
2 rolls of microfilm
Records of the Grace Episcopal Church of Jefferson City, MO, dating from 1840 to 1952. The records contain the parish registry, which includes various types of church records, as well as minute books for the church vestry.
Grace Hill Settlement House Records, 1906-1989 (S0554)
19 cubic feet, 766 folders, 306 photographs, 59 microfilm rolls
This collection provides an overall view of the history and operations of Grace Hill Settlement House, which was formed in St. Louis in 1939. The mission of Grace Hill Settlement House is to provide opportunities for individuals, families, and communities to be stronger, healthier, and more self-reliant. The collection includes histories, meeting minutes, annual reports, and correspondence.
Hugo Graf Papers, 1924-1994 (S0776)
58 cubic feet, 158 folders, 29 photographs
This collection contains correspondence, reports, drawings, and photographs from architect Hugo K. Graf and the architectural firm “Kramer and Harms.” The photographs are primarily of completed businesses and residences, while the drawings depict conceptual images of buildings, residences, and one drawing of a streamlined automobile from Lawncraft Incorporated. Also included in this collection are plans, specifications, and photographs of restorations of historic buildings in Missouri, including but not limited to Arrow Rock Tavern and the Governor Fletcher House restoration.
Hugh Gene Graff Papers, 1939-2007 (K0969)
4 c.f.
Graff was general manager of flying for Trans World Airlines (TWA) in Kansas City. Includes pilot training manuals, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, aeronautical maps, and ephemera.
Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Missouri, O.P. Morton Post No. 14 Records, 1882-1943 (C0141)
1.5 cubic feet
Correspondence, accounts, financial and membership records, and minutes of meetings of a Post organized in Joplin, MO, in 1882.