James E. McGhee Civil War Research Papers, 1848-2020 (CG0047)
6.0 c.f.
Research materials, mainly reproductions of originals, accumulated by James E. McGhee, who was a preeminent historian and Civil War scholar from Missouri. Photocopied material includes journals, correspondence, maps, images, chapters from books, essays, newspaper articles, and so on. There are also 11 CDs, two microfiche rolls, two panoramic photos, a WWI-era journal, and one flash drive containing research materials.
William E. McGready Papers, 1817-1875 (C1018)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Correspondence, legal papers, bills, receipts, and other miscellaneous items of the McGready Family of Potosi, Missouri.
Hayes McKinney Papers, 1789-1897 (C0146)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Six land grants, 1825-1836, signed by John Q. Adams and Andrew Jackson. Also several pamphlets, annual catalog of Bellevue Collegiate Institute and Episcopal Methodist College, 1873-1874, and two surveying textbooks.
William H. McLane Papers, 1836-1893 (C1020)
1.2 cubic feet
Personal and business correspondence of a merchant in Appleton and Clinton, MO, who also served as a representative in the Missouri General Assembly, curator of the University of Missouri, deputy U.S. marshal, and colonel in the Civil War.
James S. McLoed Papers, 1813-1903 (C3667)
0.2 cubic feet (15 folders)
Papers of James S. McLoed, his father, William, and family. McLoed was a farmer, carpenter, county clerk, justice of the peace, road commissioner, and school trustee in Calumet Township, Pike County, Missouri.
Allen McReynolds Papers, 1842-1970 (C3605)
6.0 cubic feet (515 folders), 3 audio tapes, 3 audio cassettes
The papers of a Carthage, Missouri, lawyer, state senator, Democratic candidate for governor, president of the State Historical Society of Missouri, and member of the University of Missouri Board of Curators. The correspondence concerns civic, legal, political and business interests, family, and friends. The papers include correspondence of the McReynolds family dating from the 1840s through the 1940s.
Edwin P. Meiners Collection, 1825-1960 (C3722)
7.1 cubic feet (407 folders)
The papers of a St. Louis physician and entomologist include personal correspondence with amateur and professional entomologists concerning entomology and the exchange of specimens for Meiners's insect collection and collections of correspondence of nineteenth and twentieth century entomologists, naturalists, and natural history organizations.
Memorial Methodist Church (St. Louis, Mo.) Records, 1844-1981 (C1071)
1.25 cubic feet
Records of the church from its beginning as the South St. Louis Mission (German Methodist) in 1844 to 1981. Includes quarterly conference reports and minutes; membership, baptism, and marriage records; church board and organization meeting minutes; Sunday School records; some financial records; and photographs.
Pierre Menard Sr. Collection, 1805-1905 (K0275)
0.5 c.f.
Microfilm of the Menard incoming and outgoing personal and professional correspondence in the Illinois State Historical Library and the Illinois Historical Survey. Letters deal with Menard's involvement in the fur trade and other businesses. Of particular interest are the letters from his daughter Berenice and her husband Francois Chouteau from their home at the mouth of the Kansas River.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Cape Girardeau and Circuit Records, 1848-1883 (C2986)
1 roll of microfilm
Quarterly conference minutes of the Cape Girardeau circuit in Missouri. Also included are some minutes for the Jackson and Perryville circuits in the same district. The minutes list members present, discuss church business, and list the amount of money collected by each member church and how it was spent. Also includes brief history of financial transactions during the 1870s.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, St. Louis Conference District Journals, 1845-1893 (C2994)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of Ste. Genevieve, Perryville, and York Chapel circuits of the St. Louis Conference District of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Includes minutes detailing church business and statements of funds collected from the churches. The journals cover the Ste. Genevieve circuit from 1845 to 1860, the Perryville circuit from 1864 to 1871, and the York Chapel circuit from 1881 to 1893.
Millar Family Papers, 1840-1899 (R0162)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Millar Family Papers contain photocopies of miscellaneous papers of the Millar family of Mississippi County, Missouri. The collection includes a diary of a trip from Scioto
County, Ohio to Mississippi County in 1840, land and tax papers, slave records, and receipts issued by the Missouri State Guard at New Madrid during the Civil War.
James Miller Papers, 1842-1896 (C3152)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Legal documents, political correspondence, receipts for services, and real estate transactions of James Miller, the estate of William Miller, and J. Porter English.
Miller-Stephens Family Papers, 1811-1960 (C3229)
0.3 cubic feet
Correspondence between members of the P.T. Miller family and the E.W. Stephens family, as well as Personal, business, and civic letters of Hugh Stephens. Several letters from 1811 to 1814, one 1839 letter, then resumes with a few Civil War letters. Traces the courtship of Nick E. Miller and Sallie "Birdie" Fisher until their marriage in 1874. Also includes the 1902 foreign travel letters of James H. Moss, a relative of the Stephens family.
Mine La Motte Records, 1840-1929 (R1347)
0.25 cubic foot (4 folders)
The Mine La Motte records document mining history in Mine La Motte, a town in Missouri's Old Lead Belt. The papers include maps, letters, and stock certificates.
James L. Minor Letter, 1843 (C1538)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To the Circuit Clerk of Boone County, Columbia, MO, from City of Jefferson, MO, Jan. 18, 1843.
Letter enclosing certified copy of an act passed by the 12th General Assembly and approved by Governor Thomas Reynolds. Act amended the practice of law and established the terms of Missouri circuit and justice courts and the St. Louis court of common pleas.
James L. Minor Letter, 1841 (C1602)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To [Roger N. Todd], Columbia, MO, from City of Jefferson, [MO], Feb. 23, 1841. Request to Boone County circuit court clerk for information about the Mormon difficulties, for state publication by secretary of state's office.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1781-1892 (C2293)
0.23 cubic feet (11 folders)
The collection contains poems, receipts, documents, newspapers and correspondence concerning business, law, appointments, teaching, politics, insurance, pensions, land, health, cholera, medicine, weather, news of friends and relatives, degrees, autographs, letter of introduction, and the Civil War: secession, orders and battles.
Missouri & Illinois Mineral & Land Company Records, 1834-1900 (R0058)
0.75 cubic foot (9 folders, 2 oversize folders
These are records of the acquisition and disposition of lands in a speculative industrial development scheme in Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Cape Girardeau, and Madison Counties in Missouri.
Missouri Auditor Receipts, 1822-1840 (C0136)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Certifications for the payment of salaries to members of the House of Representatives and Senate and various judicial officers.
Missouri Church Records, 1811-2024 (C0558)
123.3 cubic feet (1424 folders), 3 computer discs
The Missouri Church Records consist of newsletters, conference proceedings, reports, directories, journals, and other publications of various religious denominations in Missouri including the Methodist, Baptist, Disciples of Christ (Christian), Presbyterian, and Catholic churches.
Missouri Civil Register, 1820-1865 (C1784)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Lists appointments of U.S. senators, 1820-1864; U.S. representatives, 1820-1864; governors, 1820-1865; secretaries of state, 1820-1864; treasurers, 1820-1864; attorneys general, 1820-1865; Boone County justices of the peace, 1825-1845; supreme court justices, 1822-1864; circuit court judges, 1824-1861; and circuit attorneys, 1844-1851.
The Missouri Collection, 1771-2024 (C3982)
18.6 cubic feet (854 folders, 893 photographs), 37 oversize items, 9 audio cassettes, 7 audio discs, 9 CDs, 1 computer disc, 8 reels of film, 6 film strips, 9 DVDs, 3 video cassettes, 585 MB of digital files
The Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events.
Missouri College and University Print Materials, 1836-1986 (C4281)
12 cubic feet (322 folders), 13 oversize items
The materials contain pamphlets, catalogs, guides, speeches, programs, yearbooks, periodicals and books produced by Missouri colleges, universities, academies, and other educational institutions.
Missouri Historical and Philosophical Society Papers, 1849 (C1556)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Resolution passed by the Society authorizing the treasurer to draw appropriations from the state auditor of public accounts. Act passed by Missouri General Assembly appropriating $150 for the Society. Treasurer George W. Hough's receipt for a $150 warrant from the auditor of public accounts.
Missouri Judges Portraits, 1845-1938 (P1085)
Portraits of Missouri judges.
Missouri Land Records, 1843-1898 (C3680)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Abstract of title to lands in Johnson County, Missouri, 1898; land deeds, Henry and Johnson Counties, Missouri, 1843-1871.
Missouri Railroad Records, 1837-2006 (C2358)
39.3 cubic feet (441 folders)
The Missouri Railroad Records consist of reports, bulletins, pamphlets, proceedings, and other materials of railroads and related organizations that were in Missouri or its contiguous states.
Missouri State Old Time Fiddlers Association Collection, 1827-2002 (C3715)
0.4 cubic feet (80 folders), 39 audio cassettes, 10 video cassettes, 5 CDs, 1 audio disc
The collection contains field, commercial, and private label recordings, interviews, newsletters, brochures, broadsides, sheet music, audio and video cassettes, and correspondence of the association.
Missouri State Teachers Association Records, 1837-1997 (CA6123)
10.5 cubic feet, 6 oversize volumes
Records and official papers of the Missouri State Teachers Association. In May 1856, teachers met in St. Louis and established the first U.S. professional organization for state educators. The records include newsletters and other publications, historical materials, committee reports, and oversize scrapbooks.
Missouri State Treasurer Portraits, 1843-1957 (P0882)
large portraits of the State Treasurers of Missouri, including most treasurers from the time period from 1843 to 1960
Hermann, Missouri, Board of Trustees Records, 1799, 1837-1877 (C2992)
2 rolls of microfilm
Records, in German, of the German Settlement Society of Philadelphia, which founded Hermann. Include land records with maps, bylaws, lists of stockholders, incorporation records, trustees' minutes for 1852-1877, collector and treasurer records, and an architectural drawing of the Town School, 1855.
Montgomery County, Missouri, Bear Creek Township Justice of the Peace Docket Book, 1847-1852 (C3811)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record of court proceedings and stray livestock. Cases concern settlement of debts, loan repayments, damage suits, breach of the peace, and assault and battery. Donor-compiled index included.
Scotland County, Missouri, Justice of the Peace Docket, 1841-1848 (C1245)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
The collection contains a justice of the peace docket from Maidenkirk Township, Scotland County, Missouri. Includes names of defendants and plaintiffs and outcome of the cases. Some stray livestock records.
Warren County, Missouri, Clerk Record Book, 1833-1846 (C0888)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Certificates of marriage, registration of ear marks, and records of stray animals--horses, mules, hogs, etc. The strays were taken before a justice of the peace and appraised. Clerks were Carty Wells, 1833-1837; Joseph B. Wells, 1837-1841; and Eli Carter, 1842-1846.
Missouri. Webster County Papers, 1836-1840 (C2381)
0.26 cubic feet (13 folders)
Miscellaneous papers of Webster County, MO: county court papers; poll books, 1860-1861; farmers' income lists, 1865; election ballots, 1866-1868; road overseer's tax books, 1872; assessment lists, 1884-1892; marriage license applications, 1900-1924.
Missouri-Iowa Border Dispute Collection, 1815-1862 (R1374)
(1 folder)
The Missouri-Iowa Border Dispute records collect 23 miscellaneous documents relating to the disputed Missouri-Iowa border. The collection contains documents in French, English, and Spanish that pertain to the underlying causes of the conflict and the eventual resolution. The collection consists of letters, land deeds, and proclamations that deal with the background and events of the conflict.
Missouri. Auditor's Office Letterbook, 1831-1840 (C1168)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)
The collection contains the letterbook of the auditor of public accounts for Missouri, 1831-1840, from the auditors E. Barcroft, Henry Shurlds, Peter G. Glover, and Hiram H. Baber.
Missouri 2nd Circuit Court Judgments, 1821-1863 (C1072)
0.2 cubic feet (1 volume)
Information pertaining to cases presented in the court, including the names of the parties involved; date of judgment; nature of action; amounts of debts, damages, and costs; and the manner of satisfaction. Cases are listed alphabetically, and chronologically within, for the most part.
Missouri. Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings, 1845-1846 (C0889)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Debates on qualifications of Missouri governor, representation, banks and corporations, election of auditor, and elective judiciary. Record of proceedings of Missouri Constitutional Convention in Jefferson City, November 1845-January 1846.
Missouri. 13th General Assembly State University Visitation Committee Report, 1844-1845 (C1663)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Report gives brief history of the University, founding, finances, relationship with legislature, and recommended legislation. Senator Sinclair Kirtley was committee chairman.
Missouri. 14th General Assembly State University Visitation Committee Report, 1846-1847 (C1664)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Report gives resume of the University's functions. Joint chairmen were James S. Rollins for the Senate and Waldo P. Johnson for the House.
Missouri. Mississippi County Act, 1845 (C1751)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Act by the general assembly to provide for the organization of Mississippi County. Signed by C[laiborne] F[ox] Jackson, speaker of the house; James Young, president of the senate; and John C[ummins] Edwards, governor, 14 February 1845.
Missouri Mounted Volunteers 3rd Regiment, Company D Muster Roll, 1847-1848 (C1684)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Mexican War muster roll and letter from Lewis M. Means, Adjutant General, 10 May 1939, listing biographical information on Augustus Jones. Original in the Missouri Adjutant General's files.
Ewing Young Mitchell Jr. Papers, 1840-1949 (C1041)
0.4 cubic feet, 101 rolls of microfilm
Papers of a Springfield, MO, lawyer active in Democratic Party politics, who served as assistant secretary of commerce in Franklin Roosevelt's first administration. Material concerns family affairs, law practice with emphasis on county indebtedness, Ozark land speculation, and Democratic politics on the state and national levels.
Mockbee-Chiles Family Papers, 1842-1885 (K0473)
0.01 c.f.
Papers of the Thomas Mockbee and Elizabeth Ann (Eliza) Chiles Mockbee family. Includes letters, land deeds, bills of sale, documents and newspaper articles.
Montgomery County, Missouri, Danville Township Pollbooks, 1848-1851 (C1673)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Pollbooks for election of circuit attorney and special election of state senator, November 1848. Pollbook for election of county surveyor, supreme and circuit court officials, and the vote on a new courthouse building, August 1851.
Frederick W. Moody Collection, 1838-1869 (K0347)
0.01 c.f.
The collection contains the memoir of Frederick W. Moody. The memoir contains stories regarding his immigration to the United States from England in 1857, his travels to New Mexico, Colorado, and early life in Kansas City and Westport.
Lamine River Association of Regular Predestinarian Baptist Records, 1845-1882 (R0284)
0.1 cubic foot (7 folders)
The Lamine River Association of Regular Predestinarian Baptists Records contain the original and photocopied printed annual meeting minutes of the Lamine River Association, dated from 1845 to 1859 and 1877 to 1882. Known first as the Lamine River Regular Baptists Association, the organization was composed of churches in Bates, Camden, Cooper, Jackson, Johnson, Miller, Morgan, and Pettis counties in Missouri.