Putnam County, Missouri, Survey and Town Plats, 1844-1866 (C3440)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The collection contains negative photostats of an official survey, by township, of Putnam County, Missouri, 1844-1854, and plats of thirteen towns in the county showing blocks and street names, 1857-1866.
Railroad Stock Certificate Collection, 1835-1915 (R1485)
0.03 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Railroad Stock and Bond Certificates Collection consists of 70 stock and bond certificates for railroad companies in the United States and Canada.
John Ralls Papers, 1837-1848 (C2156)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of John Ralls contain typed copies of correspondence between John Ralls and his immediate family: wife, daughter Mary, brothers William and Nathaniel. One letter is written from Santa Fe about the Mexican War. Ralls genealogical data is also included.
Julian Sturtevant Rammelkamp Papers, 1800-1994 (S0568)
65 cubic feet, 202 folders, 39 photographs, 6 microfilm rolls
Julian Sturtevant Rammelkamp was a journalism historian, history teacher, and one-time chair of the history department at Albion College in Michigan. He authored "Pulitzer's Post-Dispatch," published in 1967. Included in the collection are note cards from his study of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Post, correspondence with major writers, and rare books.
Rankin Family Papers, 1834-1868 (C0393)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters and papers of a Boonville, MO, family concerned with the McFarland estate, Rankin estate, and the firm of William and Smith Rankin.
Rannells Family Papers, 1836-1914 (S0786)
4.4 cubic feet, 211 folders, 10 oversized items, 1 CD
The Rannells Family Papers contain correspondence, legal materials, account books, and household receipts relating to the real-estate business of Charles Rannells (1814-1877), as well as his son, Edward's, legal career.
Edward Chinn Ransdell Letters, 1824-1890 (C2649)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Twenty-one letters containing only family news.
George Rawick Papers, 1841-1988 (S0630)
36 cubic feet, 51 audio tapes, 24 photographs
The papers of George Rawick contain correspondence, writings, and publications relating to Rawick's research on slavery in the United States and his research on the American labor movement. Materials of interest include transcripts of slave narratives Rawick collected from the Writers Project of the Works Progress Administration.
Ray County, Missouri, Justice of the Peace Docket, 1836-1851 (C1215)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)
Docket includes names of defendants and plaintiffs, nature of complaint, and synopsis of case. Some marriages recorded. Justices were P. Ewell, W. Berry, and W.L. Bransford.
Peter Goodman Rea Papers, 1838-1899 (C0152)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Letters to a pioneer Presbyterian minister, containing early church history, and autobiography giving account of a trip on horseback to Texas in 1849-1850. Originals are in the possession of the donor.
Allen Walker Read Papers, 1835-2002 (C4033)
82 cubic feet (2127 folders), 11 oversize items, 2 audio tapes, 6 audio cassettes
The papers of Allen Walker Read contain the personal and professional papers of a prominent etymologist, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, teaching and research materials, writings, and records pertaining to his involvement in linguistic organizations and conferences.
Logan Uriah Reavis Papers, 1844-1888 (S0066)
1 microfilm roll
The Logan Uriah Reavis Papers consists of microfilmed correspondence written and received by Logan Uriah Reavis, a St. Louis businessman and civic booster who, from 1876 to 1889, lobbied to move the nation's capital from Washington, D.C. to St. Louis, Missouri.
Mabel Reed Collection, 1847-1872 (R0044)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Mabel Reed Collection contains letters of the Dace family in Missouri from relatives in Texas and Wisconsin.
Regenhardt Family Papers, 1809-1980 (CG0036)
1.2 c. f.
The Regenhardt Family Papers include Civil War muster rolls of the 56th Enrolled Missouri Militia, McNeely family Bible records, Regenhardt Construction Company papers related to the building of Academic Hall on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University, and postcards of Academic Hall.
Renshaw and McLin Family Papers, 1845-2000 (SP0087)
4 cubic feet (61 folders, 3 volumes, 1 oversize box)
The Renshaw and McLin Family Papers contain the personal papers of the Renshaw and McLin families of Cave Spring, Missouri, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, and genealogical material. The collection also consists of records related to Mount Zion Presbyterian Church located in Cave Spring.
Reuben Smith & Company Records, 1836-1865 (R0645)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Reuben Smith & Company Records contain a ledger from Reuben Smith & Company, a mercantile firm at Selma in Jefferson County, Missouri. The volume contains a listing of lands patented and rules for mining in Harmony Township in Washington County, Missouri, 1836-1845, and invoices for goods purchased by Reuben Smith & Company, primarily at Selma in Jefferson County, Missouri, 1837-1846.
Thomas C. Reveley Class Materials, 1841-1842 (C0620)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Syllabus and notes prepared for the studies of those attending lectures on Materia Medica and Pharmacy, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. Contains source, description, and use of various medicines.
John Reynolds Letter, 1840 (C2780)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To the Secretary of the Navy, Mar. 30, 1840. Letter recommending William W. Reynolds for appointment as midshipman in the U.S. Navy.
Thomas Reynolds Papers, 1842-1843 (C1737)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Thomas Reynolds contain a certification of Lewis F. Linn's election as U.S. Senator from Missouri, and recommendations of persons to complete the unexpired term after Linn's death in 1843.
Thomas Reynolds Papers, 1841-1842 (C1770)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Thomas Reynolds contain Photostats of petitions for prison pardons, including one letter from David Rice Atchison requesting a shorter sentence for two men and discussion of other matters.
Thomas Reynolds Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1843 (C3206)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copy of proclamation setting Thursday, 13 November 1843, as Thanksgiving Day.
Thomas Reynolds Certification, 1840 (C1633)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Certified list of the Missouri presidential and vice-presidential electors: Abraham Byrd, Edward Dobyns, James Holman, and Walter G. Meriwether.
Rhea Church Records, 1844-1900 (R0123)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Rhea Church Records contain letters of recommendation for individuals joining the Rhea Church in southern Phelps County, Missouri. Baptist churches in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri issued most of the letters.
A. Stacy Rhodes Collection, 1834-1940 (C3780)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains miscellaneous letters between Rhodes family members and genealogical notes on the Rhodes family. A. Stacy Rhodes was a resident of St. Louis, Missouri.
Montana Rice Papers, 1836-1867 (C0396)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain positive photostats of the following: two letters from John Y. Rankin, Confederate soldier, describing the last two years of the Civil War; two letters to John Rice of Palmyra, Missouri, one of which is from Thomas Marlin; deeds of gold claims in Utah Territory and Montana for William Rice.
Channing Richards Papers, 1835-1863 (C2167)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of Channing Richards contain correspondence between Channing Richards and his wife Lydia Williamson Richards, 1835-1842. The letters discuss social and family activities in New Jersey and Ohio; business as a grain merchant; transportation; and weather. Also included is a letter from Channing Richards, Jr., Union soldier, 1863.
William A. Richards Letters, 1841-1854 (C1759)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters from Missouri to his brothers in Richmond, VA, and New York City.
William H. Richardson Diary, 1846-1847 (C0899)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Diary of a volunteer under the command of Alexander Doniphan in the Mexican War. Richardson left Carrollton, Missouri, in August 1846 and reached Monterey in May 1847. By July he had returned to his home in Maryland.
Rickman Family Papers, 1778-1978 (C4177)
0.6 cubic feet (34 folders)
The papers consist of genealogical materials pertaining to the Rickman and corollary families [Fristoe, Henderson, Higgins, Tatum, Thomas, Twyman, Wilson] of North Carolina, Virginia, and St. Clair County, Missouri. The material includes genealogical charts and corresponding notebook, birth announcements, census records, death certificates and obituaries, photographs, newspaper clippings, and correspondence. 1778-1978.
Julia B. Slemons Harrison Riedel Papers, 1600-1990 (K1022)
5 c.f.
Genealogical research on the Slemons, Gardner, Lyles, also biography, Brigadier General William F. Slemons. C.S.A.: His Ancestors and Descendants, by Riedel
Zadok Riggs Stray Notice, 1840 (C1476)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Stray notice posted by Zadok Riggs before Y.E. Hicks, justice for Rocky Fork Township, Boon[e] County, MO. Stray steer appraised at $12 by James Bryson and Samuel Riggs.
Andrew H. Ringo Papers, 1834-1870 (C1867)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Memorandum book; notes on MISSOURI vs. MOSES MC LELLAN; tax receipts; accounts; notice of sheriff's sale of land and slaves in Richmond, Ray County, MO; oath of loyalty of Ringo, exemption from military duty, 1862; military passes; and promissory notes.
Friedrich Wilhelm Ritter Papers, 1839-1929, 1962 (C1779)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The Friedrich Wilhelm Ritter Papers contain photocopies of the papers of a German immigrant and the Ritter family of Shelby County, Missouri. The papers include obituaries, poetry, recipes, accounts, correspondence, naturalization documents, Ritter's will, and other papers. The collection is in German and English and is part of the German Heritage Archives.
John Lewis RoBards Papers, 1832-1922 (C3609)
0.2 cubic feet (15 folders)
Papers and genealogy of a prominent lawyer, writer and orator of Hannibal, Missouri. Includes incomplete journal of overland trip to California in 1849.
Richard D. Robinson Collection, 1830s-2000s (CA5805)
14.2 cubic feet
Materials of a professor in the College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia, whose primary research areas were the history of literacy, teacher education, and reading theory. Includes historical school primers, professional correspondence, publications, and miscellaneous papers.
Rocky Fork Primitive Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Minutes, 1821-1921 (C1319)
0.34 cubic feet (3 volumes)
Articles of faith, rules of decorum, letters of admission and dismission, membership lists, and minutes of church meetings.
Hardin Rodgers Record Book, 1835-1852 (C4496)
0.1 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record book of Dr. Hardin Rodgers, a doctor in Carroll County; includes patient accounts and reasons for medical visits. The record mentions Rodgers conducting medical examinations on slaves. The record also contains minutes of Commission of Carroll County School district No. 3 of which Rodgers was a member. The record book also features information on the distribution of Dr. Hardin Rodgers and Samuel Sturgis’ estates. Finally, the record features Rodgers' comments on the election of 1840 and the implementation of a metallic standard for currency.
Roff Family Papers, 1844-1888 (C0392)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Documents concerning land transactions in Shelby County, Missouri. Four deeds, five checks, and two memorial poetry cards.
Rogers-Banks Family Papers, 1820-1878 (C2339)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Papers of the Banks and Rogers families of Marion County, Missouri. Record book of Dr. Lynn Stanton Banks, physician and surgeon. Collection includes business and legal papers, Baptist church minutes, and physician records.
James S. Rollins Papers, 1546, 1809-1968 (C1026)
3.3 cubic feet (222 folders, 1 volume); also available on 11 rolls of microfilm
The papers of James S. Rollins, a Boone County, Missouri, lawyer, politician, businessman, and curator of University of Missouri include correspondence with family, business and political associates, and George Caleb Bingham and other friends. The papers cover state, national, and Whig party politics from 1830 through the 1880s, the Civil War in Missouri, internal improvements and the North Missouri Railroad, and education at University of Missouri.
James Sidney Rollins Record Book, 1834-1868 (C2150)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
Rollins, a Boone County, MO, lawyer, businessman, and politician, was influential in securing the location of the University of Missouri at Columbia. Record book contains personal and business accounts.
Rowland Family Papers, 1844-1893 (C2244)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copies of letters from Robert A. Rowland to his wife Olive in Howard County, MO, while he was enroute (1849) and in California (1850) and during his imprisonment and banishment to Illinois during the Civil War. Also includes miscellaneous letters from other family members and newspaper article describing death of and memorial services for I.N. Rowland (1893).
Dora Pelagie Rozier Sheet Music Collection, 1828-1890 (R0237)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Dora Pelagie Rozier Sheet Music Collection contains microfilm copies of sheet music for piano and Spanish guitar college by Dora Pelagie Rozier and Emily Pelagie Janis Rozier of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. Included are four musical periodicals and a handwritten transcription by Marie Zoe Vallé Rozier.
Russell Family Papers, 1837-1938 (R0330)
0.1 cubic foot (5 folders)
The Russell Family Papers include correspondence, legal papers, tax receipts, lists of household purchases, and miscellaneous papers of Cyrus Russell (1795-1860), and his sons Cyrus Russell (1819-1905) and Theodore Pease Russell (1827-1889) of Arcadia in Iron County, Missouri.
Joseph William Russell Letter, 1847 (C1640)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter to Mary L. Russell, Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, MO, from Chicago, [IL], July 4, 1847. Russell, at a convention in Chicago as a member of the Cape Girardeau delegation, wrote his wife about the convention, the crowds, American House, and Chicago, and listed the Cape Girardeau delegates.
Sol Smith Russell Papers, 1848-1902 (C3625)
1.7 cubic feet (42 folders, 3 oversize volumes)
Newspaper clippings, reviews of stage plays, correspondence, and scrapbooks on the life and career of a popular comedian of the late 1800s, and his contemporaries.
Thomas T. Russell Letter, 1845 (C1639)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter to John Huey, Huntsville, AL, from Boonville, MO, Oct. 20, 1845. Russell, a young doctor from St. Louis, wrote Huey about moving to Alabama and establishing a medical practice. The letter discusses Russell's education and medical practice in St. Louis.
Sailer Family Papers, 1833-1939 (R1405)
0.04 cubic foot (4 folders, 25 negatives)
The Sailer Family Papers contain copies of the personal papers and photographs of the Sailer family of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. This collection includes images of the Sailer family and extended family, correspondence, newspaper articles, land records, birth records, and local history research for Cape Girardeau and Rolla, Missouri.
Saint Mary's Jesuit Mission and College Records, 1832-1967 (K0330)
0.02 c.f.
Records of the Jesuit mission to the Potawatomi Indians located in present Linn County, KS, which moved to present Pottawatomie County, KS and became St. Mary's College (Saint Marys, KS.). Mission and college records, reports sent to superiors, and priests' diaries. Includes early missionary records of births, deaths and marriages in Buchanan, Clay, and Jackson Counties, MO.
Sainte Genevieve Academy Records, 1808-2001 (R1394)
0.3 cubic foot (14 folders)
The Sainte Genevieve Academy Records consist of photocopied documents pertaining to the founding of and preservation of the Academy, also known as the Old Louisiana Academy in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. These records include a history of the school, construction records, land records, and records kept by the Foundation for the Restoration of Ste. Genevieve during the preservation of the school.