University of Missouri Fortnightly Club Records, 1894-2022 (C3670)
4.4 cubic feet (77 folders), 34 oversize volumes, 2 card files, 1 video cassette, 3 audio cassettes
The records of the Fortnightly Club, a women’s organization for wives of University of Missouri faculty and female faculty members, which consist of materials surrounding membership and recruitment, finances, board meetings, committees and interest groups, and events and trips. Also included are bulletins and newsletters published by the group.
University of Missouri Photograph Collection, 1848-1995 (P0088)
272 photographs
An artificial collection of photographs of the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri, its students, faculty, and administrators.
University of Missouri, Agricultural Experiment Station Records, 1888-1918 (C2563)
0.34 cubic feet (4 volumes)
Records and data on agricultural experiments at the experiment station.
University of Missouri, Black Theatre Workshop Records, 1982-1993 (C4710)
0.2 cubic foot (17 folders), 2 oversize items
Programs, posters, photographs, correspondence, production reviews, and other materials relating to workshop performances.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Resident Wives Club Records, 1941-1997 (C4436)
1.0 cubic feet (22 folders), 4 oversize volumes, 2 audio cassettes
The records of the Resident Wives Club (1941-1996) of the University of Missouri College of Agriculture include financial documents, event planning materials, membership lists, meeting minutes and reports, and photographs.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Social Studies Club Records, 1914-1992 (C4166)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders), 1 oversize volume
History, constitution, by-laws, meeting minutes, photographs, cards, and newspaper articles of a women’s club composed of the wives of University of Missouri, College of Agriculture professors.
University of Missouri, Department of Home Economics Records, 1886-1962 (C0993)
0.8 cubic feet
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers concerning faculty, facilities, alumni, curriculum, and department bulletins.
Bulk of the material consists of bulletins and reports of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Extension Service.
University of Missouri, Department of Physics Records, 1880s-1990s (CA4799)
54 cubic feet, 5 oversize items, 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, departmental records, teaching and research materials, and materials related to the National Science Foundation Summer Institute and the O.M. Stewart Fund.
University of Missouri, Legion of Black Collegians Records, 1974-1993 (C4184)
0.4 cubic feet (18 folders)
The records of a Black college student organization consist of conference material, newsletters, guides, pamphlets, newspaper articles, applications, election ballots, questionnaires, flyers, notes, and artifacts.
University of Missouri, Missouri State Military School Records, 1889-1965 (C3554)
7.7 cubic feet (49 folders, 40 volumes)
Photographs; military manuals and pamphlets; newspaper clippings; letterbook; records of marksmanship, merits and demerits, cadet appointments, cadet rosters, orders, and company morning reports; and scrapbook of newspaper articles and photographs of military training program at the University of Missouri.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Black Studies Program Records, 1961-1992 (C4125)
4.5 cubic feet (220 folders)
The papers of the Black Studies Program at the University of Missouri-Columbia include correspondence, programs, project proposals, articles, clippings, and photographs.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri Cultural Heritage Center Records, 1978-1992 (C4053)
15.0 cubic feet (402 folders), 39 audio cassettes, 3 video cassettes, 72 audio tapes
The Missouri Cultural Heritage Center records contain the correspondence, grants, working files, and research materials that support Center projects and publications.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri Folk Arts Program Records, 1982-2012 (C4035)
32.0 cubic feet (1000 folders), 2132 audio cassettes, 69 audio tapes, 82 video cassettes, 3 oversize volumes
The records of the Missouri Folk Arts Program contain documentation of the annual work and various programming administered by the organization. The records include fiscal information, contracts with artists, press clippings and releases, publications, exhibit documentation, correspondence, working files, and files on folk and traditional artists. The records also include photographs, audio, and video that document folk and traditional arts, artists, and events.
Univeristy of Missouri-St. Louis Public Policy Library on St. Louis Collection, 1940-1990 (S0999)
4.8 cubic feet
The University of Missouri-St. Louis Public Policy Library on St. Louis Collection consists of studies and reports regarding the formation and growth of Missouri state and local governments, including the St. Louis Metropolitan Area.
US Pilots Association Records, 1978-2007 (S0645)
41 cubic feet
The United States Pilot Association is a national umbrella organization of state pilot associations, member-controlled, with approximately 8000 individual, affiliated, and associate members throughout the United States that promote safety and education in the aviation community. It began after the December 1980 dissolution of the National Pilots Association, a group organized to provide facilities for to promote advances in aeronautics, due to a lack of sufficient funds to serve its membership. USPA's registered office resides in St. Louis, Missouri, and its current records are maintained in Branson, Missouri. The collection includes correspondence, subject files, newsletters, and videotapes.
US-China Peoples Friendship Association-Midwest Region Records, 1978-2012 (K0608)
10 c.f.
Organizational records including correspondence, newsletters, minutes, membership applications and lists, newspaper clippings, and books and magazines concerning the US and China. Also includes educational motion picture film and video about China and the Far East.
USS Schley Oral History Project Records, 1997-1998 (C4068)
0.1 cubic feet (6 folders), 7 audio cassettes, 1 CD, 1 computer disc
The records of USS Schley Oral History Project contain the audio files and transcripts of interviews with four veterans of the USS Schley. The crew of the USS Schley consisted largely of Missourians. Also included is related documentation on the USS Schley.
Kathleen Van Buskirk Papers, 1845-2003 (SP0096)
7 cubic feet (294 folders, 1 video cassette, 21 audio cassettes, 2,271 photographs, 2,607 negatives, 327 slides)
The Kathleen Van Buskirk Papers contain manuscripts, correspondence, research, genealogy, cemetery records, publications, and photographs from Kathleen Van Buskirk, a journalist and regional historian who spent most of her career writing about the people, culture, and history of the Ozarks and White River Valley.
Kathleen Van Buskirk Papers, c. 1870s-1990s (CA6208)
6 cubic feet, 1 video cassette
Manuscripts and research materials of an author who wrote about the Ozarks. Includes records of the Taneyhills Library Club of Branson, Missouri, and genealogy files on several families.
Van Horn Tavern Collection, 1829-2013 (C4634)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders, 1 CD)
The collection contains clippings, photographs, correspondence, an appraisal, and miscellaneous material concerning the Van Horn Tavern in Boone County, Missouri, compiled by Patrick Dougherty. Includes an audio interview with Fergene Goddin Sims, whose family lived in the tavern in the early 1900s.
Charles Van Ravenswaay Papers, 1841-1990 (C3873)
21.8 cubic feet (1,359 folders), 1 audio cassette
Correspondence, research notes, photographs, and literary manuscripts of historian and author Charles van Ravenswaay, former director of the Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis; Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Massachusetts; and the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum and Gardens, Wilmington, Delaware.
Kathryn Brossard Clarke Varnell Oral History, 1922-1992 (S0632)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains an oral history of Kathryn Brossard Clarke. She discusses her experiences in St. Louis with her son, John Rodney Clarke.
Margaret Ray Vickery Papers, 1887-1974 (R0366)
1 cubic foot (34 folders, 4 rolls of microfilm)
The Margaret Ray Vickery Papers consist of clippings, correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous historical research material, most of which pertain to her award-winning weekly column, “Sugar and Spice,” published by the Salem News, 1952-1971. The collection also includes papers of the Vickery and Ray families.
Video Collection, 1990-2011 (S0832)
1 cubic foot, 34 videotapes
The Video Collection consists of VHS tapes, DVDs and other video formats of recordings pertaining to St. Louis history. Topics of interest include the Gateway Arch, Fran Landesman, Pruitt-Igoe, and the Saint Louis Zoo. Also included in this collection are oral histories staff members conducted with Judith Styx, James Neal Primm, and Irene Cortinovis.
Elaine Viets Papers, 1967-2018 (S1239)
12 cubic feet
The Elaine Viets Papers contains correspondence, copy-edited manuscripts, photographs, books, and newspaper clippings pertaining to her career as a columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1972-1997) and mystery writer of the Francesca Vierling, Dead-End Job, and Josie Marcus, Mystery Shopper series. Materials of interest include correspondence from fans of Viets’s mystery novels wishing her well after her stroke in 2007, as well as photographs from Viets’s book tours and the set of Viets Beat, a KMOV talk show Viets hosted in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Also included in this collection are scrapbooks containing Viets’s columns for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, written between 1972 and 1995. The newspaper clippings are incomplete, however, as they do not contain her St. Louis Post-Dispatch columns written from 1996 to 1997.
Village Shalom Collection, 1900-2005 (K1315)
14.5 c.f.
papers and photographs from the first 100 years of this retirement community
Eugene Morrow Violette Collection, 1806-1921 (C1033)
0.4 cubic feet
The papers of Eugene Morrow Violette contain papers collected by a professor of history in Missouri and Louisiana concerning land claims in the Louisiana Territory, 1806-1808; transcript of the inquest of the 5th Circuit Court of Missouri into charges against Joseph Smith, Jr., and other Mormons in Missouri, 1838; papers concerning the Missouri and Mississippi Railroad; and miscellaneous note cards.
John Diedrich Voerster Collection, 1802-2002 (S1115)
0.5 cubic foot
The John Diedrich Voerster collection includes family tree data for the Voerster family. Also included in this collection is family tree data from the descendants of John Diedrich Voerster (1802-1878), Engelbert Voerster (1842-1908), and John Voerster (1870-1936). The collection also includes forty-six photographs of Voerster family members.
Harold L. Volkmer Papers, 1960-1996 (C4022)
16 cubic feet
The papers of Harold L. Volkmer, member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Missouri's 9th District, include correspondence, bills and resolutions, press releases, hearings, subcommittee briefs and reports, research and studies, pamphlets, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, speeches, and amendments and testimonials. Also included is material on the McClure-Volkmer Bill (also known as the Firearm Owner's Protection Act), the 1993 flood disaster, dioxin contamination, hazardous and radioactive waste material at Weldon Spring, Missouri, and farmer's claims resulting from the Cannon Dam Flood in 1982.
Betsy Wade Papers, 1986-2012 (CA6162)
2.4 cubic feet, 2 audio cassettes
Betsy Wade wrote a travel column for The New York Times, was head of the Times foreign copy desk during the Vietnam War, and an editor of the Pentagon Papers. The collection largely concerns the Journalism and Women Symposium. Correspondence, newsletters, and audio cassettes are also included.
Herb Waerckle Papers, 1942-2000 (S1008)
1 cubic foot, 6 photographs
The papers of Herb Waerckle contain family histories and a scrapbook pertaining to Waeckerle's career as a journalist for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat and as well as his career in public relations working for the Schnucks and Monsanto.
Lisa Wagaman Papers, 1974-1992 (S0542)
6.4 cubic feet, 112 folders
The Lisa Wagaman papers contain meeting minutes, publications, buttons, posters, flyers, t-shirts, and newspapers relating to her activism in St. Louis's LGBTQ community. Also included in this collection are early records of the Mid-Continent Life Services, Inc.
William Wagner Papers, 1883-1966 (K0016)
1 c.f.
Materials relating to William Wagner's personal life and to his career with the Postal Service in Kansas City, Missouri. Also in the papers are materials which belonged to Wagner's father, Joseph M. Wagner who was an architect/builder; and his mother, Minna (Schiller) Wagner.
Mark Waldemer Labor Collection, 1920-1997 (S1193)
2 cubic feet
This collection contains labor agreements, correspondence, news articles, and photographs documenting Mark Waldemer's labor activism.
Waldensian United Presbyterian Church of Monett Records, 1956-1991 (R1359)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Waldensian United Methodist Church of Monett Records contains photocopied newspaper articles detailing the history of the Waldensian faith and the history of the Waldensian church in Monett, Missouri.
Mildred Wallhausen Papers, 1949-2002 (CG0050)
2.1 c.f.
The Mildred Wallhausen Papers is a collection of various articles, correspondence, pictures, programs, and newsletters with a primary focus on local African American peoples of Southeast Missouri. There are many negatives and photographs of Black churches and church leaders, integrated youth sports leagues, integration protests and projects, Lincoln High School before it was demolished, and assorted individuals; programs from funerals and churches; and newspaper clippings from the 1950s-1990s from papers like The Enterprise-Courier, which Mildred helped run, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Standard Democrat, the Chicago Defender, the Southeast Missourian, the Charleston Spokesman, and others. The collection also contains scrapbooks with clippings from Millie's Soap Box column, with dates from 1970-2002.
Walling Family Papers, 1895-1993 (R1396)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders, 15 photographs)
The Walling Family Papers include family photographs and genealogical research on the Cook, Hutson, and Walling families.
Joseph H. "Jack" Wally, Jr. Collection, 1933-2005 (K0329)
30 c.f.
Wally was a professional photographer with the Kansas City Journal, a businessman, and an inventor. Photographs of famous local and national individuals. Places and events. Motion picture film of family activities and Wally's interests in trains and aviation. Also materials relating to his interests and the production and promotion of his businesses and inventions.
Martin Walsh Papers, 1904-2005 (S0834)
0.8 cubic foot, 25 folders
The Walsh Papers Collection consists of brochures, books, photographs, booklets, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets, relating to the history of St. Louis, earthquakes, and the space program.
Fred Wappel Papers, 1938-1992 (C4674)
2.0 cubic feet (68 folders)
The papers of Fred Wappel, a former head athletic trainer at the University of Missouri, include material relating to the university’s athletic department, general correspondence, papers from the National Athletic Trainers Association, and reference materials on athletic training and rehabilitation.
Ward Parkway Estates Garden Club Records, 1957-1992 (K0331)
0.5 c.f.
Organizational records of a now disbanded Garden Club in Kansas City, MO. Includes board and regular meeting minutes, financial records, attendance lists, a small amount of correspondence, yearbooks, and photographs.
Washington Press Club Foundation, Women in Journalism Oral History Project Records, 1987-1994 (C3958)
4.4 cubic feet (289 folders)
The records of the Washington Press Club Foundation, Women in Journalism Oral History Project includes transcripts of interviews with fifty-three women journalists whose careers span from the 1920s to the 1990s.
Arthur Washington Papers, 1929-1995 (S1113)
1 cubic foot, 72 folders, 52 photographs
The Arthur Washington Papers contains student handbooks, school programs, memos, certificates, and photographs pertaining to Washington's involvement in Sumner High School's academic and athletic programs. The collection also documents Washington's involvement with Alpha Phi Alpha, the Archdiocesan Development Appeal, and the campaign to revitalize the Ville neighborhood.
Waters Family Papers, 1860s-2021 (CA6619)
0.1 cubic feet
Photographs, correspondence, and genealogical material concerning the Joseph C. Waters family of Boone County, Missouri.
Richard A. Watson Papers, 1970s-1990s (CA6074)
9.5 cubic feet, 2 oversize items, 1 audio cassette
Research materials of the University of Missouri political science professor who studied the presidential veto and political nomination process.
Weathers Family Papers, 1868-1991 (C4014)
3.0 cubic feet (71 folders), 1 audio cassette
The papers document the lives of Virginia “Kate” and Benton H. Weathers of Howard County, Missouri, and the lives of their children and grandchildren. In addition to genealogical materials on the Weathers, Duncan, and Grigsby families, the collection includes some materials on the Weathers Lumber and Hardware Store in Fayette, Missouri, and the Missouri Polled Hereford Association Records.
Weathers Family Papers, 1920s-2000s (CA6216)
32 cubic feet, 3 audio tapes
Addition of family papers, primarily from Gene Weathers of Fayette, Missouri. Includes correspondence and teaching materials for the blind.
Weavers Guild of Greater Kansas City Records, 1954-2009 (KA2441)
4 c.f.
The Weavers Guild of Greater Kansas City Records contains historical records pertaining to the establishment and operation of the organization.
Webster Groves High School Memorabilia Collection, 1960-2015 (S1203)
0.25 cubic feet
This collection consists of Webster High School yearbooks, newspaper clippings, obituaries, and a photograph.
Webster Groves Nature Study Society Bulletins, 1996-1998 (S1010)
1 cubic foot
This collection consists of Issues of Nature Notes, the Bulletin of the Webster Groves Nature Society, Vol. 68, No. 6-Vol. 70, December 1998.