

Stephen R. Raiche Papers, 1864-1989 (S0623)
0.4 cubic foot, 10 folders

 Finding Aid

The Stephen R. Raiche Papers contain research notes and printed material about St. Louis neighborhoods including Lafayette Park/Square, Soulard Neighborhood and Soulard Market, and an Architectural Survey of LaSalle Park Area.


Homer Price Rainey Papers, 1919-1952 (C0032)
23.4 cubic feet (1,964 folders), 3 volumes, 77 audio cassettes, 1 audio disc

 Finding Aid

The personal papers and correspondence of Rainey cover his career as an educator; his directorship of the American Youth Commission; the struggle for academic freedom at the University of Texas; his campaign for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in Texas; and the administration of Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. The scrapbooks contain news clippings, articles, and family genealogy.

Harry T. Rall Photograph Collection, 1879-1976 (P0622)
18 photographs

Photos of Thomas Jefferson and Nathaniel Lyon monuments, and the Chicago & Alton Railroad bridge at Glasgow, MO.



Ralls County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1951 (P1148)

An artificial collection of photographs of Ralls County, Missouri.



Beulah Ralph Photograph Collection, 1946-1970 (P0516)
10 photographs

Copy photos of Boone County, with focus on the African American community, including images of Douglass School and early black police officers.


Jack Leonard Ralston Papers, 1874-1996 (K0424)
21 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Research materials, magazine articles that Ralston wrote, books, and sheet music for the Organ that he collected and some he wrote. Much of the material is religious in nature. Also correspondence, scrapbooks, and material that discusses Ralston's personal life and career as music librarian.


Julian Sturtevant Rammelkamp Papers, 1800-1994 (S0568)
65 cubic feet, 202 folders, 39 photographs, 6 microfilm rolls

 Finding Aid

Julian Sturtevant Rammelkamp was a journalism historian, history teacher, and one-time chair of the history department at Albion College in Michigan. He authored "Pulitzer's Post-Dispatch," published in 1967. Included in the collection are note cards from his study of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Post, correspondence with major writers, and rare books.



Robert L. Ramsay Papers, 1918-1953 (C3230)
2.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, notes, rough drafts, revisions, and proof sheets for place names series with emphasis upon Missouri place names. Newspaper clippings about Ramsay and the place name articles. Small volumes of notes and prints pertaining to his academic classes, and sample student themes and bibliographies.

Randolph County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1894-1951 (P1144)

An artificial collection of photographs of Randolph County, Missouri.



Robert Rankin Papers, 1937-1992 (S0252)
20 cubic feet, 835 folders

 Finding Aid

The papers of Robert Rankin contain correspondence, articles, meeting minutes, and reports chronicling her career as vice president of the Danforth Foundation, where he focused on issues dealing with spirituality and ministry on college campuses. Subjects of interest include campus ministries, higher education, African Americans, women, and disabilities.


Mazÿck Porcher Ravenel Papers, 1884-1958 (C0578)
1.7 cubic feet (108 folders), 1 card file

 Finding Aid

The papers of a bacteriologist and teacher, including correspondence, notes, and other material. Information on disease research, health organizations, other scientists, World War I army life, the University of Wisconsin in 1914, and the effects of World War II on Columbia, Missouri.

George Rawick Papers, 1841-1988 (S0630)
36 cubic feet, 51 audio tapes, 24 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers of George Rawick contain correspondence, writings, and publications relating to Rawick's research on slavery in the United States and his research on the American labor movement. Materials of interest include transcripts of slave narratives Rawick collected from the Writers Project of the Works Progress Administration.

Ray Family Collection, 1900-2002 (R1356)
5 cubic feet (91 folders, 2CDs, 10 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

The Ray Family Papers contains the personal papers of Wilda I. Housden Ray and genealogical information on the Ray and Housden families, photographs of the family and Licking, Missouri.

Mildred Kittell Ray Collection, 1857-1973 (K0024)
0.19 c.f. (10 folders)

 Finding Aid

Letters written by John Taylor, Mrs. Ray's great grandfather, and his brother, James Taylor, to their parents in Oldham, England, about their experiences in Kansas City, 1857-1863, as well as letters from Mrs. Ray's mother and grandmother. It also includes research notes and writings by Mrs. Ray concerning the Taylor and Fisher families, including notes on diaries kept by Abel Fisher concerning his trip to California and his early days in Kansas City, 1855-1858


Allen Walker Read Papers, 1835-2002 (C4033)
82 cubic feet (2127 folders), 11 oversize items, 2 audio tapes, 6 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

The papers of Allen Walker Read contain the personal and professional papers of a prominent etymologist, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, teaching and research materials, writings, and records pertaining to his involvement in linguistic organizations and conferences.

The Readers (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1926-2024 (CA6651)
0.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Addition of correspondence, minutes, membership lists, programs, constitutions, memorials, and miscellaneous material, 1926-2022. See also C3638.


The Readers (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1925-2012 (C3638)
0.8 cubic feet (23 folders)

 Finding Aid

The origins, history, minutes, and memorials of The Readers, a Columbia, Missouri, club for women started in 1925. The club’s emphasis is the reading and discussion of books.  Profiles of women from this club give a useful comment on the concerns of educated women in the early twentieth century.


Reagan-Boegel Family Papers, 1855-2021 (S0505)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Reagan-Boegel Family Papers contain family tree charts, photographs, and newspaper clippings chronicling the history of the Reagan and Boegel families of Montgomery and St. Charles counties dating back to the mid-1800s.

Rebekah Assembly of Missouri Collection, 1932-1990 (R0616)
(8 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Rebekah Assembly of Missouri Collection contains microfilm copies of printed minutes of the annual meetings of the Rebekah Assembly of Missouri. The minutes include lists of state officials, delegates and alternates, financial information and committee reports, matters concerning the Odd Fellows Home in Liberty, Missouri, and a listing of the names and local addresses of all Rebekah lodges in Missouri.

Red Bridge Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Congregation Records, 1879-2016 (K1361)
2 c.f.

Member directories, financial summaries, photos, programs, newsletters, records of land purchases, sketches of bldg plans, records of dissolution of corp., anniversary booklets and other items from the life of the church. Previously known as Oak Park Christian Church.

Fredric D. Redeker Collection, 1894-1953 (C4203)
0.4 cubic feet (8 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Fredric D. Redeker Collection contains documents from German and English speaking communities in Missouri. It includes records of minutes, correspondence, genealogical information, and a religious manuscript. Much of the correspondence, as well as the manuscript, are written in German.


Reed Family Papers, 1894-1996 (C4065)
2.4 cubic feet (69 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection includes the agricultural records, diaries, autobiographies, genealogical materials, letters, photographs, military records, and miscellaneous papers of the Reed family of Stansberry, Missouri.


Ellen ""Nell"" Quinlan Donnelly Reed Papers, 1919-1972 (K0444)
4 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Ellen "Nell" Quinlan Donnelly Reed Papers contain correspondence, printed and published advertisements, and photographs related to the life of Nell Donnelly Reed, prominent Kansas City businesswoman and cofounder of the Donnelly Garment Company. The papers also cover topics including politics and travel.


Hazel Reed Papers, 1913-1975 (SP0055)
1 cubic foot (39 folders, 19 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Hazel Reed Papers contain correspondence, genealogical research, photographs, and newspaper clippings created by Hazel Irene Carmack Reed. The collection includes material concerning various families from Missouri including Allee, Bartlett, Birdsong, Bybee, Carmack, Decker, Hill, Howard, Reed, Smith, and Yarbrough. There is a significant focus on the Allee family history and Pulaski County, Missouri.

James Alexander Reed Papers, 1903-1950 (K0443)
60 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal and professional correspondence, speeches, case files, legal documents, scrapbooks, and subject files of Kansas City Mayor and United States Senator James A. Reed.


James Ross Reed Papers, 1949-1966 (K0565)
0.25 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Articles, announcements, memorandum, newsletters, agreements, reports, and newspaper clippings on Flight Engineers' International Association's (FEIA) labor disputes from a flight engineer for Trans World Airlines (TWA).

Lyle Reed Collection, 1874-1998 (C4382)
1 cubic foot (52 folders)

 Finding Aid

Rare fiddle books, magazines, and other items related to the history of fiddle music collected by Lyle Reed and his wife, Marjorie Reed.

Reed-Harlin Company Records, 1904-1978 (R0489)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Reed-Harlin Company Records are minutes of meetings of the stockholders and
board of directors of the Reed-Harlin Company, a wholesale grocery firm based in West Plains,
Howell County, Missouri.


Madge J. Reese Papers, 1887-1962 (C2405)
1.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of Madge J. Reese contain publications, reports, and statements on Reese's career with the U.S. Agricultural Extension Service, 1914-1955. The collection emphasis is on home demonstration work.

Albert L. Reeves, Jr. Papers, 1930-1957 (K0864)
8 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Reeves was an attorney and U.S. Representative from Missouri's 5th District. Includes correspondence, clippings, speeches and articles related to his election campaign, his congressional term and his campaign for re-election. Also his service in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World War II.


Albert L. Reeves, Sr. Papers, 1900-1971 (K0640)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal and professional papers depicting U.S. District Court Judge Reeves' judicial career and family material. Includes manuscripts and family materials; photographs; speeches/addresses; cases; correspondence, clippings, and an oversize scrapbook. Also drafts of unpublished book by Reeves, Shame of a Great City.


Earl J. Reeves Papers, 1933-2001 (C4378)
5.4 cubic feet (143 folders)

Correspondence, reports, newsletters, teaching material, diaries, education material, genealogical material, military service, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, travel and newsletters of a professor of Political Science, former president of Missouri Valley College, and co-director of Community Bible Study International (CBSI) for Asia.

John Keating Regan Papers, 1939-1960 (S0173)
0.02 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection contains correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting John Keating Regan’s career as the United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri (1962-1977).


Regenhardt Family Papers, 1809-1980 (CG0036)
1.2 c. f.

 Finding Aid

The Regenhardt Family Papers include Civil War muster rolls of the 56th Enrolled Missouri Militia, McNeely family Bible records, Regenhardt Construction Company papers related to the building of Academic Hall on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University, and postcards of Academic Hall.

Leonard D. and Marie H. Rehkop Collection, 1917-1990s (CA6608)
4.75 cubic feet, 28 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Addition of correspondence, photographs, school papers, business papers, women’s extension club records, and miscellaneous material of a family from Higginsville, Missouri, that owned Rehkop Studio in Higginsville, Concordia, and Sweet Springs, Missouri.


Charles Rehkopf Papers, 1923-1995 (S0705)
6 cubic feet, 92 folders, 3 discs

 Finding Aid

The Charles Rehkopf Papers sermons, articles, and papers written by Reverend Charles Rehkopf during his career as an Episcopal pastor, archivist, and historiographer. Also included is his book on the history of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church and recordings of some of his sermons.



Dudley A. Reid Papers, 1898-1958 (C3855)
2.0 cubic feet (101 folders, 3 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Papers of Dudley Alver Reid, an editor and publisher of weekly newspapers in Missouri and Iowa. The papers consist of correspondence, miscellaneous material and scrapbooks.


Loren D. Reid Papers, c. 1900-1992 (C3946)
6.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Personal and professional papers of a professor of speech at the University of Missouri-Columbia, include correspondence; manuscripts of two of his books, HURRY HOME WEDNESDAY and FINALLY IT'S FRIDAY; other writings and speeches; and travel memorabilia.

Jack Reitzes Papers, 1931-2006 (K0996)
1 c.f.

Born in Kansas City, Reitzes was an member of Temple B'nai Jehudah. Materials related to his and his family's activities including newspaper clippings, yearbooks, correspondence, commemoration booklets, event programs, newsletters, photographs.


Eric Douglas Macwilliam Remington Papers, 1920-1950 (K0101)
3.09 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Exterior and interior photographs of residences designed by Remington, an architect in Kansas City associated with woman architect, Mary Rockwell Hook; notes and drawings done by Remington pertaining to the concert house in Stockholm, Sweden.


Renfrow Retirement Scrapbook, 1918, 1945-1958 (CG0067)
0.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

A scrapbook created by Louis H. Renfrow with various documents related to the retirement of Renfrow from his position as the civilian Deputy Director of the Selective Service. The scrapbook contains correspondence from friends and colleagues discussing his retirement. Additionally, there are photographs from colleges and special events. There is additional documentation of Renfrow’s career in the form of newspaper and magazine articles.

Renshaw and McLin Family Papers, 1845-2000 (SP0087)
4 cubic feet (61 folders, 3 volumes, 1 oversize box)

 Finding Aid

The Renshaw and McLin Family Papers contain the personal papers of the Renshaw and McLin families of Cave Spring, Missouri, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, and genealogical material. The collection also consists of records related to Mount Zion Presbyterian Church located in Cave Spring.

William Rensing Papers, 1945-1986 (K0523)
0.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Photographs, newspaper articles concerning the works of the German-born, Kansas City area sculptor.


Paul Joseph Revitt Papers, 1940-1990 (K0849)
14 c.f.

Personal and professional papers of Revitt, professor in the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music. Includes research and final drafts of his master's thesis and doctoral dissertation and other articles and books; daily expense books and diaries; travel scrapbooks; and printed, and published material.


Reynolds Family Papers, 1875-1997 (CG0007)
2.6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Reynolds Family Papers contain photographs, correspondence, reel to reel films, and other papers related to the Reynolds family of Morehouse, Missouri from 1875-1997.

Donald W. Reynolds Papers, 1945-1994 (CA6476)
11.55 cubic feet, 2 films, 1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

The papers of Donald W. Reynolds, a journalist and founder of the Donrey Media Group, include correspondence, photographs, articles, biographical material, and audiovisual material. Reynolds was a University of Missouri alumni and the Reynolds Journalism Institute was named after him after the university received a grant from his foundation.


Earl Rhine Papers, 1958-1975 (S0627)
1.2 cubic foot, 23 folders, 454 photographs, 2 oral history interviews

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Earl Rhine Papers document Rhine’s medical humanitarian work with Dr. Thomas Dooley in Laos from 1958 to 1960, and his link with Dooley organizations and Laotian friends following his return to the United States.

Ribeau Family Papers, 1870-1982 (R0101)
0.1 cubic foot (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Ribeau Family Collection contains photocopies of correspondence, tax receipts, and miscellaneous records of an African-American family in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. They lived in a historic poteaux-en-terre house built in 1778.

Herbert Francis Rice Papers, 1944-1963 (C2903)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

Personal correspondence with friends and business associates, largely concerning the Civil War in Missouri; manuscripts of articles by Rice on various Missouri history subjects; newspaper clippings from the KANSAS CITY TIMES; Rice's obituary; and miscellaneous handbills and programs.

Hayes Ayres Richardson Papers, 1933-1971 (K0278)
6 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Richardson was Director of Welfare for the City of Kansas City, MO 1940-1959 and most of the papers pertain to this period: newspaper clippings, correspondence, reports, and photographs. Also his campaign for the Kansas City Council and his interest and work in government and economics which he taught at the University of Kansas City.
