Richmond Heights Historical Society Records, 1900-2013 (S0274)
21 cubic feet
The Richmond Heights Historical Society (RHHS) Records contain photographs, scrapbooks, newsletters, plat maps, newspaper clippings, and correspondence collected by RHHS’s volunteers documenting the history and culture of Richmond Heights from the 1900s to the present. Materials of interest include maps of Richmond Heights’ area subdivisions, including the names of homeowners. The materials in this collection date from 1900 to 2013.
Ray S. Richmond Papers, 1914-1984 (S0553)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 scrapbook, 14 photographs
Ray Richmond was born in Fillmore, Illinois on June 5, 1896. He played minor league baseball for the Bloomers of Bloomington, Illinois before joining the St. Louis Browns in 1920 and 1921. Richmond played eight games for the Browns and had a lifetime record of two wins and one loss. He died in DeSoto, Missouri on December 21, 1969. Scrapbook primarily documents Richmond’s baseball career, with two letters from 1983 and 1984.
Rickman Family Papers, 1778-1978 (C4177)
0.6 cubic feet (34 folders)
The papers consist of genealogical materials pertaining to the Rickman and corollary families [Fristoe, Henderson, Higgins, Tatum, Thomas, Twyman, Wilson] of North Carolina, Virginia, and St. Clair County, Missouri. The material includes genealogical charts and corresponding notebook, birth announcements, census records, death certificates and obituaries, photographs, newspaper clippings, and correspondence. 1778-1978.
Ida Riddle Photograph Collection, 1950 (P0780)
3 photographs
Copy photos of Theodosia, MO (Ozark County): Theodosia Mill, Theodosia Store
William E. Rider Papers, 1893-1953 (K0014)
0.3 c.f.; 23 folders
Correspondence which Rider, a farmer in Pettis County, MO., received from family and friends concerning farming and personal matters.
Julia B. Slemons Harrison Riedel Papers, 1600-1990 (K1022)
5 c.f.
Genealogical research on the Slemons, Gardner, Lyles, also biography, Brigadier General William F. Slemons. C.S.A.: His Ancestors and Descendants, by Riedel
Carl R. Rieger Papers, 1943-1998 (C4556)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of Carl R. Rieger contain military papers, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other material relating to his time spent as a prisoner of war during World War II.
Wray M. Rieger Papers, 1942-1972 (C4315)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of a former military officer and Dean Emeritus of faculties and professor of chemistry at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College consist of military papers containing special orders, memos, reports, forms, separation papers, physical exams, service records, staff lists, and photographs of Rieger and other military officers. Additional records in the collection consist of letters of recognition upon Rieger’s retirement from Northeast Missouri State Teachers College.
Riley Family Papers, 1855-1967 (CG0065)
3.5 c.f.
Financial, legal, and personal documents produced mainly by Henry C. Riley, Sr., H.C. Riley, Jr, and other Riley family members. Other materials, including a plat map book and business ledgers, were created by Charles C. Bock, Riley Bock’s paternal grandfather. There is also a printed photograph, a circuit judge commission, a large map of judicial circuit courts in Missouri, and microfilm rolls for the donor’s historical research.
Riley Family Papers, 1909-1968 (C3837)
0.4 cubic feet (14 folders)
Papers of John Willard Riley, Jr., concerning his research into his family genealogy. The papers were given to Gerald M. Petty who used them in the writing of his book, Petty, Wright, Riley and Other Related Families. The papers consist of correspondence, charts, newspaper clippings and notes.
John F. Riordan Papers, 1943-1952 (C4517)
0.4 cubic feet (8 folders)
This collection includes personal correspondence from Corporal John F. Riordan who served in the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II. The letters from Riordan came from Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Fort Francis E. Warren, Cheyenne Wyoming, Camp Sutton North Carolina, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, Okinawa, and Korea.
Ripley County Centennial Inc. Collection, 1959 (R1008)
(1 folder)
This collection includes a certificate of souvenir stock in Ripley County Centennial, Inc., a centennial booklet, a promotional brochure, and two souvenir pinback buttons for the Ripley County Centennial celebration at Doniphan, Missouri, on August 17-22, 1959.
Alice Cary Risley Papers, 1857-1991, bulk 1863-1939 (R0478)
(1 roll of microfilm)
This collection consists of correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Alice Cary Risley, a volunteer nurse for the Union army in New Orleans during the Civil War, and a postwar resident of West Plains, Missouri. Risley was active in the National Association of Army Nurses of the Civil War and the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. She corresponded with members of these organizations and with former soldiers.
Ritter and Howard Families Papers, 1850-1956 (R0100)
1 cubic foot (50 folders, 6 volumes, 3 oversize volumes)
The Ritter and Howard Families Papers contains correspondence, legal records, business papers, and miscellaneous materials of the Ritter and Howard families of Jasper County, Missouri. Included are mining lease and drill records, and records of the Stone School District. Three generations of two families are represented in this collection.
Marcia G. Rittmaster and Larry H. Rittmaster Papers, 1942-1963 (K1057)
0.08 cubic foot (6 folders, 23 photographs)
The Marcia G. Rittmaster and Larry H. Rittmaster Papers contain photographs related to Rittmaster relatives, many of whom are unidentified, along with three programs for events in the Jewish Community.
Amanda Elizabeth Evans Rivard Papers, 1919-1980 (K0149)
0.08 c.f. (4 folders)
Photocopied scrapbook, including photographs of homes Rivard designed and newspaper clippings related to her career as a woman architect in Kansas City, MO.
Goldie Elliff Roark Photograph Collection, 1959, no date (P0748)
12 photographs
Photos of McDonald County historic sites and natural features.
Michael Roberts Papers, 1940-1991 (S0525)
0.25 cubic feet
Michael Roberts was a St. Louis real estate and media entrepreneur of WHSL-TV, St. Louis' first African-American owned television station. The papers, which range from 1960-1991, photographs and newspaper clippings.
Ollie and Edna Roberts Postcard Collection, 1909-1970 (CA6747)
0.2 cubic feet
Postcards of buildings, structures, parks and scenery around Missouri. The postcards were collected by Ollie and Edna Roberts.
William George Roberts Papers, 1908-1962 (R1386)
0.25 cubic foot (11 folders, 23 photographs)
The William George Roberts Papers contain early correspondence between Sarah, Carrol, Emma, and Andrew Roberts. The collection also includes correspondence and papers involving William G. Roberts during his service in World War II. Also included are photographs from his military service and personal papers involving William G. Roberts' life before and after the war.
George A.S. Robertson Papers, 1918-1987 (C4312)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of a former World War I fighter pilot and later Deputy Superintendent of Insurance contain biographical and genealogical data on George A.S. Robertson and the Robertson and related family.
Paul McDonald Robinett Scrapbooks, 1897-1974 (C3620)
0.8 cubic feet (60 folders)
Correspondence, clippings, writings, speeches and notes pertaining to Brigadier General Robinett of Mountain Grove, Missouri, who, with his brother Frank, compiled material on his army career.
Fred Robins Photograph Collection, 1884-1951 (P0725)
32 photographs
Photos of Wellington and Lexington, MO, ca. 1920s-1930s, and the Ozark County Times printing office. Photographs of Turners Mill and Dawt Mill. Portraits of people from Lexington.
Robinson Family Papers/Kansas City Social Register Records, 1880-1998 (K0774)
19 c.f.
Papers of a prominent Kansas City family, and publishers of the Social Register. Includes correspondence, genealogical files, reference notecard index, biographical data, printed and published material, clippings, and photographs.
Allan Robinson Collection, 1948-2007 (K1379)
.03 c.f.
The Allan Robinson Collection contains photographs of Allan Robinson as well as issues of Meadowbrook Birdie, a newsletter for Meadowbrook Golf & Country Club in Overland Park, Kansas, and a program for the First Annual Meadowbrook Country Club Golf Classic.
Harry B. Robinson Collection, 1921-1955 (C4109)
0.5 cubic feet
The collection of Harry B. Robinson contains a mix of materials concerning Columbia and mid-Missouri. Robinson focused on collecting diaries and account records of Columbia locals, dating primarily from 1905 to 1953.
Richard D. Robinson Collection, 1830s-2000s (CA5805)
14.2 cubic feet
Materials of a professor in the College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia, whose primary research areas were the history of literacy, teacher education, and reading theory. Includes historical school primers, professional correspondence, publications, and miscellaneous papers.
Rocheport, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1890-1962 (P0089)
83 photographs
An artifical collection of photographs, including many copy photos, of Rocheport, MO.
Rock Hill Historic Preservation Commission Records , 1893-2004 (S0639)
2.5 cubic feet
The Rock Hill Historic Preservation Commission Records contain ledgers, meeting minutes, photographs, development reports, and correspondence collected by the Commission documenting the history of the Rock Hill Men's Improvement Association, the Rock Hill Presbyterian Church, city government, and the preservation of Fairfax house.
John Rodelander Papers, 1909-1955 (K1015)
1 c.f.
Rodelander was the head chef at the Hotel Phillips. Includes menus and other printed materials concerning the Hotel Phillips and various Kansas City restaurants.
Bennie G. Rodgers Photograph Collection, 1940-1989 (S0629)
1.7 cubic feet, 28 folders, 828 photographs
Bennie G. Rodgers Collection contains papers and photographs related to Rodgers’ career as a journalist and editor for the St. Louis American newspaper and his work as a civil rights activist. The 828 photographs in the collection include images of community leaders, schools, churches, events, and organizations.
Harris D. Rodgers Papers, 1949-1965 (R0294)
6 folders, 38 photographs microfilmed
These are newspaper clippings, correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and photographs pertaining
to the tenure of Harris Rodgers as chairman of the Missouri State Highway Commission. A
native of Scott County, Missouri, Rodgers served from 1949 to 1957
"Roger Moe: Letters Home, August 27, 1953 to June 1, 1955", [2016] (C4626)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)
An unpublished book containing transcriptions and copies of letters written by Roger Moe, who served in the U.S. Army in the Philippines and Japan from 1953-1955.
Kate Ellen Rogers Papers, 1954-2003 (C4660)
0.35 cubic feet (9 folders)
Papers of Kate Ellen Rogers, professor emeritus of the Department of Environmental Design. Includes correspondence, photographs, a scrapbook, professional writings, and newspaper clippings.
Nelson F. Rogers Papers, 1894-1996 (R1318)
1.75 cubic foot (79 folders, 9 volumes, 231 photographs)
The Nelson F. Rogers Papers contain the professional papers of Nelson F. Rogers, a forester with the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Research Center. He conducted research at the Sinkin Experimental Forest and Central States Forest Experiment Station, studying reforestation of strip-mined areas and experiments involving the cultivation of shortleaf pine. The collection also includes personal papers and Rogers family genealogical material.
Mary Ann Creason Rohde Photograph Collection, 1900-1990 (P0999)
1 folder
Photographs of the Mohney, Creason, and related families; includes photographs of tombstones of family members at Riffe and South Point cemeteries
Rohlfing Family Postcard Collection, 1890s-1980s (CA6722)
0.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Postcards sent between members of the Rohlfing family from Gasconade County, Missouri. The bulk of the postcards were sent to Christina Rohlfing, Sabina Humburg Rohlfing, and Lydia Rohlfing Hoerstkamp. Also includes one scrapbook with postcards.
Rolla Civics Club Collection, 1938-1977 (R0902)
(1 folder)
These are yearbooks of the Rolla Civics Club, a women's club founded in 1912. The yearbooks contain listings of officers, members, and committee assignments, and programs for the monthly meetings.
Rolla Friendship Homemakers Club Records, 1946-1994 (R0994)
(6 folders)
These are the record books, yearbooks, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers of the Friendship Homemakers Club in Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri. The home economics club for adult women was organized in 1946 under the auspices of the University of Missouri Agricultural Extension Service.
Rolla Saturday Club Records, 1904-2014 (R0901)
3 cubic feet (13 volumes, 7 oversize scrapbooks)
These are the records of the Rolla Saturday Club, a women's club organized to promote individual, social, and civic improvement. The records consist of minutes of meetings, financial records, yearbooks, and scrapbooks.
Rolla, Missouri Local Council of Girl Scouts Records, 1936-1975 (R0608)
0.5 cubic foot (6 folders, 7 volumes, 1 cassette tape)
The Rolla, Missouri Local Council of Girl Scouts Records include meeting minutes, financial records, correspondence, administrative papers, and a cassette tape of “Hot Line” telephone call-in KTTR radio from 1936 to 1975.
Rolla, Missouri Photograph Collection, ca. 1950s (R0913)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder, 5 photographs)
These are five black and white photographs of Rolla in Phelps County, Missouri. They include views of the interior of the Pennant Tavern, the parts department and employees of the Ford dealership, the delivery trucks of Tucker Dairy, and a parade on Pine Street.
Rolla, Missouri Photograph Collection, 1950 (R1145)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder, 3 photographs)
These are three black-and-white photographic print of views along Rolla Street at Rolla in Phelps County, Missouri. Two views show the Ritz Theater while the third shows the west side of Rolla Street, south of Eighth Street. The photographs were taken in early March 1950.
James S. Rollins Papers, 1546, 1809-1968 (C1026)
3.3 cubic feet (222 folders, 1 volume); also available on 11 rolls of microfilm
The papers of James S. Rollins, a Boone County, Missouri, lawyer, politician, businessman, and curator of University of Missouri include correspondence with family, business and political associates, and George Caleb Bingham and other friends. The papers cover state, national, and Whig party politics from 1830 through the 1880s, the Civil War in Missouri, internal improvements and the North Missouri Railroad, and education at University of Missouri.
Harry Von Romer Collection, 1880-1981 (S0471)
7 cubic feet, 149 folders, 7 photographs
Harry Von Romer was a laborer, union organizer, and a Central Trade and Labor Union convention delegate. The collection includes labor agreements, correspondence, constitutions and bylaws, as well as union-related buttons and badges Romer collected over his lifetime.
Milton A. Romjue Papers, c. 1890-1963 (C3932)
16.8 cubic feet
Papers of a Democratic, U.S. Representative from the first congressional district of Missouri containing constituent, patronage, political, campaign, legislative, administrative, and personal files that primarily document north central and northeastern sections of that state from 1916 to 1942.
Zygmund Przemyslaw Rondomanski Papers, 1933-1988 (K0261)
1.25 c.f.
Original musical scores, compositions, and arrangements for the cello and other instruments by Rondomanski, a composer and music teacher. Also included is a scrapbook of letters, clippings, programs, and photographs relating to Rondomanski's life and career and recordings of his work.
Lewis W. Roop Photographs, 1938-1959 (P0717)
7 photographs
Photos of Jefferson County, particularly Hillsboro, historic homes, buildings, and monuments, ca. 1940-1959.
Rosati, Missouri Collection, 1918-1983 (R0181)
0.04 cubic foot (2 folder, 1 audio cassette)
The Rosati, Missouri Collection contains photocopies of materials pertaining to the history of Rosati (formerly Knobview) in Phelps County, Missouri. The collection includes the business notebook of Antonio M. Piazza, a tape-recorded interview with Jodie Donati, and a research paper by Francesco Brogi.
Rose Cliff Hotel Collection, 1928-1960 (R0594)
(4 volumes)
The collection consists of 4 volumes; a single guest register dating from the hotel's opening, a combination 'cash and ledger' volume documenting daily expenses and income of the hotel as well as the expenses of a wholesale merchandise operation in 1947-1948, and two expense ledgers showing operating costs i.e. meals, laundry, fuel oil, utilities, taxes, advertising, and labor.