

Thomas D. Pawley III Papers, 1930s-2010s (CA5546)
35 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of a professor of speech and theater at Lincoln University, poet, and playwright; member of Missouri Arts Council, Missouri Humanities Council, Mid-America Arts Alliance, and other organizations. Includes manuscripts, correspondence, organizational records, teaching materials, and miscellaneous.

Marjorie B. Paxson Papers, 1844-2008 (C4078)
7.25 cubic feet (180 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 27 audio cassettes, 2 video cassettes, 2 computer discs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers of Marjorie B. Paxson, a journalist and newspaper publisher who established the National Women and Media Collection, include news articles, correspondence, material on national and international women's conferences, and miscellaneous personal and professional papers.

Grace Price Paxton Collection, 1846-1964 (C4541)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders, 3 oversize items)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Personal memorabilia of Grace Price Paxton, including programs from Christian College, school certificates, correspondence, diplomas, and legal documents concerning the Price and Holliday families; 1872 land deeds for and in Caldwell County, Missouri, sold by the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad; bill of sale for an enslaved woman, Silvy, and her child; and World War II ration books.

Heather N. Paxton Collection, 1820-2015 (K0721)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Advertising flyers to local Kansas City area events and organization, concentrated mostly on the artistic community. Also research and writings by Paxton, a local author and historian.


John W. Payne Papers, 1940-2023 (C4707)
0.2 cubic foot (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

Memoir written by engineer officer Daniel P. Griffin to honor his commanding officer John W. Payne upon his death in a plane collision over the Grand Canyon in 1956.

Peace Lutheran Church Records, circa 1884-1984 (R0199)
(1 roll of micofilm)

 Finding Aid

The Peace Lutheran Church, Phelps County, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of the records of Peace Lutheran Church at Elk Prairie in Phelps County, Missouri. Included are the constitution, membership rosters, minutes of quarterly meetings, and the centennial history of the church. Records up to 1924 are in German.


Benjamin H. Pearson Papers, 1913-1970 (C4530)
0.4 cubic feet (10 folders, 1 oversize photograph)

 Finding Aid

A collection of writings by Benjamin ‘Jeff’ H. Pearson and Harold Bell Wright.

Stanley Stuart Pearson Diaries , 1947-2019 (KA2621)
7 c.f.

 Finding Aid

This collection contains the daily diaries of Stanley Stuart Pearson from 1945 to 2019.

Pearson was born in Minnesota on September 4, 1928, to Albin S. and Mary R. Pearson. In 1960, Pearson married Ardyce “Ardy” Hemmingson. Together they had three children: Steven, Charles “Chip,” and Susan. The Pearsons moved to Kansas City, Missouri, in the 1970s. Content of the diaries contain weather and agenda items as well as opinions and current events.


Peckenpaugh Family Papers, 1885-1967 (R1460)
0.04 cubic foot (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Peckenbaugh Family Papers consist of personal papers for Lura and Adah Peckenbaugh, including wedding invitations, correspondence, reception cards, and pamphlets. The collection also contains newspaper clippings concerning Peckenpaugh family and photographs.


Larry and Margaret Peeno Papers, 1959-2016 (S0306)
9.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Maggie and Larry Peeno Papers contain correspondence, meeting minutes, curriculum guides, newsletters, reports, surveys, photographs, and VHS tapes documenting the Peeno’s 50+ year career in art education in Missouri and the United States. Items of interest include curricula developed by Maggie Peeno for the University City School District, including the “We Live in University City” booklet.

Eugene Joseph Peltier Papers, 1934-1991 (K0417)
19 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Rear Admiral Peltier Chief of Civil Engineers of the U.S. Navy and prominent Public Works civil engineer. Includes scrapbooks, photographs, personal and professional correspondence and related papers.


Raymond Peltzman Collection, 1914-2007 (K1140)
6 c.f.

Personal, academic, and professional records of Raymond Peltzman and his wife, Anna Lottie Berkson, and genealogical information about their extended families. Also family photographs and genealogical information about the Alport, Berkson, Dworsky, and Peltzman families.


Thomas J. Pendergast, Jr. Papers, 1902-1978 (K0316)
0.33 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Miscellaneous papers dealing with business affairs of Pendergast, Sr., political boss of Kansas City, MO, and his son. Also home movies taken by Pendergast Jr.


Penn Valley Meeting of Friends Records, 1943-1998 (K0077)
4.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Penn Valley Meeting of Friends including minutes, correspondence, photographs, periodicals, political and social issues literature, and other records of the Quaker organization.


James Cash Penney Papers, 1941-1970 (C3260)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of James Cash Penney contain speeches, articles, and pamphlets by and about Penney regarding his moral, religious, and business interests as well as his cattle farms.


Penninger and Bolin Families Collection, 1823-2023 (R1517)
12.5 cubic feet (358 folders, 1 volume, 13 compact discs, 168 photographs, 6 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Penninger and Bolin Families Collection contains genealogical research conducted and collected by Linda Marie Penninger Henry on the Penninger and Bolin families, of whose descendants many settled in Christian, Dent, Greene, Howell, Jackson, Phelps, Shannon, and Stone counties in Missouri.

Eunice Pennington Photographs, 1958 (P0495)
10 photographs

Snapshots of Carter County, ca. 1958, including several images of Grandin, natural features, and monuments.



PEO-Missouri Chapter HN Records, 1948-1999 (K1086)
2 c.f.

The P.E.O. Sisterhood is a philanthropic and educational organization interested in bringing to women increased opportunities for higher education. Includes scrapbooks of photographs of individuals and events, booklets, clippings, and listings of officers.


People's Art Center Records, 1942-1963 (S0612)
0.4 cubic foot, 11 folders

 Finding Aid

Founded in 1942 with the help of a Works Progress Administration grant, the People's Art Center was the first integrated community arts center in St. Louis. The collection contains a history of the center, articles of incorporation, bylaws, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and reports on leadership dispute in 1963.


People's Association for Better Municipal Government (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1951-1957 (C4278)
0.2 cubic feet (8 folders)

 Finding Aid

Constitution, minutes, correspondence, membership lists, committee reports, financial records and miscellaneous papers of a group formed soon after the Charter-City Council form of city government was begun in Columbia.


Selwyn Pepper Papers, 1928-1995 (S0488)
2 cubic feet, 98 folders, 2 photographs

 Finding Aid

Selwyn Pepper was a St. Louis-area journalist who Began career at "The Scrippage," the Soldan high newspaper. In 1935, Pepper joined the staff of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and covered major news stories, including heatwaves, riverfront bond issue fraud, and the Cardinals' World Series win in 1946. The collection includes correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings.



Perche Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Minute Books, 1874-2005 (C3635)
2 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Records of the Perche Church from its founding in 1874 as the Arm of Bethlehem Church. The name was changed in 1880. Minutes of business sessions include periodic lists of members.


Marlin Perkins Papers, 1873-1991 (S0516)
17.4 cubic foot; 350 folders; 2854 photographs; 32 16mm films; 29 audio cassettes, 14 audio discs, 16 items

 Finding Aid

The Marlin Perkins Papers consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, zoo animal feeding records, business contracts, equipment lists, maps, archaeological records, publications, and zoological findings, conservation and ecological writings, scrapbooks, photographs, and film. The materials in this collection are related to Marlin Perkins’ involvement in national and international zoos, wildlife and nature conservation, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, Zoo Parade, and various other dealings involving wildlife.  


Perry County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1958, no date (P1132)

An artificial collection of photographs of Perry County, Missouri.



Charlotte Peters Papers, 1930-1977 (S0679)
8 cubic feet, 1412 folders, 630 photographs, 2 audio tapes, 16 videotapes

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

St. Louis television personality Charlotte Peters was the host of the musical variety show The Charlotte Peters Show from 1956 to 1970 on KSD-TV and KTVI. She first appeared on St. Louis television in 1947, performing in To The Ladies. The collection contains Peters' correspondence, scripts and sheet music written by Peters, photographs, newspaper clippings, and videotapes and audiotapes of skits and interviews.


Pettis County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1902-1977 (P1138)

An artificial collection of photographs of Pettis County, Missouri.



Charles Pettit Papers, 1737, 1859-1964 (C0385)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder, 5 oversize items)

 Finding Aid

Indenture between Theobold, Earl of Carlingford, and Charles Brett, 1737; letter to French poet Alphonse de Lamartine and his reply, 1859; and patent materials.

Phelps County Memorial Hospital Scrapbook Collection, 1949-1950 (R1293)
(1 oversize volume)

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of a scrapbook of newspaper clippings and black and white photographs documenting construction of the Phelps County Memorial Hospital in Rolla, Missouri, 1949-1950. Newspaper accounts include coverage of the ground breaking ceremony on July 1, 1949 and completion of the building's exterior in October 1950. The bulk of the scrapbook consists of over a hundred "Kodak" views prints showing sesquential progression of showing site preparation and completion of the hospital's exterior.


Phelps County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Records, 1950-2015 (R1262)
7 cubic feet (15 folders, 37 volumes, 1 oversize volume)

 Finding Aid

The Phelps County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Records contain meeting minutes, printed newsletters, and scrapbooks of the Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Auxiliary (now Phelps Health Auxiliary and Volunteer Services) at Rolla, Missouri. Organized in 1950 as a women’s auxiliary to the Phelps County Memorial Hospital (now Phelps Health), the Auxiliary grew to coordinate a number of programs including volunteer services, fundraising, programs for youths, and nursing scholarships.


Phelps County, Missouri Collection, 1921-2012 (R1303)
1.25 cubic foot (41 folders, 2 oversize, 3 photographs, 130 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Phelps County Collection is an ephemeral collection containing materials related to the history of Phelps County. Those materials include information on local businesses, civic and social organizations, schools, churches, historical information on the county and towns, and photographs.

Phi Delta Kappa, Gamma Chapter Papers, 1909-1957 (C3362)
7.1 cubic feet (426 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers contain correspondence and financial records including correspondence about the election of and the personal histories of members of the chapter.

Phi Delta Kappa, Gamma Chapter Records, 1913-1965 (C3601)
3.2 cubic feet (189 folders)

 Finding Aid

Minutes, business and financial records of the chapter of a national professional fraternity for men in education located at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Includes personal histories, newsletters, correspondence and proceedings of meetings of national councils.

Phi Kappa Psi, Missouri Alpha Chapter Papers, 1869-1959 (C0979)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

Materials pertaining to a social fraternity at the University of Missouri. Includes a list of members, 1869-1913.

Eva Lena Anson Phillips Collection, 1921-1963 (C4651)
0.25 (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

Programs and announcements from concerts, recitals, plays, and graduation ceremonies from the 1920s and 1940s. Also includes church newsletters from the 1960s.


Vivian E. Phillips Constitutional Convention Papers, 1924-1967 (C2609)
0.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Letters, clippings, speeches, journals, reports, and miscellaneous papers of a delegate-at-large to the Missouri constitutional convention, 1943-1944. Pertains to the convention and the work of the Constitutional Convention Study Committee after the adoption of the 1945 Missouri constitution.


Pi Lambda Theta, Central Missouri Alumnae Chapter Records, 1920s-1990s (CA4973)
7.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 4 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Meeting and executive board minutes, correspondence, reports, membership lists, financial records, scrapbooks, and newsletters of a national scholastic association for women in education.

Joseph Piatchek Papers, 1927-1976 (S0663)
0.4 cubic foot, 10 folders, 110 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Joseph Piatchek papers contain correspondence, certificates and newspapers pertaining to St. Louis area unions, including the Textile Workers Union of American (TWUA) and the St. Louis Cordage Mills Company.


Frank Piepenbring, Jr. Papers, 1933-2009 (K0585)
5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal papers of Kansas City area resident, businessman and World War II veteran. Includes correspondence, publications and printed materials, and World War II military training materials, maps, and photographs.


Margaret E. Pierce Papers, 1917-1972 (K0328)
0.25 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Minutes and membership records of the Cora Lyman Chapter, Past Presidents Assembly of the National Federation of Music Clubs; Curriculum for music classes in the Kansas City, KS Public Schools and the Wichita Public Schools; the Kansas City Musical Club Bulletin; and various programs, directories and other items relating to music in Kansas City area.


Elmer F. Pierson Papers, 1938-1981 (K0084)
0.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Photocopied scrapbooks compiled following Pierson's retirement from the Vendo Company, a manufacturer of vending machines. They are items Pierson felt to be of greatest personal interest dealing with Vendo and Pierson philanthropic and civic activities.


C. Terence Pihlblad Papers, 1941-1978 (C3814)
2.0 cubic feet (93 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a sociology professor at the University of Missouri, 1930-1967. Concerns primarily Pihlblad's research in gerontology. Includes correspondence, papers, and articles by Pihlblad and other sociologists, and material on aging studies conducted in Missouri during the 1960s.

Gladys K. Pihlblad Papers, 1959-1981 (CA5754)
0.2 cubic feet

Addition of letters of Missouri artist Fred Shane. See also C3843.

Gladys K. Pihlblad Papers, 1906-1981 (C3843)
2.4 cubic feet (70 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of Gladys K. Pihlblad, Director of Student Affairs for Women at the University of Missouri from 1952 to 1973. Her papers cover such subjects as women, Black people, homosexuals, student unrest, university organizations, and university events. The collection consists of corre­spondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs, and reports.

Barbara Sandra Pittel-Katz Papers, 1917-2010 (K0661)
0.6 c.f.

 Finding Aid

A teacher and musician, Katz is an active member of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Includes sorority publicity, Heritage Center art, and the musical "Letters to Russia" composed by Pittel-Katz. Also certificates of scholarship for Bertha Glazer and David Pittell from Jefferson School and Woodland School in Kansas City, MO; correspondence; and materials related to the "Save Union Station" event.


Harold and Miriam Pittell Papers, 1900-1986 (K0951)
0.14 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The family papers include photographs, programs, marriage announcement and ketuba (marriage contract).


Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri Records, 1930-1990 (S0195)
6 cubic feet, 109 folders, 22 photographs, 13 scrapbooks, 2 audio tapes, 2 16mm films, 2 45 RPM records, 5 microfilm rolls

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri Records document the group's founding in 1932 as the Maternal Health Association of Missouri, its transformation to Planned Parenthood Association of Missouri in 1943, and growth in the post-war period. The collection contains annual reports, correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, and two reel-to-reel tapes.


Plassmeyer Family Papers, 1862-1987 (C4226)
4.4 cubic feet (105 folders); 2 oversize items

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers of an Osage County family that includes correspondence, photographs, military records, Osage County history, and genealogy records for the Plassmeyer and related families.


Pleasant Grove Cemetery Association Records, 1943-1983 (C3867)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Pleasant Grove Cemetery association consist of correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, and notes.



Pleasant Grove United Baptist Church, Iron County, Missouri Records, 1856-1972 (R0400)
3 volumes microfilmed

 Finding Aid

These are record books of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church near Viburnum in Iron County,
Missouri. The records include minutes of meetings and membership rolls beginning with the organization
of the church on 12 April 1856 and continuing through its dissolution on 15 October 1972.


Venta Plummer Photograph Collection, 1869-1968 (P0047)
26 photographs

Early images of Seneca in Newton County.

