These are yearbooks for 1916 and 1954 for Culture Circle of Crescent Chapter No. 21 of the Order of the Eastern Star at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. This club met at the Sorosis club House in Springfield.
Order of the Eastern Star, Galena Chapter No. 7, Galena, Missouri Collection, 1951 (R1236)
(1 folder)
This is a membership directory for 1951 for the Galena Chapter No. 7 of the Order of the Eastern Star at Galena in Stone County, Missouri. Included are the names of elected and appointed officers, the auditing committee, and every member.
Order of the Eastern Star, Noel Chapter No. 335 Records, 1959 (R0781)
(1 folder)
This is the annual booklet for the Noel Chapter, No. 335 of the Order of the Eastern Star in Noel, McDonald County, Missouri. Included are lists of officers, committee assignments, and a list of past Matrons and patrons.
Order of the Eastern Star, Queen City Chapter No. 226 Springfield, Missouri Collection, 1953 (R1064)
(1 folder)
This is a small booklet for 1953 Queen City Chapter No. 226 of the Order of the Eastern Star at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. Included are lists of officers and escorts, along with the chapter's symbol, colors, flower, motto, and songs. Doris Whitehead was the Worthy Matron for 1953.
Order of the Rainbow for Girls, Clinton Assembly No. 10 Collection, 1956 (R1245)
(1 folder)
This is booklet designed to introduce new members to Clinton Assembly No. 10 of the Order of the Rainbow for Girls at Clinton in Henry County, Missouri. The chapter was sponsored by Clinton Chapter No. 73 of the Order of the Eastern Star.
These are the bylaws and two annual booklets for the Azotus Shrine No. 5 of the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem at Joplin in Japser County, Missouri. The annual booklets include lists of officers and past officers and a list of members.
Oregon County Masonic Records, 1871-2018 (R1469)
3.25 cubic feet (58 folders, 10 photographs)
The Oregon County Masonic Records contain materials related to the Masonic lodges and Order of Eastern Star chapters in Thomasville and Alton, Missouri. The Woodside Masonic Lodge No. 387 and the Alton Masonic Lodge No. 255 were the only lodges in Oregon County, Missouri. These materials include meeting minutes, membership lists, financial records, bylaws, photographs, and membership petitions.
Osage River Resevoir Region, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1891-1999 (P1129)
An artifical collection of photographs of the counties surrounding Truman Resevoir and Lake of the Ozarks: Henry, St. Clair, Benton, Hickory, Morgan, Camden, and Miller counties.
Joseph J. Oshiver Papers, 1933-2005 (K0596)
33 c.f.
Architectural drawings and other records for Kansas City architect Oshiver, as well as research and other materials relating to Sacred Structures, the Jewish Community in the Kansas City area, and other personal and professional activities.
Otterville Presbyterian Church (Cooper County, Mo.) Records, 1849-1996 (C3951)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of the church consisting of record books containing minutes of meetings and church registers, and a church history. Includes similar records of the Stony Point Presbyterian Church, Morgan County, MO.
Mayme Hanrahan Ousley Papers, 1889-1967 (R0173)
0.75 cubic foot (42 folders)
The Mayme Hanrahan Ousley Papers consists of correspondence and miscellaneous papers of a civic leader and mayor of St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. She was the first woman to be elected to the mayoralty of a city in Missouri. The papers include material regarding city business, her position on the board of Missouri State Training Schools, and her activities with the Rebekah Lodge (I.O.O.F.).
Ozzie Overby Papers, 1950s-2010s (CA6470)
27.85 cubic feet, 6 oversize items, 2 rolls of architectural drawings, 2 audio tapes
The papers of a University of Missouri architectural professor and historian, who served as the director of the MU Museum of Art and Archaeology and was involved with historic preservation efforts, largely contain professional material, along with some personal material.
Overland Mail Centennial Scrapbook, 1958 (C3457)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)
Overseas Weekly Collection, 1959-1984, 2009-2010 (CA6419)
0.9 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette
Collection of newspapers, clippings, reminiscences by former staff members, and miscellaneous material concerning the Overseas Weekly, an independent tabloid newspaper for American enlisted men. The newspaper was started in Germany in 1950 and later had a Pacific Edition during the Vietnam War, as well as a Stateside Edition in the 1970s.
Ozark Area Amateur Film Collection, 1957-1964 (SP0021)
0.5 cubic foot (14 reels)
The Ozarks Area Amateur Film Collection contains fourteen reels of home movie footage featuring the Ozarks including Springfield, Nixa, Table Rock Dam, and St. John’s School of Nursing.
Ozark Artists' Guild Collection, 1952-1962 (R0862)
(1 folder)
These are miscellaneous papers concerning the Ozark Artists' guild at Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri. Included are program schedules, announcements, brochures, and other printed matter, especially concerning the Guild's headquarters and gallery, the Spiva Art Center.
Ozark Empire Fair Collection, 1947-1971 (R0809)
(1 folder)
These are two programs and three premium lists for the annual Ozark Empire Fair, held at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri, on August 9-15, 1947, August 11-17, 1951, August 11-19, 1964, August 7-13, 1969, and August 11-18, 1971.
"Ozark Land and Lumber Company: Organization and Operations, 1887-1923," James W. Martin and Jerry J. Presley, 1958 (C0958)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Paper prepared for Professor R.C. Smith of the School of Forestry, University of Missouri. Includes photographs.
Ozark Mountain Lakes and Rivers, Inc., "White River Lakes of the Ozarks", 1954 (R0713)
(1 folder)
This is a brochure-map of the White River region of Arkansas and Missouri. Intended for tourists, it includes a map of the region, lists of sponsoring businesses, a promotional text by Charles C. Williford, and color lithographs of tourists activities and scenic views.
Ozark Playgrounds Association Collection, 1929-1955 (R0854)
0.2 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Ozark Playgrounds Association Records contains booklets and pamphlets published by the Ozark Playgrounds Association to promote the "Playgrounds of the Ozarks," encompassing the Ozarks regions in Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. The booklets include geographical listings, maps, and lists of restaurants, hotels, and tourist attractions.
Ozark Prairie Presbyterian Church (Lawrence County, Mo.) Records, 1879-1954 (C3050)
1 roll of microfilm
Volume one contains minutes of the monthly church business sessions which consist mainly of the names of those present or absent, the current pastor, new members, departing members, and presbytery delegates. Volume two provides a comprehensive record of the pastors, elders, deacons, communicants or members, baptisms, marriages, deaths, and Sunday School statistics.
Ozark Reorganized School Collection, 1955 (R1127)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
This is a bulletin of information for patrons, students, and faculty for the Ozark Reorganized School at Ozark in Christian County, Missouri, for the school year 1955-1956. Clyde W. McConnell was superintendent of the school district.
Ozarks Folksongs Collection, 1919-1957 (C3774)
3.1 cubic feet
Original copy of the four volumes published by SHS, 1946-1950. Includes photographs used in the publication and a typescript of Chapter XIV, "Unprintable Songs," left out of the printed version. In addition there are two volumes entitled "Unprintable' Songs From the Ozarks" which were sold to the Society in 1956, but without publication rights.
P.E.O. Reciprocity Group of Greater Kansas City Records, 1916-1995 (K0604)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of a women's educational and philanthropic club including minutes, a history of P.E.O., lists of presidents and officers, membership directories, state convention programs, and slides and program notes of Cottey College.
P.E.O. Sisterhood, Missouri State Chapter Records, 1890-2010 (CA5409)
9.8 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 2 oversize items
The records of the organization include publications, chapter histories, record books, scrapbooks, directories, yearbooks, photographs, membership records, financial records, convention materials, and miscellaneous material.
Regina Entin Pachter Papers, 1946-2006 (K1142)
3 c.f.
Pachter was owner with her husband, Meyer Pachter of the Pachter Garment Company. she was also a talent pianist who performed widely. Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, programs, scripts, and sheet music pertaining to Pachter's involvement in various Kansas City Jewish organizations.
Harley H. Page Papers, 1952 (C2276)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Correspondence between H.H. Page, Bates County farmer, and various state and federal officials. Page complains of suspected communist sympathies and activities of displaced persons employed on his farm.
Hazel Call Page Papers, 1938-1981 (K0097)
0.5 c.f.
Mrs. Page had been supervisor of the Works Projects Administration (WPA) Statewide Library Project in Missouri. Included are records of the administration of the WPA Library Project and those related to Mrs. Page's book on that subject.
Ernest Jesse Palmer Papers, 1891-1962 (C3405)
7.0 cubic feet (499 folders)
The papers of Ernest Jesse Palmer contain correspondence between Palmer and his associates in fields of botany, geology, and archaeology. Most of collection deals with identification of plant species, especially the hawthorn (Crataegus). Also included is correspondence with his family in Webb City, Missouri, and W.D. Rush, a life-long friend.
Ernest Jesse Palmer Photographs, 1910, 1958 (P0710)
Photos of Webb City and Carter Springs, MO, ca. 1950-1958.
Vincent and Lucie Palmer Papers, 1927-1987 (S0817)
15 cubic feet, 137 folders, 32 film reels, 257 photographs
The collection contains personal and business correspondence, receipts, newspaper clippings, 16mm films, and personal notes regarding lectures and films documenting Vincent and Lucie Palmer's career as explorers and underwater adventures.
Palmore Chapel Records, 1894-1976 (R0066)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Palmore Chapel Records contain a typescript of records for the Palmore Chapel in Bollinger County, Missouri. The records include lists of pastors, members, baptisms, marriages, and deaths.
Lucille Papendick Collection, 1912-1967 (S0015)
0.25 cubic foot, 8 folders
The Lucille Papendick promoted art and cultural education programs throughout her life and after her death through a fund she set up to support cultural, arts, and education organizations and the community. The collection contains programs from concerts, plays, recitals, and dance programs in St. Louis by visiting performers at theaters throughout the St. Louis area.
Cowan Family Papers, 1855-2013 (SP0007)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)
The Cowan Family Papers contain correspondence and financial records pertaining to Frank Cowan and his property in Barton County, Missouri. Other materials include documents and photographs relating to the history of the Golden City High School.
Judith Katz Parelman Papers, 1920-2007 (K0759)
1 c.f.
Parelman was an educator, youth director, and administrator. Includes event programs, newspaper clippings, photographs, and resumes often pertaining to Congregation Beth Shalom.
Guy Brasfield Park Papers, 1894-1951 (C0008)
28.2 cubic feet (2,341 folders)
Official and personal correspondence and papers of Guy B. Park, Democratic governor of Missouri from 1933 to 1937. Also includes his work as an attorney for the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, 1933-1946, as well as some personal papers of Eleanora Park.
Della Fleming Parker Papers, 1905-1965 (K0929)
0.2 c.f.
Playbills and programs (some with autographs) from Kansas City theaters and musical venues. Also is a World War II ration book and newspaper clippings.
Col. H.P. Parker Fort Leavenworth Photographs, 1880, 1956 (P0316)
2 photographs
Views of Fort Leavenworth, KS, ca. 1880 and 1956
Gordon R. "Parky" Parkinson Papers, 1929-1988 (K0506)
0.3 c.f.
Papers of Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight Superintendent. Includes histories of TWA, speeches and manuscripts by employees, policy and procedure information, clippings and photographs.
Parkville Presbyterian Church Records, 1845-1981 (K0134)
4 MR
Organizational records of the Church in Parkville, MO, one of the oldest congregations in the Greater Kansas City area. Consists of Session Minutes as well as scattered reports of committees, financial material and documents for the Church; Church Rolls; Correspondence; and Scrapbooks.
Parnell Family Collection, 1835-1981 (SP0090)
1.5 cubic feet (26 folders, 361 photographs, 1 oversize box)
The Parnell Family Collection consists of photographs and personal papers of the Parnell family, as well as related families including the Moore, Thompson, and Wilson families of Taney County, Missouri. The collection also contains early images of Taney and Stone County towns and landscapes.
John C. Parrish Papers, 1877-1954 (C0034)
5.4 cubic feet (515 folders, 8 volumes)
Correspondence, business papers, and account books of Dr. John C. Parrish of Vandalia, Missouri. He was a member of the board of curators of the University of Missouri, 1905-1917; held interests in the lead and zinc mining industry in Missouri and Oklahoma; and was active in the Republican Party in Missouri.
William E. Parrish Papers, 1940-2016 (CA6500)
9.4 cubic feet, 4 oversize items
The papers of an historian specializing in Missouri history who attended the University of Missouri contain correspondence, scrapbooks, speeches, postcards, and miscellaneous material. Parrish taught at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, before becoming a professor at Mississippi State University.
Charles K. Parsons Papers, 1904-1983 (K0117)
8 f
Material related to Parsons' career as a railway mail clerk. It includes photographs of a train derailment in 1914, copies of postal laws, regulations, and schemes, as well as some railroad passes and correspondence related to his retirement in 1950
Partin and Lash Family Papers, 1911-2021 (K1416)
7 c.f.
Papers of the Partin, Lash, and Bristol families, include correspondence, photographs, marriage records, divorce papers, deeds, birth and death records, and other materials. Papers refer to over thirty individuals from the Partin, Lash, and Bristol families; many papers are related to William (Bill) Charles Partin, son of May and Marvin Luther Partin.
Matthew K. Partin Collection, 1919-2005 (K1254)
15 c.f.
Research notes and materials collected for a book concerning Harry S. Truman's early political life, federal prosecutions of election fraud, Tom Pendergast and his political machine, and Kansas City police.
Pasadena Hills Records, 1947-1989 (S0709)
11 cubic feet
The St. Louis County Court incorporated Pasadena Hills in 1843. The Stifel Company was the first property owner in Pasadena Hills: Carter Realty became the second. A Board of Trustees was implemented in 1949, after Pasadena Hills incorporated into a village. The board is responsible for Pasadena Hills' laws and ordinances. The Pasadena Hills Records include correspondence, legal records, news clippings, maps, architecture drawings, and reports.
Dale Thomas Patton Papers, 1944-1994 (K1309)
0.25 c. f.
The collection contains the personal papers of Dale Thomas Patton, former Deputy Director of the Regional Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for the U.S. Department of Labor in Kansas City, Missouri. Included in this collection are letters of recommendation on behalf of Mr. Patton for the position of Deputy Director, correspondence, certificates, a military photograph of Dale Thomas Patton, travel expenses, employee records, pamphlets, a memoir of a World War II combat diver written by William J. Donath, and a 1944 U.S. Naval Aviation yearbook.
Patton-Scott Family Papers, 1836-1983 (C3710)
1.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, financial and legal documents, genealogy, poetry, prose, and miscellaneous volumes of the Patton and Scott families. Describes agriculture, economic conditions, overland travel, daily life, family activities, and tragedies. Firsthand accounts of the Civil War's influence on civilian life in Missouri, Mississippi, and Indiana.
John H. Pattrick Papers, 1885-1962 (C1291)
24.5 cubic feet, 5 oversize volumes, 1 audio cassette, 1 oversize item
The John H. Pattrick Papers include photographs and miscellaneous material related to Pattrick's experiences while stationed in France during World War I, as well as correspondence and scrapbooks documenting his life and the lives of his family before and after the war. An extensive postcard and greeting card collection, which belonged to his daughter, is also included.