Schwarz Studio Taxidermy Records, 1882-1987 (S0520)
9 rolls microfilm
Founded in 1882 by German immigrant Frank Schwarz, Schwarz Studios passed through four generations to become the oldest taxidermy operation in the United States. Its clients have included L. Roos Fur Company, Adolphus Busch, Simmons Hardware, and special clients such as the Board of Education, the Boy Scouts, and the St. Louis Zoo. The collection contains scrapbooks, daily journals, and customer ledgers of the Schwarz Studio Taxidermy Company, 1882-1987.
Franz Schwarzer Papers, 1840-1951 (C3484)
0.8 cubic feet (14 folders, 5 volumes)
Correspondence of the Schwarzer family; factory records, catalogs, and photographs of zithers and other stringed instruments manufactured at the zither factory in Washington, Missouri, founded by Schwarzer in 1869.
Scotland County Genealogical Society Collection, 1841-2021 (CA6609)
2.2 cubic feet, 4 card files
The collection contains material collected by the Scotland County Genealogical Society including photographs, funeral programs, county history, court records, tax records, marriage licenses, and miscellaneous documents.
Scott Family Papers, 1874-1957 (R0453)
(25 folders)
These are photographs and miscellaneous papers of the Scott family of Rolla, Missouri. Included are the personal papers and memorabilia of John W. Scott, a businessman and musician who directed the Rolla town band and other local ensembles, catalogs of the Western Conservatory of Music operated by Ephraim H. Scott at Rolla, Missouri, and Chicago, Illinois, and other materials pertaining to the Dean and Morris families, and the town of Rolla.
Scott, Foresman and Company Collection, c. 1958-1979 (CA5145)
109.5 cubic feet
An estimated 1.3 million 4x6 dictionary citation slips collected and used primarily for updating World Book and Thorndike Barnhart dictionaries. Arranged in two alphabetical series A-Z. Includes work of Clarence Barnhart and Ethel Strainchamps.
James W. Scott Papers, 1930-2007 (K0554)
4.5 c.f.
Correspondence, paperwork, political cartoons, various notes and booklets written and/or collected by Scott, reporter, editor, and later vice president of the Kansas City Star Company.
Janet Scott Papers, 1951-2019 (S0353)
4.8 cubic feet
The Jan Scott Papers contain correspondence, program booklets, photographs, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, and cassette tapes documenting Scott’s career as a flutist, educator, and founder of the National Women’s Yellow Pages of Greater St. Louis. Also included in the collection are materials relating to Scott’s involvement with the Women’s Policy Alliance (formerly the Alliance for the Status of Missouri Women), which dedicated itself to developing a proactive women’s policy agenda to empower and improve Missouri women’s lives.
Ruth Jones Scurlock Scrapbooks, 1920s-1960s (CA6415)
2 volumes
Scrapbooks of Ruth Jones Scurlock who attended Oklahoma State University in Stillwater and later lived in Columbia, Missouri.
Laura Redden Searing Papers, 1846-1963 (C2290)
4.0 cubic feet (142 folders)
The papers of Laura Redden Searing, a poet and author whose works appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines, consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and Searing’s writings. Also included are correspondence, publicity clippings, and photographs of Searing’s daughter, Elsa Searing McGinn.
Ernest R. Sears Papers, 1928-1991 (C3892)
19.6 cubic feet (1283 folders)
The professional papers of Ernest R. Sears, a wheat cytogeneticist associated with the University of Missouri from 1936 until his death in 1991. The papers consist of correspondence, reprints of publications, reports, manuscripts, research notes, speeches, photographs, news clippings and miscellaneous items.
Lotti M. Sears Papers, 1936-1991 (C4021)
2.5 cubic feet (184 folders)
The papers contain correspondence, papers, photos, research, and miscellaneous material of a University of Missouri geneticist involved with cytogenetics, a branch of genetics which is concerned with the study of chromosomes and cell division.
Earl Truman Sechler Collection, 1951 (R1159)
(1 folder)
The Earl Truman Sechler Collection contains the "Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) History in Webster and Wright Counties of Missouri with Membership as Listed in 1951", describing the historic and then current congregations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Webster and Wright Counties in southwestern Missouri. Included are brief biographical sketches of early and influential pastors.
"Seeing the Light," Arthur E. Holbrook, 1950 (C2135)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Account of photographing "The Light at Hornet," an unidentified light in Newton County, MO, August 11, 1950.
Fred Lee Seevers Papers, 1931-1957 (K0714)
0.19 cubic foot (4 folders, 5 oversize photographs, 3 oversize items)
The Fred Lee Seevers Papers includes photographs, diplomas, directories, programs, membership cards, and constitution and by-laws relating to the Kansas City College of Veterinary Medicine and veterinary associations in the area.
Shirley Kenis Seigle and Sidney M. Seigle Papers, 1950-1987 (K1186)
0.1 c.f.
Seigle was an educator, actress, and playwright who produced various events for Temple B'nai Jehudah Sisterhood Incudes bulletins, education/administration papers, programs, scripts, newspaper clippings, and photographs relating to Seigle's activities at the Temple.
Ernestine Ernst Seiter Papers, 1828-1985 (C4351)
1.75 cubic feet (23 folders), 1 oversize volume, 1 oversize item
The papers contain a transcription of James and Robert Aull letter books and daybooks from 1828-1851. Also includes an unidentified doctor’s account ledger from Lexington, Missouri, from 1872-1875; scrapbook of Ernestine Ernst Seiter; research on Lexington homes; and miscellaneous material.
Theodore H. Seligson Architectural Collection, 1950-1995 (K0545)
235 c.f.
Administrative and financial records, correspondence, notes and other documents, and architectural drawings, by Seligson, and prominent Kansas City architect and educator, and his various firms.
Sellmeyer Family Collection, 1839-1990 (C3062)
1 roll of microfilm
Deeds, wills, family trees and photographs of three 19th-century immigrant families who settled in Missouri. The Velten and Ebeling families emigrated from Germany and settled in Warren County, while the Swedish Bentleys came to settle in Howard County. Also includes probate and census records, and a "Velten Family Record" narrative.
Seneca Missouri Scrapbooks, 1898-1992 (SP0029)
1 cubic foot (13 folders)
The Seneca, Missouri, Scrapbooks were compiled by Virginia Hoare and contain photographs, newspaper clippings, and articles about the history of Seneca, Missouri.
Settle Family Papers, 1857-2008 (CG0026)
1.25 c. f.
Correspondence and photographs of the Settle, O'Bannon, and Rhodes families of Wayne County, Missouri and Arkansas. Also includes genealogy records, Bible, and report cards for Virgil E. Settle.
William A. Settle Jr. Papers, c. 1920-1987 (C3896)
2.5 cubic feet (102 folders), 5 rolls of microfilm
Severance Book Review Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1931-2000 (C4364)
0.4 cubic feet (9 folders)
The records of a literary club contain constitutions, minutes, and membership lists of the club.
Betty Kennedy Sewell Genealogical Collection, 1912-2016 (CG0011)
1.4 cubic feet
The collection contains genealogical research, including family group sheets, correspondence, clippings, and photographs of the Kennedy, Zook, Sheppard, Priest, Renfroe, Whitley, Gisler, Doughty, and affiliated families.
Charles E. Sexton Papers, 1938-1973 (C4519)
2.0 cubic feet (48 folders)
Unpublished and published manuscripts, consisting of mostly historical fiction with some non-fiction, by writer and civil engineer Charles E. Sexton.
Norbert Shacklette Collection, 1891-2023 (R1511)
3 cubic feet (53 folders)
The Norbert Shacklette Collection contains railroad financial records and correspondence, transportation publications and related labor union communications from South-Central Missouri, and Missouri Democratic Party event programs and memorabilia.
John Elliott Shamberg Papers, 1923-2001 (K0748)
9 c.f.
Correspondence between Shamberg, his family and friends, relating his college years, early career, World War II, and after the war. Shamberg was an attorney and personal counsel to Robert B. Docking, governor of Kansas,
Lillian (Libby) Kodish Shankman and Philip Shankman Papers, 1919-1958 (K0779)
0.25 c.f.
The couple was the owners of Shankman's Oak Park Delicatessen, Kansas City, MO. Includes newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, a business cards, Sabbath schedules, wedding album, photo albums, their wedding certificate, and family scrapbooks.
Attie Zelpha Mitchell Shanks Genealogical Collection, 1890-1960 (R0061)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Attie Zelpha Mitchell Shanks Genealogy Collection contains a photocopy of genealogical materials for southeastern Missouri compiled by Attie Shanks. The records cover the ‘Upper Hog Creek’ area of eastern Bollinger and western Cape Girardeau counties.
Shannon Family Papers, 1845-1960 (C0933)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
Contains baccalaureate and other addresses by President James Shannon of the University of Missouri, some correspondence on religious matters, and family history and genealogy.
Shannondale Community Church-Center Collection, 1930-1967 (R0015)
(2 rolls of microfilms)
The Shannondale Community Church-Center Collection contains copies of nine scrapbooks with printed material, letters, and photographs from the Shannondale Community Church-Center in Shannon County, Missouri. The materials detail the establishment of Shannondale and of various religions and social projects.
Sharp Family Papers, 1845-1994 (K0553)
26.5 c.f.
Personal correspondence, financial records, scrapbooks, slides, photographs and records the Sharp family and the Wells family of Kansas City, MO and Johnson County, KS. Includes the papers of Hazel Wells Sharp (1910-2002) an educator for more than 40 years who taught school in Kansas City, MO and in the Wiesbaden American Schools in Germany.
Shaw and Whitelaw Family Papers, 1886-2008 (CA6696)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Family papers of the Shaw and Whitelaw families of Kidder, Missouri. Items include pedigree charts and family diaries. Also included are four compact disks that contain family letter transcriptions, photographs, and family histories.
Elijah J. Shaw Scrapbook, 1914-1971 (S0323)
1 microfilm roll
Elijah"Lige" Shaw began drumming in minstrel shows at age 10 in Jackson, Tennessee. He traveled with Bowen's and Blondon's Dandy Dixie Minstrels, the Original Georgia Minstrels, and other theatre and dance orchestras until he settled in St. Louis in the late 1920s. He
worked as a drummer in St. Louis and served several terms as president of Musicians Local 197. The collection contains playbills, correspondence, advertisements, and newspaper clippings on jazz musicians and civil rights sit-ins.
Ralph J. Shaw Papers, 1942-1987 (C4412)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)
World War II-era letters, photographs, military records, and miscellaneous papers of labor organizer Ralph J. Shaw.
Barbara Rosa Barnett Shelley Papers, 1850-1980 (K0049)
3 c.f.
Personal, business, and legal documents pertaining to the Barnett, Williamson, and Shelley families.
Charles G. Shelton Papers, 1918-1969 (C4062)
0.4 cubic feet (7 folders)
The papers of Charles Shelton, a farmer from Paris, Missouri, consist of notes on agricultural machinery, account books, a Modern Woodmen of America record book, personal correspondence, and miscellaneous personal material.
George Allen Shepardson Diaries, 1887-1952 (S0547)
4 cubic feet
The George Allen Shepardson Diaries contain sixty-five annual diaries kept by George Shepardson between the years of 1887 - 1952, during his time living and working in the Greater St. Louis metropolitan area and Illinois. Notable topics within the diaries include teaching in the rural Midwest and at St. Louis boarding schools; work at Cupples Station in St. Louis for the Missouri Pacific Railroad; St. Louis Streetcar strike of 1900; the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1904 (St. Louis World's Fair); and the World Wars.
Shepley-Hill Family Papers, 1898-2021 (S0327)
2 cubic feet
The Shepley-Hill Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, family trees, and a diary pertaining to the lives of Ethan A.H. Shepley, Virginia Hill-Shepley, and Michael Shepley. Materials of interest include Ethan A.H. Shepley Sr.’s World War I diary and correspondence between Virginia Hill-Shepley and Jay Landesman.
Sophie Beatrice ""Bee"" Kurs Sherman Papers, 1941-1986 (K0893)
0.07 cubic foot (7 folders, 1 photograph)
The Sophie Beatrice "Bee" Kurs Sherman Papers contain columns, scripts, and song lyrics written by Bee Sherman, a member of Kehilath Israel Synagogue, as well as a certified copy of Sherman's birth record, a photograph, and two newspaper clippings.
William Henry Sherman Papers (collection removed by donor 7/2/2014), 1924-1992 (K1239)
5 c.f.
Sherman was a career officer with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and a World War II veteran. Includes slides, 8 mm film, and photographs taken during World War II in Germany, France, Belgium and North Africa. Also materials pertain to Sherman's responsibilities in the Philippines during the early 1950's: correspondence with Princess Tarhata Kiram of Jolo, Sulu, Philippines; and a journal kept by Sherman while in Jolo.
Shirey Family Papers, 1855-1959 (SP0051)
0.4 cubic foot (21 folders, 2 photographs)
The Shirey Family Papers contain documents belonging to Etta Shirey and her family, including letters and postcards addressed to Etta, two diaries she kept, and her childhood school notes. The collection also contains publications that the Shirey family saved.
Floyd C. Shoemaker Collection, 1804-1970 (P0341)
Composite Photograph of Gamma chapter, Pi Lambda Epsilon Fraternity; University of Missouri Columns; Northwest Missouri Press Association Annual Outing, Hotel Taneycomo, Rockaway Beach, 1948
Floyd Calvin Shoemaker Collection, 1857; 1886-1973 (C4570)
2.8 cubic feet (75 folders, 6 oversize items)
Papers from Shoemaker’s tenure as Secretary of the State Historical Society of Missouri from 1915-1960--such as copies of the “This Week in Missouri History” series, information on the 1950s historical markers program, speeches and articles, and details of his various activities and honors--as well as photographs, correspondence, and personal materials.
Ralph J. Shoemaker Papers, 1920-1964 (C3350)
2.45 cubic feet (106 folders, 1 card file, 2 oversize volumes)
The papers contain correspondence, transcriptions of speeches, and pamphlets about newspaper libraries; correspondence and news coverage about publication of The President’s Words; reports; copies of Subject Classification for Clipping and Picture Files by Shoemaker; and World War II photographs.
Beth Campbell Short Papers, 1927-1968 (C3994)
0.6 cubic feet (33 folders)
The papers of Beth Campbell Short, a journalist from Oklahoma who primarily worked in Washington, D.C. covering Eleanor Roosevelt for the Associated Press, consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, speeches, reports, and photographs.
David W. Short Collection, 1902-1975 (K0690)
0.98 c.f.
Short is a collector of materials relating to interurban railroad and streetcar systems. Includes mechanical drawings, magazines, posters, maps, and photographs.
Dewey Short Papers, 1908-1980 (C4515)
45.0 c.f. (2868 folders), 3 audio cassettes, 9 audio discs, 2 audio tapes, 1 CD, 2 video cassettes, 2 DVDs, 2 film reels, 41 oversize items, 2 volumes, 1 oversize box
The personal and political papers of a Republican U. S. Representative from Missouri’s seventh congressional district include education and personal papers; correspondence; campaign materials; speeches; press releases; audiovisual material; photographs; subject files; and committee records. Includes materials on Table Rock Dam and Reservoir and the U. S. Army during World War II and the Cold War.
Shott Family Photographs, 1898-1957 (P0679)
4 photographs
Photos of the Shott family
Dorothy Heckmann Shrader Papers, 1866-1976 (CA5925)
6 cubic feet
The papers of a Hermann, Missouri, writer and descendant of steamboat captain, Bill Heckmann. Includes newspaper clippings of happenings along Missouri’s waterways dating from the late 1800s to mid-1900s. Also includes genealogical information on the Heckmann family, maps of Missouri's rivers, and a few photographs of steamboats and river scenes.
Harlan Loy Shrader Papers, 1889-1970 (C4350)
0.4 cubic feet (10 folders), 1 oversize volume
The records contain papers, volumes, and photographs from the life of Harlan Loy Shrader, including his time as a student at the University of Missouri, his military service during World War I, and his career in poultry science.