

Meyer-Fernholtz Family Papers, 1880-1959, 1993 (S0701)
0.75 cubic foot

The Meyer-Fernholtz Family Papers contain family a family bible, photograph album, birth certificates, marriage certificates, and an interment notice.


Dr. Roy E. Meyers Photograph Collection, 1881-1950 (P0709)
9 photographs

Photos of mining, carriages, and street scenes in Joplin, MO. Image of street scene in Carthage, MO, ca. 1900.


Miami Savings Bank Record Book, 1874-1923 (C1164)
0.12 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Includes articles of association, bylaws, minutes of board meetings, transfers, and minutes of stockholders' meetings.


Miami, Missouri, Records, 1867-1965 (C2490)
1.1 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The public records of a town in Saline County, Missouri, include city council minutes, school board records, and assessment and tax books.


Midco Mercantile Company Records, circa 1920 (R0306)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Midco Mercantile Company Collection contains an unused coupon book from the general store at Midco, two miles north of Fremont in Carter County, Missouri. The business was owned by the Mid-Continent Iron Company, which operated an iron furnace and chemical plant at Midco until 1921.


Frederick A. Middlebush Papers, 1920-1958 (C0133)
1.0 cubic foot (80 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers from the office of the President of the University of Missouri include material on the 13th Annual Conference, Association of Higher Education; budget reports and requests; Committee on Tenure; admission of Black students; State Crippled Children’s Service; Governor’s Conference on Fire Prevention; Curator’s Report on School of Medicine; and Committee on Long Range Planning of Physical Education.

Middleton Family Papers, 1859-1938 (C3175)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Letters of the James H. Middleton family regarding the history and genealogy of the Middleton, Williams, and Evans families.


Fred G. Mieswinkel Photograph Collection, 1925-1960 (P0729)
4 photographs

Photos of Marionville and Lawrence county, MO, 1925 and ca. 1960.



Mill Creek School, Texas County, Missouri Records, 1886-1927 (R0651)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Mill Creek School, Texas County, Missouri Records are microfilmed records of the School District No. 2 near Plato in northwestern Texas County, Missouri. The records include seven volumes for the district clerk from 1886 to 1925 and teachers’ registers from 1893 to 1927.



Miller County Exchange Bank (Olean, Mo.) Records, 1914-1944 (CA4949)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

Minutes, correspondence, monthly reports, financial statements, and similar records of the bank.


Miller's Shoes Account Book, 1905-1924 (C1104)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Account book, Miller's Shoes, Columbia, MO, 1905-1924. Monthly cash and credit sales. No names.


Eddie Miller Photograph Collection, 1852-1922 (P0608)
0.23 linear feet

Photographs of the Truman Presidential Library, ca. 1974. Copy photos, the bulk of which depict DeSoto, Jefferson County, MO. Also images of Washington County and Old Mines, MO.


George C. Miller Photograph Collection, 1910-1960 (P0081)
4 photographs

1974 color photo of Conley House, Columbia, MO. 2 b/w fashion photos, a wedding dress and "ornate" gown. B/w cabinet card of two unnamed children from St. Joseph, MO.


George Miller Papers, 1910-1964 (K0715)
4 c.f.

Miller was in real estate business and a builder in Kansas City, MO who with his partner, Guy McCanless, built a number of the prominent apartments in the County Club Plaza area. Includes photographs, ledgers, scrapbooks, notebooks, and architectural drawings connected with the Miller's career and real estate in Kansas City.


Merritt F. Miller Collection, 1866-2003 (C3921)
0.8 cubic feet (40 folders)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Photographs, negatives and caption notebook of a University of Missouri professor of soils, 1904-1938; and dean of the College of Agriculture, 1838-1945; depicting scenes of the Ozarks; European landmarks and agriculture; a North American tour of the International Society of Soil Science; and various Missouri, Columbia, and University of Missouri scenes. Also included are correspondence to and from Miller, postcards he collected while visiting Europe, and miscellaneous papers.

Wilber Miller Photograph Collection, 1850-1958 (P0494)
0.16 linear feet

Copy photographs of Stockton, MO



Miller-Stephens Family Papers, 1811-1960 (C3229)
0.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence between members of the P.T. Miller family and the E.W. Stephens family, as well as Personal, business, and civic letters of Hugh Stephens. Several letters from 1811 to 1814, one 1839 letter, then resumes with a few Civil War letters. Traces the courtship of Nick E. Miller and Sallie "Birdie" Fisher until their marriage in 1874. Also includes the 1902 foreign travel letters of James H. Moss, a relative of the Stephens family.


Jacob LeRoy Milligan Scrapbooks, 1917-1968 (C3645)
1 roll of microfilm (2 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Scrapbooks of clippings about Jacob LeRoy Milligan and Maurice M. Milligan. They contain information on Richmond, Ray County, Missouri; the law firm of Roberts, Milligan and Milligan; Company C, 140th Infantry Regiment, 35th Division, U.S. Army [6th Regiment, Missouri Infantry]; and Maurice's prosecution of Thomas Pendergast.


Kay Mills Papers, c. 1890-2011 (C4070)
16.25 cubic feet (513 folders), 170 audio cassettes, 3 video cassettes, 1 compact disc

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers of a journalist, author, and editorial writer for the Los Angeles Times include news articles, story files, books, manuscripts, research files, correspondence, personal papers, and interviews on audio cassette.

Mine La Motte Records, 1840-1929 (R1347)
0.25 cubic foot (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Mine La Motte records document mining history in Mine La Motte, a town in Missouri's Old Lead Belt. The papers include maps, letters, and stock certificates.


Mine La Motte, Missouri Land Records, circa 1922 (R0027)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Mine La Motte, Missouri Land Records contains a photocopy of a typescript compilation of the abstract of tile to the property at Mine La Motte in Madison County, Missouri. The abstract was excerpted from the official records of Madison County.


Minnick Family Papers, 1872-1949 (C4559)
1.4 cubic feet (24 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains correspondence, account books and other financial records, ephemera, personal papers, photographs and tintypes of the Minnick family members, who lived in Chillicothe, Missouri.


Ruth E. Minor Photograph Collection, 1900-1930 (P0561)
7 photographs

Seven photographs of University of Missouri agriculture students and activities, 1900-1930.


MISSOURI (Snag Boat) Pictures, 1923 (C0925)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Picture of deep water commissioners leaving Kansas City on the MISSOURI on the way to St. Louis, 22 May 1923. Two photographs of an unidentified man.

Missouri Architectural Collection, 1903-2003 (K0009)
48.53 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Architectural drawings and other items from various donors relating to buildings designed by Kansas City architects and/or in the Kansas City area.

Missouri Association for Social Welfare Records, 1908-1971 (C3475)
79.0 cubic feet (6,647 folders), 23 oversize volumes, 6 card files

 Finding Aid

Records of an association organized to improve and extend the health and welfare of the people of the State of Missouri, and to promote the improvement of public and private social services and the prevention of poverty, crime, and disease in the state. The records consist of correspondence, minutes, committee records, newsletters and conference materials.

Missouri Association of Probate and Associate Circuit Judges Records, 1914-1979 (C3658)
1.2 cubic feet (75 folders, 3 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Minutes, bylaws, correspondence, resolutions, association histories, probate decisions and financial reports of the Missouri Association of Probate and Associate Circuit Judges from its founding in 1914 as the Missouri Probate Judges’ Association to 1979. The organization has also been called the Missouri Association of Probate Judges and the Missouri Association of Probate and Magistrate Judges during the course of its history.

Missouri Association of the Future Farmers of America Records, 1928-1980 (C3644)
3 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Records of the state organization of affiliated high school FFA chapters. Includes constitution and bylaws, applications for and articles of incorporation, minutes of meetings, and scrapbooks on state and local chapter activities.

Missouri Baptist Associations Records, 1912-1980 (R0394)
17 folders microfilmed

 Finding Aid

This collection consists largely of printed minutes of annual meetings of United or Missionary
Baptist associations in southern Missouri. The minutes include the records of annual sessions,
committee reports, and statistical information on the associations and their constituent churches.
Also included are a few miscellaneous Baptist publications.


Missouri Bureau of Public Roads Photographs, 1920-1949 (P0196)
0.125 linear feet

Original photos of projects in Missouri for Bureau of Public Roads.

Missouri Capitol Photographs, 1913-1927 (C3757)
43 lantern slides

 Finding Aid

Images include elevations, plans, perspective drawings, and photographs of the Capitol in Jefferson City, as well as murals, tapestries, and sculpture commissioned to decorate the building.


Missouri Capitol Dedication Program, 1924 (C0858)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The program of the dedication of the Missouri Capitol on 6 October 1924 lists the activities and participants for the day, including the parade in the morning, the band concert, and the "dedication exercises proper" in the afternoon.


Missouri Church Records, 1811-2024 (C0558)
123.3 cubic feet (1424 folders), 3 computer discs

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Church Records consist of newsletters, conference proceedings, reports, directories, journals, and other publications of various religious denominations in Missouri including the Methodist, Baptist, Disciples of Christ (Christian), Presbyterian, and Catholic churches.

Missouri College and University Print Materials, 1836-1986 (C4281)
12 cubic feet (322 folders), 13 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The materials contain pamphlets, catalogs, guides, speeches, programs, yearbooks, periodicals and books produced by Missouri colleges, universities, academies, and other educational institutions.


Missouri Collegiate Oratorical Association Records, 1895-1943 (C4732)
0.4 cubic feet (22 folders)

 Finding Aid

Constitutions and by-laws, programs, copies of speeches and miscellaneous records of an organization of colleges in Missouri which held annual oratory competitions.

Missouri Congress of Parents and Teachers Records, 1899-2013 (CA6595)
14.5 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 2 video cassettes, 18 oversize items, 2 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Addition of records includes executive committee meeting minutes, publications, reports, photographs, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material.


Missouri Constitutional Convention Portraits, 1922-1923 (P1086)

Portraits of representatives to Missouri's Constitutional Convention.


Missouri Council of Churches Records, 1866-1980s (CA4558)
29 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume

 Finding Aid

The records of an organization concerned with legislation and social welfare programs in addition to religious concerns include convention materials, committee files, minutes, publications, correspondence, and miscellaneous material. Includes records of the Missouri Sunday School Association.

Missouri Department of Agriculture Photographs, 1920-1978 (P0203)
10 photographs

Photos of the Missouri State Fair.



Missouri Department of Natural Resources Photographs, 1890-1988 (P0136)
1.08 linear feet

 Digitized Materials

Photographs and postcards of historic sites and buildings in Missouri. Includes photographs of the dedication for the Harry S. Truman birthplace site in Lamar.


Missouri Department of Transportation Photographs, 1929-1972 (P0453)
0.5 linear feet

Photos of State Highway Commision members, Ronald Reagan speaking at the Missouri State Fair, the Missouri State Highway Takeover program, and Missouri bridges, businesses, and historic sites.


Missouri Equine & Equestrian Collection of Photographs, 1856-1938 (P0993)

Photographs of mules, horses, and equestrians. Many of the photographs were taken in mid-Missouri, but images of notable race horses of the early to mid-20th century are also included. Broadacres Farm in Liberty, Missouri, is heavily featured. Shows included are the National Belgian Horse Show, the International Livestock Exposition,


Missouri Extension Homemakers Association Records, 1909-2013 (C4696)
29.3 cubic feet (919 folders) 268 audio cassettes, 5 35mm film negatives, 3 oversize items, 21 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Material pertaining to the women’s extension clubs in Missouri include meeting minutes, programs, lists of officers, annual records, handbooks, project reports, histories, publications, correspondence, scrapbooks, project files, and miscellany of the state organization and various chapters. Includes oral histories collected for the organization’s 50th anniversary.

Missouri Farm Bureau Federation Reports, 1915-1922 (C0135)
0.6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Reports of county and home demonstration agents. Some describe the beginnings of the farm bureau and county agent in a given county. Some contain summaries of individual farmers' work to further the cause of the Allies in World War I.

Missouri FarmHouse Library Papers, 1906-1971 (C2959)
2.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of the Missouri FarmHouse Library contain minutes of the organization, 1913-1971; histories of the fraternity in speeches and excerpts of diaries of prominent members. Also included are constitutions and bylaws of the organization, 1922-1971, and correspondence of the organization and associated auxiliary groups (e.g. FarmHouse Foundation and FarmHouse Alumni Association).

Missouri Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs Records, 1923-2003 (C4547)
11.0 cubic feet (172 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection contains the minutes of meetings, annual reports, financial records, manuals, programs and other convention materials for the Missouri Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.

Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs Records, 1917-2023 (CA6745)
1 cubic foot, 1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Addition of MFWC records. Includes records from the 4th district and miscellaneous clubs. Items include convention records, certificates, financial records, minutes, and yearbooks. See also C1172.

Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs Records, 1909-1926 (CA6436)
0.4 cubic feet

Addition of yearbooks, programs, and miscellaneous material. See also C1172 and CA6745 preliminary inventory.

Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs Records, 1896-1933 (C1172)
5 volumes

 Finding Aid

Membership lists, officers, constitution, and minutes of the directors' and annual meetings.