Ernest Manheim Papers, 1899-2009 (K1249)
110 c.f.
professional papers/collection of UMKC professor of sociology (1940-1991)
Manley Inc. Records, 1922-2002 (K0621)
0.26 c.f.
Photographs, advertisements, catalogs, for the Kansas City company, makers of popcorn and popcorn machines.
Clair V. Mann Collection, 1821-1973 (C3556)
5.25 cubic feet (560 folders, 23 volumes)
Papers pertaining to the Meramec Iron Works, James family, Frisco Railroad, School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla, engineering education, testing of students, and other subjects of interest to Mann as an historian and engineer.
Edgar P. Mann Papers, 1884-1945 (C2462)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Correspondence and memorandum concerning Democratic politics in Dade County, MO, and William Joel Stone's campaign to secure the Democratic nomination for U.S. congressman, 1884. Mann, a lawyer in Greenfield, was influential in gaining support for Stone in Dade County.
Margaret Marston Mansfield Scrapbook, 1882-1951 (SP0037)
.25 cubic foot (2 folders, 6 photographs)
The Margaret Marston Mansfield Scrapbook collection consists of a scrapbook compiled by Margaret Marston Mansfield. It contains newspaper articles she found interesting or relevant to her life, including information about her brother, Charles E. Marston, one of the first deans of what is now Missouri State University.
Manual Society of Debate Collection, 1898-1961 (K0337)
0.2 c.f.
Manual High School debate society of Minutes, charter and other organizational papers, and printed material. Also records, rosters, and printed material relating to the Manual Debaters' alumni association.
Curtis Fletcher Marbut Papers, 1852-1983 (C3720)
6.8 cubic feet (250 folders)
The personal and professional papers of C. F. Marbut, a geology professor at the University of Missouri, 1895-1910, and soil scientist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1910-1935, includes correspondence, estate and financial records, photographs, publications, manuscripts, and maps. The personal correspondence received by Louise Marbut Moomaw and a short series of Civil War letters are also included in the papers.
Irene Whitley Marcus Collection, 1885-2019 (K0452)
40 c.f.
Personal papers, collected items, and photographs of an African American educator, whose collection documents the history of the Black community in Kansas City from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century.
Morris B. Margolies Papers, 1915-2010 (K0582)
11 c.f.
Personal and professional papers including correspondence, letters, and cards to Margolies, Rabbi at Congregation Beth Shalom, and his wife Ruth, who was active in Hadassah, the Beth Shalom Sisterhood, and the Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Also lectures (VHS) Rabbi Margolies gave at Beth Shalom during and after his tenure as Rabbi.
Maries County Teachers' Association Records, 1910-1931 (R0657)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Maries County Teachers’ Association Records are microfilmed meeting minutes of the association that include roll calls of attendees and minutes of proceedings from 1910 to 1931. Records were not recorded from 1915 to 1927.
Maries County, Missouri Photograph Collection, circa 1880s-1930s (R0587)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder, 46 photographs)
These are photographs copied from Volumes 1-9 of the scrapbook collection at the Old Jail Museum at Vienna, Missouri. They feature significant locations, buildings, events, and individuals, mostly in Maries County, Missouri. Many of the views are of Vienna, but there are also photographs of Belle, Paydown, Safe, Summerfield, Vichy, the Gasconade River, St. James in Phelps County, Meta in Osage County, and Dixon in Pulaski County.
Maries County, Missouri Scrapbook Collection, circa 1920-1950 (R0102)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Maries County, Missouri Scrapbook Collection contains a photocopy of a scrapbook compiled by Vienna Bishop. The scrapbook contains obituaries, wedding announcements, and miscellaneous articles from the Maries County Gazette.
Marion County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1892-1982 (P1147)
An artificial collection of photographs of Marion County, Missouri, with emphasis on Hannibal, but also including Palmyra and other locations.
Mark Twain National Forest Photograph Collection, circa 1900-1985 (R0485)
0.05 cubic foot (2 folders, 719 negatives)
These are photographs copied from holdings of the Mark Twain National Forest in Rolla, Missouri. Topics include National Forest facilities and projects; forest and wood industries; water mills; lakes, rivers, and springs; mines; dams; and the Civilian Conservation Corps and Youth Conservation Corps.
Mariska Pugsley Marker Papers, 1813-2008 (K0500)
8 c.f.
Family papers of descendants of John Campbell of Kansas City, in particular the Frederic and Charlotte Pugsley family and their daughter Mariska.
Percy W. Markham Papers, 1890s-1980s (CA6401)
7.6 cubic feet
The papers of a Brookfield, Missouri, businessman and developer include materials concerning the Consumer Public Services Company and the development of Markham Estates. The collection also includes numerous glass plate negatives documenting life at the turn of the twentieth century, likely in the Brookfield, Missouri, area.
Henry R. Marnett Railroad Collection, 1899-2012 (K0734)
6.19 c.f.
The Henry R. Marnett Railroad Collection contains materials related to the life and interests of Henry R. Marnett. The collection consists of various materials including photographs, negatives, slides, postcards, and ephemera representing Marnett's family and his favorite hobby, trains.
James V. Marra Architectural Records, 1920-1990 (K0735)
14 c.f.
Architectural drawings and supporting documents including job files, specifications, financial records, and books, belonging to Marra, a Kansas City architect. Included are drawings from the firm of Wight and Wight.
Susan Louise Marsh Scrapbooks, 1920-1935 (C1414)
0.22 cubic feet (2 volumes)
The scrapbooks of Susan Louise Marsh contain letters, poems, and newspaper clippings of Susan Louise Marsh describing her campaign to save Eugene Field's childhood home, appointment as first poet laureate of Missouri, and club activities.
Howard Wight Marshall Collection, 1906-2000 (CA5161)
26.8 cubic feet, 354 audio cassettes, 101 audio tapes, 8 CDs, 10 audio discs, 6.54 GB
Audio recordings of folk and bluegrass music from Missouri and the Ozark region, primarily 1960s and 1970s. Also includes student research papers and course materials in fields of folk life, material culture, architecture and historic preservation, as well as miscellaneous material.
Richard A. Marshall Collection, 1897-1924 (C2925)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
William Jennings Bryan speech on bimetallism. Invitation to W.H. Hall from Gov. Arthur M. Hyde to attend the dedication of the Missouri state capitol building, October 6, 1924.
Martin Brothers Mercantile Records, 1925-1930 (R0402)
1 cubic foot (2 oversize volumes)
The Martin Brothers Mercantile Records contain records books for a grocery and general store operated by Issac N. Martin and Thomas Martin in Theodosia, Missouri. The records include an account ledger and daybook.
Martin Family Papers, 1857-1944 (R1472)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Martin Family Papers contain an autobiographical account of Paris Clark Martin's life. The autobiographical stories include events leading up to and after the Civil War, information about southeastern Missouri, and Tom How's (Howe's) Mill. The collection also includes the memoirs of Paris Clark Martin's son, William Lawrence Martin, which discusses his father.
Martin Family Photographs, 1881-1960 (P1055)
Four photographs of Edward Allen Martin and one photograph of his father, Dr. J.F. Martin, both druggists in Greenfield, Missouri.
Martin Family Photographs, 1896-1959 (P0050)
32 photographs
Photographs of the Martin family of Salem, MO, and several relatives from extended family
Maude Williams Martin Papers, 1896-1989 (C3909)
3 cubic feet
The papers of Maude Williams Martin, a collector of Missouri folk songs and ballads, and a writer of short stories and poetry; include correspondence, school lecture notes and papers, poems, short stories, essays, and travel material. Also included is material regarding the Missouri Folk-Lore Society, and published book of Martin's poems entitled, SELECTED POEMS.
Woodford Martin Papers, 1905-1926 (K0179)
1 MR
Patient register kept by Martin, a physician, in Savannah, and first official physician for Andrew County, MO. Lists the patient's names and the services he rendered. Indexed.
Marvin Memorial Methodist Church, St. Louis, Missouri, Records, 1875-1962 (C1239)
2 cubic feet
Records consist of quarterly conference journals and reports; notes and minutes of church boards and committees; financial records; membership, baptismal, and marriage records; and records of Sunday school and social organizations.
Marvin School, Morgan County, Missouri Records, 1903-1931 (R0431)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Marvin School, Morgan County, Missouri records contain three record books of the Marvin School which was located southeast of Versailles in Morgan County, Missouri. The records include minutes of meetings, annual enumerations of both children and taxpayers in the districts, financial records, and statements of the district clerk.
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Published by the Mary Hardin Mission Circle, First Baptist Church, Mexico, MO. Contains biographical sketch and poetry of Mary Hardin, wife of Charles H. Hardin, governor of Missouri.
Mary Kenney Photograph Collection, 1857-1987 (P1210)
28 photographs
Photographs of Glasgow, Missouri, and the Rocheport, Missouri, cave. Postcards depicting Hannibal, Missouri.
Mason Family Papers, 1820-1982 (CA6555)
5.4 cubic feet, 5 oversize items
The papers of the Harry Proctor Mason family of Fayette, Missouri, largely contain correspondence written during the early to mid-twentieth century. Also includes genealogical materials, photographs, postcards, and miscellaneous material.
Gerald R. Massie Photographs, 1860-1980 (P0016)
0.83 cubic feet (497 photographs)
Photographs of scenes across Missouri, many taken as part of Massie's work as Missouri's state photographer. Events highlighted include Winston Churchill's visit to Fulton, Governor Hearnes' inaugural celebrations in 1965 and 1969, and the Battle of Pilot Knob Centennial commemoration in 1964. The collection includes extensive coverage of the Missouri State Capitol building. Geographically, the collection covers much of Missouri, with particular focus on tourist destinations: St. Louis, Kansas City, Hannibal, Ste. Genevieve, and the Ozarks.
William L. H. Matkin Papers, circa 1865-1922 (R0784)
(1 folder)
This collection contains photocopies and typescripts of the memorandum book of Reverend William L. H. Matkin, a Baptist minister in Madison County, Missouri. Included are notes on persons baptized and married, funerals preached, notations on personal finances, and an inventory of a blacksmith shop.
Leonard Matthews Family Papers, 1861-2003 (S0841)
1 cubic foot, 38 photographs
The Leonard Matthews Family Papers contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and Leonard Matthews's autobiography "A Long Life In Review," pertaining to the lives of Leonard Matthews, Leonard Matthews Jr., and William Matthews.
Lizzie Blanche Matthews Papers, 1885-1920 (C0832)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
Correspondence of Lizzie B. Matthews, with George H. Brooks, between 1889 and 14 August 1900, their wedding date. Topics include teaching school, teachers' salaries, smallpox outbreaks, local court cases, small town entertainment, weather, road conditions, and operating a dry goods store in Salisbury. Miscellaneous programs. Also includes photographs of the Matthews store in Salisbury, Matthews family members and teachers from Salisbury schools.
Sherman Matthews Papers, 1923-1930 (C4275)
0.4 cubic feet (16 folders)
Kansas City Bridge Company business correspondence of Sherman Matthews and H. M. Jopling, Jopling’s Nelson High School physics experiment workbooks, and a standard two-week time book to calculate wages owed, 1923-1930.
Mary Ann Matthews Collection, 1925 (K1071)
1 c.f.
Matthews was an architectural historian involved with the research and restoration of a number of buildings in the Kansas City area. Includes remnants of wallpaper from the Lightner house, Lexington, MO; rendering of a State Office building in Topeka, KS; and architectural drawing of Newbern Hotel, addition, Kansas City, MO.
Matthews-Chambers Papers, 1860-1970 (S0440)
0.4 cubic foot, 29 folders
The Matthews-Chambers papers document the work, social activities, and travels of the Chambers family from 1811-1974. The collection also reflects social and political conditions in St. Louis, England, and India during the 19th century and early 20th century. Included in the collection is Correspondence (1877-1884) among members of the Chambers family reveals inter-familial tensions over child rearing, education and finances. These letters also describe military duties, social activities, living conditions, and attitudes toward natives among British Army officers and British planters living in India during the late 19th century.
Bernice M. Max Papers, 1920-2002 (K0897)
0.25 c.f.
Photographs of Max and her family.
Lawrence "Max" Maxeiner Papers, 1920-2014 (S0453)
15 cubic feet
The Lawrence "Max" Maxiener Papers primarily consists of photographs documenting Maxiener's career as a freelance photographer in the St. Louis area. Materials of interest include photographs of the flood of 1993, Union Station, and Michael Dukakis and Bill Clinton's visits to the St. Louis area during the 1988 and 1992 presidential campaigns.
May Department Stores Company Records, 1883-2004 (S1130)
8 cubic feet
The May Department Stores Company Records contain annual reports, newsletters, photographs, and scrapbooks relating to the Railway Exchange Building and David May, the founder of the company. May founded the May Department Stores Company in 1878 to buy and merge retail stores throughout the country. Some of May's most notable acquisitions occurred in 1911 when he purchased the famous Clothing Store and the William Barr Dry Goods Company and merged them into Famous-Barr. Macy's purchased the May Department Stores Company in 2006.
D. B. Maybry (Moss Tie) Papers, 1928-1998 (S0927)
29 cubic feet
The D.B. Maybry Papers consist of correspondence, memos, photographs, and promotional materials pertaining to Maybry's employment with the T.J. Moss Tie Company.
Andrew W. McAlester 80th Birthday Dinner Program, 1921 (C0751)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Program of dinner tendered Dr. McAlester in celebration of his eightieth birthday by the Boone County Medical Society and the citizens of Columbia, MO.
Eugene McAuliffe Papers, 1906-1948 (R0409)
0.3 cubic foot (6 folders, 217 photographs)
The Eugene McAuliffe Papers contain the personal correspondence and photograph album of mining and railway engineer Eugene McAuliffe. The album contains views of the construction of the Panama Canal and a tour of the canal by a group from the American Institute of Mining Engineers in 1910.
McCanse Brothers Records, 1886-1933 (R0355)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The McCanse Brothers Records contain microfilm copies of journals, cash books, and ledgers from the mercantile operations of the McCanse family at Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri. Included are records of the firm styled McCanse Brothers, 1886-circa 1899, and those of Charles A. McCanse, circa 1899-1933.
Charles E. McCartney Papers, 1917-1971 (C4420)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers of Charles E. McCartney contain military orders/memorandums and reminiscences of a Coast Artillery Unit officer during World War I. Along with these papers are miscellaneous items such as a scrapbook, two forms of identification for Charles E. McCartney, newspaper clippings, and correspondence from during and after McCartney’s time serving in the military.
Charles M. McClain Postcard Collection, 1900-1956 (P0539)
23 postcards
23 postcards of Missouri scenes, including the Ozarks, Paseo in Kansas City, Warrenton, Troy, Hannibal, St. Louis, St. Joseph, Nevada, and Russellville.
Arthur F. McClure II Papers, 1908-1997 (K0660)
18 c.f.
McClure was a professor of history at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, MO. Includes research materials reflecting his interest in Missouri and Kansas history: newspaper clippings, magazine articles, books, and pamphlets on famous people who were born in these states; movies made in or about the area; Kansas City area buildings, businesses, and theaters; jazz and big bands. Also movie files of photographs of famous actors and actresses; and photographs from the Farm Security Administration.
Mike W. McClurg Photograph Collection, 1895-1995 (K0847)
1.5 c.f.
Glass plate negatives taken in the Rockville, Bates County, MO area and the Kansas City area. Primarily document rural and agricultural activities.