Bollinger-Dolle Mill and Store Records, 1867-1935 (R0092)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The Bollinger-Dolle Mill and Store Records contain microfilm copies of journals, ledgers, and miscellaneous material from the Bollinger-Cole mill and store on the Big Whitewater River near Sedgewickville, Missouri. The mill was built in the early 1800s and operated until the 1930s.
Christopher and Linda Bond Photograph Collection, 1870-1917 (P0091)
18 photographs
10 b/w photos of the Capitol (completed in 1917) while under construction; 6 views of previous Capitol (completed in 1840) and 1 photo of Missouri River bluff; photographic copy of litho of Jefferson City in mid-1850s and 1 photo of temporary Capitol building.
Book Lovers' Club Records, 1915-2011 (K0901)
2.25 c.f.
Organizational records of the oldest African American women's club in Kansas City. Includes minutes, yearbooks, meeting programs, photographs, financial records, and other related materials.
Boone County (Mo.) Records, 1821-1914 (C3041)
0.2 cubic feet (9 folders, 13 volumes on two rolls of microfilm)
Early minutes of the Boone County Court, 1821-1822, 1830-1839. Deposition and will of Ira Nash in early court case, 1844. Minutes and premium book of the Boone County Agricultural and Mechanical Society, 1852-1874, Registration books for physicians, surgeons, dentists and osteopaths, 1874-1914. Books listing marks and brands and dog registrations for Boone County.
Boone County Black Archives Collection, 1867-2014 (C4057)
0.6 cubic feet (38 folders), 1 video cassette, 4 compact discs, 1 computer disc, 1 DVD
The Boone County Black Archives Collection is an artificial collection documenting the lives of Black people living in Boone County, Missouri. The materials include photographs, scrapbooks, correspondence, news clippings, booklets, and other ephemera.
Boone County Medical Society Records, 1902-1953 (C2475)
0.29 cubic feet (3 volumes)
Vol. 1 Minutes of meetings, June 28, 1902- December 21, 1921; lists of members, 1902-1922. Vol. 2 Minutes of meetings, February 1, 1922-December 2, 1947; lists of members, 1934-1940, 1946. Vol. 3 Minutes of meetings, January 6, 1948-December 15, 1953; lists of members, 1948-1949, 1953.
Boone County, Missouri, Recorder of Deeds Records, 1820-1929 (C3306)
2.0 cubic feet (82 folders)
Boone County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1890-1964 (P0787)
An artificial collection of photographs of Boone County, Missouri.
Boone County, Missouri, Reception Program, 1917 (C2958)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a "To Our Boys From the Mexican Border," program for a reception by the citizens of Boone County, MO, at Union Building, 6 March 1917.
Boonville Presbyterian Church (Boonville, Mo.) Records, 1838-1947 (C2981)
2 rolls of microfilm
The records of the Boonville Presbyterian Church contain minutes of session meetings of ruling elders and membership and financial information of the Old School Presbyterian Church of Boonville. The collection includes lists of ministers, elders, deacons, clerks of session, members, communicants, and baptisms.
Boonville Turn and Gesang Verein Papers, 1852-1925 (C0880)
1.2 cubic feet (1 folder, 11 volumes)
Constitution and by-laws, deed, rules for use of meeting hall, reports of secretary, receipts for dues, and application for membership of a German social organization in Boonville, Missouri. Minutes, roster of members, and account books. Written in German until 1902.
Boonville, St. Louis and Southern Railway Company Certificates of Registration, 1918-1919 (C0530)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two certificates registering the company in the office of the Secretary of State of State of Missouri, dated July 20, 1918, and July 10, 1919.
Bertha Booth Papers, 1837-1953 (C3195)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Papers of John Boon; plat map and notes concerning Far West, MO; typed copies of evidence given in Joseph Smith's trial, and "Mormon Names in Caldwell County and Salt Lake," article written by Bertha Booth, n.d.
Booth-Lang Family Papers, 1895-1987 (K0658)
6 c.f.
Papers and photographs documenting the history of the Lang, Imboden, Fornefett, Booth and related families. Includes genealogical information, certificates of baptism, confirmation, naturalization papers, military records, obituaries, and correspondence. Also family activities and interests, residences, military, and travel.
Bosworth Hunting Club Records, 1912-2022 (CA6750)
6.4 cubic feet
Meeting club minutes, bi-laws, articles of incorporation, financial records, USDA projects, correspondence, ballots, membership information and histories for the Bosworth Hunting club that was in Chariton County, Missouri, 1912-2022.
James Sherman Botsford Memorial Booklet, 1915 (K1001)
0.02 c.f. (1 folder)
Memorial booklet for Botsford, prominent lawyer and civic leader, and former district attorney for Western Missouri.
Thomas W. Botts Papers, 1912-1981 (C2686)
3.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, training information, and track meet programs of the University of Missouri track and cross-country coach Thomas W. Botts.
Virginia M. Botts Collection, 1890-1992 (C4477)
1.6 cubic feet (47 folders, 3 oversize items)
Materials surrounding the involvement of Boone County genealogist Virginia M. Botts in local historical and preservation efforts as well as postcards, photographs, and genealogical research papers and correspondence.
Hillen Armour Bourland Papers, 1862-1958 (CA6698)
0.37 cubic feet (1 folder, 2 oversize volumes)
The papers of a Methodist minister, Hillen Armour Bourland, who lived in Tennessee, Missouri, and Texas. They include a two volume journal which detail circuit rides as a traveling minister, the Civil War, and his personal life. Also included are miscellaneous papers from members of Bourland's family.
Bower Brothers Store (Bethel, Mo.) Records, 1890-1924 (C2988)
1 roll of microfilm
The records of the Bower Brothers Store contain journals of the general store in Bethel, MO, owned by Theodore L. Bower, 1890-1902, and records of Walter C. Bower and the Bower family, 1895-1909 and 1919-1924. Accounts, names of customers and purchases are listed in the store records. The family records include those of the George Bower estate, collections of promissory notes and family expenses.
Bower Family Papers, c. 1865-1974 (C4055)
0.7 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of the Bower family, who settled in Bethel, Missouri, around 1850, consist of correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
Edward L. Bowles Papers, 1883-1991 (C4191)
0.19 cubic feet (9 folders)
Photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous documents concerning Edward Bowles and the history of Westphalia, Missouri.
Charles M. Bowring Papers, 1819-1922 (C3547)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of Charles M. Bowring contain Bowring’s diary recording events in Wellington, Missouri, from 1819 through 1898, and poems which he wrote on many subjects.
Boy Scout Troop #61 Collection, 1917-2001 (K0809)
1 c.f.
75th Anniversary commemorative book, scrapbooks, publications, printed materials and photographs concerning the sole surviving Jewish sponsored Boy Scout Troop in Kansas City.
Boy Scouts of America, Columbia Council Papers, 1915-1922 (C3173)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of the Columbia Council of the Boy Scouts of America contain correspondence, lists of members, a songsheet, and the constitution and by-laws.
Minnie Hahn Boyce Photograph Collection, 1889-1911 (P0524)
2 photographs
Photos of the Missouri State Capitol, 1917 and ca. 1889-1911.
Trenton Boyd Collection, 1869-1970 (P0425)
0.17 linear feet
Postcards and photos of Columbia, MO, New Bloomfield, MO and Cape Girardeau County.
John F. Bradbury, Jr. Postcard Collection, 1889-2022 (R1551)
4 cubic feet (122 folders, 4,432 postcards)
The John F. Bradbury, Jr. Postcard Collection contains postcards collected by Bradbury, containing images from the Ozarks and Southern Missouri. The postcards consist of real photograph, commercially printed, and illustrated postcards. The images mainly feature Missouri towns, railroads, Route 66, resorts, and rivers.
Ruth Bradfield Photograph Collection, 1830-1910 (P0107)
8 photographs
A set of unidentified 19th century portraits, in cartes des visite and tintype formats.
Bradford Family Papers, 1722-1998 (R0647)
8 cubic feet (160 folders, 9 oversize folders, 2 oversize maps)
These are papers collected by Dr. Vance A. Bradford while conducting genealogical research on the Bradford family. Included are six boxes of correspondence with and about descendants of Samuel Bradford of Snow Hill, Maryland, and two boxes of papers from the Duncan homestead in southern Phelps County, Missouri.
Louise Bradford Collection, 1919-1985 (R0468)
28 folders
This collection includes correspondence, printed material, and ephemera collected by Louise
Bradford (1898-1986), and Eva Ann Bradford (1900-1966), during their careers as teachers in
Missouri schools. Included are letters from former pupils, and printed materials from education and
teachers associations, schools in Berkeley, Rolla, St. James, Salem, and Sullivan, Missouri, and
women's clubs and service organizations in Dent and Phelps counties.
Charles E. Bradley Diary, 1869-1876, 1913 (C4328)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders)
The diary of a young man working in the buying and selling of real estate, and his experiences in social life, particularly as it pertains to marriage.
Melvin Bradley Papers, 1855-2003 (C3026)
13.4 cubic feet, 167 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape, 1 video cassette
This collection covers Bradley's work as a livestock specialist in the Cooperative Extension Office of the University of Missouri from 1968 through the 1990s. The papers consist of research materials, correspondence, clippings, photographs, drafts for books, articles, exhibits, and speeches, and interviews on audio cassette conducted for the Missouri Mule History Project.
James Daniels Bradshaw Papers, 1904-1946 (C3225)
1 cubic foot, 16 oversize volumes
Ledgers, daybooks and inventory lists from the Bradshaw and Proctor Company, Barnett, MO, and the Leeton Lumber and Hardware Company, Leeton, MO. James Bradshaw was a partner in both firms. Other items are deposit slips, freight bills, and miscellaneous correspondence.
William L. and Doris Crump Bradshaw Papers, 1872-1979 (C4268)
1.4 cubic feet (63 folders)
Correspondence, research material, announcements, photographs and postcards of Doris Crump Bradshaw, and her husband, William L. Bradshaw, a professor in the Department of Political Science and later Dean of the School of Business and Public Administration at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.
William L. Bradshaw Papers, 1912-1973 (C2556)
11.2 cubic feet (724 folders, 2 volumes)
The papers of William L. Bradshaw contain business and personal papers of Bradshaw, political scientist and dean of the University of Missouri Business School, 1946-1961. Included are papers as a delegate to the Missouri Constitutional Convention, 1943-1944, member of the State Reorganization Commission, 1953-1955, and involvement in other state, local, and professional organizations.
Durward Belmont Brady Papers, 1909-1932 (C0076)
0.1 cubic feet, 2 volumes
Family letters, letters from Thomas A. Brady and Joseph A. Serena, prohibition campaign expense lists and political propaganda, Richmond and Ray County civic and political materials, and Durward B. Brady & Son Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Company records.
Robert Kirk Brady Letters, 1917-1919 (C0077)
0.2 cubic feet, 1 roll of microfilm
World War I letters of Robert Kirk Brady of Richmond, Ray County, MO, from Fort Sill, OK, and France. Scenes, customs, and people of France. Army life. Argonne, Verdun, battles, and Richmond and Ray County news.
Thomas A. Brady Papers, 1910-1959 (C0033)
9.8 cubic feet (1004 folders)
Papers of University of Missouri vice-president, which include material on the re-establishment of a four-year medical school, Missouri School of Mines, and other University and educational matters.
Raymond B. Bragg Papers, 1901-2000 (K0468)
9.4 c.f.
Bragg was minister of the All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, Kansas City, MO and Executive Director of the American Unitarian Association's Unitarian Service Committee. Includes sermons, aspirations or prayers, printed programs of church sponsored public forums and services, publications, news clippings, minutes, photos, pamphlets, notes, memos, contracts, financial information and correspondence to, from, or mentioning Bragg.
Amos R. Brand Papers, 1917-1919, 2017 (C4677)
0.12 cubic foot (4 folders)
Letters written by Amos R. Brand, a soldier serving in the 35th Infantry Division during World War I. Also includes transcriptions, a newspaper article on Brand's service and the letters, photographs, and miscellaneous research notes on Brand and his family.
Daniel A. Brand Photograph Collection, 1894-1922 (P0477)
22 photographs
Copy photos of Carrollton, MO, including several images relating to the Meeks family murder.
Hyman Brand Papers, 1891-1965 (K0480)
0.01 c.f.
Digital photographs relating to Brand, co-owner of Brand and Puritz Coat and Suit company, civic and philanthropic leader, and his family.
Raymond P. Brandt Papers, 1818-1899; 1917-1981 (C0850)
3.0 cubic feet (124 folders, 1 oversize volume, 5 audio cassettes, 9 oversize items)
The papers of Raymond Brandt contain correspondence, newspaper articles, interviews, notes, financial accounts, audio cassettes and photographs of a Sedalia, Missouri, man who was a Washington, D.C. correspondent for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch from 1923 to 1967. Brandt wrote on politics, economics, and the Soviet Union, which he visited five times.
Victoria Branham Photograph Collection, 1863-1925 (P0213)
28 photographs
A collection of cabinet cards and carte de visit from the Civil War era, many of military officers.
Edwin Bayer Branson Papers, 1892-1954 (C2404)
1.1 cubic feet
The papers of Edwin Bayer Branson contain correspondence, memorabilia, field books, and miscellaneous papers of a University of Missouri geologist (1910-1947), including information on the development of the Department of Geology during the 37 years he served as chairman.
Margaret M. Brashear Papers, 1868-1962 (C3393)
6.3 cubic feet (350 folders, 1 volume, 1 card file)
The papers of Margaret M. Brashear contain correspondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, student papers, and articles of Margaret M. Brashear, who was a professor of English at the University of Missouri. She taught classes on Mark Twain and Missouri literature and wrote several books and articles.
Bratten Family Photographs, 1905-1912 (P1208)
14 photographs
Photographs of members of the Bratten family (Dorothy, Clark, Ethel, Vessie, others unidentified) and the S.G. Bratten Confectionary.
Breckenridge Collection, 1837-1928 (P0692)
b/w photos of JEFFERSON BARRACKS, ca. 1896. St. Charles STREET SIGNS, COLLEGE, and LOG CABINS. 1837 pro-slavery RIOT. HOUSES in VA, West VA, and MO. Photos of StL Academy of Science Founders and Busts.
Breckenridge Family Papers, 1750-1960 (C2530)
8.0 cubic feet
Primarily of genealogical interest, the collection contains genealogical correspondence and information about the Breckenridges (Breckinridges) and related families, documents, pamphlets, letters, deeds, and photos. The papers were compiled by James M. Breckenridge between 1900 and 1950. See f. 1 for detailed inventory of collection.