Loman D. and Laura M. Cansler Collection, 1820-2005 (C4018)
10.5 cubic feet (223 folders), 203 audio tapes, 41 audio cassettes, 35 audio discs, 2 video cassettes
The Loman and Laura Cansler Collection represents a lifetime of collecting on Missouri’s folk song and folklore tradition. Cansler recorded and collected folk songs, proverbs, jokes, and home remedies, primarily in Missouri, but also in Kansas and Illinois. In addition to this large body of folk song and folklore material, the collection includes information on Cansler’s early life in Dallas County, Missouri, his WWII service, and his career as a school counselor at the Fayette and North Kansas City High Schools. The collection also includes slides and prints of Laura Cansler’s abstract expressionist artwork.
Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1882-1962 (P1103)
An artificial collection of photographs of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, the bulk of which is photographs of Cape Girardeau.
Lucy Capen Postcard Collection, 1906-1932 (P0508)
19 postcards
Postcards of Missouri scenes: Lake of the Ozarks, Boone County, Kansas City, Hardin College, and Lebanon, MO.
George G. Capito Papers, 1900-1960 (K0979)
0.2 c.f.
Photographs, funeral service and obituaries, diplomas, letters of commendation, yearbooks, and newspaper clippings relating to the Capito and Tabolsky families.
Alex Carey Collection, 1864-1933 (C0253)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)
Includes shares on Gold and Silver Tunnel Company; deed for land in Jackson County; accounts; 1864 constitution of Platte City, MO, I.O.O.F. lodge; notes; obituary of R.T. Carey; tintype; letters to Lucille Carey from friends; 1887 medical book; and letters from a book salesman, 1872.
Scott Carey Papers, 1917-1961 (C2336)
0.38 cubic feet (18 folders)
The papers of Scott Carey contain correspondence, reports of arrests, affidavits, and photographs pertinent to Carey's work as a private detective and Frisco Lines agent in Scott and Pemiscot Counties. A private detective for more than fifty years, Carey was also a special officer for the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad in the Missouri Bootheel region.
Carleton College Collection, 1859-1979 (R0133)
1 roll (6 folders)
These are business papers, correspondence, and printed material of Carleton College (1854-1916) and its alumni association, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the history of the school, located in Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri.
William Carmer Post Card Collection, 1900-1920 (S0990)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains postcards depicting the Majestic Hotel; the Cheshire Inn; the Sheraton Jefferson; the Jewel Box in Forest Park; Korean War Memorial in Forest Park; and the Streckfus Steamer "President."
Carnegie Cultural Club Records, 1903-1982 (K0143)
4 MR
Minute books, official documents, financial records, scrapbooks, and historical materials for a women's cultural club in St. Joseph, Missouri.
Carpenter Family Papers, 1830-1962 (C3489)
0.4 cubic feet (29 folders)
The papers contain notes, correspondence and genealogical records compiled by Lucy Grant Carpenter Bly while tracing all branches of her family. Most of the early letters are to the Carpenter family of Boone County from relatives in Virginia.
Carpenter's District Council of Greater St. Louis Records, 1834-2003 (S1091)
100 cubic feet
The records of the Carpenter's District Council of Greater St. Louis contains dues, membership, and meeting minute ledgers, documenting the union's efforts to unionize carpenters in the St. Louis area.
Carpenters' District Council of Greater St. Louis, AFL-CIO Records, 1892-1979 (C3696)
34 rolls of microfilm (290 folders, 118 volumes)
Minutes, correspondence, financial records, labor contracts and apprenticeship records. The St. Louis District Council, one of four in the state of Missouri, worked to unionize carpenter shops, provided benefits for members, and mediated jurisdictional disputes between unions.
Carpenters' Local 1596 Records, 1871-1975 (S0163)
8 microfilm rolls
Carpenters' Local No. 5 Financial Books, 1885-1888, 1904-1913 (S0160)
1 roll microfilm, 2 volumes
The Carpenters’ Local No. 5’s Financial Books contain meeting minutes, financial ledgers, and rosters documenting weekly meetings of Carpenters’ Local No. 5 from 1885 to 1888 and 1904 to 1913.
Carpenters' Local No. 5 Records, 1886-1948 (S0161)
4 microfilm rolls
The Carpenters’ Local No. 5 Records contains meeting minutes, rosters, treasurer reports, and ledgers documenting Carpenters Local No. 5’s effort to improve working conditions and increase wages for carpenters in St. Louis from 1886 to 1948.
Carr School/Cook Station, Crawford County, Missouri Records, 1873-1927 (R1338)
0.5 cubic foot (4 oversize volumes)
The collection includes the records of School District No. 79. It consists of four volumes, including the Public School Register, District Clerk's Record and two volumes of attendance records.
Charles L. Carr Papers, 1915-1951 (K0909)
2 c.f.
Carr was an attorney in Kansas City, MO and the General Solicitor for the Kansas City Public Service Company. Includes the personal and professional papers of Carr: correspondence, printed materials from various organizations, files related to the streetcar company and the Missouri State Supreme Court..
John C. Carr Papers, 1914-1920 (C0082)
0.5 cubic feet
Papers of a Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad claim agent located in Cameron, MO, concerned with injury claims and law cases.
William Carson Papers, 1815-1863, 1907 (C0238)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Personal papers of a pioneer farmer and Santa Fe trader of Howard County, Missouri. Material on early medicine. Letters, accounts, receipts, three pictures of Kit Carson's home in Colorado, and miscellaneous papers.
Lewis Henry Carstarphen Papers, 1686-1971 (C3613)
2.6 cubic feet (228 folders)
Genealogical data on Glascock, Tutt, Watson, Woodson, Carstarphen and collateral families compiled by Carstarphen with his aunt, Emily Marion Watson, collaborating on the Watson, Woodson, and Tutt families.
Carter County Fishing and Shooting Club Registers, 1888-1945 (C1067)
0.28 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Registers and membership lists. Vol. 1, 1888-1927. Vol. 2, 1927-1945.
Carter County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1902-2001 (P1105)
An artificial collection of photographs of Carter County, Missouri.
Carter Family Collection, 1870-1981 (SP0094)
1.5 cubic feet (19 folders, 483 photographs)
The Carter Family Collection contains compiled family histories and photographs of the Carter family of Newton County, Missouri. Related family histories include the Munsey and Weems families of Greene County, Tennessee.
William R. Carter Papers, 1867-1917 (C2605)
0.3 cubic feet
Material compiled by W.R. Carter about the University of Missouri and the College of Normal Instruction, now the College of Education. Includes typescript excerpts from the Appendix to the House and Senate Journal of the 24th General Assembly of Missouri, 1868; Board of Curators annual report, 1867; William F. Switzler's HISTORY OF BOONE COUNTY, MO, 1882; and University catalogues, 1867-1917.
Carter-McDade Family Papers, 1847-1993 (C4701)
1.0 cubic feet (31 folders), 6 oversize items
Family papers and genealogical materials created by Marguerite Carter McDade. The materials cover the Campbell, Carter, Fletcher, Hall, McDade, and Whittlesey families of Sedalia, Missouri, and various parts of Texas and Connecticut.
Carthage Loan and Investment Company Records, 1912-1927 (R0692)
(1 roll of microfilm)
This is the record book of an investment company located at Carthage in Jasper county, Missouri. Allen McReynolds and the president of the firm.
Carthage, Missouri Funeral Home Records, 1887-1938 (R0695)
(3 folders)
These are photocopies of the record books of what is now in the Weng Mortuary in Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri. Entries include genealogical data, the cost of caskets, clothing, and other funeral expenses, and payments on accounts. There are records for 1887-1893, and 1900-1938.
Case Store Records, 1905-1913 (R0130)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Case Store Records contain a microfilm copy of a ledger and daybook of a general store operated by Walter Harvey Case at Olive in southwestern Dallas County, Missouri.
Theodore Spencer Case Papers, 1880-1940 (K0295)
0.57 c.f.
A handwritten manuscript of an early reminiscence of Kansas City. Scrapbook by Case, a doctor/lawyer, local historian, civic leader, that contains travel photographs, and family material, diplomas and certificates awarded to Case and his son, Ermine C. Case.
Casey Family Papers, (CG0073)
2.0 c.f.
The Casey Family Papers contain professional military records, personal records, and correspondences between various members of the Casey family.
Cass County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1865-1976 (P1107)
An artificial collection of photographs of Cass County, Missouri.
J. Don Cassidy Drawing, 1914 (P0376)
1 drawing
Architect's rendering of Ellis Library exterior, 1914.
Terence W. Cassidy Collection, 1879-1991 (K0302)
95 c.f.
Collected materials of Cassidy, librarian and historian, concerning the history of street railway systems, interurbans, and buses in the Midwest, particularly the Kansas City area. Includes Cassidy's personal and research files: printed materials, publications, articles, and photographs. Also administrative records of the Kansas City Street Railway Company, the Kansas City Public Service Company, and the Kansas City Area Transit Authority.
Cassville and Exeter Railway Company Records, 1909-1976 (R0421)
5 folders
These are papers concerning a short-line railroad which connected the towns of Cassville and
Exeter in Barry County, Missouri, begun as the Cassville & Western Railway in 1896 and reorganized
as the C&E in 1919. The collection includes letters, documents, clippings, and photographs
Catholic Churches (Ralls and Monroe Counties, Mo.) Records, 1833-1954 (C2973)
5 rolls of microfilm
Baptismal, confirmation, burial, and marriage records from St. Peter's, St. Joseph's, St. Paul's, and Immaculate Conception Catholic Churches in Ralls County and St. Stephen's Catholic Church in Monroe County. Records are incomplete.
Henry S. Caulfield Papers, 1878-1966 (C2409)
2.1 cubic feet
The papers of Henry S. Caulfield contain correspondence, diaries, photographs, reports, speeches, and miscellaneous material. Caulfield was a Republican governor of Missouri (1929-1933) and St. Louis official.
Xenophon Caverno Papers, 1917-1941 (C0059)
1.4 cubic feet
Personal correspondence and information and correspondence about cotton organizations, farm organizations, and transactions concerning his plantation and plantation store. General expenses of the plantation, purchase of cotton seed, and records of accounts.
Paul G. Cavicchia Collection, 1908-1910 (P0726)
8 photographs
Several early 20th century postcards of the University of Missouri and a photo of the Young Faculty Boarding Club, 1910.
Cayce Family Papers, 1827-1914 (R1319)
0.5 cubic foot (18 folders)
The Cayce Family Papers contain correspondence to and from members of the Cayce family of St. Francois County, Missouri. Most of the items are addressed to or written by Ellis P. Cayce. The papers contain information on family members, family businesses, and Ellis’s courtship of Emma Dupuy.
Cedar County, Missouri Photograph Collection, circa 1890-1910 (R0282)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder, 5 35mm slides)
The Cedar County, Missouri Photograph Collection contains copied photographs of the Messick and H. W. Evans general stores, Cedar Springs Band, a picnic of Camp 171 of the Woodmen of the World at Cedar Springs, and a view of the Balm baseball team.
Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church (Callaway County, Mo.) Minutes, 1821-1930 (C1307)
0.2 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Contains deed to lot, memberships, beliefs, rules of decorum, constitution and minutes of church business meetings. Also included are xerox copies of indentures, surveys and other documents pertaining to early transactions between the church and individuals in the area.
Cedar Grove School, Iron County, Missouri Records, 1910-1943 (R0843)
(2 volumes)
These are District Clerk's record books from Cedar Grove School in northern Iron County, Missouri. They include minutes of annual and board meetings, financial date, records of the employment of teachers and custodians, and annual enumerations of school-age children.
Center Creek Association of Primitive Baptists Records, 1907-1919 (R0923)
(1 folder)
These are published minutes of the 73rd and 85th annual sessions of the Center Creek Association of Primitive Baptists. The meetings were held with Clear Creek Church in Newton County, Missouri, on September 14-16, 1907, and September 19-21, 1919. J. Shields and J. A. Alberty were the moderators and R. C. Hendricks and H. H. Patten were the clerks.
Center Presbyterian Church (Linn County, Mo.) Records, 1891-1914 (C1348)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Brief history of the church, session minutes, rolls of elders and deacons, roll of members, and roll of children baptized.
Central Agency for Jewish Education (CAJE) Records, 1880-2009 (K0670)
7 c.f.
Organizational records and other research materials relating to the activities of CAJE and the history of the Jewish Community in Kansas City, particularly in preparation of the book, Mid-America's Promise: A Profile of Kansas City Jewry. (includes oral history cassettes and VHS recordings)
Central College for Women (Lexington, Mo.) Records, 1852-1932 (C4387)
1.0 cubic foot (33 folders), 5 oversize items
Central Hotel (Oak Ridge, Mo.) Register, 1910-1917 (CG0071)
0.2 c.f.
This collection contains the 1910-1916 guest register for the Central Hotel, located in Oak Ridge, Missouri, and operated by Henry H. Wills and his wife, Mellie. Also included are hotel inspection certificates for the hotel during the years 1914 to 1917.
Central Missouri Association of United Baptists Records, 1859-1996 (R0599)
1 roll (40 volumes)
These are minutes of the annual meetings of the Central Missouri Association of United Baptists, beginning with the organizational meeting in 1859. The Association consists of churches in southeastern Missouri, primarily in the counties of Dent, Iron, Reynolds, and Washington.
Central Missouri, Missouri River Valley Region, Photograph Collection, 1880-1961 (P1120)
An artificial collection of photographs of mid-Missouri's Missouri River valley region, including photographs of Cole, Osage, and Moniteau counties.
Central School, District No. 55 (Saline County, Mo.) Records, 1882-1959 (C4474)
0.6 cubic feet (15 folders)
Materials include district record books, teacher and treasurer reports, warrant registers, and poll books from District No. 55 in Saline County, Missouri.