Laura Effie Roland Diary, 1883-1889 (C4102)
0.2 cubic feet (6 folders)
The collection contains the original diary of Laura E. Roland along with a transcription, from the age of sixteen in 1883 up to and including her marriage at the age of twenty-two in 1889, all of which took place in or around Hannibal, Missouri, in Ralls County.
Larry Rottmann Collection, 1960s-2000s (CA5858)
122.35 cubic feet, audiovisual material, oversize material
Compilation of correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, publications, newspaper clippings, teaching material, production material, organizational records, and audio and video recordings related to Vietnam, the Vietnam War and anti-war activity, veterans, and conflict literature.
Salisbury Diary, 1887 (C0458)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
An eight weeks' diary kept by a sixteen-year-old boy named Salisbury on a train trip from the East to Topeka, KS. He spent most of the time visiting relatives in Salisbury, Kansas City, Glasgow, Keytesville, and St. Louis.
Shake Rag Cemetery (Macon County, Mo.) Records, 1985 (C0557)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records of the Shake Rag Cemetery contain the names and birth and death dates from tombstones located in Shake Rag, also known as Pleasant Hill, Cemetery, in Macon County, Missouri.
Sharp Family Papers, 1845-1994 (K0553)
26.5 c.f.
Personal correspondence, financial records, scrapbooks, slides, photographs and records the Sharp family and the Wells family of Kansas City, MO and Johnson County, KS. Includes the papers of Hazel Wells Sharp (1910-2002) an educator for more than 40 years who taught school in Kansas City, MO and in the Wiesbaden American Schools in Germany.
Henry Shibley Diary, 1880-1881 (C0286)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Diary of a man from Arkansas who spent two months visiting friends and family in Adair and Ralls Counties, MO. He had lived in Adair County for twenty years, then moved to Van Buren, AR. Diary includes short family histories of various relatives, descriptions of farms, crops, and livestock, and descriptions of travel by railroad and steamboat.
Thomas Adams Smith Papers, 1852-1919 (C0166)
0.2 cubic feet (11 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 2 rolls of microfilm
The papers of a Saline County, Missouri, doctor, and landowner include family correspondence, clippings, miscellaneous bills and papers, and a copy of a record book providing the births, death, and sales of enslaved people belonging to the estate of Thomas Adams Smith and Crawford Early Smith.
The Southeast Missouri Collection, 1820-2016 (CG0001)
0.8 c.f.
The Southeast Missouri Collection is a combination of small acquisitions to the State Historical Society related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events.
Edward W. Sowers Papers, 1942-1980, bulk 1961-1979 (R0135)
2 cubic foot (107 folders)
The Edward Walter Sowers Papers contains correspondence, business papers, and miscellaneous printed materials of a newspaper editor and publisher at Rolla, Phelps County,
Missouri. Topics include the Sowers family, journalism and the newspaper business, the University of Missouri, and United States politics and foreign relations.
St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company, Passenger Traffic Department Collection, 1905 (R1139)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)
These are rate circulars concerning special passenger fares and other matters concerning fare collection and routing issued in March, April, and May of 1905 by the Passenger Traffic Department of the St. Louis and San Francisco (Frisco) Railroad company. For the most part they dealt with special rates for meetings, conventions, and home seekers excursions.
State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection, 1814-1962 (C0995)
14 rolls of microfilm
The State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection consists of typescripts of articles and manuscripts donated over the years to the Historical Society.
The State of Missouri: An Account with Special Reference to Immigration, translation by Elsa Nagel, no date (C2662)
0.4 cubic feet (54 folders)
The papers consist of two translated copies of the book, The State of Missouri; An Account with Special References to German Immigration, 1859, written by Friedrich Muench, an influential German writer and later Missouri politician. The translations were done by Elsa Nagel from the original German, and include one handwritten and one typed copy.
Ruby Rose Stauber Papers, 1777-2016 (SP0015)
13.5 linear feet, 2 oversized box
The papers of Rose Stauber contain the personal papers of Ruby Rose Stauber. They include correspondence, genealogical research, family photographs, and material related to Rose’s 31 years of service in the Women’s Army Corp.
George Stein Travel Report, 1881 (C3287)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a copy of an account of the George Stein family migration to America in the fall of 1881 aboard the SS NECKER, and their settlement in Clark County, Missouri.
L.T. Stoddard Journal, 1832 (C1923)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Journal of a voyage from New York to Liverpool, 16 April-14 May 1832, aboard the packet ship NEW YORK.
L.T. Stoddard Travel Diary, 1830 (C1855)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a handwritten diary entitled "Memorandum of a Tour--Spring 1830." The diary describes a two-month trip from Boston to New York, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. The diary includes comments on city layouts, the decay of Monticello, slavery, southern hospitality and the temperance movement in the South.
Strobel Family Photograph Album, 1921-1943 (C4518)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Photograph album created by Oscar and Juanita Campbell Strobel of Lexington and Mexico, Missouri, documenting activities with family and friends, including school picnics, a graduation from Wentworth Military Academy, marriages, and travel in the Ozarks.
John Jacob Sutter Collection, 1865-1871 (R0624)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The John Jacob Sutter Papers contains photocopies of a notebook and travel journal by John J. Sutter, a native of Germany and resident of Saint Louis, Missouri. The memoranda book covers Sutter’s service as inspector of artillery in the Department of the Missouri in 1865, and inspections at Cape Girardeau, Macon, Rolla, and Springfield, Missouri; and Fort Leavenworth, Fort Scott, and Paola, Kansas. The travel journal documents a trip from Saint Louis to Germany and return in 1871. The travel journal is in German.
Godfrey G. Swenson Film Collection, 1930-1958 (K0315)
2 c.f.
Motion picture film documenting building built by the Swenson Construction Company, who built such buildings at the Jackson County Courthouse and the Kansas City City Hall. Also home movies made by Swenson of family activities.
William Franklin Switzler Papers, 1836-1905 (C0461)
1 cubic foot
Memoirs, a circular, and a typescript history of the University of Missouri. The history of the university is also available on microfilm.
The Southwest Missouri Tourism Collection, 1950-1960 (SP0043)
1 cubic foot (2 folders, 2 oversize)
The Southwest Missouri Tourism Collection contains brochures, pamphlets, advertisements, and restaurant menus from locations across southwest Missouri. Material continues to be added to the collection.
Nell G. Thornburg Papers, 1960-1962 (K1103)
0.01 c.f. (1 folder)
Travel diary, "A World Tour", written by Nell Thornburg on trips to Asia and Eastern Europe.
Thomas M. Todd Papers, 1938-1950 (C3790)
0.8 cubic feet (46 folders)
Papers of Thomas McCutcheon Todd, a World War II soldier from Nevada, Missouri, comprised primarily of letters written to Todd’s family. Many of the letters were written while Todd was in military training and during his enlistment in the U.S. Army; they detail issues of work, family, war, and death during the 1940s.
Tourist Club, Clinton, Missouri Collection, 1924 (R1274)
(1 folder)
This is the annual booklet for 1923-1924 for the Tourist Club, a women's social group in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. The booklet includes names of officers and members and the program for meetings September 11, 1923 through June 3, 1924.
Charles Trefts Photographs, 1903-1963 (P0034)
3690 photographs
This collection contains images from 1900 to 1963 depicting St. Louis City and County people, public buildings, riverfront scenes, bridges, churches, catastrophes, houses and parks. Trefts photographed many historic events such as the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition; the 1934 World Series; and aviation in St. Louis including the Wright brothers at Kinloch Field in 1908 and Charles Lindbergh's return from Paris in 1927. A number of images focus on Crawford and Iron Counties and the Lake of the Ozarks region in the early 1930s.
University of Missouri Lantern Slide Collection, no date (C3776)
3.5 cubic feet (1 folder, 209 lantern slides)
This collection of late nineteenth century and early twentieth century glass lantern slides depicts buildings, people, and street scenes in China and Palestine; the culture and manufacture of silk in Japan and the U.S. by the Corticelli Silk Mills in Massachusetts; and the history of education and elementary schools.
Valley Hotel Register, 1883-1885 (K0171)
1 MR
Guest register for a hotel in Bolckow, Andrew County, MO. Guests registered by name, city and/or occupation.
Hope Casey Van Brunt Papers, 1830s-1998 (K0252)
2 c.f.
Correspondence, clippings, manuscripts, printed materials, as well as photographs and memorabilia dealing primarily with the National Old Trails movement in the early 20th century and Van Brunt's activities in marking the Santa Fe Trail for the Kansas City Chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR) Also Van Brunt's personal correspondence with her children, family, and friends, and other family memorabilia.
Robert Thompson Van Horn Family Papers, 1832-1965 (K0297)
2 c.f.
Van Horn was a newspaper owner/editor, a mayor of Kansas City, U.S. Congressmen, and civic leader. Includes correspondence, Civil War service records, business and property records, and some artifacts and ephemera. Also contains the papers of Van Horn's granddaughter Adela Cooley Van Horn, who traveled extensively, and kept correspondence, passports, narratives, and photographs, and genealogical records.
Vanmeter Family Papers, 1836-1948 (C0414)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Business papers, tax receipts, real estate documents, and World War I letters of a Saline County, MO, family.
Farm record books kept by A.J. Vanmeter, 1859-1871; bank checkbook; and travel diary of a motor trip from Missouri to California and back in 1922.
Maurice E. Votaw Papers, 1909-1978 (C3672)
1.2 cubic feet (55 folders)
The papers of a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism primarily pertain to his years as a professor of journalism at St. John’s University, Shanghai, China, and an adviser to the Nationalist Chinese Ministry of Information. Included are transcripts of oral interviews, correspondence, literary productions, minutes, printed materials, maps, lists, photographs, and books. Topics include Votaw’s life; writers, missionaries, political and military leaders, and events in China (1922-1977); U.S. China policy; Chinese and American journalism and newspapers; the Shanghai Short Story Club; and St. John’s University and the University of Missouri School of Journalism.
Robert Emmett Walton Papers, 1928-1974 (K0973)
4 c.f.
Walton, a Catholic priest, was an army chaplain during World War II, parish priest and pastor in Kansas City, a missionary in Bolivia, and a priest on a Navajo reservation in New Mexico. Includes yearbooks, magazines, programs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and newsletters, and photographs, slides, and negatives chronicling Walton's adventurous life.
Susan Warren Papers, 1943-1989 (K0508)
5.2 c.f.
Personal correspondence, research materials, lecture notes, photographs, audiotapes, travel materials, ephemera and journals containing Warren's observations of China during her work as an editor and writer and her travels to China.
Lemen J. and Elsie Burton Wells Scrapbook, 1937 (CA6446)
0.65 cubic feet, 2 computer discs
Scrapbook of a married couple who took an around-the-world trip in 100 days in 1937. Scrapbook includes notes, letters, photographs, brochures, Japanese newspapers (in English), and miscellaneous material. Also included are scans of the scrapbook and a video tour of artifacts collected by the Wellses. Lemen Wells taught anatomy at the University of Missouri in the 1930s and Elsie Burton Wells was a graduate of the university and wroked as a secretary for the YWCA.
West Plains Chamber of Commerce Collection, circa 1920s-1960s (R0822)
(1 folder)
These are items published by the West Plains Chamber of Commerce to promote the city of West Plains in Howell County, Missouri, and the surrounding area. Included are tourism brochures, promotional brochures, and a booklet describing automobile excursions to area resorts and attractions.
Western Missouri Land-O-Lakes Association Collection, circa 1962-1965 (R0823)
(1 folder)
These are two map brochures published by the Western Missouri Land-O-Lakes Association, to promote tourism in the area including the "Upper Arm" of the Lake of the Ozarks, Pomme de Terre Lake, and the planned Stockton Lake and Kaysinger Bluff (later Harry S. Truman) Reservoir.
Where to Go in the Ozarks Booklet Collection, 1930 (R1443)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
Where to go in the Ozarks is a booklet written for tourists that was published in the 1930s. It included information about the different towns and locations in the Ozarks.
Wherritt and Tunnel Scrapbooks, 1950-1970 (SP0023)
7 cubic feet (5 folders, 7 oversize, 6 photographs)
The Wherritt and Tunnell Scrapbooks collection contains thirteen scrapbooks created by sisters Mary Wherritt and Mildred Tunnell. The scrapbooks documents trips they took around the United States and Europe from the 1950s to the 1970s.
White River Booster League Collection, no date (R0804)
(1 folder)
These are three brochures promoting tourism in the Lake Taneycomo area in the Missouri Ozarks, published by the White River booster League at Branson in Taney County, Missouri.
White River Boosters League Collection, 1934-1940 (R0749)
(1 folder)
These are two booklets promoting tourism in Taney and Stone Counties in Missouri. Entitled "Come to Lake Taneycomo and the White River Country: the Vacation Paradise of the Ozarks," each booklet contains many advertisements for hotels, resorts, cottages, camps, and other tourist-related businesses, as well as a map of the area.
Robert S. Wiley Collection, 1869-1994 (R0521)
8.5 cubic feet (177 folders, 639 photographs, 25 slides, 2 audio discs, 13 oversize folders)
The Robert S. Wiley Collection consists of legal documents, publications, promotional material, and ephemera related to Missouri, specifically Stone County, and to travel, tourism and recreation in the White River region of Missouri and Arkansas. The collection also contains material largely focused on Missouri State Representative Dewey Short and the Republican Party.
Nellie J. Hall Williams Papers, 1920-1983 (K0141)
0.8 c.f.
Personal notes and records documenting the Hall, Colton, and Williams families in the Maryville, Nodaway County, MO. Diaries of Nellie Hall and her mother, during their trip to California in 1923. Also a diary by Nellie during her final year in high school and her several reminiscences of her life and career as a teacher in rural Missouri.
Walter Williams Scrapbooks, 1901-1931 (C3985)
0.8 cubic feet
Walter Williams' scrapbooks are four volumes of photographs from trips that he took to Europe, the Holy Land, and South America, and a scrapbook of photographs of students, faculty, and the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia. Williams was dean of the School of Journalism and president of the University of Missouri.
Edward Zahn Papers, 1899-1900 (C3936)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
Papers of Edward Zahn, of Canton, MO, and Arenzville, IL, who undertook a tour of the U.S., and countries of the Pacific region, Asia, North Africa, and Europe in 1899 and 1900. The papers consist of a travel journal, passport, travel schedules, certificate of initiation from Zahn's Masonic lodge, and miscellaneous items.