Theodore D. McNeal Scrapbook, 1941-1943 (S0321)
2 microfilm rolls
Records of the St. Louis March on Washington Movement, which was founded in response to A. Phillip Randolph's call for a march to end discrimination in defense work. Executive Order 8802 established the Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) in June 1941. The local
MOWM picketed businesses and industry, staged mass rallies and succeeded in bringing the FEPC to St. Louis in August 1944 to hold hearings.
McPherson Family Papers, 1930-2017 (R1304)
4 cubic feet (56 folders)
These are diaries and personal papers of Elizabeth J. McPherson, her daughter, Constance McPherson, and son, George McPherson Jr. They include Elizabeth's diaries of daily life in Ohio and Rolla, Missouri from 1930 to 1977; correspondence and diaries by Constance regarding her travels and Peace Corps service in the Philippines from 1960 to 1964; and George's scrapbook and personal papers regarding his family, extended circle of friends, community activities, and career at the University of Missouri-Rolla from 1969 to 1988.
Metro Housing Resources Records, 1970-1982 (S0772)
29 cubic feet, 1 cassette, 1 videotape
The records of Metro Housing Resources contain correspondence, meeting minutes, applications, and newsletters documenting the organization's mission to advocate for fair housing and housing options for lower-income families and researching questions related to fair housing and the provisions of housing for low-income and minority families. The services consisted of developing and maintaining a listing service for clients and providing a referral and counseling service for people alleging discrimination in housing. Harry Edward Berndt, the director, closed the organization in 1982, citing declining support for housing issues under the Reagan administration.
Metropolitan Area League of Women Voters Collection, 1919-1987 (S0248)
34 cubic feet, 1021 folders, 26 photographs
This collection contains reports, correspondence newspaper clippings, and meeting minutes from several St. Louis area chapters of the League of Women Voters. The chapters include Kirkwood, University City, Webster Groves, North County, St. Louis County, metro, Clayton, and Central County.
Metropolitan Church Federation Records, 1905-1978 (S0618)
37 cubic feet, 1846 folders, 100 photographs, 3 scrapbooks
Founded in 1909, the Metropolitan Church Federation served as the agency through which churches worked to make possible community benefits that could not be affected by one church or denomination alone. During its existence, the group advocated more progressive action in matters of social reform. The materials in this collection consist of correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, subject files, and photographs.
Metropolitan Kansas City Chapter-Older Women's League (OWL) Records, 1983-2006 (K1115)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of the Chapter concerned about the problems of midlife and older women. Includes minutes and agendas, financial records, photographs, clippings, and printed and published material concerning the Metropolitan Kansas City OWL and the national organization. "Administrative Records" folders are set up in the manner of scrapbooks, so most of these types of materials will appear in each of those folders.
Metropolitan Youth Commission of St. Louis and St. Louis County Records, 1956-1966 (S0387)
0.8 cubic feet, 16 folders, 24 photographs
The records of the Metropolitan Youth Commission of St. Louis and St. Louis County contain annual correspondence, meeting minutes, annual reports, and subject files pertaining to the organization's mission to research, study, and coordinate juvenile agencies in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Subjects of interest include curfew laws, gangs, and police techniques with youth.
Mid-Missouri Alternatives to Violence Project (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1989-2009 (CA6234)
4 cubic feet
Records of the Columbia, Missouri, branch of the anti-violence organization. Includes workshop materials, grant files, newsletters, financial records, and administrative files.
Midwest Coalition for Responsible Investment Records, 1977-2019 (S0935)
22.6 cubic feet
The Midwest Coalition for Responsible Investment (MCRI) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, studies, and subject files on genetically modified organisms, Monsanto, Boeing, and nuclear power. MCRI is a St. Louis area faith-based organization dedicated to investing in major corporations and using their power as shareholders to influence companies to become more socially responsible and transparent.
Helen Guthrie Miller Letter, 1933 (C1599)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To [Carolyn] Meyer from Kalispell, Montana, July 19, 1933. Answer to inquiry about activities of Helen Miller and the Missouri Federation of Women’s Clubs in promoting the passage of a pure food law in Missouri prior to 1907.
Richard Lawrence Miller Papers, 1959-1991 (K0327)
25 c.f.
Research materials, manuscript drafts, correspondence, interviews and other recordings for historian and author Miller's work, including his book, Truman: The Rise to Power. Also personal files including on William Jewell College at which he was a student leader, and other projects and topics he researched and wrote upon.
Missouri Alliance for Choice Records, c. 1989-1997 (CA5440)
10 cubic feet
Records of a state-wide, coordinating organization for various pro-choice groups. Includes administrative records, financial records, minutes, correspondence, publications, newsletters, committee files, project records, and other materials.
Missouri Association for Social Welfare (MASW), St. Louis Branch Records, 1943-1979 (S0693)
7 cubic feet, 305 folders, 2 audiotapes, 13 photographs
The Missouri Association for Social Welfare, St. Louis Branch, contains bylaws, meeting minutes, correspondence, newsletters, brochures, and newspaper clippings chronicling the branch’s mission to protect and advance the health and welfare of St. Louis-area residents.
Missouri Association for Social Welfare Records, 1944-2010 (CA4086)
183.7 cubic feet, 3 video cassettes, 2 audio cassettes, 5 oversize items
Addition of material on the organization’s regional divisions, committees, and task forces; annual conference material; correspondence; reports; board materials; photographs; publications; subject files relating to aging, health, children, housing, homelessness, and criminal justice; membership records; financial records; and miscellaneous material.
Missouri Association for Social Welfare Records, 1908-1971 (C3475)
79.0 cubic feet (6,647 folders), 23 oversize volumes, 6 card files
Records of an association organized to improve and extend the health and welfare of the people of the State of Missouri, and to promote the improvement of public and private social services and the prevention of poverty, crime, and disease in the state. The records consist of correspondence, minutes, committee records, newsletters and conference materials.
Missouri Citizens for Life Collection, 1973-1979 (S0111)
0.01 cubic foot
The collection contains correspondence, publications, and flyers documenting the organization’s mission to oppose legalized abortion in Missouri.
Missouri Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) Records, 1990-2021 (S0292)
6 cubic feet
The Missouri Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) Records consist of correspondence, newsletters, booklets, and flyers, documenting its efforts to ensure that prisons are reserved only for those individuals that must be incarcerated and that those individuals receive humane treatment.
Missouri Citizens' Action Records, 1977-1980 (S0158)
2 cubic feet, 24 folders
The bulk of the Missouri Citizens' Action (MCA) records documents the Missouri Public Service Commission's 1978 investigation of Union Electric rate structures in St. Louis but contains material on the investigation of Laclede Gas' rates conducted in 1980 by the Public Service Commission (PSC). The collection includes MCA meeting minutes and notes, public testimony, reports, and exhibits from the PSC proceedings.
Missouri Coalition for Correctional Justice Records, 1973-1982 (C3911)
1 cubic foot
Records of an organization that had the purpose of educating the public on prison conditions and promoting programs of education and rehabilitation in cooperation with the Missouri State Division of Corrections. MCCJ was a cooperative effort of many organizations and individuals but, Dr. J. Noel Heermance, professor of English at Lincoln University, Jefferson City, was the director and driving force.
The Missouri Collection, 1771-2024 (C3982)
18.6 cubic feet (854 folders, 893 photographs), 37 oversize items, 9 audio cassettes, 7 audio discs, 9 CDs, 1 computer disc, 8 reels of film, 6 film strips, 9 DVDs, 3 video cassettes, 585 MB of digital files
The Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events.
Missouri Commission on Human Rights Papers, 1958-1968 (C4193)
1 cubic foot (28 folders)
Conferences, a legal brief, reports, and publications used for research by the Missouri Commission on Human Rights.
Missouri Community Action Network Records, 1979-2016 (CA6460)
2 cubic feet
The records of Missouri CAN, a statewide association of community action agencies, allies, and supporters who work to end poverty in Missouri, include newsletters, reports, correspondence, brochures, training materials, new releases, and project material. The organization was originally called Missouri Association for Community Action (MACA).
Missouri Council for Exceptional Children Records, 1940-2001 (CA6084)
6.5 cubic feet
Records of the state federation of the national professional special education organization. Includes conference and membership materials, awards, brochures, correspondence, strategic plans, minutes, newsletters, proclamations, publications, photographs and slides, treasurer's reports, financial records, and unit resource handbooks.
Missouri Council of Churches Records, 1866-1980s (CA4558)
29 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
The records of an organization concerned with legislation and social welfare programs in addition to religious concerns include convention materials, committee files, minutes, publications, correspondence, and miscellaneous material. Includes records of the Missouri Sunday School Association.
Missouri Department of Social Services, Division of Family Services, Community Services Block Grant Unit Records, 1976-1999 (CA5813)
228 cubic feet, 8 video cassettes
Records of the state office responsible for the administration of federal funds provided for poverty assistance in Missouri, consisting of correspondence, contracts, reports, and financial records of participating social service agencies, and miscellaneous material.
Missouri Equal Rights Amendment Coalition Records, 1973-1979 (S0437)
3 cubic feet, 113 folders, 34 photographs, 1 video tape
The Missouri ERA Coalition Records document the Coalition's efforts to get the ERA ratified in the Missouri Senate. The collection contains budgets, bylaws, campaign strategies, correspondence, funding requests, local fundraising material, meeting minutes, literature from workshops and rallies, conference notices, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and papers. The bulk of the collection chronicles the Coalition's development of grassroots support from 1977-1982, in particular, canvassing activities (caravan, phone bank, house party kits, letter writing, and lobbying instructions).
Missouri National Organization for Women Records, 1968-2013 (C0781)
5.0 cubic feet (130 folders), 2 video cassettes, 1 audio cassette, 1 oversize volume
The records of the Missouri National Organization for Women contain governance resources, publications, conference information, membership lists, financial records, individual chapter materials, correspondence, and material concerning political issues such as the ERA.
Missouri Public Interest Research Group Records, 1971-2000 (S0436)
24 cubic feet, 872 folders, 36 videos, 1 microfilm roll
The Missouri Public Interest Research Group (MOPIRG) was founded by student activists following Ralph Nader's address at St. Louis University in March 1971. The group is a research and advocacy organization for consumer, citizen and student interests in Missouri. The collection includes board meeting minutes, bylaws, news releases, memorandum, correspondence, and publications.
Missouri Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights Records, 1958-1988 (S0805)
0.5 cubic feet, 15 folders
The Missouri Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (MO/RCAR) was a nonprofit corporation that connected people to abortion, family planning, and counseling service providers and educated the public about reproductive rights. The collection primarily contains pro-choice flyers, brochures, and fact sheets MO/RCAR collected and distributed to the public. Also included in this collection is correspondence from and relating to the Missouri Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights, the national Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights, and other pro-choice organizations.
Missouri Social Hygiene Association Scrapbook, 1928-1933 (S0089)
0.01 cubic foot
The Missouri Social Hygiene Association (MSHA) Scrapbook contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, and newsletters pertaining to the group's mission to disseminate knowledge and laws concerning social hygiene to the public.
Missouri Society for Health and Physical Educators Records, 1937-2010 (S0010)
36 cubic feet
The records contain bylaws, correspondence, meeting minutes, research abstracts, and photographs regarding the Missouri Society for Health and Physical Educators' (MOSHAPE) mission to develop and promote health, leisure, and movement programs.
Missouri State Council of the International Reading Association Records, 1950s-2000s (CA6402)
7.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
The records of an organization devoted to promoting literacy throughout the state of Missouri include scrapbooks, minutes, yearbooks, president's notebooks, and miscellaneous material.
Missouri Temperance Union, Prathersvile, Missouri, Records, 1887-1888 (K0109)
0.01 c.f. (1 folder)
Photocopy of the minutes and list of members for the Missouri Temperance Union of Prathersville, Clay County, Missouri.
Missouri White House Conference Committee on Children and Youth Records, 1950-1980s (CA4582)
18 cubic feet
The records of a child and family welfare agency involved with the White House Conferences on Children and Youth include correspondence, task force materials, publications, subject files, reports, public hearing testimony, office files, and miscellaneous material.
Missourians for a Citizens Utility Board Records, 1980-1990 (S0940)
10 cubic feet
This collection contains Initiative petitions, correspondence, and legal materials of a group organized to institute a voluntary check-off on local utility bills to fund a board allowing consumers to contribute to rate hike decisions.
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, St. Louis Chapter, Records, 1989-2020 (S0316)
6.5 cubic feet
The collection contains correspondence, press releases, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the group's efforts to abolish the death penalty in Missouri.
Frances Pearle Mitchell Papers, 1858-1919 (C1703)
0.3 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of a resident of Rocheport, Missouri, consist of appointments, certificates, correspondence, invitations, programs, and dance cards. Mitchell, a graduate of Stephens College, was involved in many civic and women’s organizations, including the Missouri Women Farmers’ Club.
Lester Mondale Lecture Collection, 1970 (R1364)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Lester Mondale Lecture is a recording of Mondale's address to the Ethical Society of St. Louis on March 15, 1970. His lecture was entitled "When is a Person Most Truly Human?". The lecture is recorded on one cassette tape.
Monsignor Timothy Dempsey Manuscript, 1940 (S0207)
0.01 cubic feet
This collection contains the unpublished thesis Monsignor Timothy Dempsey: An Historical Study of Charitable Enterprise in St. Louis by Reverend Harold J. McAuliffe, which chronicles the life and charitable endeavors of Father Timothy Dempsey.
Samuel A. Montague Papers, 1930-2000 (K0441)
25 c.f.
Research, correspondence, meeting minutes, notes and other materials relating to the variety of public relations and fund raising campaigns as well as other organizations with which Montague was associated in Kansas City, MO. Also a complete set of KC Downtown magazine of which Montague was the publisher,
Shirley Rae Tranin Morantz and Stanley Aaron Morantz Papers, 1922-2010 (K0648)
4 c.f.
Personal papers of Shirley Morantz, Administrative Secretary for the National Office of the Panel of American Women, and Stanley Morantz, board member of numerous religious and civic groups. Also programs, clippings, military papers, speeches and writings by and organizational publications and awards received Stanley Morantz.
Morgan County Home and Infirmary Records, 1913-1973 (R0121)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Morgan County Home and Infirmary Collection contains photocopies of specifications and historical accounts of the ‘poor farm’ near Versailles, Missouri. Included are elevations and floor plans and three secondary accounts of the Home’s history.
Rebecca Morris Papers, 1972-1980 (K0313)
1 c.f.
News clippings, correspondence, state voting records, campaign materials, and speeches about the Equal Rights Amendment collected by Morris, field coordinator for the Missouri Equal Rights Amendment Coalition and vice president of the Kansas City Chapter of the Women's Political Caucus.
Mothers and Patrons Club, Flat River, Missouri Records, 1907-1937 (R0070)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Mothers and Patrons Club of Flat River, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of a record book for the Mothers and Patrons Club in Flat River, Missouri. The records include meeting minutes, lists of officers and members, and miscellaneous documents.
Mothers and Patrons Club, Leadwood, Missouri Records, 1911-1992 (R0687)
(3 rolls of microfilm)
The Mothers and Patrons Club, Leadwood, Missouri Records contain the records of the Mothers and Patrons Club, a women's social and civic organization founded in 1910 at Leadwood, Saint Francois County, Missouri. The records consist of minutes of meetings, membership records, finanacial data, and miscellaneous papers, and yearbooks.
James E. Mueller Papers, 1988-2012 (R1324)
4 cubic feet (140 folders, 3 video tapes, 7 audio cassettes, 213 lantern slides)
The James E. Mueller Papers contain the correspondence and printed materials assembled by James E. Mueller over the course of his years of research and volunteerism as an environmentalist in Joplin, Missouri. Included in the papers are materials concerning air quality issues, a campaign targeting emission levels of a local company, and a proposed landfill at a site in farm country north of Joplin. There are also papers pertaining to other environmental issues that interested Mueller, including hazardous waste disposal and lead poisoning.
National Alliance Against Racist And Political Repression, St. Louis Branch Records, 1973-1986 (S0582)
2 cubic feet, 76 folders, 48 photographs
The National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, St. Louis Branch Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, bylaws, and newsletters pertaining to the organization's mission to oppose the abuses of civil rights and oppression of minorities, the poor, laborers, and prisoners.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Collection, 1930-1964 (S0389)
1 roll microfilm
This collection contains newspaper clippings, flyers, and newsletters of the St. Louis branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Also included in the collection are fourteen issues of the St. Louis NAACP Citizen, 1957-1964.
National Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis Section Records, 1895-1984 (S0443)
84 cubic feet, 7 audio tapes, 45 volumes, 195 folders, 513 photographs
The National Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis Section promotes unity among Jewish women through education and community service. The organization pioneered work with the milk program in public schools (1917-1933), and the Golden Age Senior Citizens' clubs in 1945. The collection includes reports, minutes, financial statements, scrapbooks, photographs, slideshow, newsletters, and tapes.
National Liberal Orphans' Home Papers, 1882-1891 (C1733)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Constitution, amendments, letters, petitions for incorporation, and court records for the National Liberal Orphans' Home, Liberal, MO. Institution organized in 1882 by the Freethinkers of America, who also established the Free Thought University in Liberal.