Social Reform and Welfare


James Irving Threatt Papers, 1971-1999 (K0732)
41 c.f.

Personal files kept by Threatt concerning his many activities and interests while in public office. Topics include housing, city development, revitalization of the urban core, education, minority businesses and historical agencies. Contains correspondence, reports, photographs, clippings, books and magazines. Also his wife, Doris Elizabeth Threatt (1932-2000), professional and community activities.


Tri-State Mining Superfund Site, 1945-2018 (SP0019)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Tri-State Mining Superfund Site records contain the research of Shanen Givone into the environmental impact of nuclear contamination and mining in the Joplin area and into Kansas.


Edyth Zelda Weitzman Trillin Papers, 1921-1924 (K1210)
2 f

 Finding Aid

Edyth and husband Abe Trillin owned Trillin's Restaurant. Includes Kansas City's Central High School graduation "Memory Book" containing announcements, invitations, autographs and writings by fellow students and teachers. Also photographs of the Old Age Home Celebration (1963).


Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis Records, 1911-1960 (S0293)
10 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains bylaws, meeting minutes, and reports documenting the Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis's mission to prevent, relieve, and control the spread of tuberculosis in the St. Louis area.



U.S. Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services (Kansas City, Mo.) Reports, 1941-1945 (C0917)
0.3 cubic feet (16 folders)

 Finding Aid

Mimeographed reports prepared in cooperation with other agencies on various areas in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas. Reports include descriptions of communities including population, facilities, and services available.

United States Army Mothers National Association Records, 1941-1989 (K0260)
13 c.f.

 Finding Aid

World War II era organization of mothers of men in the U.S. Army established to provide social support for each other and their sons. Scrapbooks, financial ledgers, post reports and minutes, photographs, yearly convention material, newsletters, correspondence, by-laws, roll books, various paraphernalia, and many other items relating to its everyday operation.


University City Residential Trust Records, 1970-2002 (S1031)
0.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The University City Residential Trust Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, and newspaper clippings relating to the University City Rental Trust’s (UCRT) mission to maintain cultural diversity during the integration process in the University City area. UCRT attempted to accomplish this task by purchasing homes in University City and renting them to white families in neighborhoods where African American children outnumbered white children in the elementary district.


Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis Collection, 1938-1982 (S0093)
0.2 cubic foot, 5 folders

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of annual reports, newsletters, and pamphlets chronicling the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis’s efforts to provide social services for the St. Louis area’s African American population.


Florence Wyman Richardson Usher Scrapbooks, 1909-1913 (S0059)
1 microfilm roll

 Finding Aid

Florence Wyman Richardson Usher helped found the Equal Suffrage League of St. Louis in 1910. She chaired the League's lecture committee for six years and was a member of the board of governors in 1912. The scrapbooks in this collection document suffrage activities both nationally and in St. Louis. They include news clippings, correspondence, public notices, programs, leaflets, and Usher's annotations.



Village Shalom Collection, 1900-2005 (K1315)
14.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

papers and photographs from the first 100 years of this retirement community



Homer Clark Wadsworth Papers, 1949-1982 (K0724)
8 c.f.

Personal and professional correspondence of Wadsworth, civic leader, director of the Kansas City Association of Trusts and Foundations, and president of the Kansas City school board with foundations, trusts, special projects, and universities with which was associated. Also his speeches.


Patricia Youmans Wagner Papers, 1959-1962 (K0037)
0.25 cf

 Finding Aid

A series of working papers Ms. Wagner prepared in the late 1950s and early 1960s regarding voluntary associational life in Kansas City, Missouri, in the period 1870 to the early years of the twentieth century


Webb City Community Chest Records, 1939-1955 (R0551)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Webb City Community Chest Records are records of contributions, minutes of meetings, and miscellaneous papers of the Webb City Community Chest in Webb City, Jasper County, Missouri.


Mary Beth Weiner Papers, 1991-1993 (K1072)

Weiner was president of the Kansas City chapter of the Women's American Organization for Rehabilitation Training (ORT), an organization which building technical schools for underprivileged areas in Israel and the United States. Includes ORT flyers and newspaper clippings on the biennial ORT convention representing their Kansas City chapter.


Carla Weitzel Papers, 1970-1999 (C2154)
1.8 cubic feet (131 folders), 6 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

The papers of Carla Weitzel, a sociology graduate student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, consist of newspaper clippings, magazine articles, correspondence, posters, pamphlets, photographs, and miscellaneous materials. The materials document civil rights issues, particularly the anti-apartheid and divestment movement that occurred on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus during the mid-1980s.


J.W. Wells Papers, 1867-1884 (C3561)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of J.W. Wells contain a diary and miscellaneous items of a minister in St. Louis, Missouri, and Buffalo, New York, who helped alcoholics and the needy.

Wesley House Association Records, 1929-2002 (S0675)
2 cubic feet, 52 folders, 399 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Wesley House Association was founded in 1903 by a lay group affiliated with the Methodist Church. Its purpose is to provide social services for the 21st Ward in St. Louis City. Included in the collection are bylaws, meeting minutes, correspondence, budgets, , newsletters, and photographs.


West County Democrats Records, 2001-2017 (S1218)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the West County Democrats contain agendas, board and general meeting minutes, bylaws, correspondence, directories, and reports collected and maintained by previous co-chairs of the organization. Former Senator Harriet Woods and Jo Ann Fox Hughes were among the founding members of the West County Democrats and held the club’s first meetings in the summer of 2001. Since its founding, the West County Democrats have grown to a membership of nearly 170 individuals, who continue to meet monthly and invite guest speakers to lecture on a variety of political issues affecting Missouri and the United States.  


Westport Tomorrow Records, 1907-1989 (K0831)
39 c.f.

Organizational records of a business and neighborhood association coalition in Kansas City, MO. includes correspondence, business and financial papers and newsletters. also newspaper and historical articles concerning the Westport area as well as newsletters, correspondence and articles relating to other neighborhood associations.


Henry Winfield Wheeler Papers, 1953-1980 (S0122)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder

 Finding Aid

The papers of Henry Winfield Wheeler contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, awards, and articles of a prominent African-American St. Louis civil rights leader. In 1953, Mr. Wheeler was elected president of the St. Louis chapter of the NAACP. He was elected state representative in 1958, 1960, and 1962 from the 17th district in St. Louis.


Maurice and Doris Wheeler Papers, 1906-1989 (S0599)
16 cubic feet, 469 folders, 32 photographs

 Finding Aid

The Maurice and Doris Wheeler Papers contain correspondence, newsletters, publications, and reports documenting the Wheeler’s social activism and involvement in groups such as the American Federation of Technical Engineers, Eighth Ward Independent Democrats, New Democratic Coalition, Reform Organization of Welfare (ROWEL), and Socialist Party.


Shirley Copaken White Papers, 1937-2007 (K1187)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

White is very active in cultural, philanthropic, and social organizations, including those of Beth Shalom Synagogue and Hadassah. Includes publications; White and Copaken family photographs and printed materials; Beth Shalom Synagogue and Hadassah materials; Paseo High School reunions; the grand opening of the Lewis and Shirley White Theatre at the Jewish Community Campus; Jewish Community Foundation programs; and newspaper and magazine clippings about Sandi White, Rita Blitt, the AT&T Building, and miscellaneous other subjects.


Sidney L. Willens Collection, 1976-2010 (K1190)
0.5 c.f.

Willens was an attorney specializing in civil liberty issues in Kansas City, MO. includes correspondence, news articles, Jackson County Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints Reports, and Willins' writings on the value of humor.


William Volker and Company Records, 1893-1964 (K0059)
14 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The William Volker Company provided William Volker with the means to become a major philanthropist in Kansas City, Missouri. Included is limited correspondence, Company records pertaining to sales, accounts, employee policies, and photographs of employees. Also included are requests for financial assistance from the William Volker Fund.


Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Missouri Records, 1937 (R1248)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is the "Report of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Convention" of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Missouri, held at the First Baptist Church of Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri, on September 28 to October 1, 1937.


Woman's Christian Temperance Union (Columbia, Mo.) Minute Book, 1884-1888 (C0262)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Book contains constitution and bylaws, minutes of meetings, roll of members, and activities of the organization.


Woman's Christian Temperance Union, West Plains, Missouri Records, 1949-1978 (R0116)
0.3 cubic foot (3 volumes)

 Finding Aid

The Women’s Christian Temperance Union Records contains three minute books of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union chapter in West Plains, Howell County, Missouri. The volumes contain minutes of meetings, records of activities, and membership rolls.


Woman's Christian Temperence Union Photographs, 1913-1914, no date (P0907)
4 photographs

Photos of Missouri state delegates for annual conventions of the Woman's Christian Temperence Union, 1913-1914. Clara Cleghorn Hoffman, president.

Woman's City Club Records, 1917-1987 (K0257)
38 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records, including minutes, financial records, membership information, scrapbooks and associated materials of a major women's club that served as a vehicle for civic, philanthropic, and cultural activities to benefit the Kansas City community.


Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Records, 1980s-2020 (CA6671)
1.2 cubic feet, 2 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The records of the Mid-Missouri Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom contain minutes, promotional material, correspondence, project materials, photographs, a scrapbook, and miscellaneous organizational material.


Jenny R. Wood Collection, 1957-2006 (C4562)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Camp Rainbow for Exceptional Children was started in Chillicothe, Missouri, in 1963 by the parents of a mentally challenged daughter so that she and others like her could attend summer camp. Collection includes a camp history, camp buttons and a counselor's handbook, photographs, clippings, program schedules, official incorporation and camp business records, and newsletters. Also included are miscellaneous material on the Missouri Association for Retarded Children.

Wood-Smith Family Papers, 1864-1987 (C3857)
5.2 cubic feet (306 folders), 5 DVDs, 1 audio tape

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, scrapbooks, newspaper articles, photographs and films of two Missouri families with roots in Jasper and Pike Counties. Guy M. Wood was First Associate City Counsellor for the city of St. Louis in the early 1930s. Roy G. Smith served nearly fifty years with the Young Men’s Christian Association in the Philippines, Peru, and the United States.

World Affairs Council of St. Louis Records, 1949-1974 (S0712)
4 cubic feet, 205 folders

 Finding Aid

The World Affairs Council of St. Louis Records contains correspondence, meeting minutes, literature, and subject files documenting the organization’s efforts to educate citizens on world affairs.


Wyandotte Association for Child Care Services, Inc. Records, 1976-1982 (K0513)
58 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Administrative records of a social service agency which operated in Kansas City, KS. Includes correspondence, financial records, board of directors' materials, personnel files, program files, and related material.


Young Americans for Freedom, Rolla High School Chapter Records, 1964-1966 (R0639)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Young Americans for Freedom, Rolla High School Chapter Records contain materials pertaining to the Rolla High School Chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom. It consists of the constitution, by-laws and charter, newspaper clippings concerning the chapter’s events and activities, and printed materials from the national headquarters.


Young Women's Christian Association Metro St. Louis Records, 1914-1993 (S0343)
61 cubic feet, 1485 folders, 4994 photographs, 13 microfilm rolls

 Finding Aid

The YWCA collection covers the organization's activities from its inception in 1904 to the late 1970s. The constitution and bylaws, along with revisions and complete financial records are included. The St. Louis YWCA was divided into several branches, including a segregated club for black girls, and each of these groups is represented in the records, which include documentation on programs, summer camps, and clubs maintained by the various branches. The collection also includes a record of programs for which the YWCA shared responsibility with similar organizations, such as the USO, American Red Cross, and the YMCA.


Rosemary Claypool Young Papers, 1934-1997 (K0344)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal papers of church and civic leader and advocate for family, women, children and automobile safety.


YouthBridge Community Foundation Records, 1876-2003 (S0243)
7.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The YouthBridge Community Foundation Records (formerly the German General Protestant Orphan’s Home and General Protestant Children’s Home) contain meeting minutes, ledgers, and scrapbooks relating to its history as a home for impoverished orphans. Materials of interest include intake record books, documenting the child’s name, birth date, the reasons for their admittance and dismal from the orphanage, as well as the names of their parents. Also included in the collection are photographs depicting the cornerstone laying of YouthBridge’s former campus at 12685 Olive Street Road and an essay on the history of YouthBridge, titled Still Caring: the Evolution of a St. Louis Orphanage, by Glenn J. Sartori. The materials in this collection date from 1877 to 2003.


YWCA Triangle Club Records, 1963-1989 (S1026)
0.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains calendars, rosters, membership lists, and mailings of a group founded by the spouses of the directors and staff associates of the Young Men's Christian Association Metro St. Louis
