Mary Lou Martin Drosten Papers, 1936-1941 (S0720)
0.4 cubic feet
The Mary Lou Martin Drosten Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting her work with the National Youth Administration in St. Louis, Missouri. The collection includes a scrapbook chronicling her work with African American children in the Webster Groves and Kinloch communities.
Drought Relief Campaign Records, 1930-1932 (K0334)
0.3 c.f.
Reports, correspondence, clippings, and photographs for the Campaign, an activity of the American Red Cross to relieve farmers affected by drought in the 1930s. Among other items and services, the Red Cross provided seed, food, school lunches, and cash.
Bettyann Dubansky Papers, 1962-1984 (C4353)
2 cubic feet (103 folders)
Papers of a faculty member of the University of Missouri School of Social Work and Director of Undergraduate Studies include correspondence, publications, committees, and reports, with the bulk of material dealing with the White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals which was held in Washington, D.C. in 1977, and also material from the Mid-Missouri Regional Conferences.
Ida Early Papers, 1986-2008 (S0366)
1.8 cubic feet
The Ida Early papers contain meeting minutes, correspondence, program booklets, and reports primarily chronicling her time as President of the Junior League of St. Louis from 1996 to 1998. Other topics of interest include Dance St. Louis and the St. Louis Crisis Nursery.
Roger D. Eastman Collection, 1950s-1980s (CA5477)
8 cubic feet, 22 oversize items
Materials relating to Eastman's work with Missouri Opinion Analysis which conducted a variety of public opinion polls and surveys. Also contains a variety of Missouri maps, several photographs, and materials relating to development on the Meramec River.
Rory Vincent Ellinger Collection, 1951-1973 (C3555)
3.4 cubic feet (220 folders)
Papers of a student activist at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1966-1972, who served as president of the Columbia branch of Students for a Democratic Society and was active in the New Democratic Coalition and numerous other organizations. SDS papers and SDS New Left Notes are included.
Emmaus Homes Papers, 1903 (S1234)
20 oversize display panels, 1 cubic foot
The Emmaus Homes Papers contain 20 display panels depicting photographs, artwork, and articles and created in 1903 by clients of and staff of Emmaus Homes on the St. Charles and Marthasville campuses. Emmaus Homes is a faith-based, nonprofit organization providing full time care services to more than 300 adults with developmental disabilities in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Eugene Field Foundation (St. Louis, Mo.) Minute Book, 1928-1931 (C1100)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)
Records of an organization founded for the relief of children with disabilities.
Everyday People, Inc. (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1970-1986 (C3809)
3.5 cubic feet (187 folders), 4 audio cassettes
Records of a non-traditional, alternative social service organization which specialized in drug counseling and education, crisis intervention, and emergency food and shelter. Includes grant applications, financial records, minutes, training manuals, surveys, and correspondence concerning funding, recruitment and training of volunteer staff, and development of counseling procedures and programs.
Fair Housing Ordinance (Columbia, Mo.) Collection, 1967-1972, 2018 (C2550)
0.05 cubic feet (4 folders), 47.7 GB of digital files, 1 DVD, 1 oversize item
Newspaper clippings and miscellaneous material pertaining to the Fair Housing Ordinance in Columbia, Missouri. Includes the video “Our Journey to Fair Housing,” created by the City of Columbia in 2018, as well as the raw interview footage.
Family Service of Columbia, Inc. Records, 1900-1978 (C0868)
3.25 cubic feet (147 folders)
The records of the earliest social service agency in Columbia, Missouri. Name changes include Charity Organization Society, 1901-1922; Public Welfare Society, 1922-1934; Social Service Society, 1937-1957; and Family Service of Columbia, 1957-1984. Contains financial records, administrative records, casework files, correspondence, proposals, and publicity materials.
Frank A. Faxon Papers, 1900-1911 (K0074)
0.3 c.f.
Speeches Faxon, a wholesale drug businessman and civic leader in Kansas City, MO, wrote and delivered. Also included is an unfinished autobiography of James C. Horton, a business partner of Faxon
Fellowship House Association of Greater Kansas City Records, 1948-1979 (K0974)
0.12 c.f.
The purpose of the Association was to promote mutual understanding, fellowship and respect among the people of the community. Includes meeting minutes and agendas, constitution and by-laws, programs, correspondence and other materials.
Susan H. Findley Papers, 1953-2010 (R1317)
3 cubic feet (50 folders)
The Findley papers consist of the correspondence and personal papers of Susan Hancock Findley and her husband, Marshall E. Findley; including his years in Rolla as an associate professor of chemical engineering, correspondence and papers as his time as a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) guest professor in South Vietnam, letters from Vietnam and Malaysia. Findleys wrote of living and traveling in Asia, working in the USAID program, politics, and the course of the war in Vietnam.
Ellen Foley Papers, 1966-2011 (CA6454)
10 cubic feet
The papers of a journalist who worked for several newspapers, including the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Kansas City Star, Philadelphia Daily News, and Wisconsin State Journal, includes articles, correspondence, school papers, and miscellaneous professional material. Foley also founded the Violence Against Women Coalition (VAWC) after the death of her sister, Mary Foley, in 1988. The collection contains records of the organization.
Joseph Wingate Folk Speech, 1910 (C3251)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Bound copy of a speech, "The Limitations of Reform," printed in the SATURDAY EVENING POST, February 12, 1910.
Forest Park Forever Records, 1982-1998 (S0883)
2 cubic feet, 47 folders
This collection contains correspondence, master plans, architectural proposals, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the revitalization of Forest Park by the community organization Forest Park Forever. Topics of interest include the Saint Louis Zoo and the St. Louis Art Museum.
Freedom of Choice Council of Greater St. Louis Records, c. 1977-1990 (CA5584)
0.6 cubic feet
Financial records, minutes, newsletters, press releases, membership records, and miscellaneous records.
Freedom of Choice Council of Greater St. Louis Records, 1977-1990 (S0534)
0.5 cubic foot, 20 folders, 4 photographs
This collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, financial reports, and flyers pertaining to the Freedom of Choice Council of Greater St. Louis, a pro-choice coalition formed after the Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973.
Harold Q. Fuller Papers, 1950-1987 (R0611)
0.75 cubic foot (14 folders, 4 photographs)
The Harold Q. Fuller Papers contain the personal papers of a physics professor and community leader in Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri. The papers concern Fuller's work with the Rolla School Board, the Phelps County Nutrition Program, the Central Missouri Area Agency on Aging, and the family farm.
Future Farmers of America, West Plains Chapter Records, 1955-1978 (R0658)
(11 folders)
These are scrapbooks of the FFA chapter at West Plains in Howell County, Missouri. The scrapbooks include photographs, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous printed materials on the chapter's activities, 1955-1966. There is also a printed history of the FFA in Missouri, 1928-1978.
Gateway Region Young Men's Christian Association Records, 1853-2020 (S0473)
87 cubic feet
The Gateway Region Young Men's Christian Association was founded in St. Louis on October 20, 1853. Initially, the organization focused on young men's spiritual development but later expanded to include the mental, social, physical, recreation, and vocational needs of both sexes. The collection consists of by-laws, correspondence, meeting minutes, schedules, press releases, and photographs.
Edna Gellhorn Scrapbook, 1922, 1937-1970 (S0642)
0.5 cubic foot, 1 folder, 1 scrapbook
The Edna Gellhorn Scrapbook contains photographs, newspaper clippings, and correspondence documenting St. Louis activist and suffragist Edna Gellhorn.
General Joe Bailey Women's Relief Corps (WRC) #15-Nevada, Missouri Records, 1885-1918 (K0408)
1 c.f.
The WRC was an auxiliary of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) who raised money to assist the poor in their community. Minute books, volumes of cash books, and membership ledgers. Also includes cemetery records.
Rhetta Turkin Goldstein Papers, 1940-1998 (K1145)
0.1 c.f.
Goldstein was active in B'nai B'rith and the Jewish War Veterans, Missouri-Kansas, No. 605 Post and Auxiliary, among other Jewish organizations. Includes photographs, programs, clippings, correspondence, and publications.
Shirley Stolowy Goller Papers, 1924-1992 (K1189)
2 c.f.
Goller was an prominent Jewish civic leader in Kansas City, MO photographs, scrapbooks, diaries, and other documents related to Goller's life and many community activities.
Malvin R. Goode Papers, 1911-2001 (C1706)
8 cubic feet, 275 audio cassettes, 88 audio tapes, 11 video cassettes, 6 film reels
Malvin Russell Goode, Sr. was the first African American broadcast journalist at ABC News. The collection consists of letters, speeches, photographs, audio cassettes, reel-to-reel tapes, awards, and other miscellaneous items documenting his life, career, and African-American culture.
Stanley Goodman Papers, 1931-1992 (S0179)
41 cubic feet, 540 folders, 138 photographs
The Stanley Goodman papers document his life as a business, civic, and cultural leader in St. Louis, including his time as CEO of the May Department Stores Company (1969-1976); Consul to France (1971); president, St. Louis Symphony Society (1964-1970); member of Civic Progress, the City Plan Commission and Downtown St. Louis Inc. Included in this collection are Goodman’s speeches, and drafts of his book, How to Manage a Turnaround.
Gloria C. Gordon Papers, 1950-2010 (S0298)
1.25 cubic foot
The Gloria C. Gordan Papers contain meeting minutes, correspondence, pamphlets, academic essays, and a dissertation documenting Gordon’s involvement with the Older Women’s League, Brit Tzadek v’Shalom, and the STL Village. Gordan’s activism spans several decades from her involvement in the Committee for Environmental Information’s Baby Tooth Survey to promoting peace during the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
Grace Hill Settlement House Records, 1906-1989 (S0554)
19 cubic feet, 766 folders, 306 photographs, 59 microfilm rolls
This collection provides an overall view of the history and operations of Grace Hill Settlement House, which was formed in St. Louis in 1939. The mission of Grace Hill Settlement House is to provide opportunities for individuals, families, and communities to be stronger, healthier, and more self-reliant. The collection includes histories, meeting minutes, annual reports, and correspondence.
David M. Grant Papers, 1917-1986 (S0552)
0.8 cubic feet, 18 folders, 7 photographs
The David M. Grant Papers document David M. Grant's career in St. Louis as a civil rights activist and lawyer. Beginning in 1931, Grant organized protests and demonstrations against racial discrimination. He was also active in the local Democratic Party, Labor unions, and a founder of St. Louis’ March on Washington Movement chapter. Grant also served on the U.S. Presidential Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. The papers include speeches, correspondence, photographs, political fliers, and newspaper clippings.
Greater Kansas City Chapter of Hadassah Records, 1916-2010 (K0593)
25 c.f.
Organizational records of a Jewish women's organization dedicated to strengthening the relationship between the United States and Israel.
Greater Kansas City Heart Association 1951 Heart Fund Scrapbook, 1950-1951 (K1247)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Greater Kansas City Heart Association 1951 Heart Fund Scrapbook is a single volume created by W.F. Shoemaker, campaign director of the 1951 Heart Fund and staff member of the Kansas City public relations firm Cumerford, Inc. The scrapbook includes clippings, printed material, and fundraising correspondence.
Greater Kansas City Section, National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Records, 1893-2004 (K0145)
30 c.f.
Organizational records of the Greater Kansas City Section, including administrative, financial, membership, committee, publications, and public relations files.
Greater Kansas City Women's Political Caucus Records, 1974-1983 (K1243)
2.5 c.f.
Organizational records including general and working files, newsletters, financial records, subject files (including ERA), and printed/published materials, many concerned with the Equal Rights Amendment.
Paul Greer Papers, 1900-1977 (S0169)
0.05 cubic feet, 31 folders, 5 photographs, 2 scrapbooks
The Paul Greer Papers contain the work of a newspaper editor, and liberal social activist, Paul Greer. Topics include senior citizens, integration, housing, agricultural conditions, and conservation and includes correspondence; subject files; Greer's writing, including drafts of his two books, articles and book reviews; articles about Greer; and photographs and memorabilia.
Robert Griesedieck Papers, 1964-1975 (S0894)
4 cubic feet
The papers of Robert Griesedieck contain meeting minutes, reports, rosters, and newspaper clippings chronicling his involvement in St. Louis organizations, including the St. Louis Ambassadors, The Missississippi River Tricentennial Committee, and the Bicentennial celebration in St. Louis.
Frank Grimaldi Architectural Records Collection, 1920-2010 (K1252)
385 c.f.
Architectural drawings, plans, renderings, construction documents, books and journals, records and work papers of Frank Grimaldi Architecture and its predecessor entities, including Bower and Grimaldi Architecture, and Shaughnessy, Bower and Grimaldi Architecture.
Dudley Grove Papers, 1974-2022 (S0275)
3 cubic feet
The Dudley Grove Papers contain correspondence, photographs, resumes, and awards documenting Grove's philanthropic work with the Junior League of St. Louis, the Center for Creative Arts, Women of Achievement, the Urban League of St. Louis, and the Young Women Christian Association Metro St. Louis. The collection also includes a scrapbook containing photographs, flyers, bumper stickers, and newspaper clippings chronicling Grove's 1993 candidacy for mayor of Ladue, Missouri.
Lawrence B. Guillot Papers, 1978-1980 (K0798)
2 c.f.
Materials related to the international ombudsman movement, and in particular, the International Ombudsman institute and the Jackson County, MO Ombudsman office.
Rickie Schere Haith Papers, 1940-2008 (K1151)
1 c.f.
Haith has been a member and officer of a number of Jewish women's organizations in Kansas City including Midwest Branch of Women's league for Conservation, Beth Shalom Sisterhood, and Hadassah. Personal papers contain DVDs, photographs, booklets, and scrapbooks for these activities.
David R. Hardy Papers, 1965-1976 (K0319)
1 c.f.
Hardy served as chairman of the Mayor's Commission on Civil Disorder, appointed by Mayor Ilus Davis to study the city's disturbances of 1968. includes correspondence, reports, interviews and statements, clippings, and printed and published materials, the final report and recommendations.
Moses Harman Papers, 1858-1984 (C3802)
0.1 cubic feet (13 folders), 1 roll of microfilm
Papers of Moses Harman, founder and publisher of Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, later the American Journal of Eugenics. He was a proponent of women’s rights and the eugenics movement during the late 1800s and early 1900s. The papers include typescript copies of speech and articles by Harman, a photograph, articles about Harman, and issues of Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, 1896-1907.
Charles Martin Hay Papers, 1919-1933 (C0039)
7 cubic feet (453 folders), 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, legal cases, speeches, clippings, and political material of a St. Louis attorney, politician, prohibitionist, and leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Several cases concern prohibition enforcement or lead companies in southeastern Missouri. Hay was three times an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. senator.
Health & Welfare Council of Metropolitan St. Louis Records, 1911-1977 (S0434)
13.6 cubic feet, 308 folders
The Health and Welfare Council (HWC) of Metropolitan St. Louis records contain reports, studies, statistical data, manuals, narratives, and histories documenting the governance and activities of the organization. Also included are histories of related charities and social service organization in the St. Louis area.
Health Planning Agency of St. Louis Records, 1952-1990 (S0898)
2 cubic feet
This collection primarily consists of reports on St. Louis area hospitals and medical care.
Sister Ruth Heaney Papers, 1970s-1990s (CA6138)
2.4 cubic feet
The papers of Ruth Boylston Heaney, Benedictine sister of Our Lady of Peace Monastery in Columbia, Missouri. Widow of Larry Heaney (founder of the Milwaukee Catholic Worker) and a social activist, Heaney raised her six children on a Catholic Worker farm in Starkenburg, Missouri. She volunteered with the Benedictine sisters and eventually joined the order in 1979. Includes correspondence with prisoners, notebooks, and limited photographs.
Morris Henderson Newspaper Clippings Scrapbooks, 1955-1982 (S0641)
1 cubic foot
This collection consists of scrapbooks of Morris Henderson, a prominent civil rights leader and president of the St. Louis County chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (1955-1959; 1963-1964) and director of the Peoples' Hospital (1960-1964). Subjects of interest include People's Hospital and the NAACP.
Hickory County Mutual Benefit Association Records, 1928 (R0786)
(1 folder)
The Hickory County Mutual Benefit Association provided death, permanent total disability, and blindness benefits to its membership. The Association kept its principal office at Hermitage, Missouri, and adopted these bylaws on October 1, 1928.
Dr. Robert Lee Hill Papers, 1978-2015 (K1352)
23 c.f.
Sermons, correspondence, photographs, books, speeches, awards, personal records, business files, and notes relating to Hill's 30-year career, primarily with Community Christian Church, KC, MO