Social Reform and Welfare


National Organization for Women, Metro St. Louis Chapter Records, 1971-1989 (S0175)
11 cubic feet, 32 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Metro St. Louis NOW records contain administrative material from the group, including minutes and correspondence of the St. Louis, state, and national organizations and chapter newsletter "& Nothing Less." The records are maintained in their original order as received. The bulk of the collection consists of subject files on the various causes that Metro St. Louis NOW supported, such as the ERA, abortion, person abuse, childcare, school reform, human rights, credit for women, employment discrimination, International Women's Year, politics, rape, and religion. A vigil log contains members' reports on their experiences in Jefferson City during the ERA vigil watch.


National Panel of American Women Records, 1957-1986 (K0619)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the national office of the Panel of American Women, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes correspondence, financial and legal records, newsletters and printed material, minutes, and scrapbooks.


Naturalization Council Metropolitan Area Kansas City Collection, 1938-1986 (K0832)
8 c.f.

The organizational records of the Council includes monthly reports, statements, minutes, educational materials, correspondence, awards, office files, scrapbooks, and photographs related to its activities to assist immigrants to the city.


Oscar David Nelson Papers, 1914-1980 (K0069)
58 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal, including his philanthropic work, his personal investments, travel and general correspondence, and professional papers of former chairman of the board of Butler Manufacturing Company


New Democratic Coalition Records, 1968-1977 (S0068)
3 cubic feet, 77 folders, 8 audio cassettes, 4 reel-to-reel audio tapes

 Finding Aid

The New Democratic Coalition Records contains newsletters, correspondence, bylaws, and press releases regarding the New Democratic Coalition, a Democratic party reform group founded in response to the 1968 Democratic Convention. The objectives of the New Democratic Coalition included reform of campaign spending, tax assessment, and the widening of the delegate selection process.

New Life Evangelistic Center Records, 1949-2022 (S1236)
64.58 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting NLEC’s mission to provide Christian hospitality to the poor through social service programs and spiritual care. The collection is divided into five series: Administration; Larry Rice; Penny Rice; Chronological Files; Publications; Jim Barnes; Photographs; and Scrapbooks. The Chronological Files series consists of materials Larry Rice and his son, Chris Rice, gathered during their research for their five-volume history of NLEC. This series contains Rice’s handwritten drafts of the book, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and photographs, arranged chronologically by year. Other series of interest include the publications series, which consists of issues of the ZOA Free Paper, which NLEC published from 1972 to 2005. The materials in this collection date from 1949 to 2019. 

Rose M. Nolen Papers, 1873-2004 (C4227)
1.0 cubic foot (41 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Rose Nolen contain clippings, research materials, and manuscript drafts of a Sedalia, Missouri, journalist. Topics include the Katy Depot in Sedalia, the Methodist Inner City Church in Kansas City, Black Panthers and the Black Power Movement, Bothwell Regional Medical Center, and Sedalia history.


North Side Preservation Commission Records, 1980-2010 (S0952)
16 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Northside Preservation Commission Records contain reports, photographs, and audio cassettes and videotapes pertaining to the group's mission to preserve North St. Louis, Missouri's historic properties, as well as help low-income families buy property in the area.


North St. Louis County NOW Records, 1974-1989 (S0183)
0.25 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of "Keepin' The Thing Goin'," the monthly newsletter of the North St. Louis County chapter of the National Organization for Women.


North Webster Neighborhood Coalition Records, 2012-2013 (S1124)
0.25 cubic foot

Meeting minutes, news clippings and proclamation. 2012-2013



Edwin Vincent O'Hara Papers, 1902-1956 (K0091)
16 MR

 Finding Aid

The papers of Catholic Archbishop O'Hara begin with his ordination as priest, and conclude with his death as the Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph


Kate Richards O'Hare Letters, 1919-1920 (C3118)
0.2 cubic feet (11 folders), 2 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Kate O’Hare’s letters to her family, April 20, 1919, to April 8, 1920, published in newspapers, and reproduced in book form April 14, 1920. O’Hare, a Socialist reformer, wrote the letters from the Missouri State Penitentiary, where she served a 14-month term for opposing the draft for World War I. They acknowledge gifts and letters, and discuss the Socialist movement, diseases, prison food, heat and ventilation, and mental disturbances of inmates.


Office of Economic Opportunity, Community Action Agency Manual, no date (CA5639)
0.2 cubic feet

Guidelines, instructions, and other materials documenting the origins of Community Action services.

"Official Welfare Services in Missouri, Their Development and Correlation, 1821 to 1936," MASW, 1821-1936 (C2083)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Report compiled by MASW on state welfare services, particularly correctional and eleemosynary institutions, their historical development, organization, and functions.

Older Women's League Records, 1981-2009 (S0674)
25 cubic feet, 9 photographs

 Finding Aid

The Older Women's League (OWL), founded in 1981, is a national membership organization with more than 30,000 members and 1000 chapters. The St. Louis Gateway Chapter, one of the largest with 350 members, was founded in 1985. OWL's mission is to improve the image and status of mid-life and older women through grassroots advocacy, mutual support, and education. The collection includes correspondence newsletters, meeting minutes, reports, and photographs.


Charles and Marian O'Fallon Oldham Papers, 1913-2004 (S1112)
2 cubic feet, 38 folders, 179 photographs, 10 oversize items, 2 cassette tapes

 Finding Aid

This collection contains correspondence, photographs, court transcripts, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the lives of Civil Rights activists Charles and Marian Oldham. Charles Oldham was instrumental in organizing picket lines and demonstrations that helped open college admission for African Americans at Washington University in St. Louis in 1948. The Oldhams were also active members of the St. Louis chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and participated in the Jefferson Bank protests in 1963. Other subjects of interest include Marian O’Fallon Oldham’s tenure as a member of the University of Missouri’s Board of Curators and Charles Oldham’s time as the National Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality. The materials in this collection date from 1913 to 2004.


John W. Oliver Papers, 1936-1990 (K0751)
25 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Speeches, writings, correspondence, photographs, and personal files of Oliver, Senior U.S. District Judge of Western Missouri. Also personal papers of his wife, Gertrude Field Oliver (1916- ).


Organization for Black Struggle Records, 1970-2016 (S1240)
3 cubic foot, 72 folders, 905 photographs, 35 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

The Organization for Black Struggle Records (OBS) contains correspondence, press releases, flyers, and newsletters pertaining to the group's mission to address the needs and issues of the Black working class in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. Topics of interest include housing and job discrimination cases, criminal justice reform, and apartheid in South Africa.


Organization History of Ferrier Harris Nursing Home Manuscript, 1979-1980 (S0411)
0.01 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection contains a brief history of the Ferrier Harris Nursing Home written by Harriet (Lamb) Williams, a former board member of the nursing home and daughter of Ferrier Harris, the organization’s namesake.


Over the Rainbow Collection, 1977-1978 (R0820)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of fifteen issues of "Over the Rainbow" a feminist newsletter edited by Betty Burnett of Springfield in Greene County, Missouri.



P.E.O. Reciprocity Group of Greater Kansas City Records, 1916-1995 (K0604)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of a women's educational and philanthropic club including minutes, a history of P.E.O., lists of presidents and officers, membership directories, state convention programs, and slides and program notes of Cottey College.


Regina Entin Pachter Papers, 1946-2006 (K1142)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Pachter was owner with her husband, Meyer Pachter of the Pachter Garment Company. she was also a talent pianist who performed widely. Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, programs, scripts, and sheet music pertaining to Pachter's involvement in various Kansas City Jewish organizations.


Panel of American Women-Kansas City Branch Records, 1963-1991 (K0618)
5.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Kansas City branch, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes treasurers' files, program Committee information, correspondence, miscellaneous articles, workshop and panel information, cassette tapes, and historical information on the branch establishment.


Paraquad Records, 1981-2002 (S0956)
17 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Paraquad Records contain correspondence, grant files, legislative materials, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the organization's mission to help people with disabilities to live independently in the St. Louis area.


Sarah Viner Peltzman Papers, 1912-1925 (K1179)
0.02 c.f.

Peltzman was active in various Jewish charity organizations and served as president of the Hebrew Ladies Relief Association. Includes minutes of the Hebrew Ladies Relief Association and the Federation of Orthodox Jewish Charities of Greater Kansas City.


Shirley Fishman Pener Papers, 1939-1948 (K1188)
0.02 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

Photographs of Pener's Men's Wear, Boy Scouts of America, Troop #53, the Talmudic Academy of Greater Kansas City, B'nai B'rith Youth, and the Ciechanowcer Aid Society.


Penn Valley Meeting of Friends Records, 1943-1998 (K0077)
4.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Penn Valley Meeting of Friends including minutes, correspondence, photographs, periodicals, political and social issues literature, and other records of the Quaker organization.


People's Party National Convention Collection, 1971-1973 (S0063)
0.02 cubic foot, 6 folders, 4 reel-to-reel tapes

 Finding Aid

The People's Party National Convention Collection contains position papers, campaign literature, and newspaper clippings documenting the American leftwing's national conventions, held in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1972 and 1975. During the conventions, delegates adopted platforms calling for world peace, non-nuclear proliferation, tax reform, and women's and gay liberation.


Maggie Peoples Papers, 1963-1971 (S0215)
0.01 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The papers of Maggie Peoples document her life as St. Louis-area civil rights leader. The collection includes material from the National Council of Negro Women, Women in Community Service, St. Louis Bicentennial Committee, a photograph, and an oral history interview with Mrs. Peoples.


Phelps County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Records, 1950-2015 (R1262)
7 cubic feet (15 folders, 37 volumes, 1 oversize volume)

 Finding Aid

The Phelps County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Records contain meeting minutes, printed newsletters, and scrapbooks of the Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Auxiliary (now Phelps Health Auxiliary and Volunteer Services) at Rolla, Missouri. Organized in 1950 as a women’s auxiliary to the Phelps County Memorial Hospital (now Phelps Health), the Auxiliary grew to coordinate a number of programs including volunteer services, fundraising, programs for youths, and nursing scholarships.


Phoebe Jane Ess Foundation Records, 1934-1939 (K0064)
0.3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Reports of Recording Secretary and membership lists, minutes, treasurer's reports, and information on the dispersal of Foundation funds which were among others contributed to the Crippled Children's Fund, the Gold Star Scholarship Fund, the Phoebe Jane Ess Scholarship, and to the purchase of books for the University of Kansas City Library.


Elmer F. Pierson Papers, 1938-1981 (K0084)
0.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Photocopied scrapbooks compiled following Pierson's retirement from the Vendo Company, a manufacturer of vending machines. They are items Pierson felt to be of greatest personal interest dealing with Vendo and Pierson philanthropic and civic activities.


Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri Collection, 1981-1995 (CA6294)
7 cubic feet, 43 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The collection includes newspaper clippings mostly from Missouri newspapers regarding all aspects of the abortion issue in America, including politics, protests, sexual health, women's health, legislation, Supreme Court cases, population control, and birth control. Also included is a small amount of printed material and informational posters on the AIDS crisis.

Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri Records, 1930-1990 (S0195)
6 cubic feet, 109 folders, 22 photographs, 13 scrapbooks, 2 audio tapes, 2 16mm films, 2 45 RPM records, 5 microfilm rolls

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri Records document the group's founding in 1932 as the Maternal Health Association of Missouri, its transformation to Planned Parenthood Association of Missouri in 1943, and growth in the post-war period. The collection contains annual reports, correspondence, reports, scrapbooks, and two reel-to-reel tapes.


Potosi Civic League Records, 1921-1961 (R0187)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Potosi Civic League Records contain a microfilm copy of meeting minutes, financial and membership records, miscellaneous papers, and yearbooks of a woman’s club in Potosi, Washington County, Missouri. The records include a set of yearbooks from a similar organization, the Potosi Woman’s Study Club dating from 1927 to 1943.


Paul William Preisler Papers, 1902-1971 (S0235)
22 cubic feet, 322 folders, 597 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Paul William Preisler Papers document Preisler's career as a union organizer, lawyer, photographer, and biochemist in St. Louis. They contain correspondence, legal papers, newspaper clippings, and photographs. Subjects of interest include civil liberties, legislative redistricting, and Socialism. Photographs include images of Hooverville, Labor leaders, strikes and protests, and political parties. 


Presidents and Past Presidents General Assembly of Greater Kansas City Records, 1917-2009 (K1131)
8 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Minutes, financial reports, programs, correspondence, clippings, yearbooks, financial records, and a small number of photos. The minutes include information about a variety of world, national, municipal, social, and cultural issues.


Prisoner Advocacy and Education Project Records, 1980-1985 (C3111)
0.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Columbia, Missouri, organization which advocated prison reform and prisoner rights and sought to educate the public on prison conditions. Includes correspondence of the project and from inmates in Missouri prisons and subject files on prisons, prisoners, and the criminal justice system. See also collection 2636.


Prisoner Advocacy and Education Project Records, 1971-1982 (C2636)
6 cubic feet, 2 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

Records of a Columbia, Missouri, organization, which advocated prison reform and prisoner rights and sought to educate the public on prison conditions. Sponsored by KOPN Radio. Collection includes records of Zebra Sunrise radio program, correspondence from inmates, inmate periodicals and literary journals, and subject files on prisons, prisoners, and the criminal justice system. See also Collection No. 3111.


Project Congregation + Offender Partnership Enterprise (COPE) Records, 1980-2022 (S0364)
3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of meeting minutes, correspondence, applications, photographs, and newsletters chronicling Project Congregation + Offender Partnership Enterprise's (COPE) mission to assist prisoners with re-entry into society. Materials of interest include an autobiography written by Ted Schroeder, who helped Project COPE's founder, Hershel Walker, develop the organization.


Provident Association Collection, 1880-1944 (K1284)
0.3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The collection includes one copy of a document prepared by R.F. Townley in 1944, regarding the history of the Provident Association.


Provident Behavioral Health Records, 1848-2002 (S0360)
26 cubic feet, 16 microfilm rolls

 Finding Aid

The Provident Behavioral Health Records contain annual reports, meeting minutes, press releases, scrapbooks, presentations, videotapes, relating to mental health and social services in the St. Louis Area. Found in 1860 by James Yeatman, Provident Behavioral Health's mission is mental health services to St. Louis area residents. The collection also contains the records of Provident's predecessor organizations: The Family and Children's Services of Greater St. Louis, the Family Service Society of St. Louis County, and the St. Louis Children's Aid Society.


Pruitt-Igoe Action Program Report, 1972 (S0409)
0.01 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection contains a 71-page unpublished report titled Summary and Conclusions of Pruitt-Igoe Action Program Phase I & II. The report, commissioned by Mayor Alfonso Cervantes's committee on the redevelopment of Pruitt-Igoe, proposed the addition of new families at Pruitt-Igoe, partial demolition, rehabilitation of existing units, and construction of parks and shopping centers.



Radical Newspaper/Journal Collection, 1923-1978 (S0803)
2 cubic feet, 41 folders

 Finding Aid

The collection contains newspapers and journals published by leftwing labor unions and leftist political groups, most frequently those espousing some form of socialism. The publications in this collection include the "New World Review," "The Socialist Call," and "The Western Socialist."

Real Women Newsletters Collection, 1971 (S0116)
0.01 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection contains three newsletters issued in April, Spring, and Summer 1971 titled Real WomenWomen’s Liberation Newsletter for St. Louis. Published by the Women’s Center, located at the Young Women’s Christian Association of Metro St. Louis’ then headquarters at 1411 Locust Street in Downtown St. Louis, the newsletter focused on childcare, education, and equal working conditions for men and women. 


Red Bridge Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Congregation Records, 1879-2016 (K1361)
2 c.f.

Member directories, financial summaries, photos, programs, newsletters, records of land purchases, sketches of bldg plans, records of dissolution of corp., anniversary booklets and other items from the life of the church. Previously known as Oak Park Christian Church.

Redevelopment Opportunities for Women Records, 1985-1987 (S0962)
0.1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Redevelopment Opportunities for Women Records contain newsletters, concert tickets, and programs pertaining to providing financial literacy resources and advocacy to women affected by poverty and domestic violence.


Reform Organization of Welfare (ROWEL) Records, 1971-1998 (S0757)
15 cubic feet, 15 cassette tapes, 5 videotapes

 Finding Aid

The records of the Reform Organization of Welfare (ROWELL) contain correspondence, meeting minutes, press releases, and audiovisual records documenting the organization's mission to advocate for the poor by working for legislative and administrative changes to the welfare system. In particular, ROWEL advocated for increases in cash grants for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and provided workshops to train welfare supports as lay lobbyists. Included in the collection are issues of ROWEL's in-house newsletter "Action Alerts."


Reproductive Health Services Records, 1969-1992 (S0197)
14.5 cubic feet, 1 microfilm roll

 Finding Aid

The Reproductive Health Services Records contain correspondence, brochures, reports, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks pertaining to the organization’s mission to provide reproductive healthcare to individuals. Subjects of interest include family planning, opposition to abortion, and birth control.


Earl Rhine Papers, 1958-1975 (S0627)
1.2 cubic foot, 23 folders, 454 photographs, 2 oral history interviews

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Earl Rhine Papers document Rhine’s medical humanitarian work with Dr. Thomas Dooley in Laos from 1958 to 1960, and his link with Dooley organizations and Laotian friends following his return to the United States.