Hughes Family Papers, 1812-1993 (C4421)
1.6 cubic feet (35 Folders)
Papers of the Hughes and Latimer families from Keytesville, Chariton County, from 1812 to 1993, including early twentieth-century Democratic Party materials and a myriad of correspondence.
Hughes Monument Dedication Papers, 1963 (C3494)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain an account by Ethel Milton Hughes of the ceremony dedicating a new monument at the grave of Brigadier General John Taylor Hughes, C.S.A. (1817-1862), in Independence, Missouri. Also address delivered on the occasion by Henry A. Bundschu. Hughes was killed in 1862 at the first battle of Independence.
James L. Hughes Photograph Collection, 1917 (P0522)
4 photographs
Images of World War I era soldiers, ca. 1917.
John Calvin Hughes Papers, 1827-1863 (R0309)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The John Calvin Hughes Papers contain typescripts of the Civil War letters of John C. Hughes, a native of Washington County, Missouri, and member of Company I, 33rd Missouri Infantry. He wrote to his wife from camps at St. Louis, Rolla, Salem, Houston, and Hartville, Missouri; Columbus, Kentucky; and Helena, Arkansas.
Sarah F. Hickman Hughes Reminiscences, 1942 (C1889)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Family history, Civil War, and a journey west by wagon train in 1865.
John K. Hulston Papers, 1858-1983 (C4554)
0.4 cubic feet (11 folders)
The papers collected by John K. Hulston include correspondence, research materials, and drafts relating to the article, “John Trousdale Coffee: Lawyer, Politician, Confederate.” The article was published in the April 1983 issue of the Missouri Historical Review.
John Robert Hume Papers, 1898-1919 (R0357)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The John Robert Hume Papers contain photocopies of a typescript of a World War I diary and poetry written by John R. Hume, a native of Doniphan, Ripley County, Missouri. Hume served as a captain of a United States Army medical detachment in France, 1917-1918.
John Robert Hume World War I Diary, 1917-1918 (C2084)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Hume was an army surgeon with the 23rd U.S. Infantry Medical Detachment in the Second Division, A.E.F. Diary, September 6, 1917-February 14, 1918, describes the war in France, medical facilities and staff, troops, battles, living conditions and rations, German submarine and troop maneuvers, and John J. Pershing.
Hunt Family Papers, 1847-1920 (C3956)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of Sanford Conley Hunt and his wife, Margaret Josephine Bright Hunt, include correspondence, genealogy, military records, Civil War histories, organizational memberships, probate documents, wills, land patents, and deeds.
Hunter Family Papers, 1864-1880 (R0469)
0.3 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Hunter Family Papers contain photocopies and typescript copies of correspondence of the Hunter and Hagler families of Jasper, Lawrence, and Polk counties in Missouri. The letters were written by Elizabeth Hunter and her daughters, Priscilla A. Hunter and Charlotte Elizabeth (Hunter) Hagler, and were addressed to another daughter, Margaret (Hunter) Newberry. Topics include news of family and friends, turmoil during the Civil War, farm life, and religious matters.
Marvin Hutchinson Collection, 1857-1904 (C1791)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters, poetry, Civil War documents, and other papers pertaining to the Hagen and Sasse families of Chariton County, Missouri. Part of the German Heritage Archives
Gregory L. and Mary Folse Hutchison Collection, 1900s-2010 (CA5861)
13.4 cubic feet, 2 oversize volumes
The collection contains material from two University of Missouri-Columbia alumni, United States veterans, and federal employees. Mary Folse Hutchison was in the first class of WAVES officers at the start of World War II, and later a CIA staff officer for twenty-five years. Includes a scrapbook related to theater and other activities at the University of Missouri in the 1930s, correspondence, diaries, photographs, travel materials, writings, and miscellaneous items.
"Implications of Land Use Adjustments in Connection with the Defense Program," Albert H. Mussman, 1941 (C1188)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)
Report on activities of agencies concerned with the assisting in the relocation of families disturbed by the construction of Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Includes photographs and case studies.
Indiana. Infantry, 43rd Regiment, Company B, Volunteers, Muster-Out Roll, 1861 (C2735)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a muster-out roll of the company commanded by Captain F. Marian Darnall.
Alexander Inness Letter, 1865 (C3190)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter to Captain Poillon, from Alexander Inness, Chicago, Apr. 26, 1865, concerning the Battle of Fort Blakely. Inness inquires about dead and wounded friends in the 68th Regiment, and mentions the death of President Lincoln.
Claiborne Fox Jackson Letter, 1861 (C1786)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter from Jackson, of Jefferson City, Missouri, April 9, 1861, to David Walker. Discusses Jackson's position on slavery and secession.
Claiborne Fox Jackson Letter, 1861 (C1788)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To H.K. Craig, Washington, D.C., from Jefferson City, MO, Jan. 16, 1861. Encloses a requisition for Missouri's quota of guns for that year and a carriage without a gun as a model for mounting others.
Andrew Jackson James Papers, 1863 (C3568)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Andrew Jackson James contain a history of Company M, 6th Cavalry Regiment, Missouri State Militia; and an order to James to return to his company after being captured and released by Confederate forces.
Lucy Wortham James Collection, 1801-1895 (C0001)
23 cubic feet (3,032 folders), 234 oversize volumes (volumes also available on 59 rolls of microfilm)
The records of the Maramec Iron Works in St. James, Missouri, and the papers of the James family, who owned the iron works, includes financial records, correspondence, and account books. The correspondence discusses the hiring of enslaved people, prices, banking and financial conditions, transportation costs and railroads, political conditions, immigration, and the Civil War.
Samuel William James Collection, 1898, 1904 (K0846)
0.03 c.f. (1 folder)
Photocopies of photographs of James, lieutenant in the Spanish-American War and later the National Guard, in uniform. Also a reenactment of a firing squad.
Japanese Occupation Money, 1946 (C2289)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains three bills for use in Japan during American occupation following World War II.
Jefferson Barracks Engineering Plans Collection, 1941 (CA6011)
0.8 cubic feet
Engineering specifications, plans, and photographs of the construction of various buildings and infrastructure at Jefferson Barracks in 1941.
Jefferson Davis Griffith Chapter-Association of Military Surgeons Records, 1936-1937 (K0112)
0.03 c.f.
Correspondence (primary of Major E.H. Trowbridge MD, president of the chapter) and membership rosters for the chapter. They deal primarily with the organization of the chapter and efforts to secure the National Convention of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States for Kansas City.
Elisha Middleton Jennings Civil War Letters, 1863 (C2619)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Eight letters Jennings wrote to his fiancée, while stationed at Corinth, MS.
Jewel Family Papers, 1859-1878 (S0017)
0.01 cubic foot, 6 folders
The Jewel Family Papers contain photocopies of correspondence between members of the Jewel family during the Civil War. Correspondence between siblings James and Sallie Jewel, the former of whom served as a private in the Confederate army, comprises most of the collection. Also included is correspondence between William, Martha, Mary, and James Jewel Sr., as well as close cousins of the Jewel family. The complete date range of the collection is 1859-1878, with bulk dates from 1862 to 1865.
Jewish Veterans Museum Association Records, 1944-2007 (K1010)
5 c.f.
Organizational records of the Association including business and financial records, books, veterans' questionnaires, exhibit photographs, artifacts, and plaques.
Jewish War Veterans Mo-Kan #605 Post and Auxiliary Records, 1990-2008 (K1089)
0.45 c.f.
Records of a local veterans group, and a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of veterans in the Greater Kansas City area. Includes photograph albums, burial flag, commander's hat, pin, and seal.
"John Brown, 1855-1858," Eliza Johnston Wiggins, no date (C0775)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Sketches of John Brown's activities in Kansas from 1855 to 1858, compiled from writings of G.W. Brown, M.D.
Also a description of Pottawatomie massacre.
John J. Riordan Papers, 1917-1990 (C4383)
2.4 cubic feet (55 folders)
The John J. Riordan Papers document the World War I military career of a veterinary officer, his career as a professional veterinarian in Tarkio, Missouri, and his efforts to record his wartime experiences through writing his memoir, Horses, Mules and Remounts: The World War I Memoir of a Veterinary Officer.
Allen Bolles Johnson Papers, 1860-1861 (R0289)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Allen Bolles Johnson Papers contain typescript and photocopies of letters written by Allen B. Johnson from Rolla and St. Louis, Missouri during the American Civil War. A native of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, his letters include descriptions of rail travel from Birmingham, New York to Missouri, the controversy over secession at Rolla, and the Camp Jackson affair and civil unrest in St. Louis.
Charles Johnson Photograph Collection, no date (P0208)
6 photographs
Several copy prints of alleged Civil War guerrillas.
John Litt Johnson Speech, 1860 (K0219)
0.01 c.f.
Speech by an ex-mayor of Kansas City in defense of the policies of the Republican Party and support for the election of Abraham Lincoln before the Civil War
M.W. Johnson Affidavit, 1863 (C2703)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Concerns stores lost when he was forced to retreat.
O.R. Johnson Papers, 1910-1959 (C3483)
25.4 cubic feet (2151 folders)
Professional and administrative correspondence related to the departments of Farm Management and Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, and civic and personal correspondence.
Thomas Johnson Papers, 1862 (K0052)
.05 c.f.
The Thomas Johnson Diary contains a single, hand-written diary chronicling the military experiences of Thomas Johnson as he served with the 24th Indiana Volunteers.
Jones Family Papers, 1861-1862 (C2235)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Correspondence between three Confederate soldiers, their father, Allen K. Jones of Jacks Creek, TN, and friends in Tennessee.
Jones Family Papers, 1839-1923 (C2523)
0.21 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of the Jones Family contain military papers of Charles A. Adams, a Civil War officer in the Vermont Cavalry Volunteers and father of state representative Charles F. Adams and Carrie Adams Jones. Also included are family land deeds and business transactions.
Burnam R. Jones Papers, 1897-1966, 2011 (C4405)
0.4 cubic feet (7 folders)
This collection features papers by or pertaining to the life of World War I veteran Burnam R. Jones. There are photographs taken in France as well as photographs from his life before and after the war. There are sketches done by Jones and several memoirs typed by Jones.
Paul C. Jones Papers, 1943-1969 (C3604)
60.6 cubic feet (5142 folders)
Constituent and legislative correspondence from Jones's terms as a Democratic congressman from Missouri's 10th district, 1948-1969. Jones's major committee assignments included the Agriculture and the House Administration Committees.
William F. Jones Papers, 1819-1928 (C0831)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
Letters written primarily by William F. Jones from his home in Bloomingburg, Ohio, to cousins living in Montgomery County, Missouri. Jones describes the national political scene, election results, his family, local weather and crops, his Civil War experiences, and the Spanish-American War. The collection also includes the account book (1844-1928) of Wilson P.H. Jones.
Saul David Kass Papers, 1934-1995 (K1329)
0.25 c.f.
WWII scrapbook of military and war time materials, photograph of Company D 104th MED.TR.BN, "Kehilath Israel Synagogue Dedication, February 1986"-newspaper publication, photographs of Kehilath Israel Synagogue, ca. 1995, "Winged Victory" Music Hall program, 1944.
Kauffman Family Papers, 1917-2009 (K1011)
0.28 c.f.
The collection consists of birth and death certificates, enlistment and discharge papers from the United States Army and Navy, and genealogical and historical information on the Kauffman family. The bulk of the collection pertains to Jim Richard Kauffman and his father Clarence Elmer Kauffman.
William H. Kavanaugh Papers, 1861-1939 (C4251)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
Wesley Kaylor Papers, 1857-1963 (C0349)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters of a Union soldier in Missouri to his family in Newark, MO. Also letter telling of his death in Ironton, MO, of improper vaccination.
Richard B. Keeble Papers, 1862-1863 (C2014)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Richard B. Keeble contain a statement by citizens of St. Charles County, January 24, 1862, attesting to Keeble's loyalty and recounting attack on his house (fragment). Also included are charges of disloyalty against Keeble, n.d., and parole of Keeble.
Charles E. Kiefner Papers, 1925-1931 (R0189)
3.5 cubic feet (160 folders)
The Charles E. Kiefner Papers contain the papers of a U.S. Representative from Perryville, Missouri. He represented the 13th District (Bollinger, Carter, Iron, Jefferson, Madison, Perry, Reynolds, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Washington, and Wayne counties) in the 69th (1925-1927) and 71st (1929-1931) Congresses. Included are general subject files, post office files, and veterans' pension files.
James Preston Kem Papers, 1946-1952 (C2700)
157 cubic feet (also available on 550 rolls of microfilm), 2 audio discs
Papers from Kem's term as Republican U.S. senator from Missouri. Bulk of material is constituent correspondence.
Kemper Military School (Boonville, Mo.) Collection, 1919-1960, 1990 (C4174)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders, 275 photographs), 1 oversize volume, 4 oversize items
This artificial collection of Kemper Military School material combines several small acquisitions from various individuals. Included are photographs, a yearbook, and miscellaneous papers. For the school's official records, please see C4005.
Kemper Military School (Boonville, Mo.) Records, c. 1910-2001 (C4005)
180.0 cubic feet, 1 video cassette
The papers of Kemper Military School, the oldest military school west of the Mississippi River, include student records and transcripts, applications, commencement material, diplomas, grade cards, and miscellaneous material.
Students wanting a copy of their transcript must submit a hand-signed transcript request form.
Lyle Kennedy Papers, 1885-1983 (K0050)
6 c.f.
Research notes and papers, maps, books, newspaper clippings, photographs, and slides related to local historian Kennedy's studies of Kansas City history.