American Civil War


John Freeman Schermerhorn Papers, 1809-1909 (C0160)
0.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Letters and papers of Schermerhorn and his heirs, located in New York (1809-1840), Indiana (1840-1858), and Missouri (1858-1909). Schermerhorn was a frontier preacher, peacemaker with the Indians, and landowner.


Martin F. Schmidt Photograph Collection, no date (P0885)
1 photograph

Photo of Civil War monument, Springfield.


William Henry Schrader Reminiscences, no date (C1519)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The reminiscences describe slavery in Missouri, including treatment of slaves, punishment, education, desire for freedom, fugitives, and character sketches of individual slaves. Also described are the Kansas-Missouri border conflicts, the Civil War in Missouri, bushwhackers, Claiborne Fox Jackson, the 1856 and 1860 presidential campaigns, German immigrants, Missouri Republicans, and Linneus and Brunswick, MO.


Scott Family Papers, 1841-1936 (C3033)
0.3 cubic feet (13 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Scott Family papers consist of correspondence and miscellaneous documents relating to the Lindsey-Kemp-Reeder family of Ohio and the Scott family of Columbia, Missouri, including the Civil War correspondence of William L. Kemp and the World War I correspondence of future University of Missouri professor D.R. Scott.


David S. Scott Papers, 1862-1863 (R0634)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The David S. Scott Papers contain the Civil War letters of David S. Scott, Co. H, 8th Indiana Infantry, written to Kate Missimer in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. The letters, from Pilot Knob, Black River, Van Buren, and Oregon County, Missouri, concern camp life and the campaign of the Army of Southeastern Missouri.

Elvira Ascenith Weir Scott Diary, 1860-1887 (C1053)
0.2 cubic feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Typescript photocopy of diary of a woman from Miami, Missouri, including descriptive observations on the themes of home, family, and religion, as well as the impact of the Civil War on life in her own community and region.


Thomas A. Scott Loyalty Oath, 1864 (C2452)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a loyalty oath taken at Rock Island Barracks, IL, by a private in the 45th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry.

Thomas A. Scott Prisoner of War Discharge, 1864 (C0475)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Discharge from Rock Island Barracks, Illinois, for a private in the 45th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry.

Scrapbook, 1865-1882 (K0132)
1 MR

 Finding Aid

Newspaper clippings pertaining primarily to the Civil War and events immediately following, such as the assassination of President Lincoln. Chiefly the New Orleans Daily Picayune and the New Orleans Times, although other papers are included.

Jesse N. Self Papers, 1860-1863 (R0304)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Jesse N. Self Papers contain photocopies of letters to his family by Jesse N. Self, a schoolteacher at Irondale, Missouri, and captain of Company F, 32nd Missouri Infantry. The collection includes letters from Irondale, 1860, and from camps in Rolla and Benton Barracks in St. Louis, 1861-1862. Capt. Self died of erysipelas at Memphis, Tennessee, on February 25, 1863.

Wilhelm and Augustus Seyffert Papers, 1854-1905 (C2888)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Wilhelm and Augustus Seyffert contain a copy book of poems in German (vol. 1), a history of Missouri State Militia, Company E, 13th Cavalry, and an account book of Augustus Seyffert, 1869-1889 (vol. 2).

John C. Shackelford Family Papers, 1847-1911 (C0404)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

Clippings, poems of Civil War and Confederacy, and correspondence. Letter from Warrensburg, August 25, 1861, mentions early Civil War events in Missouri.


Thomas Shackelford Papers, 1820-1908 (C0163)
0.6 cubic feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Personal and business letters, documents and memoirs of a lawyer and politician of Glasgow, MO. He was a member of the Missouri Convention of 1861 and of the Constitutional Convention of 1875. Includes family letters and letters relating to his legal practice and politics, a few of them pertaining to the Constitutional Convention of 1875.


Preston T. Sharp Collection, circa 2004 (R1204)
(2 folders)

 Finding Aid

These are an annotated Civil War diary and a biography of Preston T. Sharp, a resident of Harrison County, Missouri, and Fall River County, South Dakota, and first lieutenant of Company H, 12th Missouri Cavalry. Edited and compiled by Chuck and Nova Sharp Bolton, the collection includes the story of Sharp's life, and his diary covering the Nashville campaign, December 1864-Januuary 1865, and Powder River Expedition in Wyoming and Montana in 1865.


Joseph Orville Shelby Letter, 1885 (C0521)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To Mr. Lankford, Marshall, Missouri, from Audrain, Bates County, Missouri, August 2, 1885. Letter from a Confederate brigadier general to a friend, giving his reasons for the Civil War.

Joseph Orville Shelby Scrapbook, 1865-1932 (C3558)
0.1 cubic feet (1 oversize volume)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains clippings about the military career of a Civil War general from Missouri, newspaper accounts of his death in 1897, tributes, and correspondence.

Alonzo H. Shelton Reminiscences, no date (K0166)
0.02 c.f. (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Photocopied typescript of Shelton's recollections of his life, experiences and services in the Civil War as a Confederate soldier.


Sheppard Family Papers, 1844-1877 (C0429)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

Miscellaneous letters from Philadelphia; Tennessee; Cincinnati; Springfield and St. Louis, MO; and England. A letter from Paris, TN, describes local preaching techniques.

Originals on microfilm; typed copies in folders.


George W. Shinn Papers, 1861 (CG0015)
0.11 cubic feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

This is a collection of six letters written by Private George W. Shinn, a Union soldier in the American Civil War, which also includes transcriptions and other information gathered by the donor about Shinn.

A seventh letter, written by Solomon Kittrell on May 19, 1861 in Butler County, Missouri, shares his current situation as a farmer, river levels, soldiers’ movements, and the transport of African Americans through the region.

"A Short Sketch of My Experiences During the First Stages of the Civil War," R.C. Carter, no date (C2911)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a memoir describing experiences of a Confederate lieutenant. He includes the battles of the Hemp Bales, Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, and Boonville in his reminiscences.

James Shumley Letter, 1878 (C2376)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To N.W. Scott, Canal Dover, O., from Fairfield, KY, Nov. 30, 1878.

Fairfield postmaster writes in reply to an inquiry from Scott regarding the death of William Quantrill (1837-1865), who was born in Canal Dover and died in Louisville, KY.

Noah Sidner Letter, 1862 (C1895)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a farewell letter to relatives in Paris, MO, from Palmyra, MO, Oct. 18 and 19, 1862, written from the federal military prison in Palmyra on the eve and morning of the day he was to be executed.


Silliman Family Letters, 1862-1865 (C1831)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Two letters written by Mrs. Silliman to relatives from Warrensburg, MO, during the Civil War. She describes social conditions at the time and how [her son] evaded the draft.


Claiborne Simmons Letter, 1863 (C3273)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To Mary Ann Simmons, from Tennessee, December 6, 1863. Written while in the Union army. Describes the weather and inquires after her health.

Avington Wayne Simpson Diary, 1861-1865 (C2993)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

This diary kept by a Polk County, MO, resident, contains short concise entries dealing with the daily events of a Confederate Missouri State Guard unit organized in July 1861. Simpson participated in the 1864 summer campaign through the Kennesaw Mountains, including the fall of Atlanta.


John James Sitton, Civil War Memoir Collection, circa 1900 (R0377)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The John James Sitton Civil War Memoir Collection contains a military history of the Oregon County, Missouri company of the 2nd Regiment, 7th Division, Missouri State Guard, July 4 through December 1, 1861. The narrative was written by John James Sitton, who also served in the 7th Division, but in a different regiment. Sitton became captain of the Oregon County men in later Confederate service. The memoir also includes biographical data on selected Oregon County soldiers.

John James Sitton Papers, 1860-1913 (R1286)
(1 roll)

 Finding Aid

The John James Sitton Papers consists of a three volume journal, scrapbook, miscellaneous papers, and photographs, 1860-1913 of a Missouri confederate soldier and postwar resident of Oregon Coounty, Missouri. The journal, 1860-1882, documents service in the Missouri State Guard and other confederate units in Missouri, Arkansas, and Mississippi during the Civil War. It also includes his veterans activities and other aspects of Sitton's life.

Henry Ellison Skaggs Papers, 1862-1895 (R0247)
0.3 cubic foot (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Henry Ellison Skaggs Papers contains the diary and papers of Henry Ellison Skaggs, pertaining to his service in the 1st Missouri Cavalry in Missouri and Arkansas during the Civil War. Included are a diary, two letters from Little Rock, Arkansas, a photograph of Skaggs in uniform, and a group of prayers. There are also correspondence concerning his military pension and genealogical data.


William Yarnel Slack Papers, 1847-1880 (C0398)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Letters, newspaper clippings, and other items concerning the death of a Confederate general in the Battle of Elk Horn, MO, and the removal of the remains to Fayettville, AR.


Smith Civil War Correspondence Collection, 1859-1863 (S1140)
0.04 cubic foot, 16 folders, 1 DVD

 Finding Aid

The letters consist of reproductions of correspondence from Lieutenant H.H. Smith to his father during the Civil War. Smith served in the Union army in the 17th Regiment Indiana Volunteers and the 49th Indiana Regiment. The collection contains photocopies of the correspondence and a DVD that contains digitized versions of the documents.

Charles H. Smith Letters, 1833-1887 (K0079)
0.09 c.f. (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

Civil War era letters concerning life in camp and the death of Charles H. Smith in battle near Stafford Courthouse, Virginia, in May 1863. Includes family tintypes and photographs.

Henry Ackerman Smith Papers, 1861-1907 (C0431)
2 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Papers of a teacher and Methodist minister who lived in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, and Missouri. Includes letters written to his wife, 1861-1862, while in the Union army; autobiography, genealogical information; record of marriages performed, 1884-1905; diary, 1882-1907; a newspaper article; and photographs.

I.V. Smith Memoirs, 1902 (C0705)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

A typed transcript of the Civil War experiences of a Confederate soldier from Missouri, who retreated south to Mississippi with General Sterling Price.

Robert Smith Photograph Collection, 1880-1908 (P0868)
13 photographs

Collection of photos of Missouri historians and images relating to the civil war, from a professor at Missouri Southern State College, Joplin.

William H. Smith Papers, 1862-1866 (C4344)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Civil War letters from family, friends, and commanders to William H. Smith while serving in Mississippi and Virginia in General Francis M. Cockrell's 2nd Missouri Infantry, 1st Missouri Brigade.


Thomas L. Snead Papers, 1861-1862 (C2453)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Thomas L. Snead contain correspondence and orders of Snead, who was adjutant general of the Missouri State Guard (Confederate) and then assistant adjutant general of the Confederate Army. The papers mention the 5th Military District, reporting number of forces and quartermaster's duties.

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, William T. Stewart Camp No. 14 Records, 1920-1929 (R1287)
(1 volume)

 Finding Aid

This is a 152-page minute book Auxiliary No. 7 of the Sons of Union Veterans of the United States of America, William T. Stewart Camp No. 14 of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The volume contains minutes of the fortnightly meetings of the SV Auxiliary No. 7 from 1920 through 1929.

Sons of Union Veterans, General Sherman/Billy Yank Camp No. 65 Records, 1982-2016 (S0239)
3,25 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, ledgers, newsletters, and membership files pertaining to the General Sherman/Billy Yank Camp No. 65 of the Sons of Union Veterans. The Sons of Union Veterans' mission is to preserve and disseminate the history of soldiers who fought for the Union during the Civil War.


Sons of United Veterans of the Civil War, 1997-2022 (K1418)
1.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains administrative records, correspondence, financial records, membership records, minutes, publications, and reports concerning Westport Camp No. 64 of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, a “fraternal organization dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of veteran heroes who fought and worked to save the Union in the American Civil War.”


Sarah Nichols Sosey Collection, 1822-1865 (C0406)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains three letters: a Confederate soldier to his sister; to William D. Bates concerning lead deposits around Hannibal; and to “Sarah” from J.W. Thompson, 1865.


Virginia Southwood Family Papers, 1861-1904 (C0974)
0.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Virginia Southwood Family Papers contain the genealogical record of Virginia Southwood's family, the diaries of George Ward Litts, and the Civil War correspondence between teacher Susan Griggs and some of the Union soldiers who had attended her school in Wolcottville, Indiana.

LaRue P. Southworth Papers, 1961 (R1424)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains one letter written November 26, 1861 by L.R.P. Southworth to his sister, Mrs. Caroline Jane Orton Verbeck.


Souvenir of the Holland Co. Home Guards and "Phelps" Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Robert Pinckney Matthews, c. 1890 (C1160)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Matthews' "souvenir" is a memoir of his time in the Home Guards and "Phelps" regiment, 1861-1862. The guards fought in the battles of Wilson's Creek and Pea Ridge.

Spangler Family Papers, 1849-1866, 2023 (C4644)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Clark County, Missouri, family include biographical material, photographs, and family correspondence. The bulk of the letters were written between Samuel and Mary Ann Spangler during the American Civil War.


James S. Spencer Papers, 1862-1864 (R0216)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The James S. Spencer Papers contain photocopies and typescript of a Civil War diary of a resident of Phelps County, Missouri, and sergeant in the 32nd Missouri Infantry. The diary covers the period preceding the captures Jackson and Vicksburg, Mississippi, and the advance on Tuscumbia, Alabama. It also includes a roster of Company I of the 32nd Missouri from June 1863 to May 1864.


Standard Extra (Columbia, Mo.), 1861 (C4224)
1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Request for 50,000 volunteers from Civil War General Sterling Price from the Standard Extra, Columbia, Missouri, newspaper, 1861.


Aquilla Standifird Papers, 1862-1865 (R0458)
0.04 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Aquilla Standifird Papers contain photocopies of the Civil War diary of a sergeant and, later, lieutenant of Company D, 23rd Iowa Infantry. The diary covers duty in Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, July 26, 1862 through circa April 15, 1865. Included are descriptions of service in the Army of Southeastern Missouri, the Vicksburg Campaign, including the battles of Port Gibson, Champion’s Hill, Big Black River Bridge, and Milliken’s Bend, and furlough and medical leave in Iowa.

Abner Ford Staples Family Papers, 1814-1865 (K0227)
0.03 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Letters written by and to Staples family members who moved from Georgia to Tennessee, then Independence, MO. Topics include news from home and notice of deaths, marriages, and births. Also are legal document relating to land purchases.


Lloyd Crow Stark Papers, 1941-1972 (C0293)
1.9 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Personal and business papers of a prominent Louisiana, MO, nurseryman and former Democratic governor of Missouri, 1937-1941. These materials include personal correspondence, nursery and agricultural business papers, family correspondence, and miscellaneous photographs.
