Frederick Starr, Jr. Papers, 1850-1863 (C2073)
0.42 cubic feet (20 folders)
Starr was a colonizationist, free soiler, and Presbyterian clergyman in Weston, MO, 1852-1855. The collection contains correspondence, broadsides, pamphlets, and clippings on settlement of the Kansas-Nebraska Territories, border conflicts, abolitionism vs. slavery, local politics, Indian affairs, public land sales, claims, and prices, popular sovereignty, squatters' rights, and religion on the frontier.
"Statement of Captain J.A. Pike Concerning the Quantrill Raid," J.A. Pike, 1917 (C2704)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A personal reminiscence of Quantrill's raid on Lawrence, KS, August 1863.
Mark Stauter Collection, 1852-1980 (R1432)
2 cubic feet (120 folders)
The Mark Stauter Collection consist of materials donated by Dr. Mark Stauter, the former director of the State Historical Society of Missouri's Rolla Research Center. The papers cover a variety of topics related to Missouri history.
William C. Steele Certificate, 1904 (C2874)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Certificate containing description, history, composition, and map of operations of the Army of the Tennessee, 1861-1865, and certifying that Steele, of Company A, 24th Regiment of the Missouri Infantry was a part of the Army of the Tennessee. OVERSIZE.
Alexander E. Steen Papers, 1861-1862 (C2454)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Alexander E. Steen contain correspondence of a Confederate brigadier general of the 5th Division, Missouri State Guard, concerning a military engagement near Fort Scott, September 1, 1861; John E. Pitt's attempt to organize troops in the 5th Military District; and the discharge of soldiers.
Stephens Family Papers, 1850s-1875, 2008 (C0169)
0.4 cubic feet
The Stephens Papers consist of positive photostats and typescripts of a diary and battle descriptions written by a volunteer in Company K, Indiana Infantry, 20th Regiment, which was part of the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War. A bound typescript copy of his diary and those of his brother, Thomas White Stephens, with background information and commentary is also included, along with a biography James Stephen's grandson, James, Jr., who served in World War II. See also the diaries of Stephens's brother, the Thomas White Stephens Diaries, (C 2282).
Margaret Nelson Stephens Papers, 1823-1927 (C0311)
1.05 cubic feet (22 folders)
The diaries of Margaret Nelson Stephens, the wife of Missouri Governor Lon V. Stephens, 1897-1901, document her daily life from 1875 to 1927. Genealogy notes describe Margaret's ancestry and other documents cover a wide range of topics pertaining to relatives through her sister Nadine's marriage to Charles E. Leonard. Most deal with Charles E. Leonard himself, and his brothers Leverett and Abiel. Two Missouri Militia muster rolls, 1862-1863, and a bill of sale for slaves, 1849, are most notable.
Thomas White Stephens Diaries, 1861-1913 (C2282)
0.3 cubic feet
Eight diaries and various diary pages of a corporal in Company K, Indiana Infantry, 20th Regiment. The last Diary contains entries about life in Topeka, KS, 1912-1913. Bound copy of diary edited by the Wilsons in WHMC reference library.
See also collection 169, James C. Stephens Papers, 1863-1875.
Smith A. Sterett Papers, 1861-1899 (C2074)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of Smith A. Sterett contain letters from business associates, friends, and family; business papers; Sterett's Confederate Army discharge; and an elementary spelling book. Sterett was a Montana Territory prospector, Helena, MT, merchant, and Nevada, MO, hardware merchant.
Goah W. Stewart Papers, 1864 (R0699)
(1 folder)
These are transcripts of two letters by Captain Goah W. Stewart of Company K, 1st Missouri Infantry (CSA) to his sister in Pemiscot County, Missouri. The letters briefly note his escape from Gratiot Prison in St. Louis, and the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee, in which he was wounded.
Townsend and Sarah Carter Stewart Family Papers, 1836-1875 (C3930)
0.2 cubic feet
Papers of the Stewart family consist of a small group of genealogical documents prepared by twentieth century family members, and a larger, incomplete body of correspondence of family members, family friends, and a small number of businessmen.
William S. Stewart Papers, 1861-1864 (C2991)
1 roll of microfilm
Letters and reports by the captain of Company K, 11th Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Infantry, describing troop movements, engagements, and camps from January 1861 to December 1862. Includes ordnance reports from Iuka, Corinth, Vicksburg, and St. Louis.
W.P. Strain Letter, 1865 (C3233)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter to John Strain, Greenfield, MO, from W.P. Strain, Limestone, TN, June 26, 1865, discussing the effects of the Civil War on his area, business and farming conditions, an Independence Day celebration, and family news.
Pauline H. Stratton Papers, 1841-1870 (C0842)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)
The papers contain a typescript of a diary of Pauline Stratton’s life in Virginia and Missouri. She writes of spinning, weaving, soap making, rearing her children, enslaved people, the Civil War, and business difficulties after her husband’s death. Also included is a photostat letter written by her to her husband in 1841 before their marriage.
David Straub Certificates, 1890 (C0474)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Certificates of Civil War service in the Missouri State Militia Cavalry, 6th Regiment, and Volunteer Cavalry, 13th Regiment, 1861-1866.
J.E.B. Stuart Letter, 1860 (C0476)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To [William Fitzhugh] Lee, from camp 10 miles above Bent's Fort, July 16, 1860.
Account of raid on small band of Indians in which warriors were killed and a number of squaws, children and pack animals were captured and several soldiers were wounded with arrows.
Rumors of other army skirmishes with the Kiowas and Comanches. Cheyennes and Arapahoes very friendly.
Bryce A. Suderow Collection, 1976 (C3862)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Correspondence concerning the compilation of lists of Sterling Price's Confederate troops taken prisoner in Missouri in 1864.
Amos H. Sullivan Papers, 1850-1939 (C0273)
0.35 cubic feet (3 folders, 4 volumes, 1 oversize volume)
Papers of a Miami, MO, doctor containing clippings about weather, an eclipse, comet in 1910; Miami history and personalities, patients' case histories and accounts; diary about his family, and complete weather register with maximum and minimum temperature recordings.
Summary of Civil War Engagements Fought in Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas, 1963 (C3513)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Summary containing dates, losses, and casualties of approximately 225 military engagements fought in Missouri, Kansas and parts of Arkansas.
H.M. Sumner Letter, 1862 (C0510)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To [Benjamin F.] Loan, Lexington, Missouri, from Jefferson City, Missouri, Oct. 29, 1862. Reporting succession speech of Sample Orr and requesting approval of Sumner’s action in restricting Orr to Jefferson City.
David Surface Letter, 1869 (K0539)
0.01 c.f.
Letter to attorney John C. Gage soliciting assistance in obtaining restitution for his farm and property destroyed by Federal troops carrying out Order #11 in Jackson County, MO during the Civil War.
John Jacob Sutter Collection, 1865-1871 (R0624)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The John Jacob Sutter Papers contains photocopies of a notebook and travel journal by John J. Sutter, a native of Germany and resident of Saint Louis, Missouri. The memoranda book covers Sutter’s service as inspector of artillery in the Department of the Missouri in 1865, and inspections at Cape Girardeau, Macon, Rolla, and Springfield, Missouri; and Fort Leavenworth, Fort Scott, and Paola, Kansas. The travel journal documents a trip from Saint Louis to Germany and return in 1871. The travel journal is in German.
Benjamin Guy Sweet Papers, 1862-1872 (R0190)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Benjamin Guy Sweet Papers contain a bound typescript of four journals kept by Benjamin Sweet. They describe his experiences in the 74th Illinois Infantry during the Civil War, removal to Jasper County, Missouri, in 1867, and operation of a newsstand and bookstore in Carthage in 1872. The typescript includes a subject-name index to the journals.
Lewis M. Switzler Papers, 1862 (C2705)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Enrollment certificate dated September 22, 1862, and a provost marshal pass dated December 5, 1862, for Lewis M. Switzler.
Lewis M. Switzler Papers, 1834-1936 (C3420)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 1 roll of microfilm
The papers of Lewis M. Switzler contain news clippings, photographs, and correspondence on the Civil War, Boone County, Missouri, history, and national events; poetry; anecdotes; and family announcements.
Symington Family Papers, 1775-2010 (S1211)
0.2 cubic foot
The Symington Family Papers contain genealogical research on the Johnston, Boggs, and Symington families 1775 to 2010, as well as correspondence to members of the Johnston and Symington families between 1817 to 1883.
James Synnamon Papers, 1865-1902 (R0996)
(1 folder)
The James Synnamon Papers contain photocopies and typescript of three letters written by James Synnamon, a resident of Platte County, Missouri, and Captain of Co. G, 6th Missouri Infantry (CS). Two letters, written in 1865, describe Synnamon's wounding at Franklin, Tennessee, and imprisonment at Fort Delaware, Delaware. The last letter, written in 1902, describes a return to Vicksburg to identify unit positions for the battlefield commission's marking program.
Tallman and Brown Families Papers, 1861-1868 (R0447)
0.2 cubic foot (2 folders)
This is correspondence of related families of Miller County, Missouri. The principal correspondents are John, Martha, and Matthew Tallman, who wrote to their brother, Jeremiah, while he served in the 1st Missouri Light Artillery, and John D. Brown, of the same regiment, who wrote to his sister, Hannah M. Brown. Topics include military activity in Miller County and southern Missouri, farm life, and family matters.
George W. Taylor Medical Records, 1901-1920 (R0158)
0.2 cubic foot (2 volumes)
The George W. Taylor Medical Records contain records of medical examinations of Union Civil War veterans from Ozark, Taney, Howell, and Douglas counties in Missouri, and Baxter and Boone counties in Arkansas. Performed for the United States Bureau of Pensions by Dr. George W. Ebrite and Dr. George W. Taylor, each ‘surgeon certificate’ includes a medical history of the claimant, descriptions of wounds and disabilities, and recommendations for pension payments.
I.L. Taylor Diary, 1862-1863 (C1199)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A copy of the diary of a Civil War soldier, I.L. Taylor, in the 1st Minnesota Infantry, 2nd Corps, Army of the Potomac, killed at Gettysburg.
THE DAILY CITIZEN (Vicksburg, Miss.), 1863 (C2164)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a souvenir copy of the final issue, July 2, 1863. Articles concern Confederate and Union military news, and the fall of Vicksburg. Printed on wallpaper.
"The Twenty-four Presidents," Andrew J. Wilson, no date (C0484)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Poem by a member of a Missouri regiment in the Civil War.
Alexander Napier Thomas Papers, 1862-1971 (K0169)
0.20 c.f. (18 folders)
Letters and documents related to Thomas' service in the Civil War including a significant number written while a prisoner-of-war in Libby Prison. Also included are membership certificates and notices of election to public office and speeches Thomas delivered as part of his public career as mayor of Aurora, NE, state representative from Hamilton County, NE.
Elinor P. Thompson Letter, 1941 (C0559)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter from Elinor P. Thompson of New Orleans, Louisiana, to John C. Westover, of Camp Clairborne, Louisiana, November 7, 1941. The letter describes the activities of M. Jeff Thompson after his settlement in New Orleans. It also provides a description of New Orleans and describes the Thompson family papers.
Elizabeth Remay Dabbs Thompson Papers, 1850-1932 (R0671)
0.25 cubic foot (5 folders)
The Elizabeth Remay Dabbs Thompson Papers contain the personal and family papers collected by Elizabeth Remay Dabbs Thompson from 1850 to 1932. This collection includes photocopies of family correspondence, legal documents, and business papers for the Dabbs and Thompson families of Greene County, Missouri.
Lizzie Thompson Letter, 1864 (C2208)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Beverly [Thompson], [Arrow Rock, MO], from Boonville, [MO], Nov. 1, 1864. Horror of war in Missouri, "a bone of contention." Fire destroyed a block on Main Street in Boonville. General Price camped in Boonville, stripped town and country of cattle, forage, and staple goods. Best citizens have fled, friends joining both armies. Family information.
Meriwether Jeff Thompson Papers, 1854-1935 (C1030)
0.25 cubic feet; also available on 1 roll of microfilm
Civil War memoir, correspondence, business and legal papers, family genealogies, and miscellaneous papers of M. Jeff Thompson. Thompson was a civil engineer, a railroad and real estate promoter, mayor of St. Joseph, MO, and a brigadier general in the Confederate Army.
Valentine Thuma Papers, 1861-1864 (C3020)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Typescript of a Civil War diary and letters of a soldier in the 8th Indiana Volunteer Infantry.
Charles H. Thurber Papers, 1862-1866 (C2573)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Papers of a Union officer including letters to his family while serving in a Missouri artillery unit in northeastern Mississippi, and photocopies of military papers relating to his military career.
Shelton E. Thurman Papers, 1919 (R0307)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)
These are miscellaneous papers of Shelton E. Thurman, a veteran of World War One and resident of Farmington, Missouri. The collection includes a photograph of the 3rd Battalion Teamsters, U.S. Army, Trier, Germany, a postcard to his wife, Elsie May, and his victory medal, all circa 1919. There are also postwar views of Thurman and his wife.
William Long Tolman Papers, 1852-1919 (R0246)
5 folders
These are papers of the Evans and Tolman families of Farmington, Missouri, mostly of Dr. William
L. Tolman and his wife, Margaret Frances "Fanny" Evans (1840-1921). Included are letters
from relatives in California and Colorado, a file of letters from Civil War veterans seeking invalid
pensions, and a collection of stories concerning the early settlers of St. Francois County.
Henry D. Townsend Papers, 1862-1865 (C4141)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The Civil War letters of Henry D. Townsend, Co. B., 3rd Iowa Cavalry (Union) who fought at Bryce's Crossroads and in Price's Missouri raid, September-November, 1864.
Albert Tracy Journal, 1861 (C1273)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)
Copy of a Civil War journal in the manuscript division of the New York Public Library. It was edited by Roy W. Irwin and published in the MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW, 51 (1956-1957).
William Lawrence Truman Memoir, 1906, 1976 (C4592)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Recollections of a Confederate soldier, who served in the 1st Missouri Light Artillery from 1861 to 1865, consisting of a 1906 typescript and a 1976 transcription with notes from his great-grandson.
D.M. and J.H. Tucker Papers, 1833-1902 (C0178)
0.2 cubic feet
Records of a mercantile firm in Fulton, MO. Business, the Civil War, state insane asylum, and politics are discussed. Records of the Tucker and Harris mercantile firm, later the D.M. and J.H. Tucker firm.
John Tyler Jr. Letter, 1862 (C0477)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To William L. Yancey, Montgomery, AL, from Holly Springs, MS, Oct. 15, 1862.
Describes battles of Corinth and Hatchee River. Written by a Confederate major, the son of President Tyler, who served as an aide-de-camp on the staff of General Sterling Price.
See collection 2401 for another copy.
John Tyler, Jr. Letter, 1862 (C2401)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To William L. Yancey, Montgomery, AL, from Holly Springs, MS, Oct. 15, 1862.
Describes battles of Corinth and Hatchee River. Written by a Confederate major, the son of President Tyler. At the writing of the letter, Tyler was an aide-de-camp on General Sterling Price's staff.
See collection 477 for another copy.
U.S. Army, Division of the Missouri, Special Order No. 42, 1865 (C3566)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains an order for a board of three army officers to meet at Keokuk, Iowa, on May 5, 1865, to inspect the general hospitals and post in that city, and to report results to headquarters at St. Louis, Missouri.
United States. Army. Quartermaster's Stores Report, 1863 (C2437)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains quarterly reports of quartermaster's stores made by John H. Doolittle, 31 March 1863.
United States Military Telegraph (Warrenton, Mo.) Register, 1863 (C2341)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
U.S. military telegrams sent from Warrenton, MO, 1 May-14 December 1863. Concern supplies, materials, troop movements, and other military orders.