Mitchell Family Papers, circa 1917-1980 (R0151)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Mitchell Family Collection contains photocopies of reminiscences, newspaper clippings, and genealogical material concerning various members of the Mitchell family at Licking in Texas County, Missouri.
Justus R. Moll Maps, 1870, 1915 (C3211)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Negative photostat of a map of Greene County, MO, showing roads, Indian trails, villages and mounds, and narrative regarding Indians in Greene County, 1915. Also a copy of a map of the battlefield at Lexington, MO, September 1861, as drawn during court of inquiry in the 1870s.
Monroe County, Missouri, Provost Marshal's Papers, 1862-1865 (C3161)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Correspondence and military papers of William M. Houston and William McIlrath, provost marshals of Monroe County, MO.
Samuel Montgomery Papers, 1854-1887 (CG0014)
0.2 cubic feet
This collection contains letters, military documents, family genealogy information, and copied pages from published material.
George Moore Civil War Discharge, 1865 (C3535)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Honorable discharge to George Moore, private, Missouri Cavalry, 15th Regiment, Volunteers, Company H.
Munday-Henderson Family Papers, 1827-1891, 1946 (C0144)
0.2 cubic feet
Personal letters, business papers, and newspaper clippings pertaining to members of the Munday family. Letters to David P. Henderson about the ministry, the Civil War, and Christian University at Canton, MO, which he founded in 1856.
Matthew Murphy Letter, 1862 (C3948)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Murphy writes a short, February 1862 letter from New York City to a friend and Union prisoner of war relaying news of family and friends, the possibility of a prisoner exchange, and mentioning recent Federal victories and the prospect of England supporting the South.
Thomas Murray Papers, 1862-1867 (R0522)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Thomas Murray Papers are original and typescript letters addressed to and from Thomas Murray of Davenport, Iowa, by relatives serving in the Union army during the Civil War.
Alfred N. Nelson Letter, 1861 (R0311)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Alfred N. Nelson Papers contain a photocopy of a letter written on November 25, 1861, by Alfred N. Nelson of Company F, 10th Iowa Infantry, at Birds Point in Mississippi County, Missouri. Nelson mentioned camp sickness and operations in southeastern Missouri.
Earl F. Nelson Papers, 1862-1945 (C0148)
0.2 cubic feet
Two Civil War letters; World War II letters; miscellaneous correspondence of Nelson family; speeches by Nelson on U.S. Constitution, history of Sullivan County, and proposal of new Missouri constitution; University of Missouri Law School Foundation bulletin; notes; and other miscellaneous material.
Jacob F. Newbrandt Papers, 1863-1905 (C3685)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Jacob F. Newbrandt contain documents of a former Union soldier concerning money lawfully due him for twenty-one months imprisonment by the Confederates.
James O. Newlee Commission, 1862 (C1616)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Commission as Second Lieutenant, Company C, Ninth Cavalry Regiment, Missouri State Militia.
John T. Nichols Papers, 1862-1865, 1964 (C4392)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
Civil War diary (3 April 1863-10 May 1865) written in poetry form by a Confederate soldier from Boone County who served with Company I, 2nd Volunteers, 6th Regiment, Missouri Infantry. Nichols was assigned to hospital duty in the Meridian, Mississippi, area. Collection also includes a partial transcription of the diary and copies of a photograph of Nichols and his military papers.
N.L. Norton Letters, 1864-1865 (C3236)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Correspondence between Confederate Colonel N.L. Norton and Confederate Army officers and a friend.
S. Claude Null Family Papers, 1840-1992 (R1390)
1.75 cubic feet (57 folders, 3 volumes, 203 photographs)
The S. Claude Null Family Papers contain the personal and family papers for Claude Null of Rolla, Missouri. These papers include personal correspondence, genealogy research, and photographs for the Null, Harrison, Headrick/Hedrick, and connected families.
Oaths of Loyalty, 1861-1862 (C1958)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Loyalty oaths of James M. Collins, 1861, Robert Wilson, 1862, and James M. Parsons, 1861, Holt County, MO.
Office of District Provost Marshal, Columbus, Kentucky Records, 1862-1863 (R1362)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Office of District Provost Marshal, Columbus, Kentucky, Records are copies from a book of military orders issued by military personnel of the Union Army and the Treasury Department. The orders are signed by the Major and Provost Marshal General for the District of Columbus, which was headquartered in Columbus, Kantucky. Orders issued directly from the Provost Marshal General also bear the name of a Brigadier General from the district. The book was found while demolishing an old house in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Ohio. Cavalry, 5th Independent Battalion Volunteers Return, 1863 (C1502)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a return of Major John F. Ijams' battery, October 1863. The return is signed by Ijams, 2 November 1863. Michael Holm, W[illia]m H. Garrett, John N. Cherry, and James B. Rusk, company commanders.
"An Ozark Childhood", no date (C3819)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Autobiographical writings covering the childhood of Clara Smith Steichen in the Ozark region of Missouri. The work delves into the Civil War, family life, and the regions idiosyncrasies such as “feuding.”
H.D. Palmer Letter, 1862 (C0512)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Isaac Feback from Independence, Missouri, December 20, 1862. Letter from a Unionist telling of the distrust between North and South.
Palmer-McCauley Family Papers, 1858-1915 (C3952)
0.2 cubic feet
Papers of the Palmer-McCauley family of Missouri. The papers consist of Civil War correspondence, a daguerreotype, and miscellaneous tax, financial, and other family documents.
Henry E. Parberry Papers, 1829-1865 (C3147)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Henry E. Parberry contain copies of a receipt for sale of an enslaved woman and child to James Parberry, 1829; Civil War letters concerning conditions in prison camps in New York and Maryland; and other miscellaneous letters and letter fragments.
W.E. Patterson Civil War Memoir, no date (C3292)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Copy of a memoir relating activities of the 38th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company K, from July 27, 1861, when it was mustered into service at Newton, Jasper County, Illinois, to its mustering out at Chattanooga, Tennessee, September 15, 1864.
Patton-Scott Family Papers, 1836-1983 (C3710)
1.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, financial and legal documents, genealogy, poetry, prose, and miscellaneous volumes of the Patton and Scott families. Describes agriculture, economic conditions, overland travel, daily life, family activities, and tragedies. Firsthand accounts of the Civil War's influence on civilian life in Missouri, Mississippi, and Indiana.
William McClung Paxton Papers, 1760-1915 (C1025)
1 cubic foot (72 folders)
Business and personal correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and genealogical material.
Payne-Broadwell Family Papers, 1803-1903 (C0983)
4.8 cubic feet, 11 volumes
The Payne-Broadwell Family papers contain the business, personal, and legal papers of Moses U. Payne and his nephew Moses M. Broadwell. Moses U. Payne resided in Boone County, MO, from 1823 to 1895. Moses M. Broadwell's papers contain significant family letters and revealing correspondence from the Civil War and from the Reconstruction era. Also present are miscellaneous papers of the Oliver C. Roby family.
Pearce Family Letters, 1861-1885 (C4437)
0.01 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters sent to Theodore D. Pearce throughout the years 1861-1885 from his brother Simon S. Pearce. Simon wrote with respect to developments throughout the American Civil War from the perspective of his northeast Missouri residence in Knox County.
George Pendleton Papers, 1860-1875 (C0386)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Receipts, five-day furlough for Pendleton during the Civil War, judgment against Caldwell and Mitchell, and page of accounts with a general store.
Penninger and Bolin Families Collection, 1823-2023 (R1517)
12.5 cubic feet (358 folders, 1 volume, 13 compact discs, 168 photographs, 6 negatives)
The Penninger and Bolin Families Collection contains genealogical research conducted and collected by Linda Marie Penninger Henry on the Penninger and Bolin families, of whose descendants many settled in Christian, Dent, Greene, Howell, Jackson, Phelps, Shannon, and Stone counties in Missouri.
Adam Perkins Papers, 1861-1871 (R1335)
(1 folder)
The Adam Perkins Papers contain a typescript copy of Adam Perkins' journal, a farmer from Bollinger County, Missouri, is dated from January 1861 through December 1871. The journal was discovered in 1990 in Plainfield, Illinois. It was then typescript by Jean Scott of Orlando, Florida and sent to Lorena S. Eaker of Bollinger, Missouri for editing.
Archie Perkins Letters, 1863-1864 (C0380)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Civil War letters written by Captain Perkins from a Union prison camp near Sandusky, OH.
James Perkins Papers, 1864 (R1265)
(1 folder)
This is a report of death of Private James Perkins of Company G, Ninth Missouri State Militia Cavalry. Perkins died November 3, 1864 of acute bronchitis at the United States Army General Hospital at Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri.
Elias Perry Civil War Diary, 1864-1865 (C2470)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)
Elias Perry of Dewitt, MO, was a 2nd lieutenant in Sherman's army on the march to the sea. Diary covers the period 12 November 1864 to 24 March 1865.
"Personal Recollections of the Late Civil War in the United States", 1870 (C3627)
0.2 cubic feet (16 folders), 1 roll of microfilm (1 volume)
Recollections of A.W. Reese, a surgeon who served under Sherman in Georgia. Describes army life, battles, impressions of the South, and the war in Missouri. Recalls Indiana childhood. Comments on experiences at Post Hospital, Warrensburg, after the war, including vigilante action against former rebels.
Thomas E. Peyton Papers, 1865 (C1966)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Thomas E. Peyton contain an oath of allegiance and a photograph.
John Elisha Phelps Collection, no date (R0074)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The John Elisha Phelps Collection contains the military history of John Phelps. The records include excerpts from official records, and letters from Eugene A. Carr and John B. Sanborn.
John S. Phelps Scrapbook, 1876-1937 (C3058)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and biographical information about Phelps, governor of Missouri, and his family. Includes some correspondence and photographs of family residences.
John S. Phelps Letters, 1852, 1856 (SP0097)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)
The collection contains two letters written by John S. Phelps during his time as a Missouri Congressman. The first letter is a recommendation of a Naval officer’s appointment as a midshipman. The second letter is in regard to the presidential election of 1856.
Edward D. Phillips Papers, 1865-1938 (C3091)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Teaching certificates, grade reports, and Civil War reminiscences of a prominent Kansas City educator. Newspaper clippings about Phillips, including his obituary. Also a diary.
Gideon Johnson Pillow Letters, 1861 (K0231)
0.02 c.f.
Correspondence from Confederate Brigadier General Pillow, headquartered at New Madrid, MO, to Major General Leonidas Polk, CSA, including a note from A.B. Gray, Captain CSA. Also included is a report from Captain Rich. P. J. Pe[r]son, Co. B 21st TV at Camp Polk, Columbus, KY, to Gen Pillow and a small photograph of General Gideon Pillow.
Pilot Knob, Missouri, Civil War Telegram Collection, 1862-1863 (R0137)
0.04 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Pilot Knob, Missouri Civil War Telegram Collection contains photocopies of telegrams sent and received by Colonel John B. Gray, commander of the Union post at Pilot Knob, Iron County, Missouri. The dispatches include communications with district headquarters at Saint Louis, and with detachments throughout southeastern Missouri, especially those at Fredericktown, Patterson, Van Buren, and Barnesville. The telegrams cover the period from November 1862 to April 1863.
Pipkin Family Papers, 1853-1877 (S0532)
0.25 cubic feet
The Pipkin Family Papers consist of correspondence sent to and from members of the Pipkin Family of Hillsboro, Missouri, including Philip Pipkin, a local attorney, his wife, Sophia Brickey Thomas Pipkin, and her brother, John Lilburn Thomas. Subjects of interest include the Civil War in Jefferson County, Missouri, land sales, and court cases handled by Philip Pipkin.
David Wilson Pollock Letters, 1861-1863 (C2569)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters from an enlisted man and officer of the 18th Missouri Infantry. The letters comment on the Civil War in Illinois, Mississippi, and Tennessee, as well as personal family matters.
Thomas Pollock Letters, 1862-1863 (C2570)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters from the first wagonmaster of the 18th Missouri Infantry, to the members of his family. Letters deal with the Civil War in the South.
Sherman Lee Pompey Papers, no date (C3493)
0.5 cubic feet (8 folders)
The papers contain articles by Pompey on Ozark people, their religions and folk music, and the Civil War in Missouri. Lines and verses of songs are included.
Jerry Wayne Ponder Papers, 1865-2004 (R1260)
13 cubic feet (580 folders, 1 box photographs)
These are correspondence, papers, and research materials of a genealogist and local historian from Ripley County, Missouri. The collection covers the descendants of Abner Ponder and allied families, the history of Ripley County, and the Civil War in southeastern Missouri. Much of the information was incorporated in publications by Ponder Books, 1987-1999.
Powers Museum (Carthage, Mo.) Collection, 1836-1916 (C3052)
2 rolls of microfilm
Collected papers of the Powers Museum. Principally Wright family genealogical research done by Curtis Wright of Carthage and Wright family correspondence. Also includes Captain George W. Roby, U.S. Army Commissary of Subsistence documents, 1864-1865; and manumission documents from St. Louis, MO, 1836-1854.
John Poyntz Order, 1863 (C1955)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Headquarters of District of the Border, Kansas City, MO, orders John Poyntz out of the state for the duration of the war, 19 September 1863.
Alonzo S. Prather Civil War Collection, no date (R0597)
0.01 c.f. (1 folder)
This is a brief account by Alonzo Prather (of Indiana/Missouri) regarding his enlistment in the 6th Indiana Infantry at the beginning of the Civil War. Accompanying the memoir is a photograph of Prather as a lieutenant.
Benjamin Franklin Pratt Papers, 1861-1862 (R0329)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Benjamin Franklin Pratt Papers contain photocopies of Civil War letters written at Rolla in Phelps County, Missouri, by Benjamin F. Pratt of the 13th Illinois Infantry. Pratt commented on the march to and skirmish at Linn Creek in Camden County, camp life, rations, and sickness.