James A. Price Papers, 1861-1890 (C3639)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers contain copies of correspondence and official documents of a Missourian who served in the Civil War as a captain, major, and colonel in Union regiments. Included is correspondence concerning a pension Price requested for an injury sustained during the war.
Sterling Price General Orders, 1861 (C1494)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
General Order No. 8 from Headquarters, Missouri State Guard, for procurement of equipment for the State Guard within the individual military districts. Chart of equipment allowances. Directives about flags, drummers, and buglers.
Sterling Price Papers, 1861-1866 (C0483)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Proclamation assuring southern sympathizers in Missouri of General Price's protection. Letter from Price to his son Edwin discussing raids made on the outskirts of the colonies and comments on the Mexican government.
Sterling Price Proclamation, [1861] (C1748)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Proclamation to the people of central and north Missouri. Price pleads for the enlistment of 50,000 men to defend the southern cause; also requests blankets, clothing, and guns.
Priest Family Letters, 1863-1864 (C3591)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains copies of letters written by Benjamin E. Priest and William M. Priest to their sister while they were federal prisoners during the Civil War.
Pritchett Family Papers, 1753-1984 (C4013)
0.6 cubic feet (15 folders)
The papers consist of correspondence, published volumes, genealogical information, legal documents, and miscellaneous materials of Carr Waller Pritchett, Henry Smith Pritchett, and Ida Pritchett.
John P. Quesenberry Diaries, 1859-1865 (C1210)
0.4 cubic foot (6 folders)
James S. Rains Letter, 1865 (C2201)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Thomas C. Reynolds, from Quitman, TX, Apr. 2, 1865.
Discussion of a possible Confederate rally around General Rains north of the Arkansas River, comments about Jeff Thompson's promotion, Confederate recruiting policies, and weather.
Rainwater Family Papers, 1863-1939 (R0227)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Rainwater Family Papers contain photocopies of the Civil War letters of Major Charles C. Rainwater, a Confederate officer, to his wife, Sarah Fowler Rainwater, at Cole Camp, Benton County, Missouri. The letters mention fighting at Hartville and Cape Girardeau, and Rainwater’s disabilities from wounds. There are also genealogical data on Samuel Fowler and his family, and biographical sketches of Sarah Fowler Rainwater.
Ralls County, Missouri, Supervisor of Registration Ledger, 1866 (C2060)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Volume kept by Samuel Megown, supervisor of registration, listing names of citizens who either refused to take the oath of loyalty after the Civil War or had been loyal to the Confederacy and were thus disenfranchised. Also includes names of citizens considered loyal who were permitted to vote. Birth and death dates for some Megown family members are included at the end. Some pages are missing.
Ranslow and Burger Families Papers, 1862-1939 (SP0089)
0.5 cubic foot (7 folders, 19 photographs)
The Ranslow and Burger Families Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, and personal papers of the Ranslow and Burger families of Christian and Taney counties in Missouri.
Joseph L. Ray Pension Papers, 1911-1928 (R1339)
(1 folder)
This collection consists of pension claim papers for Joseph Lafayette Ray a veteran of the Civil War. In 1911, Joseph L. Ray began the process of applying for a pension for his service during the Civil War.
Mary Ream Letter, 1862 (C0932)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To B. Frank Venable, Jefferson City, MO, from Washington, D.C., June 1, 1862.
Expresses concern over brother Robert, who is under the command of General Beauregard; speaks of daily visits of James S. Rollins, friend of her sister Vinnie; and refers to lack of gaiety and dances in Washington.
Mabel Reed Collection, 1847-1872 (R0044)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Mabel Reed Collection contains letters of the Dace family in Missouri from relatives in Texas and Wisconsin.
Walter V. Reeder Papers, 1861 (R0512)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Walter V. Reeder Papers are photocopies and typescripts of Civil War letters of Walter V. Reeder, 36th Illinois Infantry, written from Rolla in Phelps County, Missouri, October 2 through November 6, 1861.
Regenhardt Family Papers, 1809-1980 (CG0036)
1.2 c. f.
The Regenhardt Family Papers include Civil War muster rolls of the 56th Enrolled Missouri Militia, McNeely family Bible records, Regenhardt Construction Company papers related to the building of Academic Hall on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University, and postcards of Academic Hall.
Philip A. Reilly Papers, 1858-1863 (R0084)
0.04 cubic foot (4 folders)
The Philip A. Reilly Papers contains photocopies and annotated typescripts for the Civil War letters written by Philip A. Reilly and Dr. Samuel M. McAnally. Reilly served in operations at Jackson and Vicksburg, Mississippi, and was captured at Ringgold, Georgia. Dr. Samuel M. McAnally describes conditions in southeast Missouri in 1870.
"Reminiscences of War Between the States," William Bull, 1904 (C1060)
0.08 cubic feet (1 volume)
Personal experiences of William Bull during his military career, 1860-1880, especially the period of the Civil War.
"Reminiscenses of a Soldier of the Orphan Brigade", 1918 (C3363)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a copy of a typescript of reminiscences by Lieutenant Young, C.S.A., of Paris, Kentucky, recounting the battles of Shiloh, Vicksburg, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Dalton, Dallas, Atlanta, and Jonesboro.
Reppy-Frissell-Drake Family Papers, 1860-1930 (C0155)
0.1 cubic feet
Personal correspondence of a DeSoto, Missouri, family concerning the Civil War, relatives in the east, and family news. Additional Frissell family papers are available at the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis.
Thomas Caute Reynolds Papers, 1862-1866 (C2459)
1 roll of microfilm
Official and private correspondence, diary, and memorandum of Confederate lieutenant-governor of Missouri, concerning military and political affairs of Missouri and of the Confederacy in the southwestern, trans-Mississippi area. 998 pages.
Originals in the Library of Congress.
Marcus Morton Rhoades Diary, 1865 (C3215)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Diary kept by Rhoades while he was adjutant of the 9th Regiment, Missouri Infantry. Concerns a boat trip from New Orleans to Ste. Genevieve, MO, after being paroled from the army.
John and William J. Rice Papers, 1861-1865 (C2450)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a furlough, discharge papers, and parole certificates.
Montana Rice Papers, 1836-1867 (C0396)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain positive photostats of the following: two letters from John Y. Rankin, Confederate soldier, describing the last two years of the Civil War; two letters to John Rice of Palmyra, Missouri, one of which is from Thomas Marlin; deeds of gold claims in Utah Territory and Montana for William Rice.
Channing Richards Papers, 1835-1863 (C2167)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of Channing Richards contain correspondence between Channing Richards and his wife Lydia Williamson Richards, 1835-1842. The letters discuss social and family activities in New Jersey and Ohio; business as a grain merchant; transportation; and weather. Also included is a letter from Channing Richards, Jr., Union soldier, 1863.
John Richardson Diary, 1862-1863 (C4138)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The Diary of a Civil War soldier from Company A, Prairie Grove, Missouri.
Julia B. Slemons Harrison Riedel Papers, 1600-1990 (K1022)
5 c.f.
Genealogical research on the Slemons, Gardner, Lyles, also biography, Brigadier General William F. Slemons. C.S.A.: His Ancestors and Descendants, by Riedel
Lewis Riley Papers, 1857-1875 (C0326)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Letters of a Union Cavalryman to his wife describing battles and scrimmages in the South, particularly Vicksburg, MS, near Memphis, TN, and Little Rock, AR, and concerning the buying of property. Letters from Lewis' friends to their relatives; deed for land in Miller County; receipts and pension certificate issued to Riley's survivors.
Andrew H. Ringo Papers, 1834-1870 (C1867)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Memorandum book; notes on MISSOURI vs. MOSES MC LELLAN; tax receipts; accounts; notice of sheriff's sale of land and slaves in Richmond, Ray County, MO; oath of loyalty of Ringo, exemption from military duty, 1862; military passes; and promissory notes.
Alice Cary Risley Papers, 1857-1991, bulk 1863-1939 (R0478)
(1 roll of microfilm)
This collection consists of correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Alice Cary Risley, a volunteer nurse for the Union army in New Orleans during the Civil War, and a postwar resident of West Plains, Missouri. Risley was active in the National Association of Army Nurses of the Civil War and the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. She corresponded with members of these organizations and with former soldiers.
Richard Ritter Papers, 1856-1920 (C3473)
1 roll of microfilm (5 folders)
Commission as clerk of circuit court; commission as captain of Company A, 28th Regiment, Illinois Infantry Volunteers; subsequent commissions as lieutenant-colonel and colonel; mustering out rolls, limited correspondence, tax receipts, and various land deeds. Two diaries, will, and correspondence.
Rhoderick R. Rockwood Diary and Record Book, 1864-1914 (C2658)
1 volume
Diary of service with the Missouri Infantry, 18th Regiment (Morgan's Rangers), during the Civil War, 24 August 1864-1 June 1865. Financial records of the United Moderns, 1902-1903. Records of J.E. Rockwood, referee in bankruptcy for the District of Montana, 1907-1914. Farm accounts, 1868, 1870.
Francis Rodman Papers, 1866 (C1726)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Bitter protest about the 1866 election of "Rebels" in New Madrid, MO. Violations of the registry law governing election procedures. List of reliable Union supporters to verify charges.
Ferdinand Arthur Rogers Letters, 1862 (C2934)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Three letters from Rogers, a Confederate soldier who was a prisoner of war, to his sister Ann Elizabeth Lientz, Rocheport, MO, describes the conditions in the three prisons he was in in 1862: McDowell College in St. Louis, Alton Penitentiary in Alton, IL, and Camp Chase near Columbus, OH.
J.T. Rogers Paymaster's Roll, 1861 (C2451)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a Confederate paymaster's roll submitted by Captain Rogers and approved by C.F. Jackson.
James S. Rogers Papers, 1862-1863 (R0249)
0.2 cubic foot (2 folders)
The James S. Rogers Papers contain photocopies of the Civil War diary and letters of James S. Rogers, a resident of Corydon, Iowa, and member of Company M. of the 3rd Iowa Cavalry. The diary and letters cover his departure from home, enlistment and training at Davenport, Iowa, and cavalry service in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas.
W.F. Rogers Letter, 1947 (C1856)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Historical Society, Columbia, MO, from St. Joe, AR, Feb. 16, 1947.
Letters recalling a conversation between his father, John Wesley Rogers, and a soldier guarding the body of General Nathaniel Lyon who was killed 10 August 1861 at Wilson's Creek.
James S. Rollins Papers, 1546, 1809-1968 (C1026)
3.3 cubic feet (222 folders, 1 volume); also available on 11 rolls of microfilm
The papers of James S. Rollins, a Boone County, Missouri, lawyer, politician, businessman, and curator of University of Missouri include correspondence with family, business and political associates, and George Caleb Bingham and other friends. The papers cover state, national, and Whig party politics from 1830 through the 1880s, the Civil War in Missouri, internal improvements and the North Missouri Railroad, and education at University of Missouri.
David Reid Ross Manuscript, 2000 (K0925)
0.03 c.f. (1 folder)
Manuscript, Kansas Abolitionists Fight Confederates in Missouri written by Ross.
Rountree Family Papers, circa 1819-1956 (R0325)
0.03 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Rountree Family Papers contain photocopies of extracts from the diary of Joseph Rountree, 1819-1831, and the autobiography of William J. Rountree, circa 1910. There are also notes on the Rountree family by Frank Rountree, 1911-1912, Ruth Fowler Sherwood, 1947, and Joseph G. Rountree, 1956, with obituaries and birth-death records of family members.
Rowland Family Papers, 1844-1893 (C2244)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copies of letters from Robert A. Rowland to his wife Olive in Howard County, MO, while he was enroute (1849) and in California (1850) and during his imprisonment and banishment to Illinois during the Civil War. Also includes miscellaneous letters from other family members and newspaper article describing death of and memorial services for I.N. Rowland (1893).
Ozias Ruark Papers, 1864-1865 (C2651)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Civil War diary, February-August 1864, and muster-out roll of a captain in Company L, 8th Regiment, Missouri State Militia.
Charles W. Rubey Papers, 1857-1914 (R0200)
0.25 cubic foot (15 folders, 2 rolls of microfilm)
The Charles W. Rubey Papers contain the personal, business, and military papers of Charles W. Rubey, a businessman and militia officer from Lebanon, Missouri. Included are personal, family, and business papers, and records from militia organizations raised in Laclede County during the Civil War. The military records include correspondence, orders, equipment, and ordinance returns, certificates of enrollment and exemption, and muster rolls.
Russell Family Papers, 1837-1938 (R0330)
0.1 cubic foot (5 folders)
The Russell Family Papers include correspondence, legal papers, tax receipts, lists of household purchases, and miscellaneous papers of Cyrus Russell (1795-1860), and his sons Cyrus Russell (1819-1905) and Theodore Pease Russell (1827-1889) of Arcadia in Iron County, Missouri.
Theodore Russell Speech, 1868 (C1568)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Address given to the Ironton Library Association on the history of Ironton, MO. Settlement, iron companies, public officials, settlers, businesses, churches, Arcadia Seminary, lodges, civic organizations, and the Civil War.
William A. Ruyle Papers, circa 1864 (R0033)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The William A. Ruyle Papers contain a transcript of a letter written by William A. Ruyle to his father, describing his wartime experiences with the 5th Regiment, Missouri Infantry. It includes accounts of the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, and events prior to the surrender of Vicksburg, Mississippi.
"Salt," Paul McDonald Robinett, no date (C2169)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a document describing inhabitants of the Missouri Ozarks, their opinions about slavery, secession, and the Civil War. Guerrilla warfare, confiscation of salt by Major General Samuel R. Curtis as economic warfare, and experiences of the Perry Upton-Elizabeth Simmons Lee family during the Civil War are discussed.
Oliver A. Sandusky Petition, 1865 (C2055)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Appeal to Abraham Lincoln for pardon of his brother, James M. Sandusky, a prisoner at Rock Island, IL, barracks; endorsements; and directive, signed A. Lincoln, that James take the Oath of 1863 and be released.
Sappington Family Papers, 1819-1895 (C0159)
0.8 cubic feet
Papers of Dr. John Sappington of Arrow Rock, MO, and his family. Business letters about Sappington's pills and book for the treatment of malaria. Letters and papers from family and friends; supplies; notes. Legal case of Coffee & Blacke vs. Sappington & Sons. Miscellaneous personal record and account book.
Henry Harrison Sawyer Civil War Diary, 1864-1865 (C2179)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Diary of a soldier with the 18th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Company C, in Sherman's Atlanta campaign, the March to the Sea, and the Carolina campaigns. Weather information, and location and dates of camps and battles.