Herbert George Kramer Papers, n.d., 1962-1969 (C1951)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
History and clergy of Mary Help Catholic Church, Osage County, MO; history of Bonnot's Mill area; and remembrance of his mother, Veronica Franken Kramer.
Lilian Kranitz Papers, 1923-1983 (K0238)
1 c.f.
Taped interviews and written transcripts of 13 Holocaust survivors from Lodz, Poland. Also includes notes, reports, and articles on historical background and policies towards Eastern European Jews.
Harry Krantz and Miriam Levitt Krantz Papers, 1949-1968 (K0955)
0.02 c.f.
Krantz was elected to the Prairie Village, KS, city council. Includes newspaper clippings, Prairie Village Democratic Club campaign sheet, and a Talman Grill menu.
Paul Kranzberg Papers, 1899-1994 (S0716)
3 cubic feet, 60 folders, 291 photographs
The Paul Kranzberg Papers contain correspondence, photographs, yearbooks, and newspaper clippings pertaining to his career as a St. Louis business owner and advertising executive. Kranzberg was the founder of Padco Advertising Company, co-founder of Affiliated Advertising Agencies International, and worked for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Food Advertising Department during the Great Depression.
Bernard (Bud) Louis Krasne Family Papers, 1964-2009 (K0896)
0.75 c.f.
Correspondence, genealogical research, newspaper clippings, business cards, digital materials, and photographs pertaining to Bud and Millie Krasne and their daughter Barbara.
Krause, Elbrecht, and Woodrow Family Papers, 1917-2024 (C4623)
0.3 cubic feet (7 folders)
Collection of family materials largely containing letters to Gladys Elbrecht of Streator, Illinois, from H.E. Heineke at West Point during World War I; letters to Charles W. Woodrow of St. Louis, Missouri, 1930s; and letters to Alosia Bell of St. Louis, Missouri, 1930s. Included is a Krause family photo album, 1967-2024.
Gary R. Kremer Papers, 1961-2019 (CA6143)
11.6 cubic feet, 47 audio cassettes, 4 CDs, 3 DVDs, 4 video cassettes, 329.9 MB of digital files
The papers of the Director of the State Historical Society of Missouri primarily contain correspondence, publications, research material, and audiovisual material.
Kroeger Family Papers, 1850-1960 (S0482)
0.8 cubic foot, 34 folders, 142 photographs
Dr. Ernest Kroeger (1862-1934) was a composer, educator, and musician who founded and directed Kroeger School of Music and directed musical programs for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The collection contains correspondence, publications, documents, and photographs relating to Dr. Kroeger and his family.
Otto and Joe Kroeger Photograph Collection, 1920-1994 (P0002)
0.2 cubic feet, 455 photographs, 6 audio cassettes
The Kroeger collection is comprised of 455 glass plate negatives, film negatives, and photographs. Photographs were taken by Otto and his son, Joseph Kroeger, both of Jefferson City, Missouri. Also included are six interviews of the Kroeger family on audio cassettes.
Wilhelm Kroll Collection, 1967 (K1253)
0.01 c.f.
The papers are comprised of a narrative written by Ruth H. Cochran about her grandfather, Wilhelm Kroll. This narrative was written to Frederick Fry, Kroll's great-grandson, presumably so that Fry would know of the experiences his ancestor went through.
Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers, 1958-2021 (S0449)
11 cubic feet
The Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers consist of architectural plans, correspondence, site specifications, floor plans, photographs, and meeting minutes documenting Kromm’s career as a Korean-American woman architect with Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Inc.
John M. Kuhlman Papers, 1953-2011 (C4738)
0.2 cubic foot (7 folders)
The papers of a professor of economics at the University of Missouri from 1961 to 1985 include his memoirs; professional correspondence and letters from students; news articles and editorials; speeches; and miscellaneous documents.
Frederick August Kullman Papers, 1855-1980 (R0120)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Frederick August Kullman Papers contain photocopies of the miscellaneous papers and Civil War diary of Frederick A. Kullman, a resident of Cole Camp, Benton County, Missouri, and a soldier in the 13th Missouri Cavalry. His papers include confirmation and emigration certificates from Bavaria, military service records, correspondence, photographs, and genealogical information on the Kullman family. The wartime diary covers service at Rolla and Licking, Missouri in 1865.
Neal F. Kurz Papers, 1963-1994 (K1102)
0.2 c.f.
The Neal F. Kurz Papers contains materials related to Kurz's career as a customer service representative with Trans World Airlines. The collection primarily consists of shift change reports compiled by Kurz.
Jonathan Kwitny Papers, 1957-1993 (C4081)
17.0 cubic feet (360 folders), 1 audio cassette, 1 video cassette
Ladies Friday Musical Club Yearbooks and Programs, 1927-1972 (S0128)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains, yearbooks, programs, and a newspaper article collected by and about the Ladies’ Friday Night Musical Club of St. Louis, a Missouri-based social organization for female musicians in St. Louis, Missouri.
Lake Creek United Methodist Church (Pettis County, Mo.) Records, 1844-1976 (C3698)
1 roll of microfilm
The records of the Lake Creek United Methodist Church contain histories, minutes and membership, baptism, marriage, and funeral lists of the Versailles Mission; Florence District; later Lake Creek District; and the Lake Creek Church, Pettis County, of the Methodist Episcopal, later United Methodist, Church, founded in 1843. Volumes 1 and 2 are in German and volume 3 is partially in German.
Lake of the Ozarks Angus Association Collection, 1964 (R1210)
(1 folder)
This is a booklet published for the Lake of the Ozarks Angus Association's 3rd Annual fall sale held at Eldon in Miller County, Missouri, on October 3, 1964. The auctioneer was Max Atkinson.
Lake St. Louis Development Records, 1961-1965 (S0740)
0.2 cubic foot, 4 folders, 1 oversize folder
In 1963, Trails Lake Development Company began construction on the $150 million permanent residence development called Lake St. Louis. The community is located in St. Charles County, approximately 16 miles west of the Missouri River, fronting both Interstate 70 and 64. The collection contains sales and financial records, as well as maps, newspaper clippings, and promotional materials.
Marilyn Hope Lake Papers, 1955-2016 (CA6627)
12.2 cubic feet
The papers of an author, instructor, and educational association executive include writings, correspondence, greeting cards, journals, and miscellaneous personal and professional material.
Edward C. Lambert Collection, 1949-1972 (C4653)
0.25 cubic feet (7 folders), 8 audio tapes
Audio tapes and papers pertaining to various inaugurations and speeches, including the Truman Presidential inauguration and Eleanor Roosevelt's press conference at Stephens College, 1949. Also included are papers on the inaugurations of Missouri governors, journalism student papers, and miscellaneous notes.
Lamine Baptist Association Records, 1913-1972 (R0422)
4 folders
These are records of an association of Baptist churches primarily in Morgan and Cooper
counties of Missouri. Included are minutes of annual conferences in 1913, 1965, and 1972, and an
institutional history compiled for the association's centennial in 1972.
Lamine (Mo.) School and Community Club Records, 1887-2003 (CA6438)
0.6 cubic feet, 3 oversize volumes
Records of the Lamine School in Cooper and Pettis Counties. The school was consolidated into the Smithton School District in 1952, at which point the community purchased the building and it became a community center. The records include minutes of the Lamine Community Club.
John E. Lamy Collection, 1916-2000 (C4356)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
Memoir, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material related to a Missouri physician captured in the Philippines by the Japanese during World War II. Also World War I scrapbook created by John E. Lamy's mother, Marie Elsie Lamy.
Donald M. Lance Papers, 1960s-2000s (CA6213)
17.8 cubic feet, 25 audio tapes, 107 computer discs
Addition of correspondence, course materials, research files, surveys, computer data, audio recordings, photographs, and miscellaneous papers of a linguist and professor of English at the University of Missouri. Contains research on dialects and the pronunciation of "Missouri."
Donald M. Lance Papers, 1938-2002 (C3992)
11.3 cubic feet (754 folders), 144 audio cassettes
The papers of a University of Missouri English professor, well-known for his lectures on the pronunciation of “Missouri” and other dialect research, contain extensive professional correspondence, research data, articles, presentations, teaching materials, and materials related to his work with professional organizations. Audio cassettes include interviews with Germans in Missouri and with decorated U.S. Army Special Forces veteran Byrl D. Taylor, Missouri folk musicians, and examples of English language dialects.
Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1860s, 1956-1962 (C3877)
0.4 cubic feet (23 folders)
Minutes, resolutions, maps, reports, and legal documents concerning the urban redevelopment project in Columbia, Missouri, for the area known as Flat Branch and/or the Douglass School Urban Renewal Area.
"Land Values in the Eastern Ozarks," Carville V. Earle, 1967 (C2593)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A paper written for a geography class and presented at a Missouri Academy of Science meeting.
Fran Landesman Papers, 1959-1998 (S0608)
3 cubic feet, 112 folders, 44 photographs, 6 CDS, 23 audiotapes
The Fran Landesman Papers contain correspondence, biographical materials, reviews, articles, audiotapes, CDs, and LPs documenting Landesman’s career as a lyricist and poet. In the 1950s she lived in St. Louis, where along with her husband Jay Landesman she operated the Crystal Palace nightclub in Gaslight Square.
Jay Landesman Papers, 1937-1997 (S0604)
6 cubic feet, 178 folders, 450 photographs
The collection contains correspondence, newspaper and magazine clippings, manuscripts, and photographs of Jay Landesman, an author, publisher, and producer, who owned the Crystal Palace cabaret and theater in the Gaslight Square district in St. Louis in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Landwehr Family Papers, 1920-2004 (CA6558)
4.6 cubic feet, 5 oversize items
The papers of a German Catholic family from Cole County, Missouri, that owned the Landwehr Dairy, contains correspondence, Christmas cards, recipes, financial records, religious material, and miscellaneous family material. The collection includes material concerning Sister Mary Gabriel Landwehr.
Edward A. Langleben Postcard Collection, 1904-1978 (S0700)
0 .4 cubic foot
The Edward A. Langleben Postcard Collection consists of 245 postcards collected by Langleben during his life. The postcards focus on St. Louis area places and buildings. The postcards are divided into the following themes: Admiral excursion boat, aerial views, bridges, buildings, churches, city hall, entrances to private buildings, Forest Park, Gateway Arch, government buildings, hospitals, hotels, Jefferson Barracks, Jefferson Memorial, Jewel Box, Municipal Opera, parks, St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis Zoo, schools and universities, Shaw's Garden, Union Station, and waterworks.
Lankford Family Papers, 1904-1976 (S0523)
0.2 cubic foot, 78 photographs
The Lankford Family Papers contain family photographs, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra bulletins and tickets, a Turner Hall certificate, and family vacation journals. The materials in the collection date from 1904-1969.
John E. Lankford Papers, 1934-2018 (CA5175)
12.1 cubic feet
The professional and personal papers of a history professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia include correspondence, publications, research and teaching materials, biographical information, photographs, poetry, financial records, and miscellaneous material.
Robert Larouche Photograph Collection, 1948-1985 (S1172)
5 cubic feet
The Robert LaRouche Photograph Collectioncontains newspaper clippings and photographs LaRouche took for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, featuring scenes of the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Sid Larson Papers, 1960s-1990s (CA6427)
3 cubic feet
The papers of an artist, teacher, and curator of the State Historical Society of Missouri's art collection include newspaper clippings, correspondence, and research on Thomas Hart Benton, as well as records of Larson's restoration work on various Missouri murals. Also included are slides from Larson's art and art history lectures as a professor at Columbia College.
Sidney Larson Photograph Collection, 1953-1999 (P0210)
1 folder
A collection of photographs of and relating to the work of Sidney Larson, art curator for the State Historical Society of Missouri. 15 b/w photos, photocopied news clipping feat. Thomas Benton, artist (MO State Fair 1990). b/w photo of Truman, Benton, and Larson (artist; donor) (with negatives). 3 35mm b/w slides, State Capitol restoration. b/w of Rolla mural. b/w Shane Drawings exhibit, 1964. 2 b/w photos of paintings with notes on figures depicted. 4 color photos of Larson's artwork shown at Columbia College, August 1999.
Frederick H. Laas Collection, 1935-2001 (R1323)
4 cubic feet (197 folders)
The collection of railroadiana consists primarily of printed memorabilia such as timetables, station maps, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia. Most pertains to passenger operations in the United States and Canada, especially those by Amtrak, but there are also brochures and printed materials from passenger railroads in Europe and Asia. The bulk of the material dates from the 1960s to the 1990s.
Laube Home Movies, 1960-1970 (S1139)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains 8mm family films of the Laube family, including scenes from the St. Louis Zoo.
Jesse F. Lauck Architectural Records, 1919-1971 (K0730)
18.37 c.f.
Architectural drawings by Lauck and his firm of buildings in the Kansas City area and in the Midwest.
Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers Union, Local 108 Records, 1945-1977 (S0429)
0.01 cubic foot, 3 folders, 4 photographs
This collection consists of labor agreements, constitutions, photographs and bylaws of Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers, Local 108.
Laura X Papers, 1958-2006 (S1106)
6 cubic feet, 17 microfilm rolls
This collection contains microfilmed files on marital rape law and women's rights, collected by Laura X. Also included in the collection are photographs, news clippings, and scrapbooks, documenting Laura X's early life in St. Louis.
Edwin F. Lawler Jr. Papers, 1924-1991 (C4371)
1.25 cubic feet (40 folders)
Military documents and photographs, travel and family photographs and slides, college yearbooks, personal correspondence, and miscellaneous material.
Josephine R. Lawrence Collection, 1844-1986 (C3792)
0.4 cubic feet (26 folders)
The papers of the Jackson and Lawrence families of Pennytown and Marshall, Missouri, include newspaper clippings and unpublished manuscripts on the history of Pennytown, a Black community near Marshall. There are also funeral cards, copies of legal documents, church and school records, and photographs of Pennytown and its residents.
Sidney Lawrence Papers, 1965-1972 (K1191)
0.5 c.f.
Lawrence was long-time executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Bureau, in Kansas City. Includes letters sent to Lawrence on the occasion of his retirement. Also newspaper clippings, personal correspondence, photographs, awards and citations, and plaques.
Hubert E. Lay Papers, 1961 (R1217)
(1 folder)
This is a booklet published for the dispersal sale of Hubert E. Lay's herd of Aberdeen-Angus cattle at Houston in Texas County, Missouri , on September 3, 1961. Fifty-two head of cattle were offered, with Colonel Wesley Hays serving as the auctioneer.
J. Gilbert Lay Papers, 1960s-1980s (R1327)
1 cubic foot (6 volumes)
The J. Gilbert Lay Papers include six scrapbooks containing obituaries and death notices for residents of Cook Station, Crawford County, Missouri, and surrounding communities. Also included are newspaper clippings of Lay’s poetry and writings, advertisements of his revivals, local history items, and local news. The collection also contains the Lay family genealogy with numerous pages devoted to Lay’s mother, Lena Lay.
League of Women Voters of Columbia-Boone County (Mo.) Records, c. 1934-2005 (CA5742)
34.6 cubic feet, 7 audio cassettes, 31 video cassettes, 1 DVD
Addition includes correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, committee files, scrapbooks, and audiovisual material, as well as reports, studies, and background material related to local conditions in housing, criminal justice, sanitation, and government.
League of Women Voters of Missouri Records, 1911-2023 (S0232)
23 cubic feet, 536 folders, 7 audio tapes, 56 rolls microfilm
League of Women Voters of Southwest Missouri Records, 1952-2004 (R0938)
(12 rolls of microfilm)
These are minutes of meetings of the board of directors, newsletters, and project and topical files of the League of Women Voters of Southwest Missouri. Organized in 1952 as the League of Women Voters of Springfield, Missouri, the organization has been especially active in voter registration, home rule and county charter government propositions, education, planning and zoning, and other civic, social, and environmental issues.