Mary Kenney Photograph Collection, 1857-1987 (P1210)
28 photographs
Photographs of Glasgow, Missouri, and the Rocheport, Missouri, cave. Postcards depicting Hannibal, Missouri.
Mason Family Papers, 1820-1982 (CA6555)
5.4 cubic feet, 5 oversize items
The papers of the Harry Proctor Mason family of Fayette, Missouri, largely contain correspondence written during the early to mid-twentieth century. Also includes genealogical materials, photographs, postcards, and miscellaneous material.
Sara Lees Mason Papers, 1951-1991 (K0575)
0.49 cubic foot (11 folders, 4 photographs)
The Sara Lees Mason Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and training materials related to Mason's career as an airline hostess, in-flight supervisor, and director of customer service with Trans World Airlines.
Gerald R. Massie Photographs, 1860-1980 (P0016)
0.83 cubic feet (497 photographs)
Photographs of scenes across Missouri, many taken as part of Massie's work as Missouri's state photographer. Events highlighted include Winston Churchill's visit to Fulton, Governor Hearnes' inaugural celebrations in 1965 and 1969, and the Battle of Pilot Knob Centennial commemoration in 1964. The collection includes extensive coverage of the Missouri State Capitol building. Geographically, the collection covers much of Missouri, with particular focus on tourist destinations: St. Louis, Kansas City, Hannibal, Ste. Genevieve, and the Ozarks.
Mathews-Dickey Boy's Club Records, 1960-1992 (S0189)
2 cubic feet, 24 photographs, 3 scrapbooks, 1 cassette tape, 1 roll microfilm
The Mathews-Dickey Boys' and Girls' Club was founded in Handy Park, St. Louis by two neighborhood baseball coaches, Martin Luther Mathews and the late Hubert "Dickey" Ballentine in 1960. The club's mission is to produce physically active, well-educated, and hopeful youth by stimulating the pursuit of knowledge, attainment of a healthier life, and the skills of greatness. The Mathews-Dickey Boys' and Girls' Club Records primarily document the growth of the club from its incorporation to the construction of its $2.5 million sports complex. Most of the material is from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. Materials include correspondence, annual banquet programs, meeting minutes, enrollment sheets, sports schedules, financial records, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and photographs.
William Mathis Papers, 1968-2011 (S0662)
38 cubic feet
The William Mathis Papers contain photographs, posters, brochures, booklets, and conceptual drawings created by Mathis throughout his career with MathisJones Communications, a photography and graphic design company based in St. Louis. Materials of interest include photographs of Union Station during its initial rehabilitation during the early 1980s.
Delbert Matthews Photographs, 1961 (P0778)
3 photographs
Photos of Osage County, ca. 1961: Alexander Matthews and his house, Mint Hill Union Church
Jack Matthews Papers, 1942-1985 (C4061)
3.5 cubic feet (107 folders)
The papers pertain to Jack Matthews' professional career with the University of Missouri-Columbia as a professor for the Physical Education department and as the first Dean of Students. The papers also include information regarding community organizations that Matthews was active with during his career and retirement.
Pearl Boucher Matthews Scrapbook, 1938-1983 (C4587)
0.1 cubic feet (1 folder, 1 oversize volume)
Scrapbook containing clippings, cards, correspondence, photographs, published short stories, and ephemera relating to the career of Moberly (Mo.) author Elizabeth Seifert. Also contains one folder of loose scrapbook material.
Matthews-Chambers Papers, 1860-1970 (S0440)
0.4 cubic foot, 29 folders
The Matthews-Chambers papers document the work, social activities, and travels of the Chambers family from 1811-1974. The collection also reflects social and political conditions in St. Louis, England, and India during the 19th century and early 20th century. Included in the collection is Correspondence (1877-1884) among members of the Chambers family reveals inter-familial tensions over child rearing, education and finances. These letters also describe military duties, social activities, living conditions, and attitudes toward natives among British Army officers and British planters living in India during the late 19th century.
Bernice M. Max Papers, 1920-2002 (K0897)
0.25 c.f.
Photographs of Max and her family.
Lawrence "Max" Maxeiner Papers, 1920-2014 (S0453)
15 cubic feet
The Lawrence "Max" Maxiener Papers primarily consists of photographs documenting Maxiener's career as a freelance photographer in the St. Louis area. Materials of interest include photographs of the flood of 1993, Union Station, and Michael Dukakis and Bill Clinton's visits to the St. Louis area during the 1988 and 1992 presidential campaigns.
May Department Stores Company Records, 1883-2004 (S1130)
8 cubic feet
The May Department Stores Company Records contain annual reports, newsletters, photographs, and scrapbooks relating to the Railway Exchange Building and David May, the founder of the company. May founded the May Department Stores Company in 1878 to buy and merge retail stores throughout the country. Some of May's most notable acquisitions occurred in 1911 when he purchased the famous Clothing Store and the William Barr Dry Goods Company and merged them into Famous-Barr. Macy's purchased the May Department Stores Company in 2006.
D. B. Maybry (Moss Tie) Papers, 1928-1998 (S0927)
29 cubic feet
The D.B. Maybry Papers consist of correspondence, memos, photographs, and promotional materials pertaining to Maybry's employment with the T.J. Moss Tie Company.
Charles P. Mayo Photograph Collection, 1940-1960 (P1174)
Photographs of the Mayo home near Mount Airy.
Doctors Mayo Commemorative Stamp, 1964 (C2813)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
First-day cover.
Peter Mayo Papers, 1956-1964 (C3458)
0.4 cubic feet (30 folders), 1 audio tape
The Peter Mayo Papers consist of correspondence between Chicago architect Mayo and editorial cartoonists throughout the United States requesting original cartoons for his collection. There is also an audio tape of a Mayo interview.
Mayor's Advisory Commission on Human Relations Records, 1957-1975 (K1216)
1 c.f.
Commission's purpose was to maintain inter-group harmony and bring about equal rights for the city's citizens. Includes newspaper clippings, minutes of meetings, brochures, reports, pamphlets, correspondence, and other items. Also information on the Office of Citizens Complaints.
James Thomas McAfee Papers, 1948-1985 (C3728)
12.0 cubic feet (689 folders), 5 audio cassettes
The papers of an Alabama-born poet and writer, professor of English at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1953-1982, and associate editor of the Missouri Review, includes correspondence, photographs, diaries, manuscripts, books, newspaper clippings, poetry, sketches, audio cassettes, and student work.
Mary Margaret McBride Postal Card, 1964 (C3294)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Virginia Botts, Columbia, Missouri, from New York, April 13, 1964. Photograph of the view from her window in the Catskill Mountains, with note thanking Botts for her letter.
Angus McCallum Architectural Records, 1960-1973 (K0879)
1.70 c.f. (14 rolled items)
Architectural drawings of Kansas City area buildings designed by McCallum and firms with which he was associated.
Karen McCarthy Papers, 1968-2005 (K0773)
140 c.f.
Correspondence, campaign files, financial records, and other materials relating to McCarthy's tenure with the Missouri House of Representatives (1976-1994) and the United States House of Representatives (1995-2005).
Sarah Newcomb McClendon Papers, 1931-1992 (C2579)
3.5 cubic feet (127 folders)
The personal and professional papers of Sarah Newcomb McClendon, White House journalist and women’s rights advocate, contain biographical information, correspondence, newspaper columns, speeches, and other miscellaneous writings, photographs, negatives, newspaper clippings and magazine articles, awards, certificates, press badges, press cards, programs, posters, federal agency reports and publications, research, and family materials.
Forrest Fletcher McCluney Papers, 1954-1987 (K0710)
16 c.f.
Professional correspondence of McCluney, civic leader and Vice President of the George Muehlebach Brewing Co. which was purchased by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co.,. Topics: Schlitz lawsuit, People-to-People & Sister Cities, and Tumaco Project. Also certificates, diplomas, and awards.
Arthur F. McClure II Papers, 1908-1997 (K0660)
18 c.f.
McClure was a professor of history at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, MO. Includes research materials reflecting his interest in Missouri and Kansas history: newspaper clippings, magazine articles, books, and pamphlets on famous people who were born in these states; movies made in or about the area; Kansas City area buildings, businesses, and theaters; jazz and big bands. Also movie files of photographs of famous actors and actresses; and photographs from the Farm Security Administration.
Hunter Campbell McClure Papers, 1943-1964 (R1500)
0.25 cubic foot (11 folders, 1 photograph, 1 panoramic)
The Hunter Campbell McClure Papers contain correspondence between Margaret Inez Blankenship and Hunter C. McClure during his service in World War II, newspaper articles and publications dealing with the war, and photographs. Also included are the personal papers of Hunter C. McClure.
Mike W. McClurg Photograph Collection, 1895-1995 (K0847)
1.5 c.f.
Glass plate negatives taken in the Rockville, Bates County, MO area and the Kansas City area. Primarily document rural and agricultural activities.
Opal B. McCollum Collection, 1967-1993 (C4565)
4.25 cubic feet (158 folders)
Research papers of Opal B. McCollum, a genealogist, working in northeast and central Missouri. The records consist of correspondence; birth, marriage, death, and cemetery records; newspaper clippings; publications; and research forms and notes.
Chester and Agnes McCord Family Papers, 1916-1980 (S0288)
2 cubic foot
The Chester and Agnes McCord Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, postcards, yearbooks, and a scrapbook, pertaining to the family's ownership of the Western Candy Company and LaVerre Grim's service in the United States Armed Forces during World War II.
McCormick Property Collection, 1936-1964 (K0815)
0.1 c.f.
Files relating to the purchase of land and the building a house owned by McCormick, an accountant, at 441 E. 65th Street, Kansas City, MO. It includes the Abstract of Title, correspondence, Deed of Trust, and receipts.
John Steele McCormick Collection, 1809-2004 (R0877)
5 cubic feet (112 folders, 15 volumes)
These are the personal papers, correspondence, research, and writings of genealogist and local historian John Steele McCormick, a descendant of Cyrus Russell and Rebecca Pease Russell of Iron County, Missouri. Primary topics are Crawford County, the Forest Hill neighborhood, the Russell and McCormick families, and the Goodman Wonder Show.
Knox McCrory Collection, 1950s-1990s (CA6244)
0.4 cubic feet, 10 audio cassettes, 11 audio discs, 44 CDs
Fiddle recordings, songbooks, and other materials of a harmonica player and music collector from Columbia, Missouri.
George McCue Addenda, 1902-2002 (S0718)
23.5 cubic feet, 583 folders, 10,918 photographs
This addenda to the George McCue Papers contains the research files compiled by St. Louis Post Dispatch urban design critic George McCue, as well as manuscripts and related documents for the books and articles he authored. Also included in the addenda are 10,918 photographs taken by McCue to document the buildings, people, and art he wrote about during his career.
George McCue Papers, 1948-1985 (S0495)
15 cubic feet, 456 photographs, 21 audio cassette tapes
The George McCue papers contain information on the preservation of the Old Post Office in downtown St. Louis and personal correspondence regarding George McCue's role as an art critic and editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Also included in the collection is an oral interview with McCue recorded on August 21, 1990.
George McCue Papers Addenda, 1933-2002 (S1116)
10 cubic feet, 439 photographs, 21 cassette tapes
This addenda to the George McCue Papers contains correspondence, memos, notebooks, book manuscript drafts, newspaper clippings, and photographs relating to McCue's career as a journalist, author, and architectural critic for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Materials of interest including correspondence between Joseph Pulitzer Jr. and McCue, as well as McCue's editorial comments for "The way We Came: A Century of the AIA in St. Louis."
George McCue Photograph Collection, 1960-1965 (P0079)
large group of photos of St. Louis architecture from original negatives copied by Society in mid1960s. Constrction of the gateway arch.
George McCue Photographs, 1940-1980 (S1043)
1 cubic foot
This collection contains slides of architecture from cities outside Missouri
McDonald Charcoal Company (Argyle, Mo.) Records, 1948-1971 (CA6462)
2 cubic feet
Records of a charcoal company operating in Argyle, Missouri, from 1949 to 1971 include correspondence, financial records, and insurance information.
McDonald County Secession Papers, 1961-2015 (SP0013)
.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
The McDonald County Secession papers contain photocopied newspaper articles dealing with the publicity surrounding the McDonald County secession hoax from Missouri in 1961.
Thomas F. McDonald Papers, 1912-1971 (S0928)
1 cubic foot
The papers of Thomas F. McDonald contain correspondence, yearbook pages, and personal papers pertaining to McDonald's law career and presidency of the St. Louis Bar Association.
McDonnell Airscoop Newsletters, 1963-1966 (S0758)
0.015 cubic foot, 1 microfilm roll
This collection contains 31 issues of the Airscoop newsletter of the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation of St. Louis. These newsletters date from 1963 to 1966 and have articles on the production of space craft, jet fighters, and announcements about company events and employees.
McDonnell Space Program In St. Louis Collection, 1957-2008 (S0759)
3 cubic feet, 125 photographs, 2 CDs, 16 mini-DV tapes, 3 DVDs, HTML files
The McDonnell Space Program in St. Louis Collection documents the role of St. Louisans in NASA’s Project Mercury (1959-1963) and Project Gemini (1961-1966). The collection consists of video and audio interviews with eleven former McDonnell Aircraft Corporation employees and accompanying materials including photographs, documents, and digital materials.
McGee Family Papers, 1838-2000 (C4271)
3 cubic feet (60 folders), 6 oversize items, 15 film reels, 1 video cassette
Genealogical material in the form of correspondence, notes, photographs, slides, obituaries, histories, marriages, and funerals of the McGee and other related family members. Also includes Civil War muster rolls.
James E. McGhee Civil War Research Papers, 1848-2020 (CG0047)
6.0 c.f.
Research materials, mainly reproductions of originals, accumulated by James E. McGhee, who was a preeminent historian and Civil War scholar from Missouri. Photocopied material includes journals, correspondence, maps, images, chapters from books, essays, newspaper articles, and so on. There are also 11 CDs, two microfiche rolls, two panoramic photos, a WWI-era journal, and one flash drive containing research materials.
Barbara J. McGough Papers, 1945-2011 (S1099)
12 cubic feet
The Barbara J. McGough Papers contains correspondence, photographs, calendars, scrapbooks, and newspaper and magazine clippings pertaining to her activism in the LGBTQ and feminist movements in St. Louis and the Midwest. Interspersed in the collection are newsletters and pamphlets produced by LGBTQ businesses and groups, including Moonstrom, as well as McGough’s handwritten notes documenting the connections and networks she made throughout her life. The collection is arranged chronologically according to the order McGough maintained her papers, except for boxes 10-13, which contain weekly planners, scrapbooks, ephemera, and additional materials not included in the original donation. The materials in these boxes are arranged chronologically by type. The materials in this collection date from 1945 to 2011.
McIntosh Family Papers, 1932-2024 (S0649)
5 cubic feet
The McIntosh Family papers contain correspondence, diaries, photographs, household financial ledgers, military discharge papers, poetry, and scrapbooks pertaining primarily to Denzil and Beverly Crane McIntosh, of St. Louis, Missouri.
Ann Bryan Mariano McKay Papers, c. 1892-2009 (C4009)
16.25 cubic feet (937 folders), 26 audio cassettes, 1 16 mm film, 10 rolls of microfilm, 1 computer disc
The papers of Ann Bryan Mariano McKay, a journalist and Vietnam War correspondent, consist primarily of material relating to her work on the independent newspaper, Overseas Weekly, and include newspapers, newspaper copy, photographs, correspondence, and legal materials regarding a lawsuit over distribution of the newspaper in Vietnam. Other materials in the collection document her work with Vietnamese orphanages, as well as various aspects of both her personal and professional life, including a return trip to Vietnam in 1995 with her adopted daughter.
Peggy E. McKeehan Collection, 1966-1980 (K1393)
0.12 cubic foot (4 folders, 2 oversize folders)
The Peggy E. McKeehan Collection contains Western Auto Supply Company advertisements and biographical information about Peggy E. McKeehan dated 1966 to 1980. The majority of these advertisements had hand lettering done by McKeehan.
R. Bruce McMillan Papers, 1968-1970 (C4586)
0.05 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain correspondence between McMillan and Marvin Kay during the Vietnam War.
Leonard McMullin Papers, 1927-1968 (C2095)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Photocopies of newspaper clippings about and photographs of McMullin, first licensed pilot in Missouri. McMullin was born and lived in Sikeston his entire life. He owned a plane and was often a stunt pilot. Also included are articles on early aviation in Missouri.