

Missouri College and University Print Materials, 1836-1986 (C4281)
12 cubic feet (322 folders), 13 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The materials contain pamphlets, catalogs, guides, speeches, programs, yearbooks, periodicals and books produced by Missouri colleges, universities, academies, and other educational institutions.


Missouri Collegiate Oratorical Association Records, 1895-1943 (C4732)
0.4 cubic feet (22 folders)

 Finding Aid

Constitutions and by-laws, programs, copies of speeches and miscellaneous records of an organization of colleges in Missouri which held annual oratory competitions.

Missouri Committee for the New Constitution Papers, 1945 (C2262)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains pamphlets, handbills, broadsides, and form letters issued by opponents and supporters of the proposed constitution, 1945. The material was issued by the Missouri Committee for the New Constitution and the Association Against the Proposed Constitution.

Missouri Congress of Parents and Teachers Records, 1899-2013 (CA6595)
14.5 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 2 video cassettes, 18 oversize items, 2 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Addition of records includes executive committee meeting minutes, publications, reports, photographs, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material.


Missouri Constitutional Convention Papers, 1941-1945 (C0016)
4 cubic feet (418 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, speeches, radio scripts, and related materials concerning the work of the Missouri Committee for the New Constitution and the Missouri Public Expenditure Survey to promote ratification of the Constitution of 1943-1944.

Missouri Council for Exceptional Children Records, 1940-2001 (CA6084)
6.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of the state federation of the national professional special education organization. Includes conference and membership materials, awards, brochures, correspondence, strategic plans, minutes, newsletters, proclamations, publications, photographs and slides, treasurer's reports, financial records, and unit resource handbooks.

Missouri Council of Churches Records, 1866-1980s (CA4558)
29 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume

 Finding Aid

The records of an organization concerned with legislation and social welfare programs in addition to religious concerns include convention materials, committee files, minutes, publications, correspondence, and miscellaneous material. Includes records of the Missouri Sunday School Association.

Missouri Council of Defense Records, 1940-1945 (C0011)
42 cubic feet (3,163 folders)

 Finding Aid

Records dealing with the organization, and with participation of individual citizens in the organization. Bulletins, letters, budgets, plans, applications, forms, maps, insignias, mailing lists, minutes, newspaper clippings, and other material showing how the Council operated.

Missouri Department of Agriculture Photographs, 1920-1978 (P0203)
10 photographs

Photos of the Missouri State Fair.



Missouri Department of Natural Resources Photographs, 1890-1988 (P0136)
1.08 linear feet

 Digitized Materials

Photographs and postcards of historic sites and buildings in Missouri. Includes photographs of the dedication for the Harry S. Truman birthplace site in Lamar.


Missouri Department of Transportation Photographs, 1929-1972 (P0453)
0.5 linear feet

Photos of State Highway Commision members, Ronald Reagan speaking at the Missouri State Fair, the Missouri State Highway Takeover program, and Missouri bridges, businesses, and historic sites.


Missouri Division of Tourism Photographs, 1945-1980 (P0452)
0.08 linear feet

Photos of Thomas Hart Benton and Missouri Historic Sites, monuments, markers, and memorials.

Missouri Extension Homemakers Association Records, 1909-2013 (C4696)
29.3 cubic feet (919 folders) 268 audio cassettes, 5 35mm film negatives, 3 oversize items, 21 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Material pertaining to the women’s extension clubs in Missouri include meeting minutes, programs, lists of officers, annual records, handbooks, project reports, histories, publications, correspondence, scrapbooks, project files, and miscellany of the state organization and various chapters. Includes oral histories collected for the organization’s 50th anniversary.

Missouri FarmHouse Library Papers, 1906-1971 (C2959)
2.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of the Missouri FarmHouse Library contain minutes of the organization, 1913-1971; histories of the fraternity in speeches and excerpts of diaries of prominent members. Also included are constitutions and bylaws of the organization, 1922-1971, and correspondence of the organization and associated auxiliary groups (e.g. FarmHouse Foundation and FarmHouse Alumni Association).

Missouri Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs Records, 1923-2003 (C4547)
11.0 cubic feet (172 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection contains the minutes of meetings, annual reports, financial records, manuals, programs and other convention materials for the Missouri Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.

Missouri Federation of Music Clubs Records, 1941-2019 (CA6605)
3.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the Missouri Federation of Music Clubs include meeting minutes, scrapbooks, convention materials, directories, yearbooks, and miscellaneous material. The organization supports and promotes music education and appreciation of the arts, as well as sponsors musical events, competitions, and other performing opportunities for all ages throughout the state.

Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs Records, 1917-2023 (CA6745)
1 cubic foot, 1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Addition of MFWC records. Includes records from the 4th district and miscellaneous clubs. Items include convention records, certificates, financial records, minutes, and yearbooks. See also C1172.

Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs, Sixth District Records, 1932-1943 (R1175)
(1 volume)

 Finding Aid

These are the secretary's minutes of the annual meetings of the Sixth District, Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs. The record book includes minutes of the twenty-ninth through fortieth annual meetings, 1932-1943.

Missouri Forestry Records, 1929-1994 (R1341)
2.25 cubic feet (53 folders)

The records of Missouri Forestry contain materials from the administration of directors George O. White, Osal B. Capps, and Jerry Presley. This includes materials related to Smokey Bear, fire safety, and the promotion of science, practice, and standards of forestry.

Missouri General Assembly Portraits, 1871-1991 (P0217)
978 photographs

 Digitized Materials

Portraits of members of the Missouri General Assembly, 1871-1941.

Missouri Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Records, 1850-2009 (CA6254)
82 cubic feet, 4 oversize volumes, 8 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Records of the Missouri lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekah Assembly. Included are account books, minutes, annual membership and financial reports, encampments reports, petitions submitted to the state Grand Lodge, and publications about the organizations. The collection also includes records of the Modern Woodmen of America, Brotherhood of American Yeomen, and Theta Rho Girls Club.

Missouri Home Economics Association Records, 1933-2020 (CA6615)
2.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization include annual meeting programs, directories, newsletters, and meeting minutes.

Missouri Honor Medalist Portraits, 1933-1975 (P1209)

Portraits of recipients of the Missouri Honor Medal, awarded by the University of Missouri's School of Journalism for distinguished service in journalism. Represented in this collection are Pauline Frederich, Sylvia Porter, Dorothy Roe Lewis, Katharine Graham, Doris Fleeson, Malvina Lindsay, Mary Margaret McBride, and Daniel Fitzpatrick.


Missouri Hybrid Corn Company (Fulton, Mo.) Records, 1932-1981 (C2966)
5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The business records of the first hybrid corn company in Missouri include early company histories, scrapbooks, Italian POW labor records, and extensive financial records.


Missouri League for Nursing Records, 1919-1980s (CA4598)
18.9 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of a professional organization concerned with nursing and nursing education include minutes, reports, state review board materials, workshop materials, programs and evaluations, convention materials, and miscellaneous material.

Missouri Legislators Portraits, 1880-1996 (P1084)

Portraits of Missouri's United States senators and representatives.


Missouri Libraries Film Cooperative Records, 1948-1997 (CA6117)
11 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records and other organizational papers of the Missouri Libraries Film Cooperative. A grant to the Missouri State Library in 1948 created the MLFC to develop a statewide film circuit. The Cooperative dissolved in 1996. Includes correspondence, photographs and microfilm, master's thesis, journal articles and other historical materials, and financial records.

Missouri Library Association Records, 1900-1994 (C0515)
32.2 cubic feet (1325 folders); 107 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

The organizational records of the Missouri Library Association consist of by-laws and constitutions, correspondence, financial and membership records including account books, journals and ledgers, handbooks, miscellaneous newsletters and other publications, minutes and reports, newspaper clippings, promotional materials, programs, resolutions, photographs, and scrapbooks.

Missouri Library Association Records, 1916-2018 (CA6066)
31.7 cubic feet, 6 audio tapes, 1 audio disc, 1 audio cassette, 4 video tapes, 1 video cassette, 2 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Addition of correspondence, financial records, membership directories, conference materials, administrative files, publications, and minutes.

Missouri Lumber and Mining Company Records, 1853-1945 (C2557)
114.6 cubic feet (7109 folders, 194 volumes, 1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Missouri Lumber and Mining Company contain Correspondence, minutes of board of directors' meetings, and financial and operating records of a Grandin, MO, land and lumber company, which operated in Butler, Carter, Reynolds, Ripley and Wayne Counties.


Missouri Military Portraits, 1860-1950 (P1197)

 Digitized Materials

Portraits of military servicemembers and officers from or with connection to Missouri.


Missouri Music Teachers Association Records, 1910-2004; bulk 1963-1995 (C4670)
7.0 cubic feet (141 folders) 4 audio tapes

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization include correspondence, financial reports, membership lists, newsletters, board meeting minutes, promotional materials, convention records, publications, audio tapes of original musical compositions, and miscellaneous material.

Missouri Nurses Association Records, 1902-1993 (CA4451)
95 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of a professional organization include correspondence, insurance records, convention materials, reports, committee material, legislative files, membership records, publications, and miscellaneous materials.

Missouri Pacific Railroad Records, 1905-1945 (CA6365)
4.7 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of the railroad largely consist of field books containing survey information. Also includes valuation notes.

Missouri Pacific Women's Club of Poplar Bluff, Missouri Records, circa 1946-1990 (R0433)
(4 folders)

 Finding Aid

These are scrapbooks of the Missouri Pacific Women's Club of Poplar Bluff in Butler County, Missouri. The club was composed of the relatives of Missouri Pacific Railroad employees. The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings, photographs, minutes of meetings, and miscellaneous material concerning the club's activities.


Missouri Park and Recreation Association Records, 1938-1992 (C3649)
12 cubic feet (620 folders)

 Finding Aid

Origin, history and meetings of an organization whose members seek to promote the general welfare of the people through a recreation program. Minutes of the executive boards, committee work, conference and treasurers' reports and correspondence are included. The last section of the collection comprises papers relating to supervised recreation in Columbia, Missouri, 1940-1960.

Missouri Patriotic Associations Collection, 1893-2010 (C4704)
0.4 cubic foot (18 folders), 1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Records of state and local chapters of various patriotic and heritage associations in Missouri.

Missouri Photographs Collection, 1912-1954 (SP0031)
.1 cubic foot (1 folder, 6 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Photographs Collection consists of various photographs from the state of Missouri, as well as several postcards for attractions around the state, including Meramec Caverns. The collection also contains an address book dated 1954. 

Missouri Post-War Planning Projects Papers, 1945-1946 (C2503)
0.4 cubic feet (22 folders)

 Finding Aid

Survey of post-war planning projects in Missouri on the city, state, and federal levels. Information gathered from chambers of commerce, state and federal agencies, and private organizations. Letters, pamphlets, and statistical material.

Missouri Postcard Collection, 1870-1997 (P0032)
1 cubic foot

 Digitized Materials

An artificial collection of postcards depicting a broad selection of Missouri landscapes, towns, and cities.


Missouri Postcard Collection, 1907-1971 (SP0016)
.5 cubic feet (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Postcard Collection contains postcards featuring images from around the state of Missouri. Materials continue to be added to the collection.

Missouri Press Association Photograph Collection, 1867-1985 (P0475)

 Digitized Materials

Photos of the Missouri Press Association and newspaper journalists and editors.


Missouri Press Association Records, 1882-1982, 2024 (C3714)
1.8 cubic (60 folders), 10 rolls of microfilm, 9.4 GB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The records of an organization of editors, publishers, and employees of publishing establishments contain histories, correspondence, minutes, annual meeting programs, newsletters, clippings, and photographs. The records also include information on regional associations and the Missouri Press Association confidential bulletins from 1930 to 1982. The bulletins are on microfilm.

Missouri Press Association Records, 1880s-2015 (CA6189)
54.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 5 oversize items, 168 DVDs, 112 videocassettes, 131 CDs

 Finding Aid

Addition of bulletins, clippings, convention and board of directors meeting materials, directories, correspondence, photographs, subject files, and miscellaneous records of an organization founded in 1867. Includes files of executive directors Bill Bray and Doug Crews.

Missouri Press Women Records, 1940-1985 (C3967)
0.8 cubic feet (32 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Missouri Press Women consist of award and scholarship information, by-laws, correspondence, financial and membership records, and minutes.

Missouri Public Health Association Records, 1926, 1940s-2000 (CA5862)
10 cubic feet, 2 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

Minutes of Board of Directors meetings, newsletters, conference material, and miscellaneous organizational records.

Missouri Public Service Commission Photographs, 1915-1969 (P0337)
8 photographs

8 photographs of various Public Service Commissions: Boards of 1953, 1963, 1969; employees of commission, 1915.

Missouri Railroad Records, 1837-2006 (C2358)
39.3 cubic feet (441 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Railroad Records consist of reports, bulletins, pamphlets, proceedings, and other materials of railroads and related organizations that were in Missouri or its contiguous states.