

Williams Family Papers, circa 1861-2000s (R1308)
(10 folders, 121 photographs)

 Finding Aid

These are photographs, business papers, genealogical materials, and other items from the Williams, Sturgeon, Watson and allied families of Phelps County, Missouri. Included are papers concerning pyrite mining in Phelps County and a rare view of the village of Beulah around 1906.


Clarence Williams Photograph Collection, 1928-1946 (P0063)
6 photographs

3 original photos of log cabin that was the birthplace of Andrew Taylor Still, one of which shows a nearby amphitheater. 2 photos of American School of Osteopathy, established in 1892 by Andrew Taylor Still. One photo of the Churchill-Truman visit to Westminster College.

Clyde Williams Papers, 1904-1941 (C0188)
0.22 cubic feet (11 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a congressman from Missouri, 1927 to 1942. Arranged chronologically, the papers include Williams' commission as prosecuting attorney of Jefferson County, 1904; petitions endorsing Williams' application as a commissioner of the Missouri Supreme Court, 1922; constituent correspondence, mostly requesting government publications and copies of Williams' speeches and undated jokes and stories possibly used in speeches.


Clyde Williams Papers, 1920s-1940s (CA6437)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

Speeches, clippings, biographical information, and miscellaneous material of a lawyer from Jefferson County who served as a Democratic U.S. Representative in the late 1920s to the early 1940s.


Frances Royster Williams Papers, 1913-1997 (K0249)
60 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Original illustrations, poetry, layouts, clippings and fan mail related to the "Cuddles and Tuckie" newspaper series and books. Also included are scripts, audio tapes, copyright certificates, and news clippings related to the "Cuddles and Tuckie" dramatizations; and Mrs. Williams' commercial artwork for local businesses. Also includes personal papers of the family including home movies.


Luke Edon Williams Scrapbook, 1920-1930 (K0784)
0.1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Williams was an African-American physician in the Kansas City area for 43 years. A photographic scrapbook containing pictures of William's family and friends.


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams Photograph Collection, 1871-1945 (P0535)
45 photographs

Copy photo of Presbyterian Church, ca. 1871, Boonville. Photos of Phelps, Franklin, Carter, Greene, and Crawford counties, focusing particularly on caves and other natural features.


Nellie J. Hall Williams Papers, 1920-1983 (K0141)
0.8 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal notes and records documenting the Hall, Colton, and Williams families in the Maryville, Nodaway County, MO. Diaries of Nellie Hall and her mother, during their trip to California in 1923. Also a diary by Nellie during her final year in high school and her several reminiscences of her life and career as a teacher in rural Missouri.


Roy D. Williams Papers, 1853-1972 (C3769)
2.0 cubic feet (122 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of Judge Roy D. Williams of Boonville, Missouri, containing speeches (primarily on local and regional history), historical notes, clippings, correspondence, photographs, and miscellany.


Sara Lockwood Williams Papers, 1885-1961 (C2533)
27.5 cubic feet (1433 folders, 54 volumes)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers of Sara Lockwood Williams and Walter Williams; material on their journalistic careers; and information on the founding of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and Walter Williams' presidency of the University, 1931-1935.

Walter and Sara Lockwood Williams Collection, 1920-1942 (C2540)
2.9 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

News items by and about Walter and Sara L. Williams; speeches and course notes by the former; School of Journalism faculty meeting minutes, 1911-1924; correspondence about journalism scholarships and prizes; and clippings, pamphlets, and correspondence about journalism here and abroad.

Walter Williams Scrapbooks, 1915-1931 (C1439)
0.83 cubic feet (4 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Newspaper clippings, photographs, correspondence, and miscellaneous material. Scrapbooks cover Pan American Congress of Journalists, 1926; Williams' visiting professorship in Mexico City, 1926; and a South American tour by the Williamses in 1931.

Walter Williams Scrapbooks, 1901-1931 (C3985)
0.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Walter Williams' scrapbooks are four volumes of photographs from trips that he took to Europe, the Holy Land, and South America, and a scrapbook of photographs of students, faculty, and the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia. Williams was dean of the School of Journalism and president of the University of Missouri.

Wilson Family Papers, 1898-1926 (C0438)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Biographical sketches, 1898, of John Wilson and R.P.C. Wilson, Platte County, MO, politicians; resolution about Platte County delegates to constitutional convention; letter, 1926, with Civil War reminiscences of Confederate troops under Sterling Price.

Wilson's Creek National Battlefield Papers, 1926-1949 (C4221)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers consist of correspondence and descriptions regarding the Civil War Battle of Wilson’s Creek that took place in Springfield, Missouri, on August 10, 1861. Also included are maps, letters from the Shepard of the Hills Association, Lebanon, Missouri, Chamber of Commerce Commercial Club, Civic Groups, the Missouri State Legislature, and other organizations endorsing efforts to make Wilson’s Creek Battlefield a National Park/Memorial.


Francis M. Wilson Papers, 1853-1946 (C1039)
27.4 cubic feet, 14 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Papers of a U.S. district attorney, receiver for the Kansas City Railways Company, and Democratic nominee for governor of Missouri in 1928 and 1932, who died a month before the election of 1932. Also papers concerning his father, R.P.C. Wilson, I.


James Wilson Papers, 1864-1951 (C1994)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of James Wilson contain documents pertaining to the death of Major Wilson, U.S. Army, who was shot by Confederate forces near Union, MO, in 1864.


Laurel E. Wilson Papers, 1860-2008 (K0594)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Research files of Wilson, Professor Emerita and former curator of the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection-University of Missouri-Columbia, concerning the history of the Kansas City Garment Industry.


R.P.C. Wilson II Papers, 1910-1939 (C1040)
1.9 cubic feet (210 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence and papers of a doctor who specialized in the treatment of the "feebleminded" and epileptic who was superintendent of the Missouri State Colony for the Feeble-Minded and Epileptic in Marshall, Missouri, from 1912-1920, 1933-1940, and 1949-1953. The institution is now called the Marshall Habilitation Center.


Theo Wilson Papers, 1914-1997 (C3972)
9.0 cubic feet (451 folders, 7 volumes), 4 rolls of microfilm, 1 audio cassette, 1 audio tape, 1 video cassette

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers of Theodore R. Wilson, trial reporter for the New York Daily News, consist of newspaper articles, trial notes, awards, correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous items spanning her 60-year career as a reporter and writer.

Thomas Earl Wilson Papers, 1928-1965 (C4164)
0.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Journal of a Holt County, Missouri, farmer spanning the years 1928-1965. Entries detail family life and farm operation. Includes two photographs and a preface written by his grandson, Thomas Soapes, in 2012.


William Henry Wilson Papers, 1909-1963 (K0046)
2.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal incoming and outgoing correspondence of a historian and educator, including that related to Wilson's work on the Kansas City History Project, proposals for a history of the J.C. Nichols Company, and progress on his dissertation on the City Beautiful Movement. Also included are research notecards and early printed material related to the Kansas City Terminal Railway Company.


Jeffrey Bruce Winkel and Deborah Gale Winkel Papers, 1910-2005 (K1008)
0.25 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

Family papers including bonds, certificates, genealogical charts, and photographs.


Winterbower-Wooldridge Family Papers, 1836-1926 (C3046)
2 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, legal documents, financial records, and miscellaneous items of the Winterbowers and Wooldridges, prominent Cooper County, Missouri, families.


Carl Withers Papers, 1929-1972, bulk 1939-1942 (SP0081)
2.1 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Carl Withers Papers are field notes, drafts, and correspondence pertaining to Carl Withers' book, Plainville, U.S.A., a social survey of the town of Wheatland, Hickory County, Missouri, and materials for an unpublished follow-up book on Plainville folklore and history.


Arthur Witt Jr. Papers, 1913-1995 (C4632)
2.6 cubic feet (73 folders, 32 oversize items)

 Finding Aid

The Arthur Witt Jr. papers document the life of a WWII pilot who served from 1942-1947. After the war, Witt became a zoology professor at the University of Missouri and ended his career as a professor of Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, retiring in 1983. The papers include military papers and ephemera, aeronautical maps of Asia and the United States, forestry projects, military training manuals, and some correspondence.


Frank Oliver Wiziarde Papers, 1887-1993 (K0322)
16 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Wiziarde was Whizzo the Clown, much beloved television personality airing and at other venues in the Kansas City area and Topeka, KS. Includes news clippings, correspondence, Whizzo show ideas, magazines, photographs, circus contracts, posters, masks, banners, flyers and videotape and film.


Robert Oliver Wiziarde Papers, 1894-1980 (K1157)
0.01 c.f.

Research notes and short biography and copies of correspondence and music written by Wiziarde, a composer, playwright, poet, and author in the Kansas City region.


Paul A. Wobus Papers, 1918-1989 (R0008)
2.5 cubic feet (58 folders, 89 notebooks, 79 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Paul A. Wobus Papers contain the personal and professional papers of Reverend Paul A. Wobus of Manchester, Missouri. The papers include Wobus’s uncompleted and unpublished memoirs, photographs, correspondence, materials concerning Mount Zion Community Church and the Ozark Community Council, historical notes concerning Wobus’s avocational interest in the mills and railroads in the regions, miscellaneous newspaper clippings and other printed materials, narrative accounts of many of his trips into the Ozarks. Also included are 89 small notebooks, dated from 1938-1972, in which he kept records of his mileage, routes, schedules, expenses, and places and person visited.

Woermann Construction, Architectural Drawings Collection, 1916-1979 (S0681)
195 cubic feet

This collection contains blueprints, building specifications, and contracts for St. Louis area buildings built by Woermann Construction from 1916 to 1979. Materials of interest include plans for Optimist International Headquarters in St. Louis.


Theodore H. Wolff Papers, 1865-1979 (C3057)
0.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Manuscripts, correspondence, and research materials used by Reverend Theodore Wolff in his writings. Also information on the Methodist movement in Missouri and other religious sectors.

Wolkow and Benjamin Family Papers, 1831-1978 (K1241)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Genealogical charts of the David Hersh Wolkow and David Benjamavich [Benjamin] families.


Woman's Auxiliary to the Boone County Medical Society Records, 1925-1973 (C3692)
0.18 cubic feet (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Boone County Medical Society contain minutes and treasurer's records of an organization of wives of Boone County, Missouri, physicians.


Woman's City Club Records, 1917-1987 (K0257)
38 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records, including minutes, financial records, membership information, scrapbooks and associated materials of a major women's club that served as a vehicle for civic, philanthropic, and cultural activities to benefit the Kansas City community.


Woman's Society of Christian Service, Methodist Church Papers, 1879-1971 (C3120)
8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, programs, committee and officers reports, pamphlets and published volumes of the Woman's Society of Christian Service. Correspondence covers years 1940-1944. The bulk of the collection covers years 1940-1968.

Women in Communications, Inc., St. Louis Chapter Records, 1926-1998 (S0009)
4.75 cubic feet, 1 oversize folder, 208 photographs, 1 microfilm reel

 Finding Aid

This collection contains the records of the St. Louis Chapter of Women in Communications, Inc., formerly called Theta Sigma Phi. Women in Communications sponsored various programs to educate, encourage, and reward women in the field of communications. They also sponsored an annual “Ladies of the Press” luncheon. The materials in this collection include correspondence, minutes, reports, bylaws, constitution, directories, brochures, newsletters, photographs, and scrapbooks.


Women of the Ku Klux Klan Collection, 1924-1928 (C0794)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Includes meeting song lyrics, doctrinal pamphlets, Klan summons, membership cards, dues receipt, and material specific for Klanswomen.

Women of the Mansion Photograph Collection, 1834-1933 (P0536)
0.5 linear feet

Photos of Missouri first ladies, female relatives of the governor, and the governor's mansion. Many images used in their book Women of the Mansion, Missouri, 1821-1936


Women's Association of the First Congregational Church, Kansas City, MO Records, 1886-1933 (K0001)
0.3 c.f., folders

 Finding Aid

These records include minute books and financial records for this organization.


Women's Progressive Farmers Association of Missouri, Inc. Records, 1921-1985 (C3726)
5.5 cubic feet (243 folders, 16 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

The records of an organization dedicated to the improvement of rural life and the support of its counterpart, the Missouri Farmers Association, consist of correspondence, meeting minutes membership lists, newsletters, and account books. The association was affiliated with Associated Country Women of the World.

Wood Family Papers, 1702-1978 (C4208)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, genealogical material, transcriptions of wills and deeds, notes, and clippings related to the Wood, Warren, Gibbs, Church, Peabody, and other connected families. The Wood family appears to have originated from York, England, then settled in Maine, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Bristol County, Massachusetts. The majority of the material focuses on the 1700s.


Wood-Smith Family Papers, 1864-1987 (C3857)
5.2 cubic feet (306 folders), 5 DVDs, 1 audio tape

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, scrapbooks, newspaper articles, photographs and films of two Missouri families with roots in Jasper and Pike Counties. Guy M. Wood was First Associate City Counsellor for the city of St. Louis in the early 1930s. Roy G. Smith served nearly fifty years with the Young Men’s Christian Association in the Philippines, Peru, and the United States.

Woodlandville United Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Ladies Aid Society Records, 1910-1975 (CA5994)
0.6 cubic feet

Meeting minutes and cash books for the Ladies Aid Society of the Woodlandville United Methodist Church, 1910-1975.


Woodruff-Stumpff Family Papers, 1901-2022 (S0506)
0.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Woodruff-Stumpff family papers contain correspondence, photographs, diplomas, yearbooks, and family tree charts documenting the Woodruff and Stumpff families of St. Louis, Missouri.

Robert Gail and Margie McDaniel Woods Collection, 1920s-2023 (CA5749)
82.2 cubic feet, 5 oversize volumes, 2 oversize items, 41 audio cassettes, 14 audio tapes, and 6 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

Family papers, photographs, and genealogical records of Woods, Edwards, Hanna, and related families, and historical and organizational records of various Methodist churches and communities in and around St. Louis.

Robert Patterson Woods Papers, 1870-1963 (K0788)
11 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal and professional life of Woods, civil engineer, and former Kansas City Street Railway Commissioner. Includes correspondence, project notebooks, newspaper clippings, residential inventories, genealogical files, and photographs. Also files pertaining to the history and growth of Research Hospital.


Woods-Spilman Family Papers, 1845-1980 (C4064)
0.2 cubic feet (8 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection includes genealogical information, legal records, letters, photographs, and miscellaneous materials of the Woods and Spilman families of Lawrence County, Missouri.  It also includes published histories of the Spilman family, Lawrence County, and Pierce City, Missouri.


Albert George Woodward Papers, 1849, 1925 (K0836)
0.04 c.f. (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

Notebook (1849) for an induction ceremony for Weston [MO] Royal Arch Chapter of Masons; Christmas cards, and National Indian War Veteran membership dues receipt.


Woolf Brothers Collection, 1880-1980 (K0410)
12 cubic feet

Business ledgers, historical business papers, stock certificate booklets, and business titles from Woolf Brothers department store dated 1880-1980
