Frank E. Trask Architectural Records, 1907-1959 (K0711)
11 c.f.
Architectural drawings, photographs, and other documents related to Trask's work as an architect in Kansas City, MO.
Paul Travers Collection, 1926-1957 (S1101)
0.8 cubic foot, 12 folders
The Paul Travers Collection contains scholarly articles written by John Dewey, as well as ephemera from the St. Louis Browns.
Charles Trefts Papers, 1903-1963 (C3465)
0.2 cubic feet, 4 audio cassettes
Business correspondence, financial papers, photographic salon stickers, prizes, and other items of St. Louis professional photographer Charles Trefts, organizer of the Advertising Slide Company. His photographic collection was presented to the State Historical Society in 1964.
Charles Trefts Photographs, 1903-1963 (P0034)
3690 photographs
This collection contains images from 1900 to 1963 depicting St. Louis City and County people, public buildings, riverfront scenes, bridges, churches, catastrophes, houses and parks. Trefts photographed many historic events such as the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition; the 1934 World Series; and aviation in St. Louis including the Wright brothers at Kinloch Field in 1908 and Charles Lindbergh's return from Paris in 1927. A number of images focus on Crawford and Iron Counties and the Lake of the Ozarks region in the early 1930s.
Tri-State Exploration Company Collection, 1927 (R1041)
(1 folder)
This is a certificate for one share of stock in the Tri-State Exploration Company, which had offices at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri, and mineral leases on land in Lawrence County, Missouri. The certificate was issued to L.M. Miller on November 4, 1927.
Tri-State Rebekah Association Records, 1911-1941 (R0574)
(1 roll of microfilm)
These are the record books of the Tri-State Rebekah Association. The Association, founded in 1904, was composed of lodges of the Daughters of Rebekah in southeastern Kansas, northeastern Oklahoma, and southwestern Missouri. The records include printed programs and minutes of the annual sessions of the Association.
Edyth Zelda Weitzman Trillin Papers, 1921-1924 (K1210)
2 f
Edyth and husband Abe Trillin owned Trillin's Restaurant. Includes Kansas City's Central High School graduation "Memory Book" containing announcements, invitations, autographs and writings by fellow students and teachers. Also photographs of the Old Age Home Celebration (1963).
Trimble Family Papers, 1876-1948 (C4269)
0.25 cubic feet (4 folders)
The papers of the Trimble family contain clippings related to the Trimble and Duncan families, correspondence between the families, and the diary from 1876 to 1879 of Susan Duncan, the mother of Martha Duncan who married into the Trimble family.
John E.M. Triplett Papers, 1882-1920 (C2213)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Chattel mortgage for stock and farm machinery to Triplett of Triplett, Chariton County, MO, from Jeff Pennington, Carroll County, MO, 5 August 1899, and thirty-eight promissory notes to Triplett.
Belle Alexander Troxell Collection, 1857-1951 (C3460)
0.18 cubic feet (9 folders)
Programs, clippings, photographs, postcards, and miscellaneous items, collected by a Columbia, Missouri, resident and member of several women's organizations.
Cyrus R. Truitt Scrapbooks, 1893-1963 (C1432)
0.6 cubic feet (6 volumes)
Scrapbooks of photographs of Novinger and Adair County, Missouri, 1893-1963, with explanations and captions by Truitt. Pictorial history of coal mining in western Adair County. Truitt titled the scrapbooks “Mostly Ghosts.”
Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis Records, 1911-1960 (S0293)
10 cubic feet
This collection contains bylaws, meeting minutes, and reports documenting the Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis's mission to prevent, relieve, and control the spread of tuberculosis in the St. Louis area.
E.W. Tucker Papers, 1920-1980 (C4000)
1.2 cubic feet (65 folders)
The papers of Colonel Eugene W. Tucker, staff member and later executive officer of Kemper Military School, include lecture material, articles, speeches, correspondence, school catalogs, financial reports, and miscellaneous items.
Tuesday Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1921-1977 (C2162)
1.5 cubic feet
The records of The Tuesday Club of Columbia, Missouri, contain newspaper articles, minute books, reports and scrapbooks of a women's social club founded in 1899. The records detail the history of the club, including meetings, activities, membership, finances, and projects sponsored.
Frank Tull Collection, 1901-1960 (C3212)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Miscellaneous bills, receipts, articles, and genealogical notes regarding the Tull and Neidermeyer families of Boone County, MO.
Maude Turnbow Collection, 1852-1965 (C2924)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters, written in 1853, concerning the McHargue family in Missouri and Oregon. Newspaper clippings, genealogy, and random notes of Madam Dorian.
Turner Family Papers, 1894-1925 (SP0041)
.9 cubic foot (9 folders)
The Turner Family Papers consists of correspondence between Thirza Smerdon Turner, her daughter Leona Turner, and other family and friends. The letters discuss travel, social interactions, and local gossip.
Turner Family Scrapbook, 1921-1928 (C4697)
0.15 cubic foot (2 folders)
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, greeting cards, grade cards, and miscellaneous ephemera. Material pertains to the Turner, Crane, Proctor, and related families of central Missouri.
Turner Society Pamphlets, 1912-1945 (C0676)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Pamphlets and publications of St. Louis area Turner groups. Also a history of the American Turnerbund, 1924; an annual report of the national executive committee of American Turners, 1941; and copies of TURNER TOPICS, publication of American Turners.
J. Paul Turner Photograph Collection, 1920-1927 (P0290)
2 photographs
Two photos, one showing the Poplar Bluff tornado damage and another of a man named Robert Parker sitting in automobile.
Sarah Lucille Turner Portraits, 1923-1944 (P0974)
2 photographs
Photos of Sarah Lucille Turner, one of the first two women elected to the Missouri Legislature
Turner-Yates Family Papers, 1912-2010 (CA6486)
2 cubic feet
The papers of the Turner, Yates, and related families of Macon and Randolph Counties, Missouri, include genealogical research, photographs, publications, and miscellaneous material.
Tuttle Family Collection, 1906-1973, 2019-2020 (CA6576)
1.7 cubic feet, 4.2 MB of digital files
The collection contains material concerning a prominent farming family in Cooper County, Missouri. Includes World War II correspondence of Joseph Tuttle; correspondence concerning the family’s ham business; farm ledgers of Morton Tuttle; a timeline and history of Woodland Farms compiled by William Ellis Tuttle Jr.; and miscellaneous material.
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers Missouri River Photographs, 1928-1931 (C0647)
0.31 cubic feet (15 folders)
Photographs of highways and railroad bridges across the Missouri River, with maps and basic engineering facts. Also pictures of boats and construction for river control.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Questionnaires, 1923-1935 (C0179)
0.2 cubic feet
Questionnaires sent out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Division of Agricultural Statistics, seeking information on farm prices in the past. One group was sent in 1923, the second in 1925, and the last in 1935.
U.S. Post Office (Delbridge, Mo.) Money Order Ledger, 1928-1934 (C3788)
0.1 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a register of all money orders taken by the postmaster at Delbridge, Washington County, Missouri, between the post office's establishment, 2 October 1928, and its closure, 27 November 1934. Contains such information as the date of issue of the money order, the names of the remitter and payee, the post office drawn upon, and the amount of the order.
U.S. Post Office (Rockbridge, Mo.) Records, 1902-1935 (C0064)
0.5 cubic feet
Two record books kept by the postmaster: the official postmaster's account book, 1905-1918, and the register of money orders issued, 1902-1916. Papers include accounts, audit sheets, federal communications, money order forms, orders for stamps, and registered mail forms.
U.S. Presidential Agricultural Campaign Literature, 1928-1936 (C0884)
2 oversize volumes
Equity for Agriculture: An Advertising Campaign for Governor Smith, 1928, prepared by Ferry and Hanly Advertising Company. Newspapers and periodicals, advertisements, pamphlets, and some statistics on the distribution. Agriculture in the 1936 Presidential Election, prepared by Critchfield and Company.
Uljee Family Papers, 1884-2007 (S0350)
6 cubic feet, 1322 photographs, 21 audio tapes, 43, audio disks, 44 audio cassettes, 1 object
The collection contains correspondence, diaries, photographs, musical programs, military papers, vital records, and school papers chronicling the lives of Albert Martin Uljee I, Eleanor Gorges, Albert M. Uljee II, and Eileen Rue who lived in St. Louis. Materials of interest include correspondence to and from Albert M. Uljee II discussing his World War II experience, and materials documenting the musical career of Eleanor Gorges, who performed as a concert pianist under the pseudonym Olga Boris.
Lyle Welles Underhill Architectural Records, 1909-1939 (K0136)
3.12 c.f.
Architectural drawings, specifications, contracts, photographs, correspondence, and related memorabilia of Underhill, a woman architect in Kansas City, MO who specialized in school buildings in Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri. However, other types of buildings are also included.
Alvina Ungerer Papers, 1928-1933 (S0770)
0.1 cubic foot, 1 folder
The collection contains a series of correspondence belonging to Missouri resident Alvina Ungerer. Letters are arranged chronologically with a date range of 1928-1933. The correspondence includes holiday cards, thank you letters, and notes from family members, with topics relating to loan repayments, inflation, farming, and weather and economic conditions.
Union Cemetery Association Records, 1857-1954 (K0385)
1 c.f.
The records of Union Cemetery Association contain minutes, financial and legal documents, correspondence, lists of plot owners, a scrapbook of clippings, a stock book, and photographs concerning the cemetery shared by the towns of Kansas City and Westport, Missouri, dated 1857-1954.
Union Primitive Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1887-1984 (C4322)
1.25 cubic feet (35 folders)
Newsletters, books, and record minute books of the Union Primitive Baptist Church Records.
United Brothers of Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten Records, 1908-1980 (S0127)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains articles of incorporation and bylaws of a fraternal, benevolent association of African-American men and women in Missouri.
United Confederate Veterans Records, 1903-1922 (C4706)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
Records of United Confederate Veterans in Missouri that includes reports, resolutions, rosters and correspondence.
United Confederate Veterans Camp No. 662 (Nevada, Mo.) Minute Book, 1908-1927 (C1275)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Minutes of meetings and miscellaneous papers.
United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC)-Jefferson Davis Chapter Scrapbook, 1924-1936 (K0020)
1 v
Chapter historian's scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and magazine articles, program announcements, detailing the activities of a UDC chapter in Kansas City, MO.
United Daughters of the Confederacy and Children of the Confederacy Records, 1921-1954 (C4305)
0.95 cubic feet (3 folders, 7 oversize volumes)
The records contain meeting minutes of the Richmond Greys Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and scrapbooks of the Charlotte Jones Smith Chapter of the Children of the Confederacy.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederate Dames Chapter Records, 1918-1990s (CA2986)
1.4 cubic feet
Records of a chapter in St. Louis consisting of minutes of chapter and board meetings, 1918-1988; state annual convention programs; by-laws, 1980s; membership lists, 1980s-1990s; HISTORY OF THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY, 1894-1955; and miscellaneous publications concerning the Civil War.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, John S. Marmaduke Chapter Scrapbooks, 1927-1929 (C2996)
2 volumes
The collection contains newspaper articles regarding events of the Civil War and members and activities of the chapter.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Missouri Division Records , 1898-2019 (CA3031)
2.5 cubic feet
Addition of convention proceedings, minutes, programs, and miscellaneous chapter material.
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Collection, 1925-1995 (S0756)
0.8 cubic foot, 20 folders
The United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (UE) was founded in 1936 as a labor union, and affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) until 1948. As anti-Communist tensions escalated in post-WWII years, Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. The Act required union officers to sign an affidavit disavowing their ties to the Communist Party. Several UE officers refused to sign the affidavit, and, as a result, the CIO expelled the UE from the union and created the International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (IUE) in its place. Many of the papers and artifacts contained herein come from the personal collection of Lloyd Austin, a former employee of Emerson Electric in St. Louis. Austin’s collection contains original copies of the Emerson Equalizer, a newsletter published by the Local 1102 UERWCIO during the Emerson Electric sit-in of 1937. The sit-in lasted 53 days and sought to gain recognition from Emerson President Joseph Newman. When the strike finally ended, Newman conceded and agreed to recognize worker’s rights under the Wagner Act of 1935. The remainder of this collection consists of World War II worker propaganda, pro/anti-Communist literature, news clippings pertaining to the Emerson strike, and a second scrapbook by Emerson employee William C. Reidel.
United Methodist Church, Missouri East Conference Records, 1813-2010 (CA5745)
107.2 cubic feet, 3 oversize volumes, 10 oversize items, 3 audio discs, 87 audio cassettes, 229 audio tapes, 5 DVDs, 1 film, 34 video cassettes
Addition of annual conference journals, correspondence, newsletters, meeting programs, committee files, publications, and the records of individual churches, including Fry United Methodist Church in St. Louis.
United Methodist Church, Missouri East Conference Records, 1850-1977 (C3595)
12 cubic feet (592 folders)
Records in the form of minutes, journals and correspondence of boards, committees, and churches in the Missouri East Conference, United Methodist Church. Includes church histories, papers of early Methodist ministers, biographies, periodicals, books, and Hendrix Hall dormitory papers.
United Methodist Church, Missouri East Conference Records, 1836-1984 (C3727)
6.5 cubic feet (317 folders), 2 rolls of microfilm, 2 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape
Records of conference, districts, and individual churches. Includes annual reports, minutes, financial and historical information, information on church-related institutions and organizations, ministerial candidate information, and histories of individual churches. Also includes some materials from antecedent conferences and other Missouri conferences.
United Methodist Church, Missouri East Conference Records, 1800-1972 (C3308)
3.4 cubic feet (161 folders, 6 volumes)
Correspondence, printed brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, journals, and books of the Missouri East Conference, United Methodist Church, including papers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Evangelical United Brethren Church.
United Methodist Women of the Missouri United Methodist Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1915-1999 (C4327)
3.0 cubic feet (73 folders)
The records of the United Methodist Women of the Missouri United Methodist Church contain minutes, reports, budgets, correspondence, record books, yearbooks, programs, activities, and photographs.
United Mine Workers of America, Local No. 298 (Richmond, Mo.) Records, 1901-1945 (C3044)
9 rolls of microfilm
Membership records for the organization known locally as the Welsh Miners' Union. Contains members' names, record of dues payments, suspensions, transfers, and death claims.
United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records, 1915-1996 (R1321)
17 cubic feet (372 folders, 4 maps, 3,238 photographs, 68 negatives, 936 slides, 3 volumes)
The United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records contain the records of the Bureau of Mines office and research facility established in Rolla, Missouri in 1915. The records include correspondence, operational reports, project reports, photographs, newspaper articles, program materials, and maps.
United States Daughters of 1812, Finis Ewing Chapter (Jefferson City, Mo.) Records, 1915-1933, 1937 (C4593)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
Records of the organization, 1915-1933, 1937, comprised of minutes of meetings, membership and officer lists, reports, and newspaper clippings. The records also contain proceedings of the annual meeting, membership lists, and other materials of the Missouri chapter of the organization.