Malvina Stephenson Papers, 1863-1996 (C4038)
8.75 cubic feet (278 folders), 1 audio disc, 2 video cassettes
The papers of Malvina Stephenson contain the professional papers of a journalist who spent most of her career covering politics in Washington, D.C. The collection includes story and subject files, scrapbooks of articles and columns, research for a biography on Senator Robert S. Kerr, scripts for radio news reports, and other personal and professional material.
Walter Barlow Stevens Papers, 1866-1933 (C3548)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
The papers of Walter Barlow Stevens contain letters to Stevens, author of Missouri histories, from contemporaries in the newspaper profession; from Floyd Shoemaker, secretary of the State Historical Society of Missouri; and from relatives and friends.
Walter Barlow Stevens Scrapbooks, 1870-1937 (C1424)
8.0 cubic feet (61 volumes), 18 oversize volumes
Walter Barlow Stevens Papers, 1924 (C2108)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Manuscript of article, "From Washington's Farewell Address to the Man Without a Country." Spanish overtures to the West (Kentucky and Tennessee) in the 1790s. Copies of three letters to Carlos De Lassus from Baron de Carondelet, 1796-1797.
Walter Barlow Stevens Papers, 1923 (C2109)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Notes and manuscript concerning Jesse and Frank James, the Youngers, Charley Pitts, and the attempts to stop their lawlessness in Missouri. T.T. Crittenden, the Pinkertons, and Carl Schurz.
Faye L. Stewart Photograph Collection, 1840-1920 (P0298)
1 folder
Images depicting Chillicothe, MO in the 19th century. Photographs of Missouri State Guard veterans from Chillicothe, including men who served under General Sterling Price.
Penny Stewart Photograph Collection, 1870-1969 (P0096)
25 photographs
25 b/w photos of Missourians dating between 1869 and 1915; of particular note is the Bopp family and a photo depicting men's fashion ca. 1870.
Norman S. Stiefel Papers, 1924-1992 (K1109)
7 c.f.
Personal papers and financial records concerning Norman S. Stiefel Company and Norman's Wholesale Jewelry Company.
Tary L. Stift Photograph Collection, 1927 (P0248)
9 photographs
Three photos of Poplar Bluff tornado damage around 1927. Aerial photo of Piedmont around 1927. Four images of Black River with auto and train bridges. One photo of train in Mill Spring Depot.
B.M. Stigall Papers, 1920-1930 (C0606)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Correspondence of a superintendent of Paseo High School, Kansas City, MO, pertaining to problems of education such as techniques of recitation, segregation of pupils on basis of IQ, social and educational significance of mental surveys, value of tests given to soldiers, World War I, advantages of a junior high, and discipline.
Stigliani Family Papers, c. 1900-2003 (C4037)
2 cubic feet (26 folders)
The collection consists of correspondence, photographs, legal documents, journals, newspaper clippings, World War II materials, and various other papers belonging to members of the Stigliani, D’Andrea, and Vincitorio families.
Stillwell Family Papers, 1732-1976 (C4204)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
The papers contain typescripts of genealogical material including wills, census reports, marriage records, maps and correspondence pertaining to the Stillwell, Scott, Rosebrough, McCord and related families from Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. The material was compiled by Norman Bolin of Evansville, Indiana.
Stockton High School Collection, 1924 (R1101)
(1 folder)
This is an invitation to commencement week exercises at Stockton High School at Stockton in Cedar County, Missouri, for May 1924. Included are a class roll and a schedule of events.
Kimbrough Stone Papers, 1897-1958 (C0005)
11 cubic feet (956 folders); also available on 37 rolls of microfilm
Papers of a judge of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit, 1917-1947 (presiding judge, 1928-1947), who continued to work with the court after his retirement in 1947. U.S. courts; Democratic politics, Kansas City and Missouri bar associations and law schools; and fraternal and charitable organizations.
William Joel Stone Papers, 1859-1935 (C0930)
1.6 cubic feet (114 folders), 1 oversize volume
Papers of a Missouri congressman (1885-1891), governor (1893-1897), and U.S. senator (1903-1918). Includes information on Stone's early career in Nevada, MO; the 1908 senatorial election; his senatorial career; and his death.
Stotts City Bank (Stotts City, Mo.) Records, 1891-1929 (C0170)
2 rolls of microfilm
Papers from a southwest Missouri bank which was liquidated in 1929. Collection also contains material on the Lawrence County Land and Mining Company and the Stotts City Special Road District.
Edward E. Stout Genealogical Collection, 1890-2002 (SP0068)
3 cubic feet (67 folders, 2 volumes)
The Edward E. Stout Genealogical Collection contains correspondence, genealogical research, family charts, photographs, and manuscripts related to the Fulbright and Stout families.
Stover Fruit Growers Association (Morgan County, Mo.) Record Book, 1928-1931 (C2560)
0.10 cubic feet (1 volume)
Minutes of annual meetings, lists of officers and members, and a brief history of the organization.
Strafford High School Collection, 1920 (R0853)
(1 folder)
This is the catalogue and course of study for Strafford High School at Straford in Greene County, Missouri, for the academic year 1920-1921.
Strafford, Missouri Bank Books, 1910-1938 (C0056A)
26 rolls of microfilm (114 volumes only on microfilm)
Records of the bank include balance books, collection register, daily statement registers, day books, deposit certificate register, discount registers, distribution of expense accounts register, draft registers, inventory book, ledgers, notes due books, record book containing minutes of the stockholders meetings, statement books, and stock certificate register.
Strauss Studio Photographs, 1869-1937 (P0879)
0.13 linear feet
Studio portraits of General Assembly members, politicians, and doctors.
Strawn-Neate Dry Goods Company (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1901-1931 (C4171)
0.6 cubic feet (17 folders), 2 volumes
The records contain correspondence, receipts, Boone County and City of Columbia tax statements, customer account books, and ephemera pertaining to the Strawn-Neate Dry Goods Company. The receipts include the names of various local Columbia, Missouri, businesses, and often indicate where they were located.
Arvarh E. Strickland Papers, 1920s-1990s (CA4995)
32.5 cubic feet, 11 audio tapes, 18 computer discs
Personal and professional papers of a historian, educator, and University of Missouri administrator.
Maria A. Strickland Papers, 1864-1926 (C3099)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Maria A. Strickland contain letters, programs, and pension papers of Maria A. Strickland; a copy of a Civil War song; and a photo of Clara Bannon's school at Marshfield, MO.
Strobel Family Photograph Album, 1921-1943 (C4518)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Photograph album created by Oscar and Juanita Campbell Strobel of Lexington and Mexico, Missouri, documenting activities with family and friends, including school picnics, a graduation from Wentworth Military Academy, marriages, and travel in the Ozarks.
Murray Strong Photograph Collection, 1922-1969 (P0439)
12 photographs
Photos of the University of Missouri men's tennis team, 1922-1926, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1967-1969
Stumpe Family Collection, 1908-2019 (CA6545)
0.2 cubic feet
The collection contains genealogies compiled by Ruth Stumpe Brent Tofle on the Stumpe family of Franklin County, Missouri, and related Horstick and Wagner families. Includes Dale Carnegie course material; information on Myrtle Wagner, Ruth Tofle, and Lester Stumpe; and miscellaneous material, 1908-2019.
Sullivan County, Missouri Papers, 1844-1943 (C0171)
0.2 cubic feet
Miscellaneous papers from Sullivan County: deeds, mortgages, titles, court judgments, and a will. Includes copy of an account of the robbery and murder in 1864 of an African American, Nels Dels.
SULLIVAN NEWS Collection, 1918-1920 (C2020)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters written by servicemen at the end of World War I, from the files of the SULLIVAN NEWS.
Amos H. Sullivan Papers, 1850-1939 (C0273)
0.35 cubic feet (3 folders, 4 volumes, 1 oversize volume)
Papers of a Miami, MO, doctor containing clippings about weather, an eclipse, comet in 1910; Miami history and personalities, patients' case histories and accounts; diary about his family, and complete weather register with maximum and minimum temperature recordings.
Amos H. Sullivan Record Books, 1878-1947 (C2145)
4 volumes
Weather records, personal diaries, accounts, and medical hints of a Miami, Missouri, physician.
John Laurance Sullivan Collection, 1906-1972 (C3771)
1.3 cubic feet (38 folders, 6 volumes)
Unpublished histories, newspaper and magazine articles, photographs, sketches, newspaper clippings and scrapbooks compiled by John Laurance Sullivan of Flat River, Missouri. The histories cover local events in Flat River and St. François County over the last 150 years and contain extensive information on mining in the “Lead Belt” region.
Dillard Surbrugg Papers, 1925 -1931 (R1448)
(4 folders)
The Dillard Surbrugg Papers contain letters of correspondence between the Order of the Eastern Star, Webb City Chapter and other chapters in the United States, correspondence between the Springfield Republican and Dillard Surbrugg, correspondence from the Joplin Globe Publishing Company and Mr. Surbrugg and miscellaneous papers.
Rosa Schaefer Sutter Diaries, 1875-1920 (C0843)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
The collection contains a series of diaries written by a housewife near Billings, Missouri, about home activities and family affairs; notes kept on correspondence from 1885 to 1920; and recipe book giving recipes for cakes and pies, and remedies for illnesses and rheumatism.
Swastika Club, Willow Springs, Missouri Collection, 1921 (R1083)
(1 folder)
This is a pamphlet yearbook for the Swastika Club, a woman's club at Willow Springs in Howell County, Missouri. It covers the meeting year from September 1921 through August 1922. Clara Hollenback Campbell served as president to the club, and Alice Billingsley Hammer was the secretary.
Swedish Pioneer Club #1 Kansas City, Missouri Records, 1896-1978 (K0584)
4 c.f.
Organizational records of the Club. Includes minutes, financial and membership records, and photographs.
Dr. William G. Swekosky Photograph Collection, 1894-1960 (P0806)
0.33 linear feet
Photos of St. Louis and notable St. Louisans. The bulk of images were photographed from 1940-1960 and show historic buildings and Bellefontaine Cemetery.
Swindle College School, Benton County, Missouri Records, 1926 (R0876)
(1 folder)
This is a souvenir booklet for Swindle College School near Corsicana in Barry County, Missouri. It was presented by teacher, Agnes Hazel, to her pupils at the close of school on March 19, 1926.
Switzler Family Photographs, 1863-1942 (P0858)
0.45 linear feet
Photos of members of the Switzler family, focused on William F. Switzler and his relatives.
Lewis M. Switzler Papers, 1834-1936 (C3420)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 1 roll of microfilm
The papers of Lewis M. Switzler contain news clippings, photographs, and correspondence on the Civil War, Boone County, Missouri, history, and national events; poetry; anecdotes; and family announcements.
Bertha W. Swofford Postcard Collection, 1889-1927 (P0204)
1 folder
Postcards of Missouri scenes
Fay Colleen Swyers Photograph Collection, 1885, 1925 (P0357)
2 photographs
Group photograph of Springfield, Missouri, firefighters, ca. 1885, and portrait of John Barry, a St. Louis firefighter
Symington Family Papers, 1775-2010 (S1211)
0.2 cubic foot
The Symington Family Papers contain genealogical research on the Johnston, Boggs, and Symington families 1775 to 2010, as well as correspondence to members of the Johnston and Symington families between 1817 to 1883.
W. Stuart Symington Papers, 1918-1995 (C3874)
316.25 cubic feet (6937 folders, 321 boxes), 86 ephemera items, 41 audio discs, 11 audio cassettes, 64 audio tapes, 32 reels of 16mm film, 2reels of 35mm film, 3 video tapes, 2 video cassettes, 2 CDs, 5 DVDs
The papers of William Stuart Symington, U.S. Senator from Missouri (1953-1976), include constituent correspondence, family and personal correspondence, limited genealogical and family materials, appointment books and calendars, audio and video recordings, campaign materials, editorial cartoons, select invitations and itineraries, limited pre-senatorial materials, photographs, photographic negatives and slides, press files, scrapbooks, selected Congressional testimonies, speeches, staff memoranda, voting records, and miscellaneous ephemera.
T. J. Moss Tie Company Records, 1898-1925 (S0655)
21.2 cubic feet, 486 folders, 34 volumes, 2 rolls of film, 2 video cassettes, 1 audio disc
The T. J. Moss Tie Company Records contain correspondence, reports, publications, and business ledgers relating to the company’s business functions throughout its tenure as a railroad tie producer. T. J. Moss Tie Company was founded in 1879 by Thomas Jefferson Moss. After spending 15 years in an exploding railroad market, T. J. Moss Tie Company became one of the largest producers of railroad ties in the country, employing around 3000 men with 40 sawmills running on almost 40,000 acres in southeast Missouri.
Irene B. Taeuber Papers, 1912-1981 (C2158)
63 cubic feet, 2 audio cassettes, 1 roll of microfilm
Irene B. Taeuber, a research demographer, was best known for her work on the population of Asia, especially Japan and China. Collection includes correspondence with leading demographers, sociologists, and Asian specialists; publications and manuscripts; research notes and data; bibliographic card files; and photographs and slides of her travels.
Thomas J. Talbert Papers, 1900-1939 (C1433)
0.21 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of Thomas Talbert contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and miscellaneous material of Thomas J. Talbert, horticulturalist and chairman of the department of horticulture, University of Missouri, 1922-1950.
Peter Tamony Collection, 1890-1985 (C3939)
877.6 cubic feet (798 folders, 865 boxes, 6 card files), 14 audio discs, 89 audio tapes, 2 audio cassettes
Correspondence, articles, research files, personal papers, audio tapes, and word files of a noted etymologist and neologist of San Francisco. The collection primarily relates to the study of American colloquial language and neologisms but also includes rare jazz journals and materials on sports.
John P. Tandarich Collection, 1880s-1990s (CA6051)
6 cubic feet, 6 video cassettes, 4 films
Photographs, biographies, and select collected works of several noted soil scientists. Also some University of Missouri bulletins and reports from the early 1900s. Includes abstracts and articles, correspondence, field tour logs, photographs [primarily soil scientists, Universities of Illinois, Missouri], maps, newsletters, notebook by soils scientist James Thorp of Australia, posters, symposium and conference proceedings, reports, and related materials, and miscellaneous papers. Also includes limited family photographs [C.C. Logan].
Charlton H. Tandy Papers, 1868-1967 (S0135)
0.15 cubic foot, 7 folders
The Charlton H. Tandy Papers contain photographs, newspaper clippings, and biographical materials on Charlton H. Tandy, a prominent African-American Civil Rights leader. During his life, Tandy served as a captain in the 13th Regiment of the Missouri State Militia, helped establish Lincoln University, organized the St. Louis Streetcar Boycott of 1870, and assisted southern African-Americans who migrated to St. Louis.