United States Daughters of 1812, Missouri Chapter Records, 1784-2008 (C4219)
7 cubic feet (222 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 2 oversize items
The papers consist of the meeting minutes, pamphlets, officer reports, and other business materials pertaining to the operation of the United States Daughters of 1812, Missouri Chapter. Also included in the collection is the correspondence of Mary Miller Smiser, who served briefly as president of the organization.
United States Daughters of 1812, Missouri State Chapter Scrapbooks, 1907-1940 (C2997)
7 volumes
The collection contains lists of officers, newspaper clippings, articles, and programs.
United States Reserve Insurance Corporation of Kansas City, Missouri Records, 1921-1928 (K0406)
0.1 c.f.
Minutes of Board of Directors and Stockholders meetings, as well as the corporation's bylaws.
University Medical College of Kansas City Records, 1892-1937 (K0185)
0.12 c.f.
The University Medical College of Kansas City Records contain directories, annual announcements, attendance records, programs, publications, and photographs, from 1892 to 1937.
University of Missouri Agricultural Bulletins, 1883-1923 (C3386)
3.3 cubic feet (250 folders)
Bulletins and circulars of the Agricultural Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station on agricultural, horticultural, and home economics topics. Annual reports, announcements, and short course and Farmers' Week materials.
University of Missouri Fortnightly Club Records, 1894-2022 (C3670)
4.4 cubic feet (77 folders), 34 oversize volumes, 2 card files, 1 video cassette, 3 audio cassettes
The records of the Fortnightly Club, a women’s organization for wives of University of Missouri faculty and female faculty members, which consist of materials surrounding membership and recruitment, finances, board meetings, committees and interest groups, and events and trips. Also included are bulletins and newsletters published by the group.
University of Missouri Photograph Collection, 1848-1995 (P0088)
272 photographs
An artificial collection of photographs of the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri, its students, faculty, and administrators.
University of Missouri, Agricultural Extension Service, Home Demonstration Records, 1915-1953 (C3331)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
The records of the Agricultural Extension Service contain correspondence, program outlines, and essays on benefits of home demonstration service, as well as early records of homemakers’ clubs and home extension services in Missouri.
University of Missouri, Agricultural Extension Service Records, 1915-1952 (C2247)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Papers concerning policy and programs of Agricultural Extension Service. Includes history of the Agricultural Extension Service and statement of policy and function of the College of Agriculture, University of Missouri.
University of Missouri, Agricultural Extension Service Records, 1908-1963 (C2513)
1.5 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Agricultural Extension Service contain histories, letters, reports, memoranda, speeches, maps, publications, newspaper articles, and pictures concerning Missouri Agricultural Extension Service and U.S. Department of Agriculture policies; agricultural, home economics, and 4-H extension work; and the College of Agriculture.
University of Missouri, Board of Curators Records, 1839-1932 (C0920)
125 rolls of microfilm
Minutes of meetings, records, and papers of the Board.
University of Missouri, Business Operations Records, 1868-1959 (C0982)
343 rolls of microfilm
Material from various University offices which handle business operations. Early material is from the secretary's office.
University of Missouri Charts, 1843-1925 (C1708)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Three charts about the University of Missouri. One lists the number of men and women enrolled, 1843-1925; the second lists names, addresses, and degrees granted the first women graduates, 1870-1922; the third lists total number of students who received degrees, 1870-1924.
University of Missouri, Co-Operative Extension Service Records, 1920-1963 (C2512)
1.5 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Cooperative Extension Service contain materials relating to the activities of the Co-Operative Extension Service, including the training and supervision of county extension workers, services performed, planning and management of extension program, and conferences on extension work. Materials include newsletters, circulars, bulletins, reports, studies, correspondence, and a history of the University of Missouri College of Agriculture.
University of Missouri Collection, 1859-1962 (C3763)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Miscellaneous printed material pertaining to the university. Includes an 1859 catalog of students, graduates, faculty, and courses; photograph of cadets, 1880s; and items from the Colleges of Arts and Science (1946) and Education (1916, 1962) and School of Journalism (1923, 1926).
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture Records, 1889-1941 (C3471)
10.75 cubic feet (553 folders, 179 lantern slides), 2 oversize volumes
Office correspondence of Henry J. Waters, who from 1895 to 1909 was dean of the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, professor of agriculture, and director of the experiment station at the University of Missouri.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture Records, 1879-1948 (C0921)
50 rolls microfilm
The records of the University of Missouri, College of Agriculture include records and correspondence of students, faculty, and the administration mostly during the tenure of Dean Frederick B. Mumford. The records document programs such as Farmers’ Week, College exhibits at the Missouri State Fair, and cooperation with the U.S. Council of National Defense during World War I.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Short Course Club Minute Books, 1911-1932 (C2562)
0.36 cubic feet (2 folders, 4 volumes)
The collection contains minutes of weekly meetings of Short Course Club, on the University of Missouri campus.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Photographs, 1909-1921 (P0154)
0.25 linear feet
Various views of agriculture, buildings, students, and other related images taken from an early filmstrip developed by the college.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Short Course Club Records, 1924-1930 (C3462)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Social Studies Club Records, 1914-1992 (C4166)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders), 1 oversize volume
History, constitution, by-laws, meeting minutes, photographs, cards, and newspaper articles of a women’s club composed of the wives of University of Missouri, College of Agriculture professors.
University of Missouri, College of Arts and Science Records, 1908-1965 (C3406)
67.8 cubic feet (5331 folders, 4 volumes)
The records of the College of Arts and Science contain correspondence, reports and forms from the dean’s office discussing faculty, administration, policies, courses, committees, conferences and specific problems, in addition to correspondence and reports pertaining to Missouri Bible College, Missouri College Union, and junior college accreditation.
University of Missouri, College of Arts and Science Homecoming Guest Register, 1925-1926 (C0637)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Signatures and date of graduation of alumni returning for homecoming in 1925 and 1926.
University of Missouri College of Arts and Science Records, 1901-1945 (C1044)
48 rolls of microfilm
Records and papers from the office of the College of Arts and Science.
University of Missouri, College of Education Centennial Papers, 1893-1959 (C2601)
0.3 cubic feet
Papers collected by the College of Education for its centennial celebration. Papers of C.A. Phillips and L.M. Defoe, and material on the experiments, studies, and programs of the laboratory school.
University of Missouri, College of Engineering Announcement, 1924 (C2362)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains the 22nd Edict of St. Patrick announcing the program for the College of Engineering's annual celebration, 13-15 March 1924.
University of Missouri, Committee of Deans Minute Book, 1924-1935 (C0857)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copies of the minutes of the University deans' meetings, sent to J.T. Quarles. Committee members were: Williams, Brooks, Quarles, Mumford, Miller, Martin, Heckel, Parks, Neale, Robbins, Cowan, Bour, Short, Conley, Moredock, Stephens, Irion, Brewer, and Noyes. Various university problems were dealt with under two presidents, Stratton D. Brooks and Walter Williams.
University of Missouri, Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges Records, 1904-1967 (CA3913)
10.4 cubic feet
Addition to records largely consists of material on the accreditation of schools and colleges in Missouri.
University of Missouri, Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges Records, 1926-1949 (C2225)
0.6 cubic feet
Correspondence and official reports relating to the standards and accreditation of Missouri schools and junior colleges. Relate to entrance requirements, curriculum, and faculty standards. Claude A. Phillips, chairman.
University of Missouri, Department of Agricultural Chemistry Records, 1909-1934 (C4679)
4 cubic feet (89 folders, 42 oversize items)
The records of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, including correspondence, photographs, research records, and building blueprints.
University of Missouri, Department of Agricultural Economics Records, 1906-1966 (C0010)
26 cubic feet (2,172 folders)
The records of departments of farm management (1910-1919), rural life (1919-1926), and agricultural economics (1926-1966), chaired by D. Howard Doane and O.R. Johnson.
University of Missouri, Department of Anatomy Records, 1908-1950 (C2515)
2.0 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Department of Anatomy contain departmental papers and correspondence with other departments, colleges, and university officials.
University of Missouri, Department of Botany Records, 1894-1956 (C3453)
28.8 cubic feet (2122 folders)
University of Missouri, Department of Chemistry Records, 1912-1937 (C0939)
4 volumes
The records contain an official department record, 1912-1926; minutes of Missouri chapter of the American Chemical Society; notes on equipment of Schweitzer Hall; and minutes of Missouri Beta Chapter of Pi Delta Nu, women's chemistry organization.
University of Missouri, Department of Forestry Records, 1904-1921 (C3349)
0.6 cubic feet (57 folders)
The records of the Department of Forestry contain correspondence, leases, maps, and miscellaneous material regarding the sale and leasing of land owned by the Department of Forestry at the time the department was part of the College of Agriculture.
University of Missouri, Department of History Records, 1916-1965 (C3307)
8.0 cubic feet (571 folders)
The records of the University of Missouri Department of History contain administrative, interdepartmental, and personal correspondence; minutes of meetings; administrative records; graduate files; applications for positions; federal relief programs, military training programs; university committees; Alpha Pi Zeta; Social Studies Council; and records of the semi-centennial dinner.
University of Missouri, Department of History Records, 1909-1937 (C0054)
2 cubic feet (174 folders)
Correspondence of Jonas Viles about scheduling courses, exams, deficiencies, recommendations, applications, illness of Professor Mike H. Cochran, work on dissertations, and transfer vouchers for office supplies. Also personal correspondence.
University of Missouri, Department of Home Economics Records, 1886-1962 (C0993)
0.8 cubic feet
Correspondence and miscellaneous papers concerning faculty, facilities, alumni, curriculum, and department bulletins.
Bulk of the material consists of bulletins and reports of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Extension Service.
University of Missouri, Department of Physics Records, 1880s-1990s (CA4799)
54 cubic feet, 5 oversize items, 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, departmental records, teaching and research materials, and materials related to the National Science Foundation Summer Institute and the O.M. Stewart Fund.
University of Missouri, Department of Zoology Records, 1897-1963 (C3402)
1.8 cubic feet (101 folders)
The records contain departmental correspondence, 1958-1963, and the papers of W.C. Curtis, department member from 1901-1962.
University of Missouri, Extension Service Records, 1912-1979 (C1042)
234 rolls of microfilm
Annual reports of county and district agents of the Extension Service, 1912-1969, and annual reports of extension activities of UMC, UMKC, Lincoln University, UMR, UMSL and university-wide offices, 1960-1979.
University of Missouri, Faculty Union Records, 1915-1935 (C0994)
4 volumes
Account books of the Faculty Union, located at 15 Allen Place, Columbia, Missouri.
University of Missouri, Graduate School Records, 1911-1967 (C3354)
31.5 cubic feet (2165 folders)
The records of the University of Missouri Graduate School contain minutes of graduate committees, 1911-1967, and correspondence of the dean of the Graduate School with administrators, graduate faculty, graduate students, government officials, foundation officers, and alumni, 1930-1967.
University of Missouri, Graduate School Records, 1926-1966 (C2532)
3.1 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Graduate School contain correspondence with other universities on various aspects of administration, teaching, degree programs, financial aid, and accrediting procedures; interdepartmental correspondence; and information relating specifically to cooperative intercollegiate activities, such as MASUA (Mid-America State University Association), Title IV Program, and Commission on Higher Education.
University of Missouri, Laws Observatory Records, 1877-1954 (C3401)
6.2 cubic feet (300 folders)
Correspondence, class materials, reports, publications, and observing records of the observatory.
University of Missouri, Max Meyer Incident Papers, 1929-1930 (C0636)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Professor Meyer was dismissed from the University shortly after the dismissal of Professor De Graff because of a sex questionnaire.
University of Missouri, Memorial Union and Stadium Committee Records, 1919-1930 (C0635)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Copies of minutes of meetings and correspondence generated by the Memorial Committee of Nine. This committee supervised fund-raising and pledge collecting for the construction of the Memorial Union and the Memorial Stadium.
University of Missouri. Memorial Union and Stadium Records, 1921-1953 (C2555)
1.8 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Material deals with memorial union and stadium fund campaign drives and the construction of the memorial union and stadium. Financial statements, auditor's reports, and alumni news. Some inter-departmental correspondence.
University of Missouri, Missouri State Military School Records, 1889-1965 (C3554)
7.7 cubic feet (49 folders, 40 volumes)
Photographs; military manuals and pamphlets; newspaper clippings; letterbook; records of marksmanship, merits and demerits, cadet appointments, cadet rosters, orders, and company morning reports; and scrapbook of newspaper articles and photographs of military training program at the University of Missouri.
University of Missouri, Oliver L. Steele Prize Essays, 1923 (C0915)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
The collection contains three essays submitted at the University of Missouri for the Oliver L. Steele Prize: Daniel L. Brennan, “The Obligations of American Citizenship;” Robert D. Watt, “The Social Obligations of American Citizenship;” and Mary Lois Pyles, “Social Obligations of American Citizenship.”