Willis Allen Spiller Collection, 1863-1955 (R0147)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Willis Allen Spiller Collection contains photocopies of the personal papers, newspaper clippings, and genealogical material concerning Willis A. Spiller. Spiller was a businessman and county official in Lebanon, Laclede County, Missouri. Also included in the collection is genealogical material for the Stinson family.
Orville Spreen Railroad Papers, 1830-1982 (S0485)
24.4 cubic feet, 914 folders, 3591 photographs, 8 microfilm roll
Orville Spreen was a Wabash Railroad employee and executive for 50 years (1912-1962). His papers include newspaper clippings, freight receipts, invoices, articles, patents, providing information on general railroad history, specific railroad lines, railroad museums, railroads in St. Louis, and railroad societies and associations. Also included in the collection are scrapbooks, cash books, and photographs of centennials and locomotives.
Barbara Sprenger Papers, 1867-2016 (S0281)
11 cubic feet
The Barbara Sprenger Papers contains correspondence, histories, photographs, reports, and maps pertaining to Dioxin and hazardous waste dumping of the Russell Bliss, Grover Callahan, and related properties in the Wildwood and Ellisville, Missouri, areas. The collection also contains family papers, which include correspondence, genealogical research materials, and photographs.
Spring Valley Park Abstract, 1838-1893 (K0216)
0.01 c.f.
Abstract of land transactions for the tract located in the N1/2 SE1/4 NE1/4 sec. 16, T. 49N, R. 33W that became a park in Kansas City's park system. Does not deal with the condemnation actions undertaken by the city.
Sproull Family Papers, 1822-1839, 1869 (CA6594)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains letters of the Sproull and related Fergus and Riddlesbarger families of Cooper, Howard, Saline, and St. Clair Counties, Missouri. Includes a probate record for Francis Sproull.
St. Charles Borromeo Church Records, 1792-1934 (S0138)
3 rolls microfilm
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church was dedicated November 7, 1791, by Manuel Perez, the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana. Located off Main Street in the town of Les Petites Cotes, Perez officially changed the town's name to San Carlos (St. Charles) the same day he dedicated the church. Daniel Boone's oldest son, Daniel Morgan Boone, was married to Sarah Griffen Lewis at the church on March 2, 1800. The records include baptisms, marriages, and deaths, in Spanish, French, Latin, and English.
St. Ferdinand's Chruch, Florissant, Missouri Records, 1792-1977 (S0432)
5 microfilm rolls
Established in 1789 as the first church in Florissant, Missouri, St. Ferdinand's was the focal point of the Catholic Indian Mission Movement of the 19th century with Father DeSmet and Mother Duchesne both active there. The records include registers for baptisms, first communions and confirmations, marriages, burials, and financial records of both Old St. Ferdinand's (1789-1955) and New St. Ferdinand's Church (1955- ). In Latin, French, and English.
St. James, Missouri Collection, 1869-1980 (R1528)
3 cubic feet (31 folders, 6 oversize folders, 141 photographs, 2 glass plate negatives)
The James Memorial Library Collection contains photographs, genealogical records, maps, organizational records, publications, papers, and scrapbooks collected by James Memorial Public Library in St. James, Phelps County, Missouri.
St. Joe Minerals Corporation Collection, 1864-1974 (R0048)
(12 rolls of microfilm)
hese are business records from mining concerns in Missouri's "Old Lead Belt." The collection
includes records from the St. Joseph Lead Company, the Doe Run Lead Company, the Bonne
Terre Farming and Cattle Company, and the Mine La Motte Corporation.
St. John's United Church of Christ (Concordia, Mo.) Records, 1863-1933 (C3905)
4 folders, 1 roll of microfilm
The records of St. John's United Church of Christ include the constitution, minutes, and annual reports of the church. The records are in German. A translation of the records is included in the collection.
St. Joseph Lead Company Annual Report Records, 1866 (R0046)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The St. Joseph Lead Company Annual Report contains a photocopy of the annual report of the trustees of the St. Joseph Lead Company in Saint Francois County, Missouri. There is also a special report by geologist, J.W. Foster.
St. Joseph, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1865-1966 (P0954)
6 photographs
An artificial collection of photographs depicting the city of St. Joseph and its residents.
St. Joseph, Missouri, Public Schools Certificate, 1869 (C1987)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Promotion to second grade of Willie Gillmore.
St. Louis Desegregation Case Records, 1849-1986 (S0684)
3 cubic feet, 35 folders
This collection contains legal materials, reports, and analyses pertaining to Craton Liddell vs. the Board of Education, City of St. Louis. Minnie Liddell, the mother of Craton Liddell, organized a boycott against the Board of Education of the City of St. Louis in 1971 after the school board announced that they would bus her son from the overcrowded Yeatman School to a substandard school outside Liddell's neighborhood. The Board of Education relented to the boycott, and transferred her son to another school. Liddell continued her fight, filing a lawsuit against the Board of Education in 1972. The lawsuit was finally settled in 1999 and resulted in a city-wide busing plan that encompassed sixteen school districts in the St. Louis area, known as the Voluntary Interdistrict Transfer Program.
St. Louis History Slide Shows, 1984-1986 (S0519)
0.8 cubic foot, 6 folders, 561 slides, 5 reel-to-reel audio tapes, 7 audio cassette tapes, and 1 videotape
The St. Louis History Slide Shows contains three slide shows: a forty-minute presentation highlighting women who have made significant contributions to St. Louis, a slide show about the Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC)-St. Louis Research Center’s labor history collections, and a slide show about the St. Louis Collection.
St. Louis Media History Foundation Collection, 1853-2023 (S0580)
16 cubic feet
The St. Louis Media History Foundation Collection consists of local St. Louis publications and original artwork, chronicling the history of print, television, radio, advertising, and public relations in the St. Louis Region. Materials of interest include issues of the St. Louis Outlaw, a radical newspaper published in the 1970s.
St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society Records, 1810-1993 (S0415)
15 cubic feet, 474 folders, 98 photographs
The St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society records contain abstracts of medical journals written by St. Louis doctors, newspaper clippings, reports, and photographs regarding medicine and medical practice in Missouri.
St. Louis Mississippi Bridge Company Articles of Association, 1867 (C1721)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains Photostats of the articles of association of a company that was organized to construct a bridge over the Mississippi River from St. Louis, MO, to St. Clair or Madison County, IL. Capital, stock, and directors.
St. Louis Protestant Orphan's Asylum Records, 1834-1940 (S0058)
8 microfilm rolls
The St. Louis Protestant Orphans' Asylum Records contain bylaws, histories, annual reports, board minutes, matrons' daybooks, and admission and departure records documenting the organization's mission to care for orphaned children.
St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8 Records, 1856-1974 (C3661)
16.4 cubic feet (925 folders), 40 oversize volumes
The records consist of minutes, financial records, correspondence, and printed material of the union. The records also include The Typographical Journal and The Bulletin of the International Typographical Union and material from the St. Louis Allied Printing Trades Council.
St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8 Records, 1856-2008 (CA5275)
5.4 cubic feet, 5 card files
Addition of union publications, meeting minutes, and membership records.
St. Louis, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1817-1971 (P1151)
An artificial collection of photographs depicting the city of St. Louis.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Records, 1859-1980 (R0362)
(178 cubic feet)
These are corporate minutes and financial account books, and other records of the St. Louis-San Francisco ("Frisco") Railway Company (1916-1980) and predecessor, subsidiary, and constituent companies, most notably the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway (1876-1896) and the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad (1896-1916). The "Frisco" operated in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It became part of the Burlington Northern Railroad in 1980. Also of note are four architectural drawing boxes that include the blueprints for structures along the St. Louis-San Francisco Line. A detailed inventory of the drawings is included in each of the four boxes.
St. Paul United Church of Christ (Hermann, Mo.) Records, 1844-1998 (C3969)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of a protestant church in a German community in Gasconade County, MO. The collection also includes records of the neighboring St. James Evangelical and Bethel Evangelical churches.
Standard Extra (Columbia, Mo.), 1861 (C4224)
1 oversize item
Request for 50,000 volunteers from Civil War General Sterling Price from the Standard Extra, Columbia, Missouri, newspaper, 1861.
Aquilla Standifird Papers, 1862-1865 (R0458)
0.04 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Aquilla Standifird Papers contain photocopies of the Civil War diary of a sergeant and, later, lieutenant of Company D, 23rd Iowa Infantry. The diary covers duty in Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, July 26, 1862 through circa April 15, 1865. Included are descriptions of service in the Army of Southeastern Missouri, the Vicksburg Campaign, including the battles of Port Gibson, Champion’s Hill, Big Black River Bridge, and Milliken’s Bend, and furlough and medical leave in Iowa.
Enos Stanley Notebook, 1867-1898 (C3546)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The collection contains copies of a notebook in which Enos Stanley of Taney County, Missouri, made entries of marriages he performed as justice of the peace, recorded family births and deaths, and noted some money transactions.
Abner Ford Staples Family Papers, 1814-1865 (K0227)
0.03 c.f.
Letters written by and to Staples family members who moved from Georgia to Tennessee, then Independence, MO. Topics include news from home and notice of deaths, marriages, and births. Also are legal document relating to land purchases.
Stark-Logan Family Papers, 1813-2012 (CA6607)
2.2 cubic feet
The papers of a family from Louisiana, Missouri, include clippings, photographs, correspondence, genealogical information, and miscellaneous material, including material on Gov. Lloyd Stark.
Frederick Starr, Jr. Papers, 1850-1863 (C2073)
0.42 cubic feet (20 folders)
Starr was a colonizationist, free soiler, and Presbyterian clergyman in Weston, MO, 1852-1855. The collection contains correspondence, broadsides, pamphlets, and clippings on settlement of the Kansas-Nebraska Territories, border conflicts, abolitionism vs. slavery, local politics, Indian affairs, public land sales, claims, and prices, popular sovereignty, squatters' rights, and religion on the frontier.
State Historical Society of Missouri Art Collection Records, 1824-1988 (P1042)
Photographs of artwork held in the State Historical Society of Missouri's art collection.
State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection, 1814-1962 (C0995)
14 rolls of microfilm
The State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection consists of typescripts of articles and manuscripts donated over the years to the Historical Society.
Ruby Rose Stauber Papers, 1777-2016 (SP0015)
13.5 linear feet, 2 oversized box
The papers of Rose Stauber contain the personal papers of Ruby Rose Stauber. They include correspondence, genealogical research, family photographs, and material related to Rose’s 31 years of service in the Women’s Army Corp.
Mark Stauter Collection, 1852-1980 (R1432)
2 cubic feet (120 folders)
The Mark Stauter Collection consist of materials donated by Dr. Mark Stauter, the former director of the State Historical Society of Missouri's Rolla Research Center. The papers cover a variety of topics related to Missouri history.
1860 Ste. Genevieve County Census , 1860 (CG0064)
0.1 c.f.
Record book of the 1860 Ste. Genevieve County Census; the census includes information on the age and sex of the individuals. The census also features the occupations of listed individuals as well as estate value. There is a listing for original birthplace, marriage status, and school attendance.
Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, Circuit Court Attorneys' Roll, 1844-1978 (C3674)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copy of a roll of attorneys and their addresses, as written by each individual who practiced before the Ste. Genevieve County Court from 1844 to 1978.
Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, Commissioner of Common Schools Record Book, 1854-1866 (C1235)
0.08 cubic feet (1 volume)
Includes apportionment and distribution of money, list of warrants drawn, trustees of school districts, and number of children.
Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1835-1994 (P1131)
An artificial collection of photographs of Ste. Genevieve County, primarily in the city of Ste. Genevieve.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri Archives, 1756-1930 (C3636)
78 rolls of microfilm (1474 folders)
The collection contains French colonial and territorial records of the District of Ste. Genevieve, along with Ste. Genevieve County records and court records. A third of the documents are dated 1756-1804; the remainder date from 1805 to 1930.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, Marriage Records, 1836-1863 (C3673)
0.2 cubic feet (12 folders)
Marriage certificates signed by religious officials and justices of the peace; some give parent’s names. There are also certificates from German Settlement in Ste. Genevieve County. The certificates are arranged by year, then alphabetically by groom’s name within each year. Mentioned are St. Anthony’s Chapel, St. Joseph’s Church, St. Philomena’s Chapel and Methodist Episcopal Church South.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, Papers, 1759-1876 (C2075)
0.53 cubic feet (2 volumes)
The collection contains records of the town of Ste. Genevieve. Vol. 1, the Ste. Genevieve church register, includes vital statistics records, 1759-1840. Vol. 2, the Ste. Genevieve archives, includes deeds, 1766-1876; Indian affairs, 1766-1804; and New Madrid archives, 1802-1803. Two copies. Translated from the French by A. Loyd Collins.
Steamboat Cargo Record, 1859-1963 (C0644)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A record of the boat, master, destination and cargo of vessels leaving the port of Cambridge on the Missouri River. Most of the cargo was tobacco, hemp, potatoes, hides, and wheat. The book was used as a scrapbook by John B. Land and was recovered by removing most of the clippings. See also the Land, John Braxton (1860-1949), Papers, 1918-1939, (C0359).
Steamer Planter Freight Book, 1860-1893 (CA6554)
1 oversize volume
Ledger listing freight carried by the steamboat Planter, 1860-1861. Charles V. Wells was the steamboat's master. Also includes land lease agreements, 1880-1893.
Steel Family Papers, 1840-1892 (C0205)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 1 roll of microfilm
Alexander Steel family genealogy. Naturalization papers, 1840. Letters from Portland, Oregon, 1880, discussing change in collectors of customs, general political affairs, Oregonian and editor H. Scott, and 1892, mentioning Metropolitan Railway Company (electric street railroad).
Alexander E. Steen Papers, 1861-1862 (C2454)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Alexander E. Steen contain correspondence of a Confederate brigadier general of the 5th Division, Missouri State Guard, concerning a military engagement near Fort Scott, September 1, 1861; John E. Pitt's attempt to organize troops in the 5th Military District; and the discharge of soldiers.
Stephens Family Papers, 1850s-1875, 2008 (C0169)
0.4 cubic feet
The Stephens Papers consist of positive photostats and typescripts of a diary and battle descriptions written by a volunteer in Company K, Indiana Infantry, 20th Regiment, which was part of the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War. A bound typescript copy of his diary and those of his brother, Thomas White Stephens, with background information and commentary is also included, along with a biography James Stephen's grandson, James, Jr., who served in World War II. See also the diaries of Stephens's brother, the Thomas White Stephens Diaries, (C 2282).
Louise Stephens Photograph Collection, 1866-1867 (P0565)
1 folder
Cartes de visite of early University of Missouri professors, students, and presidents, Columbia notables, and Academic Hall.
Margaret Nelson Stephens Papers, 1823-1927 (C0311)
1.05 cubic feet (22 folders)
The diaries of Margaret Nelson Stephens, the wife of Missouri Governor Lon V. Stephens, 1897-1901, document her daily life from 1875 to 1927. Genealogy notes describe Margaret's ancestry and other documents cover a wide range of topics pertaining to relatives through her sister Nadine's marriage to Charles E. Leonard. Most deal with Charles E. Leonard himself, and his brothers Leverett and Abiel. Two Missouri Militia muster rolls, 1862-1863, and a bill of sale for slaves, 1849, are most notable.
Ruth Stephens Collection, 1824-1979 (C4128)
1.4 cubic feet
The Ruth D. Stephens Collection contains genealogical information on the Douglass, Stephens, Griffin, Shannon, Ellis, Parks, and Miller families. The collection consists of letters, business papers, family trees, photographs, diaries, and extensive notes on the families.
Thomas White Stephens Diaries, 1861-1913 (C2282)
0.3 cubic feet
Eight diaries and various diary pages of a corporal in Company K, Indiana Infantry, 20th Regiment. The last Diary contains entries about life in Topeka, KS, 1912-1913. Bound copy of diary edited by the Wilsons in WHMC reference library.
See also collection 169, James C. Stephens Papers, 1863-1875.