Barbara Rosa Barnett Shelley Papers, 1850-1980 (K0049)
3 c.f.
Personal, business, and legal documents pertaining to the Barnett, Williamson, and Shelley families.
Edward Martin Shepard Papers, 1844-1939 (C0164)
0.6 cubic feet
Notes, correspondence, clippings, and pamphlets of Shepard, a geologist and professor at Drury College, Springfield, MO.
Sheppard Family Papers, 1844-1877 (C0429)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
Miscellaneous letters from Philadelphia; Tennessee; Cincinnati; Springfield and St. Louis, MO; and England. A letter from Paris, TN, describes local preaching techniques.
Originals on microfilm; typed copies in folders.
Thomas Sheppard Papers, 1854-1860 (C0950)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain two land deeds, one dated 1854 and signed by President Franklin Pierce, and the other dated 1860 and signed by President James Buchanan.
George W. Shinn Papers, 1861 (CG0015)
0.11 cubic feet
This is a collection of six letters written by Private George W. Shinn, a Union soldier in the American Civil War, which also includes transcriptions and other information gathered by the donor about Shinn.
A seventh letter, written by Solomon Kittrell on May 19, 1861 in Butler County, Missouri, shares his current situation as a farmer, river levels, soldiers’ movements, and the transport of African Americans through the region.
Shirey Family Papers, 1855-1959 (SP0051)
0.4 cubic foot (21 folders, 2 photographs)
The Shirey Family Papers contain documents belonging to Etta Shirey and her family, including letters and postcards addressed to Etta, two diaries she kept, and her childhood school notes. The collection also contains publications that the Shirey family saved.
Floyd C. Shoemaker Collection, 1804-1970 (P0341)
Composite Photograph of Gamma chapter, Pi Lambda Epsilon Fraternity; University of Missouri Columns; Northwest Missouri Press Association Annual Outing, Hotel Taneycomo, Rockaway Beach, 1948
Dorothy Heckmann Shrader Papers, 1866-1976 (CA5925)
6 cubic feet
The papers of a Hermann, Missouri, writer and descendant of steamboat captain, Bill Heckmann. Includes newspaper clippings of happenings along Missouri’s waterways dating from the late 1800s to mid-1900s. Also includes genealogical information on the Heckmann family, maps of Missouri's rivers, and a few photographs of steamboats and river scenes.
Noah Sidner Letter, 1862 (C1895)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a farewell letter to relatives in Paris, MO, from Palmyra, MO, Oct. 18 and 19, 1862, written from the federal military prison in Palmyra on the eve and morning of the day he was to be executed.
Silliman Family Letters, 1862-1865 (C1831)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two letters written by Mrs. Silliman to relatives from Warrensburg, MO, during the Civil War. She describes social conditions at the time and how [her son] evaded the draft.
Claiborne Simmons Letter, 1863 (C3273)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Mary Ann Simmons, from Tennessee, December 6, 1863. Written while in the Union army. Describes the weather and inquires after her health.
Avington Wayne Simpson Diary, 1861-1865 (C2993)
1 roll of microfilm
This diary kept by a Polk County, MO, resident, contains short concise entries dealing with the daily events of a Confederate Missouri State Guard unit organized in July 1861. Simpson participated in the 1864 summer campaign through the Kennesaw Mountains, including the fall of Atlanta.
Sims & Fitzgerald Commission Sales Company (St. Louis, Mo.) Records, 1866-1867 (C0643)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records contain a fragment of a record book of a commission company dealing in cotton, hides, furs, tobacco, wheat, hemp, castor beans, and sorghum molasses. Lists cost of freight, marine insurance, government tax, commissions on sale, and record of sale.
John James Sitton, Civil War Memoir Collection, circa 1900 (R0377)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The John James Sitton Civil War Memoir Collection contains a military history of the Oregon County, Missouri company of the 2nd Regiment, 7th Division, Missouri State Guard, July 4 through December 1, 1861. The narrative was written by John James Sitton, who also served in the 7th Division, but in a different regiment. Sitton became captain of the Oregon County men in later Confederate service. The memoir also includes biographical data on selected Oregon County soldiers.
John James Sitton Papers, 1860-1913 (R1286)
(1 roll)
The John James Sitton Papers consists of a three volume journal, scrapbook, miscellaneous papers, and photographs, 1860-1913 of a Missouri confederate soldier and postwar resident of Oregon Coounty, Missouri. The journal, 1860-1882, documents service in the Missouri State Guard and other confederate units in Missouri, Arkansas, and Mississippi during the Civil War. It also includes his veterans activities and other aspects of Sitton's life.
Henry Ellison Skaggs Papers, 1862-1895 (R0247)
0.3 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Henry Ellison Skaggs Papers contains the diary and papers of Henry Ellison Skaggs, pertaining to his service in the 1st Missouri Cavalry in Missouri and Arkansas during the Civil War. Included are a diary, two letters from Little Rock, Arkansas, a photograph of Skaggs in uniform, and a group of prayers. There are also correspondence concerning his military pension and genealogical data.
William Yarnel Slack Papers, 1847-1880 (C0398)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters, newspaper clippings, and other items concerning the death of a Confederate general in the Battle of Elk Horn, MO, and the removal of the remains to Fayettville, AR.
Alfred W. Slaughter Collection, 1857-2013 (C4620)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
The collection contains a biographical sketch of Alfred W. Slaughter, a teacher who lived in Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri, as well as a volume titled "Slaughter and Abbot Genealogy" and a scrapbook, 1857-1913.
Smiley Family Papers, 1804-1951 (C3671)
0.4 cubic feet (40 folders)
Correspondence, deeds, appointments, legal documents regarding suits and estates, receipts and business papers concerning Samuel W. Smiley, early settler and property owner in Lincoln County, Missouri. Similar material regarding his wife, children, relatives, and descendants is also included. The bulk of this collection dates from the 1820s to the 1840s.
Smith Civil War Correspondence Collection, 1859-1863 (S1140)
0.04 cubic foot, 16 folders, 1 DVD
The letters consist of reproductions of correspondence from Lieutenant H.H. Smith to his father during the Civil War. Smith served in the Union army in the 17th Regiment Indiana Volunteers and the 49th Indiana Regiment. The collection contains photocopies of the correspondence and a DVD that contains digitized versions of the documents.
Charles H. Smith Letters, 1833-1887 (K0079)
0.09 c.f. (3 folders)
Civil War era letters concerning life in camp and the death of Charles H. Smith in battle near Stafford Courthouse, Virginia, in May 1863. Includes family tintypes and photographs.
George R. Smith Papers, 1835-1899 (C1028)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers of George R. Smith contain correspondence, miscellaneous personal and business papers, and speeches of a Sedalia, Missouri, lawyer and businessman. Smith was influential in the establishment of the Missouri Pacific Railway.
Henry Ackerman Smith Papers, 1861-1907 (C0431)
2 rolls of microfilm
Papers of a teacher and Methodist minister who lived in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, and Missouri. Includes letters written to his wife, 1861-1862, while in the Union army; autobiography, genealogical information; record of marriages performed, 1884-1905; diary, 1882-1907; a newspaper article; and photographs.
Nathan Lipscomb Smith Letters, 1838-1869 (C3823)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains photocopies of personal letters from Franklin County, Missouri, farmer Nathan L. Smith to his brother William D. Smith in Todd County, Kentucky. Includes Smith family genealogy to 1858, a list of census and church references to Nathan Smith, and one letter from John and Mary Frances (Smith) Fox to William D. Smith and his sister Caroline.
Thomas Adams Smith Papers, 1798-1864 (C1029)
1 cubic foot; also available on 2 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, letterbooks, and official papers of a professional soldier, who served in Florida and on the Canadian front and later was commander of the 9th Military Department at Fort Bellefontaine near St. Louis, MO. From 1818 to 1829 Smith was receiver of public monies at the land office in Franklin, MO.
Thomas Adams Smith Papers, 1852-1919 (C0166)
0.2 cubic feet (11 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 2 rolls of microfilm
The papers of a Saline County, Missouri, doctor, and landowner include family correspondence, clippings, miscellaneous bills and papers, and a copy of a record book providing the births, death, and sales of enslaved people belonging to the estate of Thomas Adams Smith and Crawford Early Smith.
William Ernest Smith Papers, 1860, 1915-1968 (C2999)
0.2 cubic feet (8 folders)
The papers of William Ernest Smith contain correspondence of Smith, a history professor at Miami University, Oxford, OH, 1926-1934; department chairman, 1934-1957; graduate school dean, 1950-1959; research professor of history, 1959-1962; and author. The collection includes correspondence with other history and economics professors concerning Southwest Missouri State Teachers College, Springfield; the University of Wisconsin, Madison; and Miami University.
William H. Smith Papers, 1862-1866 (C4344)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Civil War letters from family, friends, and commanders to William H. Smith while serving in Mississippi and Virginia in General Francis M. Cockrell's 2nd Missouri Infantry, 1st Missouri Brigade.
Smith-Cotton Family Papers, 1834-1929 (C0399)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)
Papers of George R. Smith, a Missouri pioneer lawyer and politician, and his daughters, Sarah E. Cotton, and Mrs. M.E. Smith. Some letters about the George R. Smith College. Smith was the founder of Sedalia, Missouri.
Smithers and Wagoner (St. Louis, Mo.) Funeral Records, 1865-1899, 1934 (C4187)
0.4 cubic feet (11 folders)
The records of a funeral home in St. Louis. The records include name of deceased, place of residence, place of burial, and other funeral details. The later records also include cause of death and age at time of death.
Smithton United Methodist Church (Smithton, Mo.) Records, 1865-1954 (C3704)
2 rolls of microfilm
The records of the Smithton United Methodist Church contain church membership records and minutes for the Ladies Aid Society, the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, and the Woman's Society of Christian Service, of the English and German churches which united in 1924 to form the Smithton United Methodist Church of Smithton, Pettis County, Missouri.
Thomas L. Snead Papers, 1861-1862 (C2453)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Thomas L. Snead contain correspondence and orders of Snead, who was adjutant general of the Missouri State Guard (Confederate) and then assistant adjutant general of the Confederate Army. The papers mention the 5th Military District, reporting number of forces and quartermaster's duties.
Lewis and John W. Snider Papers, 1858-1890 (C3337)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Miscellaneous papers, including post office receipts, estate administration deed, bills, numerical computations, a song, and recipe for ink.
Daniel F. Snoddy Family Papers, 1817-1861 (C0434)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders), 1 roll of microfilm
Bills of sale; county, state, and asylum tax receipts; school tuition receipts; bill of sale for enslaved individuals; notice of public sale after death of Daniel F. Snoddy. Letter from Snoddy giving brief description of towns, crops, and trade in Missouri. Letters from relatives in the southern states.
Robert M. Snyder Jr. Collection, 1849-1932 (K0025)
5 c.f.
Personal papers of R.M. Snyder, Jr. and his family relating to his collecting, research, and writing on Americana, the Ozarks, and Ha Ha Tonka, a home built in the Ozarks by his father. Additionally are the collected correspondence, newspaper clippings, and ephemera that Snyder collected from historically significant people throughout the course of his life.
Mary Ann Sorrell Papers, 1863 (R1455)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Mary Ann Sorrell Papers contains a handwritten letter from Mary Ann Sorrell to her daughter. The letter is dated September 10, 1863, and was written in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Mary Ann Sorrell discusses her housing situation, the health of her children, and the living arrangements of her various children.
Sarah Nichols Sosey Collection, 1822-1865 (C0406)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains three letters: a Confederate soldier to his sister; to William D. Bates concerning lead deposits around Hannibal; and to “Sarah” from J.W. Thompson, 1865.
Thomas E. Souper Letter, 1865 (K0535)
0.01 c.f.
Souper, treasurer of the Missouri State Board of Immigration, writing to insurance firm, Getty & Liebing of Philadelphia, PA concerning a missing draft. More interesting is the letterhead of the Board on which the letter is written.
South-Western Stage Company Papers, 1867 (C2238)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copies of form letters and contracts used by the South-Western Stage Company. Includes rules and regulations for road agents, station agents, drivers, shop men, and barn men.
The Southeast Missouri Collection, 1820-2016 (CG0001)
0.8 c.f.
The Southeast Missouri Collection is a combination of small acquisitions to the State Historical Society related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events.
Southern and Central Missouri Collection, 1856-2015 (R1442)
5 cubic feet (236 folders, 2 VHS, 7 CDs, 1 45 record, 1 cassette)
The Southern and Central Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining acquisitions related to individuals, places, organizations, and events. The collection mostly covers the Missouri counties of Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Pulaski, Shannon, Oregon, Barry, Miller, Taney, Jasper, and Laclede, among others.
Southwest Missouri Map Collection, 1833-2003 (SP0047)
4 cubic feet (27 maps)
The Southwest Missouri Map Collection contains city, county, highway, geographical, topographical, and mining maps. The maps focus on the southern and western counties in Missouri including Greene, Henry, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Stone, and Taney counties.
Southwest Missouri Collection, 1864-2014 (SP0017)
1 cubic foot (43 folders, 34 photographs)
The Southwest Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to southwest Missouri individuals, places, organizations, and events. Material continues to be added to the collection.
Virginia Southwood Family Papers, 1861-1904 (C0974)
0.4 cubic feet
The Virginia Southwood Family Papers contain the genealogical record of Virginia Southwood's family, the diaries of George Ward Litts, and the Civil War correspondence between teacher Susan Griggs and some of the Union soldiers who had attended her school in Wolcottville, Indiana.
Bennett Spalding Records, 1850-1861 (R0214)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Bennett Spalding Records contain a microfilm copy of an account ledger of a mercantile operation at Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, thought to have been carried on by Bennett Spalding. The entries begin in April 1850 and end in June 1861. An index to the volume is available.
Douglas P. Spalding Diary, 1864 (C3428)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The diary gives day to day temperature reading, January 30-December 31, in Ralls County, Missouri, and one line telling how he spent each day, at school, home, or attending to farm chores.
Spangler Family Papers, 1849-1866, 2023 (C4644)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of a Clark County, Missouri, family include biographical material, photographs, and family correspondence. The bulk of the letters were written between Samuel and Mary Ann Spangler during the American Civil War.
Theodore C. Sparks Papers, 1750-1960 (K0083)
8 f
Photocopied family history research done by T.C. Sparks, in the 1920's. They include anecdotes and reminiscences about family members, along with transcriptions of family letters.
James S. Spencer Papers, 1862-1864 (R0216)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The James S. Spencer Papers contain photocopies and typescript of a Civil War diary of a resident of Phelps County, Missouri, and sergeant in the 32nd Missouri Infantry. The diary covers the period preceding the captures Jackson and Vicksburg, Mississippi, and the advance on Tuscumbia, Alabama. It also includes a roster of Company I of the 32nd Missouri from June 1863 to May 1864.
Spengler Family Papers, 1850-1870 (C4034)
0.25 cubic feet (3 folders)
Correspondence to Daniel H. Spengler, of Bentonsville, Virginia, from his brothers Philip and Samuel and other relatives and friends living in Missouri and Virginia, covering the periods 1856 to 1860 and 1865 to 1870. Also included are a map of New York City; a photocopy of the Warren County, Virginia, census of 1850; a railroad advertisement; two train tickets; and accounts of travel expenses.