Zion Baptist Church (Montgomery County, Mo.) Records, 1841-1953 (C4537)
0.3 cubic feet (4 folders)
Record books of the church, including minutes of meetings and membership records, 1841-1953. Also index of surnames, volumes I-III.
Zoar Baptist Church Records, 1867-1886 (C0900)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records contain minutes of church meetings, including financial reports, dismissal of members for various reasons, such as dancing, drinking, immoral conduct; rules of decorum; articles of faith; church membership; and a church history from 1827-1867.
The Zouave Register (Cape Girardeau, Mo.), 1861 (C0802)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Fragment of a newspaper dated 4 September 1861 and published by the Missouri Infantry, 8th Regiment, Volunteers (also known as the American Zouaves). Lists field and staff officers and reports on battles.
Zumwalt Family Papers, 1862-1992 (C4048)
0.5 cubic feet (15 folders)
The Zumwalt family papers consist of genealogical materials, correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, local church histories, and miscellaneous articles relating to a family that settled in Boone and Callaway Counties around 1800.
Zwick Family Papers, 1860-1965 (C4199)
0.25 cubic feet (6 folders)
The Zwick family papers contain photographs, correspondence, financial documents, and genealogical information on the Zwick family.