Lamine River Association of Regular Predestinarian Baptist Records, 1845-1882 (R0284)
0.1 cubic foot (7 folders)
The Lamine River Association of Regular Predestinarian Baptists Records contain the original and photocopied printed annual meeting minutes of the Lamine River Association, dated from 1845 to 1859 and 1877 to 1882. Known first as the Lamine River Regular Baptists Association, the organization was composed of churches in Bates, Camden, Cooper, Jackson, Johnson, Miller, Morgan, and Pettis counties in Missouri.
Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1781-1892 (C2293)
0.23 cubic feet (11 folders)
The collection contains poems, receipts, documents, newspapers and correspondence concerning business, law, appointments, teaching, politics, insurance, pensions, land, health, cholera, medicine, weather, news of friends and relatives, degrees, autographs, letter of introduction, and the Civil War: secession, orders and battles.
Missouri & Illinois Mineral & Land Company Records, 1834-1900 (R0058)
0.75 cubic foot (9 folders, 2 oversize folders
These are records of the acquisition and disposition of lands in a speculative industrial development scheme in Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Cape Girardeau, and Madison Counties in Missouri.
Missouri Board of Public Works Railroad Report, 1859 (C2850)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Report to Governor Robert M. Stewart on six railroads in Missouri: Pacific Railroad, southwest branch of the Pacific Railroad, Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, Cairo and Fulton Railroad, St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad, and North Missouri Railroad. OVERSIZE.
Missouri Church Records, 1811-2024 (C0558)
123.3 cubic feet (1424 folders), 3 computer discs
The Missouri Church Records consist of newsletters, conference proceedings, reports, directories, journals, and other publications of various religious denominations in Missouri including the Methodist, Baptist, Disciples of Christ (Christian), Presbyterian, and Catholic churches.
Missouri Civil Register, 1820-1865 (C1784)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Lists appointments of U.S. senators, 1820-1864; U.S. representatives, 1820-1864; governors, 1820-1865; secretaries of state, 1820-1864; treasurers, 1820-1864; attorneys general, 1820-1865; Boone County justices of the peace, 1825-1845; supreme court justices, 1822-1864; circuit court judges, 1824-1861; and circuit attorneys, 1844-1851.
The Missouri Collection, 1771-2024 (C3982)
18.6 cubic feet (854 folders, 893 photographs), 37 oversize items, 9 audio cassettes, 7 audio discs, 9 CDs, 1 computer disc, 8 reels of film, 6 film strips, 9 DVDs, 3 video cassettes, 585 MB of digital files
The Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events.
Missouri College and University Print Materials, 1836-1986 (C4281)
12 cubic feet (322 folders), 13 oversize items
The materials contain pamphlets, catalogs, guides, speeches, programs, yearbooks, periodicals and books produced by Missouri colleges, universities, academies, and other educational institutions.
Missouri Equine & Equestrian Collection of Photographs, 1856-1938 (P0993)
Photographs of mules, horses, and equestrians. Many of the photographs were taken in mid-Missouri, but images of notable race horses of the early to mid-20th century are also included. Broadacres Farm in Liberty, Missouri, is heavily featured. Shows included are the National Belgian Horse Show, the International Livestock Exposition,
Missouri Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Records, 1850-2009 (CA6254)
82 cubic feet, 4 oversize volumes, 8 oversize items
Records of the Missouri lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekah Assembly. Included are account books, minutes, annual membership and financial reports, encampments reports, petitions submitted to the state Grand Lodge, and publications about the organizations. The collection also includes records of the Modern Woodmen of America, Brotherhood of American Yeomen, and Theta Rho Girls Club.
Missouri Judges Portraits, 1845-1938 (P1085)
Portraits of Missouri judges.
Missouri Land Records, 1843-1898 (C3680)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Abstract of title to lands in Johnson County, Missouri, 1898; land deeds, Henry and Johnson Counties, Missouri, 1843-1871.
Missouri Lumber and Mining Company Records, 1853-1945 (C2557)
114.6 cubic feet (7109 folders, 194 volumes, 1 roll of microfilm)
The records of the Missouri Lumber and Mining Company contain Correspondence, minutes of board of directors' meetings, and financial and operating records of a Grandin, MO, land and lumber company, which operated in Butler, Carter, Reynolds, Ripley and Wayne Counties.
Missouri Railroad Records, 1837-2006 (C2358)
39.3 cubic feet (441 folders)
The Missouri Railroad Records consist of reports, bulletins, pamphlets, proceedings, and other materials of railroads and related organizations that were in Missouri or its contiguous states.
Missouri State Agricultural Society Fair Program, 1853 (C2816)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Program of the first Missouri State Agricultural Society fair held on the Boonville, MO, fairgrounds in October 1853.
Missouri State Old Time Fiddlers Association Collection, 1827-2002 (C3715)
0.4 cubic feet (80 folders), 39 audio cassettes, 10 video cassettes, 5 CDs, 1 audio disc
The collection contains field, commercial, and private label recordings, interviews, newsletters, brochures, broadsides, sheet music, audio and video cassettes, and correspondence of the association.
Missouri State Teachers Association Records, 1837-1997 (CA6123)
10.5 cubic feet, 6 oversize volumes
Records and official papers of the Missouri State Teachers Association. In May 1856, teachers met in St. Louis and established the first U.S. professional organization for state educators. The records include newsletters and other publications, historical materials, committee reports, and oversize scrapbooks.
Missouri State Treasurer Portraits, 1843-1957 (P0882)
large portraits of the State Treasurers of Missouri, including most treasurers from the time period from 1843 to 1960
Cameron, Missouri, Sale Notice, 1855 (C2827)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Handwritten copy and printed broadside announcing sale of town lots on 30 August 1855, by the Cameron Town Company, William G. McDaniel, trustee.
Hermann, Missouri, Board of Trustees Records, 1799, 1837-1877 (C2992)
2 rolls of microfilm
Records, in German, of the German Settlement Society of Philadelphia, which founded Hermann. Include land records with maps, bylaws, lists of stockholders, incorporation records, trustees' minutes for 1852-1877, collector and treasurer records, and an architectural drawing of the Town School, 1855.
Missouri. Lewis County. Tax Books, 1850-1851 (C2500)
0.54 cubic feet (2 volumes)
County tax records.
Montgomery County, Missouri, Bear Creek Township Justice of the Peace Docket Book, 1847-1852 (C3811)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record of court proceedings and stray livestock. Cases concern settlement of debts, loan repayments, damage suits, breach of the peace, and assault and battery. Donor-compiled index included.
Perry County, Missouri, Stephan Emigration List, 1852-1853 (C1839)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
List of workers and contributions in number of days of work, October and November 1852, and August 1853, of members of the Martin Stephan emigration of German Lutherans to Perry County, MO.
Missouri-Iowa Border Dispute Collection, 1815-1862 (R1374)
(1 folder)
The Missouri-Iowa Border Dispute records collect 23 miscellaneous documents relating to the disputed Missouri-Iowa border. The collection contains documents in French, English, and Spanish that pertain to the underlying causes of the conflict and the eventual resolution. The collection consists of letters, land deeds, and proclamations that deal with the background and events of the conflict.
Missouri Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb (Fulton, Mo.) Report, 1851 (C2080)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a report on the organization, facilities, regulations, and proper pupils of the asylum at Fulton.
Missouri. Cavalry, 1st Regiment. Company K Records, 1856-1887 (C1022)
0.2 cubic feet (13 folders)
Records created by the Captain and 1st lieutenant, including invoices of ordnance or equipment, reports of quartermaster's property received or lost, special requisitions and legal papers issued to and by Company K of the 1st Missouri Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army.
Missouri 2nd Circuit Court Judgments, 1821-1863 (C1072)
0.2 cubic feet (1 volume)
Information pertaining to cases presented in the court, including the names of the parties involved; date of judgment; nature of action; amounts of debts, damages, and costs; and the manner of satisfaction. Cases are listed alphabetically, and chronologically within, for the most part.
Missouri. General Assembly, 18th, Roster, 1854-1855 (C2822)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Officers of the state, members and officers of the Senate, and members and officers of the House of Representatives. Include residence, age, occupation, and place of birth.
Missouri. Infantry 2nd Regiment Volunteers Order Book, 1859-1869 (C1173)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Orders and equipment issued at headquarters to members of the regiment, 1859-1869.
Also contains sales book of William Sicher, 1867-1869.
Allen Mitchell Records, 1859-1889 (R0583)
0.05 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Allen Mitchell Records consist of an account book kept by Allen Mitchell, a contractor and builder at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. The entries record expenses and the time worked by stonemasons and laborers on construction projects.
Ewing Young Mitchell Jr. Papers, 1840-1949 (C1041)
0.4 cubic feet, 101 rolls of microfilm
Papers of a Springfield, MO, lawyer active in Democratic Party politics, who served as assistant secretary of commerce in Franklin Roosevelt's first administration. Material concerns family affairs, law practice with emphasis on county indebtedness, Ozark land speculation, and Democratic politics on the state and national levels.
Frances Pearle Mitchell Papers, 1858-1919 (C1703)
0.3 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of a resident of Rocheport, Missouri, consist of appointments, certificates, correspondence, invitations, programs, and dance cards. Mitchell, a graduate of Stephens College, was involved in many civic and women’s organizations, including the Missouri Women Farmers’ Club.
Mockbee-Chiles Family Papers, 1842-1885 (K0473)
0.01 c.f.
Papers of the Thomas Mockbee and Elizabeth Ann (Eliza) Chiles Mockbee family. Includes letters, land deeds, bills of sale, documents and newspaper articles.
Justus R. Moll Collection, 1855-1952 (C4468)
2.0 cubic feet (140 folders)
Collection contains genealogy materials, correspondence, photographs, and materials related to general history. The genealogy materials relate to the Moll family, relatives of the Moll family, and other families researched by Moll.
Montgomery County, Missouri, Danville Township Pollbooks, 1848-1851 (C1673)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Pollbooks for election of circuit attorney and special election of state senator, November 1848. Pollbook for election of county surveyor, supreme and circuit court officials, and the vote on a new courthouse building, August 1851.
John Montgomery Letter, 1851 (C0544)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To William Montgomery, Carrollton, Missouri, from Weberville, California, March 11, 1851. Written to his brother by a young miner in the California gold fields, concerning his returning home.
Samuel Montgomery Papers, 1854-1887 (CG0014)
0.2 cubic feet
This collection contains letters, military documents, family genealogy information, and copied pages from published material.
Frederick W. Moody Collection, 1838-1869 (K0347)
0.01 c.f.
The collection contains the memoir of Frederick W. Moody. The memoir contains stories regarding his immigration to the United States from England in 1857, his travels to New Mexico, Colorado, and early life in Kansas City and Westport.
Joseph C. Moore Papers, 1818, 1858 (C3688)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Joseph C. Moore contain an honorable discharge from service with O'Fallon's Regiment of Riflemen, U.S. Army; and a commission from Governor Robert M. Stewart to the position as justice of the county court of Linn County, Missouri.
T. Clifford Morgan Collection, 1853-1983 (C4338)
0.25 cubic feet (6 folders)
The collection contains documents, books, and ledgers collected by T. Clifford Morgan for research of his wife’s family.
Wick Morgan Journal, 1854 (C3817)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Journal of Wick Morgan describing his trip to California from Dade County, Missouri, with a wagon train. The notes detail the availability of food, the conditions of the roads, and the mileage traveled daily by the group.
Morisse Family Papers, 1854-2023 (S0269)
22.3 cubic feet
The Morisse Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, reel-to-reel tapes, and citizenship papers of the Morisse, Zimmerman, Walter, and Rosenthal families of St. Louis, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as well as Quincy, Illinois. Materials of interest include photograph albums compiled by Herbert Ernest Morisse, documenting the Morisse families' involvement with Boy Scout Troop 21 of the Ethical Society of St. Louis and their outings at Herb Ella cabin along the Black River. The albums also contain photographs chronicling Herbert Ernest Walter Morisse's years as a student at Washington University in the early 1930s. Other materials of interest include correspondence between Marian Morisse and her brothers, Walter and Henry Hoener, during World War II.
MORNING STAR Records, [1856-1859 (C2392)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records contain a bill of fare and timetable for St. Louis to St. Joseph, MO, and return of the Missouri River Thursday packet, MORNING STAR. T.H. Brierly, master, and J.B. Weaver, clerk. The MORNING STAR was built in 1856 and destroyed by fire June 21, 1859.
Morris Family Papers, 1837-1943 (R0390)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Morris Family Papers contain photocopies of promissory notes, land papers, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers of the Morris family of Greene and Webster counties in Missouri.
Joseph Morris Family Letters, 1840-1908 (C0426)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder, 1 roll of microfilm)
Letters from Joseph Morris and daughter, Sara Morris Mottram, from England to relatives in Tennessee. Political affairs in England, and general family news.
Morrison Family Papers, 1800s-1950; bulk dates 1840s-1880s (C4731)
1.0 cubic foot (42 folders), 2 oversize items
Family and business papers of the Morrison family of Howard County, Missouri. Largely concerns Alfred Williams Morrison (1802-1883), as well as his sons, James P. and Preston E. Morrison.
Morrow and Skaggs Families Papers, 1843-1995 (R1520)
3 cubic feet (109 folders, 1,139 photographs, 75 negatives, 5 tin types)
The Morrow and Skaggs Families Papers contain materials related to the Morrow and Skaggs families predominantly of Miller County, Missouri. The bulk of the materials is an expansion of Joe Morrow’s genealogical compilation, Ancestors and Descendents [sic] of George & Ethel (Skaggs) Morrow, privately printed, June 1980. The materials include correspondence, family trees, photographs, certificates, and personal documents.
Lynn Morrow, Johnboats & Riverways Collection, 1809-2012, bulk 1871-1930 (R1523)
2.5 cubic feet (109 folders)
The Lynn Morrow, John Boat & Riverways Collection contains research, correspondence, maps, photographs, slides, newspaper clippings, published articles, interviews, and memoirs about the Missouri Ozarks with a particular emphasis on the origins of the John Boat, including the name itself and the emergence and lasting popularity of float fishing and hunting/fishing clubs at the turn of the 19th century in Missouri. This collection also includes a large selection of postcards and ephemera related to boating, hunting and fishing in Missouri.
Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)
The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.
W.I.I. Morrow Papers, 1839, 1852 (C2051)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Positive Photostat copy of a day by day account of the journey of Morrow, attending physician to a party of Cherokee Indians, during the forced migration between c. 20 February-24 March 1839. Two typescript copies of a diary also included. Copy of 1852 letter from Morrow regarding use of liquor among Seneca Indians near Enterprise, Missouri.