Sappington and Breathitt Family Scrapbooks, 1830s-1970s (CA6742)
2 oversize volumes, 1 folder
The collection contains two scrapbooks and a manuscript on the Hall and related families. The first scrapbook contains material on the family of Dr. John Sappington and his wife, Jane Breathitt Sappington. The second scrapbook contains materials on the Breathitt and allied families. The material was compiled by C. Lester Hall, Jr.
Sappington Family Papers, 1831-1939 (C2889)
0.5 cubic feet
The papers contain documents pertaining to Dr. John Sappington and his family. These papers deal with the financial accounts of Dr. Sappington, financial business for W.B. Sappington, and a variety of receipts and business papers. Another portion of this collection contains correspondence and essays written by W.B. Sappington. There is also a small collection of newspaper clippings.
Sappington Family Papers, 1819-1895 (C0159)
0.8 cubic feet
Papers of Dr. John Sappington of Arrow Rock, MO, and his family. Business letters about Sappington's pills and book for the treatment of malaria. Letters and papers from family and friends; supplies; notes. Legal case of Coffee & Blacke vs. Sappington & Sons. Miscellaneous personal record and account book.
John Sappington Papers, 1803-1887 (C1027)
1.8 cubic feet (96 folders, 12 volumes)
The papers of John Sappington consist of correspondence and miscellaneous papers, largely concentrating on Sappington’s anti-fever medicine business. The collection also includes correspondence and papers of William B. Sappington, Erasmus D. Sappington, and Claiborne Fox Jackson.
William B. Sappington Papers, 1830-1874 (C1421)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Correspondence between members of a Saline County, MO, family, in addition to letters from friends and other relatives. Also included are essays and compositions by Sappington, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous family papers.
Sardis-Bethlehem Baptist Church (Henry County, Mo.) Records, 1839-1919 (C1322)
0.11 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Abstract of principles, articles of faith, rules of decorum, membership materials, financial records, minutes of meetings, reports of building committee, and resolution of respect to Brother M.R. Amick. Sardis and Bethlehem churches merged in 1866.
John Saunders Letter, 1853 (C1977)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Robert E. Saunders, Clinton County, MO, from Bedford County, VA, May 24, 1853. Writes his son about local prices of tobacco, wheat, corn, land, horses, and Negroes, and the wreck of a train crossing the Potomac.
Saville Family Books, 1853, 1886 (C2661)
2 volumes
Engineers and mechanics pocketbook, 1853, and a scrapbook of newspaper clippings, 1886.
Nathan Scarritt Family Papers, 1839-1962 (K0248)
1 c.f.
Newspaper clippings, articles, announcements, correspondence, and publication relating to the Scarritt and Chick families, two early families in Kansas City. Deeds and leases concerning the property owned by Scarritt and his estate. Also are family histories and a diary and autobiography of Nathan Scarritt, Methodist minister and missionary and early city builder.
Scarritt-Royster-Swinney Family Papers, 1818-1989 (K0632)
71 c.f.
Family papers of three prominent families of Kansas City and Glasgow, MO. Includes a wide variety of materials including letters, postcards, speeches, newspaper articles, poetry, photographs, family items, business and personal papers, tributes to various individuals and historical papers and recollections.
Peter Voorhees Schenck Papers, 1859-1964 (C2214)
0.1 cubic feet (3 folders)
Biographical sketches of Schenck and John S. McCune. Letter to Anna McCune proposing marriage. Schenck's resignation as superintendent of the Female Hospital, St. Louis. Scrapbook of McCune-Schenck clippings and family photographs.
John Freeman Schermerhorn Papers, 1809-1909 (C0160)
0.4 cubic feet
Letters and papers of Schermerhorn and his heirs, located in New York (1809-1840), Indiana (1840-1858), and Missouri (1858-1909). Schermerhorn was a frontier preacher, peacemaker with the Indians, and landowner.
Schubert Family Papers, 1834-1996 (C3005)
0.6 cubic feet
The Schubert Family Papers contain diaries, drawings, prints, and account books related to the immigration and livelihood of family members. There are also genealogical notebooks for families of Atchison County, MO, and documents dealing with the Sociality.
Franz Schwarzer Papers, 1840-1951 (C3484)
0.8 cubic feet (14 folders, 5 volumes)
Correspondence of the Schwarzer family; factory records, catalogs, and photographs of zithers and other stringed instruments manufactured at the zither factory in Washington, Missouri, founded by Schwarzer in 1869.
Art A. Schweighauser Collection, 1713-1945 (C3762)
0.35 cubic feet (9 folders, 1 volume)
The collection contains items from the Bezold family of Montgomery and Gasconade Counties in Missouri. There are many school-related items from 1879-1917. Also included are sermons in German by Reverend Niedhammer and a family history of John Jacob Meunzenmayer, who lived in Franklin County.
Scotland County Genealogical Society Collection, 1841-2021 (CA6609)
2.2 cubic feet, 4 card files
The collection contains material collected by the Scotland County Genealogical Society including photographs, funeral programs, county history, court records, tax records, marriage licenses, and miscellaneous documents.
Scott Family Papers, 1841-1936 (C3033)
0.3 cubic feet (13 folders)
The Scott Family papers consist of correspondence and miscellaneous documents relating to the Lindsey-Kemp-Reeder family of Ohio and the Scott family of Columbia, Missouri, including the Civil War correspondence of William L. Kemp and the World War I correspondence of future University of Missouri professor D.R. Scott.
Laura Redden Searing Papers, 1846-1963 (C2290)
4.0 cubic feet (142 folders)
The papers of Laura Redden Searing, a poet and author whose works appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines, consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and Searing’s writings. Also included are correspondence, publicity clippings, and photographs of Searing’s daughter, Elsa Searing McGinn.
Second Presbyterian Church (St. Louis, Mo.) Sabbath School Records, 1838-1886 (C1366)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
Brief history of the school, list of officers, attendance records of pupils and teachers, conversions, records of events, reports of annual meetings and of superintendents, deaths, election of officers, missionary funds, and table showing condition of school.
Donald A. Seibert Collection, 1834-1851 (C4112)
0.2 cubic feet
The papers of Donald Seibert contain personal accounts of Col. Seibert's great-great grandfather, a German immigrant who established himself in the St. Louis, Missouri area.
Ernestine Ernst Seiter Papers, 1828-1985 (C4351)
1.75 cubic feet (23 folders), 1 oversize volume, 1 oversize item
The papers contain a transcription of James and Robert Aull letter books and daybooks from 1828-1851. Also includes an unidentified doctor’s account ledger from Lexington, Missouri, from 1872-1875; scrapbook of Ernestine Ernst Seiter; research on Lexington homes; and miscellaneous material.
Sellmeyer Family Collection, 1839-1990 (C3062)
1 roll of microfilm
Deeds, wills, family trees and photographs of three 19th-century immigrant families who settled in Missouri. The Velten and Ebeling families emigrated from Germany and settled in Warren County, while the Swedish Bentleys came to settle in Howard County. Also includes probate and census records, and a "Velten Family Record" narrative.
Settle Family Papers, 1857-2008 (CG0026)
1.25 c. f.
Correspondence and photographs of the Settle, O'Bannon, and Rhodes families of Wayne County, Missouri and Arkansas. Also includes genealogy records, Bible, and report cards for Virgil E. Settle.
Settoon Family Papers, 1838-1896 (C0980)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Letters to and from the Settoon family of the Louisiana delta country concerning family and financial matters. The documents relate to property matters, including enslaved people.
Wilhelm and Augustus Seyffert Papers, 1854-1905 (C2888)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of Wilhelm and Augustus Seyffert contain a copy book of poems in German (vol. 1), a history of Missouri State Militia, Company E, 13th Cavalry, and an account book of Augustus Seyffert, 1869-1889 (vol. 2).
Robert B. Seymour Military Land Grant, 1853 (C0504)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Grant of 40 acres of land near Fayette, Missouri, by order of Franklin Pierce.
John C. Shackelford Family Papers, 1847-1911 (C0404)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Clippings, poems of Civil War and Confederacy, and correspondence. Letter from Warrensburg, August 25, 1861, mentions early Civil War events in Missouri.
Thomas Shackelford Papers, 1820-1908 (C0163)
0.6 cubic feet
Personal and business letters, documents and memoirs of a lawyer and politician of Glasgow, MO. He was a member of the Missouri Convention of 1861 and of the Constitutional Convention of 1875. Includes family letters and letters relating to his legal practice and politics, a few of them pertaining to the Constitutional Convention of 1875.
Shannon Family Papers, 1845-1960 (C0933)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
Contains baccalaureate and other addresses by President James Shannon of the University of Missouri, some correspondence on religious matters, and family history and genealogy.
James Shannon Papers, 1832-1857 (C0402)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Store accounts, correspondence and church papers of James Shannon, president of the University of Missouri. Also a letter to Henry A. Wise requesting him to print Shannon's address on slavery.
Sharp Family Papers, 1845-1994 (K0553)
26.5 c.f.
Personal correspondence, financial records, scrapbooks, slides, photographs and records the Sharp family and the Wells family of Kansas City, MO and Johnson County, KS. Includes the papers of Hazel Wells Sharp (1910-2002) an educator for more than 40 years who taught school in Kansas City, MO and in the Wiesbaden American Schools in Germany.
Milton Shaw Papers, 1824-1921 (C0428)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Letters from Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri discussing slaves; farm crops, implements, and stock; property indentures; church membership; trade; schools; and teaching. Genealogical materials on the Denton family. Originals on microfilm; typed copies in folders.
Charles K. Sheets Sr. Papers, 1847-1936 (C4079)
1 cubic foot (45 folders)
The papers of Charles K. Sheets Sr. contain family papers of the Berry, Bell, Sheets, and Blades families, and include marriages, correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings. Also included in the collection is business material pertaining to Sheets’ business with Faulconer, Sheets & Co, in Montgomery City, Missouri.
Barbara Rosa Barnett Shelley Papers, 1850-1980 (K0049)
3 c.f.
Personal, business, and legal documents pertaining to the Barnett, Williamson, and Shelley families.
Edward Martin Shepard Papers, 1844-1939 (C0164)
0.6 cubic feet
Notes, correspondence, clippings, and pamphlets of Shepard, a geologist and professor at Drury College, Springfield, MO.
Sheppard Family Papers, 1844-1877 (C0429)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
Miscellaneous letters from Philadelphia; Tennessee; Cincinnati; Springfield and St. Louis, MO; and England. A letter from Paris, TN, describes local preaching techniques.
Originals on microfilm; typed copies in folders.
Thomas Sheppard Papers, 1854-1860 (C0950)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain two land deeds, one dated 1854 and signed by President Franklin Pierce, and the other dated 1860 and signed by President James Buchanan.
Shirey Family Papers, 1855-1959 (SP0051)
0.4 cubic foot (21 folders, 2 photographs)
The Shirey Family Papers contain documents belonging to Etta Shirey and her family, including letters and postcards addressed to Etta, two diaries she kept, and her childhood school notes. The collection also contains publications that the Shirey family saved.
Floyd C. Shoemaker Collection, 1804-1970 (P0341)
Composite Photograph of Gamma chapter, Pi Lambda Epsilon Fraternity; University of Missouri Columns; Northwest Missouri Press Association Annual Outing, Hotel Taneycomo, Rockaway Beach, 1948
Floyd Calvin Shoemaker Collection, 1857; 1886-1973 (C4570)
2.8 cubic feet (75 folders, 6 oversize items)
Papers from Shoemaker’s tenure as Secretary of the State Historical Society of Missouri from 1915-1960--such as copies of the “This Week in Missouri History” series, information on the 1950s historical markers program, speeches and articles, and details of his various activities and honors--as well as photographs, correspondence, and personal materials.
George A. Shortridge Day Book, 1856 (C1258)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
Daybook of a general store in Bloomington, Macon County, MO.
Sikes Family Papers, 1845-1859 (CG0019)
0.02 cubic feet
The Sikes Family Papers contain eight enslaved bills of sale to William Sikes of New Madrid County, Missouri. These documents reflect the name, age, and price of each enslaved person. Three additional documents show land transfers and a tax assessment of personal property.
Joseph R. Simmons Diary, 1849-1850 (C1259)
0.11 cubic feet (2 volumes)
William Yarnel Slack Papers, 1847-1880 (C0398)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters, newspaper clippings, and other items concerning the death of a Confederate general in the Battle of Elk Horn, MO, and the removal of the remains to Fayettville, AR.
Alfred W. Slaughter Collection, 1857-2013 (C4620)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
The collection contains a biographical sketch of Alfred W. Slaughter, a teacher who lived in Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri, as well as a volume titled "Slaughter and Abbot Genealogy" and a scrapbook, 1857-1913.
Smiley Family Papers, 1804-1951 (C3671)
0.4 cubic feet (40 folders)
Correspondence, deeds, appointments, legal documents regarding suits and estates, receipts and business papers concerning Samuel W. Smiley, early settler and property owner in Lincoln County, Missouri. Similar material regarding his wife, children, relatives, and descendants is also included. The bulk of this collection dates from the 1820s to the 1840s.
Smith and Maugh's Drugstore (Fayette, Mo.) Ledger, 1851-1854 (C0340)
1 oversize volume
Merchandise sold by the store included drugs, spices and other condiments, candy, stationery supplies, literature, school textbooks, paints, tobacco, liquor, violin strings, and some hardware items.
Smith Civil War Correspondence Collection, 1859-1863 (S1140)
0.04 cubic foot, 16 folders, 1 DVD
The letters consist of reproductions of correspondence from Lieutenant H.H. Smith to his father during the Civil War. Smith served in the Union army in the 17th Regiment Indiana Volunteers and the 49th Indiana Regiment. The collection contains photocopies of the correspondence and a DVD that contains digitized versions of the documents.
Charles H. Smith Letters, 1833-1887 (K0079)
0.09 c.f. (3 folders)
Civil War era letters concerning life in camp and the death of Charles H. Smith in battle near Stafford Courthouse, Virginia, in May 1863. Includes family tintypes and photographs.
George R. Smith Papers, 1835-1899 (C1028)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers of George R. Smith contain correspondence, miscellaneous personal and business papers, and speeches of a Sedalia, Missouri, lawyer and businessman. Smith was influential in the establishment of the Missouri Pacific Railway.