John Brooks Henderson Letter, 1870 (C0516)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To John T. Hoffman, Albany, New York, from St. Louis, Missouri, Sept. 17, 1870. Request for appointment as delegate to convention to be held in Cincinnati. Also includes a photograph of Henderson.
Thomas C. Hennings Jr. Papers, 1934-1960 (C3000)
190.5 cubic feet, 6 audio tapes, 5 films, 5 rolls of microfilm, 25 audio discs, 1 oversize volume
Personal and political papers of a Democratic congressman, 1934-1940; St. Louis circuit attorney, 1940-1941; naval officer, 1941-1944; lawyer, 1944-1950; and U.S. senator, 1950-1960. Collection focuses on senatorial years, the bulk consisting of constituent correspondence, and is arranged topically. Only Volumes on Microfilm.
Jeffrey Paul Hillelson Papers, 1947-1984 (K0321)
2.3 c.f.
Scrapbooks of newspaper clipping and other materials relating to Hillelson, Kansas City city council member, U.S. Congressman, and civic leader. Also film of a local television show that Hillelson hosted while Congressman on government issues.
Darwin Hindman Papers, 1984-1994 (C4372)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)
Correspondence, reports, propositions, and miscellaneous material largely pertaining to the Columbia 2000 Development Task Force.
William Hirth Papers, 1925-1934 (C0042)
3.5 cubic feet (276 folders)
The papers of William Hirth, a farm leader, organizer, and president of the Missouri Farmers Association (MFA), consist of correspondence, newspaper articles, and radio speeches. The material pertains to Missouri Farmers Association business activities, state and national politics, and The Missouri Farmer, official publication of the Missouri Farmers Association.
John A. Hockaday Papers, 1864-1896 (C3438)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of John A. Hockaday contain newspaper clippings and personal items kept by a Fulton, Missouri, lawyer and his wife, Edith Langstaff Hockaday. Hockaday held the offices of city and county attorney, state senator, and attorney general of Missouri.
Ralph M. Hogan Personnel Management Papers, 1938-1943 (C3114)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Materials on the procedures of organizing a merit system administration within a state; general instructions, lesson outlines, examination questions, and selected bibliography for an institute for training in municipal personnel administration.
Bob Holden Portrait, no date (P0575)
1 photograph
Portrait of Bob Holden, 53rd governor of Missouri.
Arch Talcott Hollenbeck Papers, 1919-1949 (C0333)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Correspondence with A.M. Hyde about the Roosevelt Memorial Association, and with other members of the organization. Reminiscences of a Republican convention held at West Plains, MO, in 1908, and of Hollenbeck's position in the Hyde administration.
Holliday Correspondence, 1844 (S1167)
1 folder
This collection contains three letters sent from William Monroe and James Bowlin to various delegates of the Democratic Party in Missouri regarding the election of 1844 for Missouri’s 1st Congressional District. The letter writers, William Monroe and James Bowlin, were campaigning for the Democratic nomination for the seat. The letters contain details regarding the positions of the candidates on various political issues, both local and national in scope. A few of the national issues discussed include the Independent Treasury, the annexation of Texas, and the claims to the Oregon Territory.
Hoover's Campaign Ballyhoo Broadside, [1932] (C2805)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Political broadside attacking the Hoover administration, published by the Oklahoma Roosevelt-Garner Clubs, R.M. McCool, Democratic state chairman.
Joan Kelly Horn Papers, 1991-1992 (S0902)
64 cubic feet
The Joan Kelly Horn Papers contain appointment books, subjects files, legislative materials, photographs, newspaper clippings, and videotapes pertaining to Horn's single term as a United States Representative for the 2nd Congressional District of Missouri. Topics of interest include Times Beach and Weldon Spring, campaign finance reform, Lambert Airport, and the St. Louis County Election Board. The materials in this collection date from 1991 to 1992.
William C. Hornbeak Papers, 1874 (R1387)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The William C. Hornbeak papers consist of a copy of an election circular asking the voters of Greene County, Missouri to vote November 3, 1874, for W.C. Hornbeak, who was running for the office of Greene County collector.
N.D. Houghton Papers, 1912-1923 (C1559)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Correspondence, broadsides, brochures, cartoon, petition about the initiative and referendum amendment to the constitution of Missouri, and letters from S.L. Moser, William Preston Hill, Henry F. Sarman, Sr., Arthur M. Hyde, H.F. Julian, and Jere T. Muir. Material was used in Houghton's University of Missouri master's thesis in political science.
Howard County, Missouri, Freed Negroes Register, 1836-1861 (C1123)
0.09 cubic feet (1 volume)
The collection contains a list of Negroes set free during the period 26 January 1836-1 April 1861 in Howard County, Missouri.
Howard County, Missouri, Record Book, 1868 (C0891)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record book of trials and court proceedings from Howard County, Missouri, beginning in February 1868.
Spencer M. Hubbard Papers, 1849-1902 (R0676)
0.25 cubic foot (4 folders)
The Spencer M. Hubbard Papers contain the personal and business papers of Spencer M. Hubbard, physician and county clerk of Texas County, Mo. Also include is the medical account book of Spencer's father, Dr. John H. Hubbard, 1849-1852, and minutes of the Texas County Medical Association, 1888.
Herman W Huber Papers, 1952 (R1006)
(1 folder)
This collection contains an exchange of letters between Herman W. Huber, a candidate for state representative from Perry County, Missouri, and Walter H. Toberman, Missouri Secretary of State in Jefferson City. The letters express hopes of Democratic victories in the fall elections.
Franklin Hudson Letter, 1908 (K0199)
0.01 c.f.
The Franklin Hudson Letter is a single, undated letter written by Hudson to the editor of the Kansas City Journal encouraging the establishment of a playground and park in Kansas City.
A. Evan Hughes Constitutional Convention Papers, 1943-1944 (C0019)
0.5 cubic feet (51 folders)
Letters and papers of a St. Louis lawyer and delegate from the 25th Senatorial District. Convention work, especially the Committee on Local Government (City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, and Jackson County) which he chaired. He also served on Committees on Military Affairs; Miscellaneous Provisions; and Information, Submission and Address to the People.
William R. Hull Jr. Papers, 1954-1972 (C3348)
157 rolls of microfilm
The papers of William Hull contain personal and political papers for his years serving as a U.S. Congressman for the Sixth Missouri District in the 84th through 92nd Congresses. The papers largely consist of constituent correspondence and are arranged topically by Employment, 1954 Campaign, Staff Applications, General, Invitations, Congressional Bills, Federal Agencies, Committees, Veterans, Flood Control, Military Cases, Missouri, and Press Releases.
Kenny Hulshof Papers, 1995-2008 (CA6452)
227 cubic feet, 1 oversize item
The papers of Kenny Hulshof, an attorney and U.S. Representative, contain congressional papers from his time serving Missouri's 9th district from 1997-2009. The papers include subject files, committee files, constituent mail, schedules, photographs, audiovisual material, and some campaign material.
Nancy J. Hulston Papers, 1872-1993 (K1099)
1.5 c.f.
Huston is an archivist, historian and author. Includes her research and drafts of Pendergast!, a book she authored with Lawrence Larsen.
Jan E. Hults Dissertation, 1996 (K1003)
0.01 c.f.
Hult's dissertation on the career of Senator James Alexander Reed (1861-1944) .
William L. Hungate Papers, 1937-1996 (S0813)
403 cubic feet, 1645 photographs, 17 reel-to-reel tapes, 29 microfilm rolls
The William Hungate Papers contain correspondence, reports, speeches, meeting minutes, agendas, photographs and campaign files pertaining to Hungate’s career as Missouri’s Congressman from the ninth congressional district (1964-1977) and as the United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri (1979-1992). Topics of interest include Watergate and the desegregation of St. Louis City schools. The materials in this collection date from 1954 to 1996.
Abraham Hunter Appointment, 1823 (C1866)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Appointment by Alexander McNair of Abraham Hunter as justice of the county court of Scott County, MO, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Richard Mathew.
Abraham Hunter Papers, 1804-1865 (C1849)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Abraham Hunter contain miscellaneous appointments and commissions.
Leslie B. Hutchison Papers, 1855-1941 (R1395)
6.75 cubic feet (354 folders)
The Leslie B. Hutchison Records contain the business records of a Maries County, Missouri based lawyer. The materials include his legal papers, correspondence, some personal political papers, and records from his time as the Special Deputy Commissioner of Finance of the State of Missouri during the 1930s.
James Hutson Land Patent, 1835 (C1758)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Certified copy of a patent for seminary lands, Cape Girardeau Land District, issued to James Hutson, Scott County, MO. Copy made in 1874.
Arthur Mastick Hyde Proclamation, 1922 (C1817)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Proclamation of the governor convening the constitutional convention of 1922-1923.
Arthur Mastick Hyde Papers, 1913-1954 (C0007)
20.8 cubic feet (965 folders)
The papers of the Republican governor of Missouri from 1921 to 1925 and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture from 1929 to 1933, consist of correspondence, clippings, printed material, photographs, and personal items. Major topics include agriculture, conservation, road construction, education, taxation, Republican politics, labor disputes, law enforcement, prohibition, and Missouri state institutions and politics.
Ira B. Hyde Papers, 1867-1939 (C0122)
6 cubic feet, 2 oversize volumes
Letterbooks of law firm of Hyde and Orton, later Ira B. Hyde and Sons, of Princeton, MO, and of Ben C. Hyde. Circuit court bar docket, 1869-1939. Land plot of Ravanna, MO. Newspaper clippings and notes dealing with politics.
Ira B. Hyde Papers, 1856-1924 (C2406)
0.4 cubic feet
The papers of Ira B. Hyde contain school, speech, law and political materials of Hyde, a Princeton, MO, lawyer who attended Oberlin College and was prosecuting attorney for Mercer County, congressman (1873-1874), and a promoter of railroads and banks.
Richard H. Ichord Papers, 1961-1980 (C3699)
113 rolls of microfilm
Carbon copies of letters mailed from Ichord's office. Arranged chronologically by congressional session, then alphabetically by addressee, except on subject folders where arrangement is chronological. Ichord was a Democratic representative from Missouri's 8th District to the 87th through 96th congresses.
Richard H. Ichord Papers, 1960-1980 (C1269)
349.5 cubic feet (287 boxes)
The papers of Ichord, a Democratic congressman from Missouri, consist of correspondence, committee files, legislative files, campaign files and related material.
Richard H. Ichord Papers, 1961-1981 (CA6714)
3.2 cubic feet
The papers of a Democratic Missouri State and U.S. Representative from Missouri’s 8th congressional district contain congressional record inserts and speeches.
Independence, Missouri Fire Department Records, 1894-1946 (K0842)
0.01 c.f.
Photocopied ledger book recording fires that occurred: date, time, address, description of the fire, the losses, and origin of the fire.
John Inmon Appointment, 1877 (C3296)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Photostat of appointment as postmaster at Sinclair, Stone County, Missouri. Brief history of post offices and postmasters of the area on reverse.
International Relations Council (IRC) Records, 1953-1997 (K0095)
20 c.f.
Organizational records of the Kansas City based International Relations Council which educates and advocates for understanding among nations
"Interviewed Editor McCullagh," James C. Espy, 1933 (C2097)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Manuscript submitted to the MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. Interview with Colonel Joseph Burbridge McCullagh, editor of the ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, on November 12, 1895, about his rumored senatorial candidacy. Interview was published in the ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC, November 13, 1895.
Ironton, Missouri, Land Office Letter Book, 1867-1871 (C1278)
0.11 cubic feet (1 volume)
Letter book of receiver of lands.
Charles C. Isely Papers, 1912-1951 (C2535)
0.5 cubic feet
The papers of Charles C. Isely contain correspondence; articles published in various newspapers and magazines; materials from campaign in the Kansas senatorial primary of 1932; manuscripts of books, articles, and poetry; and miscellaneous photographs and graphs.
Jackson County Charter Commission Records, 1970 (K0007)
0.5 c.f.
News releases, articles, and transcripts of proceedings concerning the establishment and deliberations of the Commission and an index of major topics of the draft proposal.
Andrew Jackson Letter, 1845 (C0670)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To [William Breckenridge], from The Hermitage, [Jan.] 28, 1845.
Discusses politics and the Polk administration.
Claiborne Fox Jackson Letter, 1861 (C1786)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter from Jackson, of Jefferson City, Missouri, April 9, 1861, to David Walker. Discusses Jackson's position on slavery and secession.
Hancock Lee Jackson Writ of Election, 1857 (C1570)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a photostat documenting a special election of Vernon County representative to be held August 3, 1857.
O. Y. Jackson Collection, 1918 (R1176)
(1 folder)
This is a campaign card for O.Y. Jackson, Democratic candidate for collector of Cedar County, Missouri, in the fall election of 1918. Jackson was a resident of Eldorado Springs.
Patricia L. Jacobs-Macdonald Papers, 1998-2005 (K1119)
4 c.f.
Macdonald was president of the Missouri Credit Union Commission. Includes applications for credit unions, cases presented before the commission, minutes and correspondence.
Jason D. Jacobson and Amy H. Jacobson Papers, 1945-1949 (K1006)
0.16 c.f.
Issues (some incomplete) of the Zionist newspaper The New Palestine.
John Jameson Certification, 1832 (C1572)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a certification by Thomas Reynolds, Speaker of the House, that $105 was due Jameson for attendance as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives, November 19-December 21, 1832.