Government and Politics


Fair Housing Ordinance (Columbia, Mo.) Collection, 1967-1972, 2018 (C2550)
0.05 cubic feet (4 folders), 47.7 GB of digital files, 1 DVD, 1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Newspaper clippings and miscellaneous material pertaining to the Fair Housing Ordinance in Columbia, Missouri. Includes the video “Our Journey to Fair Housing,” created by the City of Columbia in 2018, as well as the raw interview footage.


Nancy Farmer Portrait, no date (P0578)
1 photograph

Portrait of State Treasurer Nancy Farmer, 2001-2005.

Farmers Bank (Mt. Vernon, Mo.) Papers, 1844-1931 (C0044)
5 cubic feet (280 folders, 19 volumes), 28 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Records of a bank organized in 1890 and liquidated in 1930. Also records of local businesses and schools.


Farmington, Missouri Records, 1856-1929 (R0331)
(3 microfilm rolls)

 Finding Aid

The Farmington, Missouri Records contain microfilm copies of municipal records of Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri. Included are the charters of the city, ordinances, the records of the boards of aldermen and trustees, oaths of office, re-cords of bonds and commissions, tax assessments, and a partial census of the city.

Frank H. Farris Speeches, c. 1920s (C4240)
1 audio cassette, 1 audio tape

 Finding Aid

One audio cassette tape and one audio tape of speeches of Frank H. Farris, Missouri State Senator, "The Ozarks," and "I Don't Know Where I'm Going, But I'm On My Way." Also the memorial service held for Senator Farris in the Missouri State Senate.

Frank Hiram Farris Papers, circa 1900-1927 (R1301)
0.3 cubic foot (8 folders)

 Finding Aid

These are papers of a long term Democratic state legislator from Crawford and Phelps Counties in Missouri. The collection includes photographic portraits of Farris and his printed orations, newspaper clippings and other items from political campaigns, and newspaper death notices and memorials collected after Farris's death in 1926.

Frank A. Faxon Papers, 1900-1911 (K0074)
0.3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Speeches Faxon, a wholesale drug businessman and civic leader in Kansas City, MO, wrote and delivered. Also included is an unfinished autobiography of James C. Horton, a business partner of Faxon


Jerome Fedeli Papers, 1875-1902 (K0742)
1 c.f.

Sketches, pen and ink, most colored, of designs for murals and interior decorations by Fedeli, noted artist. Also photographs of Fedeli's work or copies of artwork used for study; various news articles about him; diplomas, certificates, his marriage record, business cards, and a list of correspondence made when Fedeli was the Italian Consul in Kansas City; and the sash and belt from his Consul uniform.


Federated Republican Women's Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1934-1969 (C3525)
0.7 cubic feet (14 folders, 3 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

Minutes, scrapbooks, and award of a Republican women's club organized in 1932.


Feely Family Papers, 1934-1987 (S0557)
0.8 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Feely Family Papers primarily consist of correspondence, campaign materials, and bound St. Louis City Board of Alderman meeting minutes books documenting Edgar J. Feely's career as a St. Louis alderman who represented the 20th Ward from 1939 to 1959.


Franklin Russell Fetté Papers, 1945-1950 (C0754)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence of managing director of the Fetté Rug Company. Information on Fetté, Communist takeover of China, and inflation in that country.

Fifth District State Normal School Commission Photograph, 1906 (P0997)
1 photograph

Photograph of five men who were the commission that located the fifth Missouri State Normal School at Maryville

Stanley R. Fike Papers, c. 1925, 1941-1985 (C3882)
6.8 cubic feet (384 folders), 2 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

The papers contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, speeches, memoranda, and office notes of the administrative assistant to U.S. Senator Stuart Symington from 1952 until Symington's retirement in 1976. Includes material relating to various Symington campaigns, as well as Fike's personal life.

Chauncey Ives Filley Letter, 1915 (C1881)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To Krekel Dillon Wilbanks, Mt. Vernon, IL, from St. Louis, MO, Jan. 13, 1915.

Letter about an article in the ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC on Filley's reminiscences of emancipation in Missouri. Article contained several errors of fact on the Missouri Convention of 1861-1863, which Wilbanks had pointed out.


Chauncey Ives Filley Letter, 1880 (C1824)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To D.K. Abeel, Kansas City, MO, from St. Louis, MO, Feb. 20, 1880.

Political maneuvering in Missouri for General Grant's presidential candidacy in 1880. Organization and influence of St. Louis German vote, the WESTLICHE POST, Emil Preetorius. State politics, particularly party positions. Also typed copy.


James A. Finch Jr. Papers, 1951-1980 (C0769)
4.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of assisting attorney general of Missouri; acting prosecuting attorney of Cape Girardeau County; member and president of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri, 1951-1965; and judge, 1965-1978, and chief justice, 1971-1973, of the Missouri Supreme Court. Includes correspondence from Finch's term on Board of Curators and speeches at judicial conferences and other functions.

Findley Campaign Papers, 1980 (R1346)
0.25 cubic feet (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Findley Campaign Papers document the contested Ward 5, Rolla City Council election of April 1, 1980, between Susan H. Findley and Jim Waterman. The collection includes materials on the campaign, election, and resolution of the election results. Circuit Court Records, sample election materials, newspaper articles, and Susan Findley's personal notes are among the items included in the collection.


Susan H. Findley Papers, 1953-2010 (R1317)
3 cubic feet (50 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Findley papers consist of the correspondence and personal papers of Susan Hancock Findley and her husband, Marshall E. Findley; including his years in Rolla as an associate professor of chemical engineering, correspondence and papers as his time as a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) guest professor in South Vietnam, letters from Vietnam and Malaysia. Findleys wrote of living and traveling in Asia, working in the USAID program, politics, and the course of the war in Vietnam.


Gladys Finlayson Letters, 1926-1966 (K0486)
20 f

 Finding Aid

Letters written to Mariska Pugsley Marker from her childhood tutor, Finlayson, an Englishwoman residing in China.

E.J. Finley Letter, 1866 (C1727)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To [Francis] Rodman, Jefferson City, MO, from Texas County, MO, Nov. 8, 1866.

Finley charged violation of the registry law in Texas County, protested the election of Confederate rebels and requested a new election, criticized specific rebels, and praised radicals.


Daniel R. Fitzpatrick Cartoons, 1934-1943 (C0820)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

Newspaper cartoons concerned with Missouri politics during this period. Published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.


Daniel R. Fitzpatrick Papers, 1913-1966 (C3832)
1.0 cubic foot (55 folders), 16 reels of 16mm film, 16 DVDs

 Finding Aid

The Fitzpatrick Papers contain the personal and business correspondence of D.R. Fitzpatrick, editorial cartoonist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The collection also contains magazines and newspaper articles concerning “Fitz’s” cartoons of local, regional, and national politics, including government propaganda for both World Wars. Sixteen one-half hour television documentaries on political affairs, entitled Forty-five Years with Fitzpatrick are included in the collection.


Thomas Clement Fletcher Letter, 1865 (C1533)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a letter to [Governor of Pennsylvania], from City of Jefferson, MO, Jan. 31, 1865. Fletcher, governor of Missouri, expressed gratitude for sympathy shown Missouri "in the hour of her trial."

Thomas Clement Fletcher Statement, 1866 (C1534)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a statement by the governor and other officials stating pride that Missouri remained a free state, issued on January 27, 1866.

Thomas Clement Fletcher Letter, 1866 (K0220)
0.01 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Letter, written by Fletcher, Governor of Missouri, to an unnamed Colonel (presumably A.F. Denny, commander of the post at Glasglow, MO). Fletcher's concern is the need to capture or kill Jim Anderson, a former member of William Clark Quantrill's bushwhackers, who was in Howard County.


Florissant Missouri City Council Ordinance and Council Meeting Minute Books Collection, 1857-1972 (S0013)
0.3 cubic foot, 9 rolls microfilm (33 volumes)

 Finding Aid

The Florissant Missouri City Council Ordinance and Council Meeting Minute Book Collection include copies of official correspondence, council rosters, budgets, resolutions, certificates of appointments, and maps, chronicling the city's growth and development from 1857 to 1973.


Joseph Wingate Folk Letter, 1903 (C1980)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To Louis Wiley, New York, NY, from St. Louis, MO, Nov. 19, 1903.

Regretting his inability to address Society of the Genesee.


Joseph Wingate Folk Papers, 1902-1952 (C0101)
0.6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Unfinished biography of Folk by his sister, Mrs. James Avery Webb. Clippings pertaining to Folk's career as circuit attorney in St. Louis, 1902-1904; Democratic governor of Missouri, 1904-1909; races for Senate and failure to win election, 1918; career in Washington, D.C., 1917-1923, under President Woodrow Wilson; and death in 1923. Letters of sympathy at death, Folk-Bates genealogy, speeches by Folk, and miscellaneous material.


Joseph Wingate Folk Portraits, no date (P0342)
2 photographs

Two mounted photographs of Governor Joseph Wingate Folk

Marshall E. Ford Constitutional Convention Papers, 1943-1944 (C0018)
0.5 cubic feet (51 folders)

 Finding Aid

Letters and papers of a Maryville, Missouri, lawyer and Democratic delegate from the 1st Senatorial District. Papers deal largely with work of various committees on which he served, especially the Committee on the Executive Department which he chaired.


Fort Osage Records, 1808-1815 (K0147)
4 MR

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, reports and other documents found in the National Archives pertaining to the establishment and operation of Fort Osage, near what is now Sibley, Missouri.


Fort Osage Restoration Records, 1808-1979 (K0155)
.5 c.f. (MR)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence relating to the reconstruction of Fort Osage by the Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department in consultation with the Native Sons of Greater Kansas City. Also research on the history of the Fort; reconstruction techniques and materials; and authentic artifacts, furniture, costumes, and artillery.


Emory S. Foster Letter, 1864 (C3192)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains an extract of a letter to Gov. Fletcher, from St. Louis, MO, Jan. 12, 1864, concerning the movement to allow African American suffrage. Also included is a penciled note on the back of the letter relating to the Dyer resolution concerning a change in the basis of representation.

Francis Murray Wilson II Papers, 1991 (C4629)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Biographical sketches, newspaper clippings, and reminiscences of Francis M. Wilson II, grandson of Missouri Congressman Robert Patterson Clark Wilson, and  nephew of Missouri state senator, Francis Murray Wilson, for whom he was named.  The Wilson family was politically prominent in Platte County, Missouri.  Also includes limited genealogy.


Carrie Francke Papers, 1970-1989 (C4455)
6.6 cubic feet (278 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of the first female president of the Missouri Students Association (MSA) and a promising Republican congressional candidate in the 1980s, including materials from her campaigns, degree programs, and numerous extracurricular activities.


G.W. Freeman Proclamation, 1881 (C2834)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Proclamation by the mayor of Laclede that business be suspended on September 26, 1881, during the hours of the funeral service of President James A. Garfield.


Marvin J. Fremerman Collection, 1980-1990 (K1069)
1 c.f.

Fremerman Advertising Agency did work for Kansas City area political campaigns and business. Includes video and audiotapes for political and other advertisements.


French and Spanish Archives, 1763-1841 (C2965)
23 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

The French and Spanish Archives is a collection of documents from the St. Louis area dating primarily from the colonial and territorial periods.



Albert Gallatin Papers, 1803-1812 (C2303)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Two letters from secretary of the treasury concerning his refusal to execute a contract and the adjustment of a lighthouse account.

Frederick D. Gardner Letter, 1917 (C2596)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To Cornelius Roach, Jefferson City, MO, from Jefferson City, MO, Oct. 17, 1917.

Tells Roach he will call special session of legislature, and that a lowering of taxes is one thing it will consider.

Agnes Garino Papers, 1960-2022 (S0500)
2.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Agnes Garino Papers contain meeting minutes, correspondence, program booklets, and newspaper clippings documenting her involvement with the Kirkwood City Council, the Kirkwood Symphony Orchestra, and the St. Louis Sports Commission, and the U.S.-Olympic Festival.


Mollie and Alice Garr Papers, 1875-1896, 1991 (C3987)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Mollie and Alice Garr Papers consist mostly of letters written from 1875 to 1896 by a mother and daughter from Lafayette County, Missouri, to relatives in Virginia, primarily to William Benjamin Plunkett of Greene County. Also included are photocopies of various explanatory materials, such as obituaries, death certificates, printed articles, and genealogical lists of the Garr and Slusher families, compiled by the donor of the papers in 1991.


Meredith Garten Constitutional Convention Papers, 1942-1945 (C4534)
0.3 cubic feet (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

Letters, photographs, and papers from a Republican delegate regarding the revision of the Missouri Constitution in 1943.

William L. Garver Papers, 1879-1953; 1990 (C4521)
0.6 cubic feet (36 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of William L. Garver, an architect and leader in the Socialist movement in Missouri, contain his writings--including the original manuscript for Brother of the Third Degree, his 1902 work of esoteric philosophical fiction--as well as an unpublished biography, correspondence, and photographs.

Gasconade County, Missouri, Tax Lists, 1821-1828 (C3678)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Copies of delinquent tax lists of Gasconade County for 1821 and 1828.


General Election Sample Ballot, 1892 (C0523)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Sample ballot for the Missouri general election, 1892, showing the candidates for the Democratic, Republican, Prohibition, People's and Independent parties.

Ann Gentry Commission, 1839 (C2621)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Ann Gentry's commission as postmaster of Columbia, Boone County, MO.


North Todd Gentry Appointments, 1900-1928 (C3441)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains appointments as a notary public and deputy attorney general; and to the Society of the Sons of the Revolution, to the commission to revise Missouri statutes, and to the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri.


North Todd Gentry Papers, 1837-1947 (C0049)
4.2 cubic feet (242 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a Columbia, Missouri, lawyer and amateur local historian. Anecdotes, articles, speeches, and biographical sketches about events, people, and places in Columbia, Boone County, and Missouri. Family papers, correspondence, and some legal and business material.


Charles Gibson Scrapbooks, 1852-1897 (C4282)
2 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

The papers of Charles Gibson contain two scrapbooks that cover the travels and career of St. Louis attorney, Charles Gibson. Both volumes chronicle Gibson's legal career in the late 1800s and his European travels, specifically dealing with his interactions with imperial families of Germany and Austria-Hungary. The scrapbooks include correspondence between Gibson and German nobles, documents from the German imperial family, an appointment from Abraham Lincoln, photographs of his home and of his travels abroad, and newspaper clippings from the 1890s.
