Government and Politics


Alexander W. Doniphan Letters, 1875-1878 (C3433)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Nine letters written by Doniphan to his cousin, Miss H. Emma Doniphan of Washington, D.C. He writes about his family, his health, and his education, and makes observations on politics and politicians.

Alexander W. Doniphan Letters, 1861-1873 (C1926)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains letters to John Doniphan from Liberty and Richmond, MO, concerning convention of 1861, politics, business, and legal and family affairs.


Forrest C. Donnell Gubernatorial Papers, 1941-1945 (C0194)
90 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of a Republican governor of Missouri, collected during his term of office.


Forrest C. Donnell Inaugural Ceremonies, 1941 (C2385)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a program of inauguration of Governor Forrest C. Donnell, February 26, 1941.

Forrest C. Donnell Senatorial Papers, 1945-1950 (C0796)
100 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of a Republican senator from Missouri, 79th through 81st Congresses. Contains correspondence and notes about such post-World War II subjects as economic adjustments, displaced persons, labor, civil rights, atomic energy, and the spread of communism.


Forrest C. Donnell Collection, 1900-1951 (CA6597)
0.3 cubic feet, 9 oversize items

The collection contains personal material of a Missouri governor and U.S. senator, including family letters, certificates, diplomas, photographs, invitations, programs, a political cartoon, miscellaneous ephemera, and a photo album.

Phil M. Donnelly Inaugural Ceremonies, 1953 (C2386)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a program of inauguration of Governor Phil M. Donnelly, January 12, 1953.

Phil M. Donnelly Papers, 1935-1957 (C2151)
91.6 cubic feet (8235 folders, 24 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

Papers relating to Donnelly's two terms as Democratic governor of Missouri.

Bill Doolin Reward Notice, no date (C3243)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a reward notice announcing a $5000 reward for the capture of Bill Doolin, train robber.

Lyle Wesley Dorsett Papers, 1962-1979 (K0039)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Manuscript copies of historian and educator Lyle Dorsett's books, working drafts as well as final drafts, and articles, both published and unpublished, relating to the Pendergast political machine and other Kansas City topics. Also research note cards and notes


Patrick Dougherty Papers, 1978-2006 (S0550)

 Finding Aid

The Patrick Dougherty Papers contain correspondence, pamphlets, photographs, and newspaper clippings regarding Dougherty's 28 year service in the Missouri Legislature.


J.B. Douglass Article, 1853 (C2823)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Reply by J.B. Douglass to charges by Judge Persinger during the Boone County court elections in 1853.


Charles D. Drake Autobiography, 1811-1879 (C1003)
1 cubic foot (43 folders, 1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

Autobiography of a lawyer, U.S. senator from Missouri, radical Republican, and principal author of the Missouri State Constitution of 1865, the "Draconian Code."


Charles D. Drake Letter, 1866 (C1524)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To J.R. Winchell, Hannibal, MO, from St. Louis, MO, Dec. 13, 1866.

Drake, aspirant to the U.S. Senate, inquired about George L. Hewitt's support of Thomas Clement Fletcher for senator.


Charles D. Drake Papers, 1859-1860 (C3570)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Charles D. Drake contain a speech of Drake in the Missouri House of Representatives on a "Sunday" bill which he introduced; and a letter to M.C. Goodlet from Drake regarding Aikman Welch's opposition to the bill.

Kay Drey Civil Rights Subject Files Collection, 1960-2000 (S0840)
6 cubic foot, 44 folders

 Finding Aid

The Kay Drey Civil Rights Subject Files Collection consists of topics on University City public schools, University City Residential Service, racism in St. Louis City, and O.J. Simpson.


Mary Lou Martin Drosten Papers, 1936-1941 (S0720)
0.4 cubic feet

The Mary Lou Martin Drosten Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting her work with the National Youth Administration in St. Louis, Missouri. The collection includes a scrapbook chronicling her work with African American children in the Webster Groves and Kinloch communities.


Chief Wana Dubie Papers, 1993-2017, bulk 1993-2007 (R1535)
0.75 cubic foot (7 folders, 3 volumes, 3 audio cassette tapes, 1 DVD)

 Finding Aid

The Chief Wana Dubie Papers contain personal papers, scrapbooks and audiovisual materials that document Jospeh E. Bickell’s transformation into activist, politician, and philosopher known as Chief Wana Dubie. Though Chief Wana Dubie officially changed his name to highlight his advocacy for the legalization of marijuana, many official documents still refer to him by his birth name Joseph E. Bickell. The Chief Wana Dubie Papers collection includes radio interviews, campaign materials, newspaper articles, personal correspondence, and one DVD documentary titled Wana Dubie’s War.


Daniel Dunklin Papers, 1815-1877 (C0097)
0.6 cubic feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The correspondence, financial, and miscellaneous papers of the fifth governor of Missouri and a leading Missouri Democrat. The correspondence is especially rich in discussion of Missouri elections and of the leading political issues in Missouri and in the United States from 1829 to 1835.


Joe Dunn Collection, 1942-1955 (C1200)
0.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of Friends Committee on National Legislation and National Council Against Conscription which fought against universal military training and drafting teenagers. Includes pamphlets, memos, newsletters, and resolutions and statements by various organizations against conscription.

William H. Dunnica Commission, 1821 (C1795)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains Dunnica's commission as justice of the peace, Cote Sans Dessien township, Callaway County, signed by Alexander McNair.


Russell Vincent Dye Family Papers, 1850-1980 (K0225)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, photographs, business records and other material of the Dye family of Liberty, MO including Alexander V. Dye, U.S. diplomat in Europe and Mexico during and following World War I; his wife Ida Miller; daughter, Margaret Louise (Luisita); but mostly son Russell, a would-be inventor, entrepreneur.



James D. Eads Broadside, 1862 (C3571)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Printed announcement of Ead's intention to be a candidate for the Missouri House of Representatives and of his position on issues of interest to voters in his district.


Thomas F. Eagleton Papers, 1944-2006 (C0674)
263.5 c.f. (8726 folders), 1 volume, 10 card file boxes, 9 film reels, 10 video tapes, 25 video cassettes, 125 audio cassettes, 96 audio tapes, 620 rolls of microfilm, 34 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Papers of circuit attorney for the City of St. Louis, 1956-1960; attorney general of Missouri, 1960-1964; lieutenant governor of Missouri, 1964-1968; and U.S. senator from Missouri, 1969-1986. Includes correspondence, photographs, speeches and press releases, audiovisual materials, microfilm and newspaper clippings. Also includes information from Eagleton's post-senate career.


East West Gateway Coordinating Council Records, 1953-1995 (S0875)
4 cubic feet, 100 folders

 Finding Aid

This collection contains task force reports and meeting minutes pertaining to the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council's mission to serve as a think tank to assist local governments in the St. Louis region with coordinating policies that benefit the entire region. Topics of interest include waste management, water quality, transportation, and recycling.

Roger D. Eastman Collection, 1950s-1980s (CA5477)
8 cubic feet, 22 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Materials relating to Eastman's work with Missouri Opinion Analysis which conducted a variety of public opinion polls and surveys. Also contains a variety of Missouri maps, several photographs, and materials relating to development on the Meramec River.


George Herbert Edwards Scrapbooks, 1916-1925 (K0483)
5 v, 11 f

 Finding Aid

Scrapbooks kept by Edwards, Mayor of Kansas City, MO. Also correspondence, a wedding announcement for one of his daughters, and a memorial booklet for his mother.


J.S. Edwards Papers, 1832-1837 (C2300)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Letters to J.S. Edwards, U.S. Commissioner of Pensions, from U.S. congressmen concerning pension problems of their constituents.

John Cummins Edwards Address, 1845 (C1596)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Gubernatorial message to the Missouri General Assembly, March 21, 1845, about Missouri-Iowa Territory boundary difficulties.

John Cummins Edwards Letters, 1840-1845 (C1611)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains Photostats of correspondence regarding the Missouri-Iowa Territory boundary difficulties; Senator Lewis F. Linn's position, and congressional actions; the definition of the northern boundary of Missouri by the Constitutional Convention and Surveyor General's Office; effects of a boundary dispute in Adair County, MO; Iowa land sales; Missouri politics and Edwards' gubernatorial policies.


John Cummins Edwards Papers, 1844-1846 (C1771)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of John Cummins Edwards contain Photostats of petitions and letters requesting pardons for prisoners, including a letter from James S. Rollins, a petition to correct an error in a previous pardon, and woman's petition for pardon of an African American woman, Nelly.

John Cummins Edwards Petitions, 1843-1846 (C1763)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Petitions to pardon John Neff, sentenced for the kidnapping of Martin Light, and Bridget McShane, signed by members of the Constitutional Convention of 1845.

Eighth Census of the United States for Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, 1860 (CA6517)
1 volume

Schedules of Free Inhabitants, Slave Inhabitants, Mortality, Agriculture, Industry, and Social Statistics, 1860.

Dwight David Eisenhower Papers, 1952 (C0315)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Letter from twenty Republican congressmen to Eisenhower asking him to resign as Supreme Allied Commander and declare himself a candidate for the presidential nomination. Eisenhower's reply, setting forth his personal reasons for remaining in his present position.

Raymond S. Elder Collection, 1846-2006 (K1141)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Elder is historian for the Kansas City Fire Museum. Includes reproductions of maps of the Kansas City area. Also books and articles written by Elder about the Kansas City, MO Fire Department and the history of the 8th Street Tunnel.


Shalor Winchell Eldridge Correspondence, 1863 (K0217)
0.01 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Letters relating to Eldridge's petitions for aid to rebuild his hotel, the Eldridge House (sometimes called the Free State Hotel) in Lawrence, KS after it burned during Quantrill's raid in 1863, showing support from a number of prominent Kansas men.

Election Returns, 1840 (C1736)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Missouri presidential election returns for Barry, Boone, Rives (now Henry), St. Charles, St. Louis, Warren, and Wayne Counties. Returns for state senator in Wayne County and circuit attorney in Rives and St. Louis Counties.

Election Tickets, 1894 (C1176)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

County election tickets filed with the office of the secretary of state of Missouri, 1894.

Also newspaper clippings and correspondence.

Rory Vincent Ellinger Collection, 1951-1973 (C3555)
3.4 cubic feet (220 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a student activist at the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1966-1972, who served as president of the Columbia branch of Students for a Democratic Society and was active in the New Democratic Coalition and numerous other organizations. SDS papers and SDS New Left Notes are included.

Bessie Elliott Letter, 1920 (C1635)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a letter to Margaret Bostian and Mrs. N. Rindskopf, Independence, Missouri, from Kansas City, Missouri, September 13, 1920. The letter includes notification of their election as representatives from Blue Township to the Women’s Division of the Jackson County Republican Committee.


Dorothy Ellis Papers, 1946-2002 (C4643)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders, 9 oversize items)

 Finding Aid

The papers of an environmentalist and commissioner of Oregon County, Missouri, include correspondence, clippings, political papers, certificates and awards, and material on her environmental work.


Patricia Shively Elmore Papers, 1878-2015 (CG0013)
2.4 c. f.

 Finding Aid

The Patricia Shively Elmore Papers contain diaries, correspondence, genealogy, scrapbooks, and photographs related to the donor’s family. This collection also contains diplomas, commencement programs, military documents, photographs, souvenir postcards, films, and funeral memorabilia of the donor’s second husband, William “Bill” Elmore.

Politte Elvins Collection, 1908, 1920 (R1179)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are small campaign cards for Politte Elvins of Saint Francois County, Missouri, who was a successful candidate for United State Representative in 1908 and an unsuccessful candidate in the Republican primary election for Lieutenant Governor in 1920.

Bill Emerson Papers, 1977-1996 (C4612)
131.0 cubic feet (3511 folders), 3 audio cassettes, 20 audio tapes, 10 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

Papers of a Republican Congressman from the Missouri Bootheel. Emerson was a member of the Agriculture Committee, Public Works and Transportation Committee, and Select Committee on Hunger. The collection includes correspondence, photographs, speeches and press releases, audiovisual materials, research materials, and newspaper clippings.

Benjamin Emmons Jr. Appointment, 1846 (C1701)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Appointment as deputy clerk of the St. Charles board of trustees.

Equal Rights Amendment Collection, 1972-1984 (S0225)
0.25 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of correspondence, resolutions, flyers, roll call votes of the Missouri Legislature, and newspaper clippings concerning the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment in Missouri and the United States.


John Erwin Papers, 1870 (C0934)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Appointment to voter registration board of the 9th Senatorial District of Missouri and instructions to law officers on procedure to follow in registering white and African American voters in 1870, with emphasis on allowing African Americans to register if qualified.

Victor Estevez and Carl Megl Papers, 1982-1996 (C4261)
0.6 cubic feet (17 folders, 1 oversize volume)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Victor Estevez and Carl Megl contain material from organizations Estevez was a member of; newspaper clippings related to HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ+ activism; and personal papers of Estevez. It also contains the papers of Carl Megl, a friend of Estevez and the first student at the University of Missouri, Columbia, to die of AIDS-related complications.


Vivian Eveloff Papers, 1972-2005 (S0879)
9 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of correspondence, political and campaign files, and newspaper clippings of Vivian Eveloff, a founder of the Metro-St. Louis Women's Political Caucus and the Missouri Women's Action Fund.


Mary E. Bugg Eversole Papers, 1822-1952 (R1268)
5 cubic feet (76 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of corresondence, legal papers, journals, ledger books, and ephemera of Mary E. Bugg Eversole and the Bugg, Cole, and Eversole families of Potosi, Washington County, Missouri. The bulk of the collection consists of Mary E. Bugg's personal correspondence, 1883-1941, financial records 1912-1952, and miscellaneous ephemera, 1863-1938.