Russell S. Bauder Papers, 1910-1971 (C3347)
24.7 cubic feet (1821 folders)
The papers of Russell S. Bauder, a University of Missouri professor, economist, and arbitrator, consist of arbitration cases and labor agreements, 1929-1971; U.S. Employment Service papers, 1935-1939; U.S. National War Labor Board, Wage Stabilization material, 1942-1952; speeches and articles, 1932-1943; miscellaneous economics papers and correspondence, 1939-1949; and miscellaneous reference materials, 1910-1960.
Richard F. Baynes Papers, 1938-1940 (C4192)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers of a New Madrid, Missouri, attorney who worked for Democratic Party candidates for the governor's office. The papers consist of correspondence, a list of judges, and notarized affidavits regarding voting procedures, violation of rights, and corruption.
Albert Isaac Beach Papers, 1924-1931 (K0072)
8 c.f.
Papers of Kansas City mayor Albert I. Beach who served three terms in office cover the period 1924-1931.
Jack Bean Photograph Collection, 1871, 1889, no date (P0861)
0.08 linear feet
Photos of Missouri officials.
William Henry Becker Papers, 1936-1990 (CA5654)
33.2 cubic feet, 7 oversize items
Papers of a lawyer, judge, and political advisor. Includes personal and professional files: correspondence, case files, photographs, financial records, writings, and miscellaneous.
Ralph C. Bedell Papers, 1929-1986 (C2543)
50.25 cubic feet, 36 audio tapes, 2 films, 1 filmstrip
Papers of educator and psychologist. Bedell directed NDEA Counseling and Guidance Institutes, taught at the Universities of Nebraska and Missouri, and served as secretary-general of the South Pacific Commission. Collection includes materials from Counseling and Guidance Institutes, counseling case files, and papers of South Pacific Commission.
Ralph C. Bedell Papers, 1940s-1980s (CA5084)
14.9 cubic feet, oversize
Addition of papers relating to the South Pacific Commission, the National Defense Education Act, U.S. Naval Flight Preparatory Schools, the University of Missouri, and other topics. Includes photos and slides.
C. Jasper Bell Papers, 1934-1948 (C2306)
102.4 cubic feet
Correspondence and other papers of a Missouri Democratic congressman. Material on Townsend Plan, legislation, and political campaigns.
C. Jasper Bell Scrapbook, 1935-1936 (C3226)
0.4 cubic feet
Newspaper clippings pertaining to the Townsend Plan, a pension plan for the elderly sponsored by Dr. Francis Townsend in the mid-1930s, and the U.S. House of Representatives' investigation of it which Congressman Bell instigated and chaired. Clippings are from papers throughout the country. December 17, 1935 to July 26, 1936.
Benecke Family Papers, 1816-1989 (C3825)
90.8 cubic feet (7592 folders, 62 volumes, 413 glass plate negatives), 4 audio tapes, 5 audio discs
Correspondence, business and law firm records, civic, political, legislative, and personal papers of a German American family of Brunswick, Missouri.
H.B. Benedict Proclamation, 1853 (C2829)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Proclamation issued by H.B. Benedict, Mayor of Boonville, MO, July 16, 1853, forbidding the riotous and unlawful assemblies arising from the lectures of Billy Ross. Printed on cloth.
James F. Bennett Letters, 1915 (C1818)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Information about John Hutchings, delegate from Washington County to the first Missouri Constitutional Convention, 1820.
Marion Tinsley Bennett Papers, 1941-1948 (C1043)
14.0 cubic feet (1492 folders), 69 audio discs
Congressional papers and correspondence of Philip Allen Bennett (1881-1942) and his son and successor, Marion T. Bennett. M.T. Bennett served from 1943 to 1948. His committees were Census, Territories, Veterans, and Foreign and Interstate Commerce.
Arthur A. Benson II Papers, 1975-1986 (K0250)
593 c.f.
Legal records, documents and working papers related to the plaintive's case in the Kansas City Desegregation case, Chinyere Jenkins v. Kansas City Missouri School District.
Thomas Hart Benton Letter, 1836 (C1876)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter announcing a renewed fight against the Bank of the United States.
Thomas Hart Benton Letter, 1820 (C1459)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Benton discusses political strategy, Bank of Missouri, roads, Alabama public lands, national versus sectional interests, James Bates, and David Barton.
Thomas Hart Benton Letter, no date (C2701)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter concerning Samuel Watson's pension application.
Thomas Hart Benton Letter, 1853 (C1937)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Recommending Robert W. Keyworth for a position in the patent office.
Thomas Hart Benton Letter, no date (C2036)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Mr. Meehan asking for information.
Thomas Hart Benton Campaign Handbill, 1854 (C2842)
1 oversize item
Benton campaign literature from congressional election of 1854; published in ANZEIGER DES WESTENS in English.
Thomas Hart Benton Letter, 1829 (C3576)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter to James C. Lynch of St. Louis, Missouri, from Benton, on February 21, 1829, written twelve days before the inauguration of Andrew Jackson. States that it will take time to see what policy the new administration will follow on appointments.
Roy W. Bergmann Papers, 1932-1996 (S0696)
12 cubic feet, 759 folders, 45 photographs, 4 audiotapes
The Roy W. Bergmann Papers include Bergmann's writings, correspondence, newspaper clippings, law cases, audiotapes, and photographs chronicling Roy Bergmann's career as a lawyer from 1932-1996. Also documented is Bergmann’s involvement in various organizations such as the Rotary Club of Clayton, the Discussion Club and Public Question Club, and Candlelighters of Normandy.
Eliot S. Berkley Papers, 1935-2007 (K0103)
12 c.f.
Personal papers and family of Eliot Berkley, PhD, who founded the International Relations Council (IRC).
Berry-Thomson-Walker Family Papers, 1830-1893 (C0074)
0.2 cubic feet
Biography of David Thomson, founder of Georgetown and Sedalia, MO; correspondence of his son, Milton T. Thomson, in Pettis County and California gold fields; James T. Walker and Charles W.C. Walker in Boonville, KY, and North Carolina; William and Thomas Berry's California gold mining expense accounts; and miscellaneous papers.
William Bishop Papers, 1839-1891 (C3894)
0.4 cubic feet (32 folders)
Papers of a commander of a Union Cavalry unit in northeast Missouri during the Civil War, and State Treasurer of Missouri following the war. The papers consist of personal and military correspondence and miscellaneous documents, and State Treasurer records.
Arlene Black Postcard Collection, no date (P0132)
2 postcards
2 color postcards of the Missouri State Capitol, Jefferson City, Missouri, postmarked 1908 and 1909.
Henry William Blair Papers, 1876-1894 (C2224)
0.66 cubic feet (33 folders)
Correspondence and other papers of a U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator from New Hampshire. Arranged chronologically.
James Thomas Blair, Jr. Papers, 1957-1961 (C2271)
64.0 cubic feet (5152 folders, 2 volumes), 4 oversize volumes, 1 roll of microfilm
Papers of a Democratic governor of Missouri, 1957-1961.
Maxwell Blake Papers, 1910-1944 (C0075)
0.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, clippings, periodicals, speeches, State Department reports, and other government documents related to the career and duty stations of Maxwell Blake, a Foreign Service officer from 1906 to 1941.
Robert E. Blake Constitutional Convention Papers, 1943-1945 (C0017)
2.5 cubic feet (306 folders), 1 roll of microfilm (2 volumes only)
Papers of a St. Louis lawyer who was a Democratic delegate-at-large. He was elected president of the convention and took an active part in the campaign for adoption of the constitution drawn up by that body.
Robert E. Blake Papers, 1943-1945 (C3301)
1.5 cubic feet (105 folders)
Papers of a St. Louis lawyer who was a Democratic delegate-at-large to the Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1943-1944. He was elected president of the convention and played an active role in the campaign for the adoption of the constitution drawn up by that body.
Levi Block Petition, 1848 (C1702)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Petition from St. Charles businessmen about street repair.
Roy Blunt Papers, 1970s-2023 (C4571)
93.0 cubic feet (1,825 folders), 43 audio cassettes, 21 audio tapes, 5 CDs, 33 DVDs, 1 film reel, 217 video cassettes, 112 GB of digital files, 47 oversize items, 2 oversize volumes, 1 external hard drive
The papers of a Republican U.S. Representative and Senator from Southwest Missouri contain constituent mail, press material, press clippings, photographs, scrapbooks, audiovisual material, invitations and scheduling information, personal correspondence, briefing memos, and miscellaneous political materials. Blunt also served as Missouri Secretary of State, 1985-1993.
Board of Election Commissioners Records, 1974-2002 (S1181)
1.5 cubic foot
The Board of Election Commissioners Records consists of microfiche containing information on St. Louis City voters, including their names, addresses, as well as their ward and precinct. T
Chet Boeke Papers, 1978-2000 (S0620)
0.8 cubic foot (30 folders)
The Chet Boeke Papers contain correspondence, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and reports documenting Boeke's service as a police officer for the St. Louis County Police and state representative for St. Louis County in the 82nd district.
James E. Boggs Justice of the Peace Record Book, 1900-1902 (C3859)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)
A record book concerning crimes and misdemeanors in Boone County, Missouri, from 1900-1902.
Lilburn W. Boggs Invitation, 1838 (C1756)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Invitation issued to Judge Dunnica and Lady, February 15, 1838, to attend a reception at the governor's mansion.
Lilburn W. Boggs Letter, 1837 (C1465)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter to [William Learned Marcy], from Lilburn Boggs, City of Jefferson, Missouri, April 18, 1837. Governor Boggs of Missouri notified Governor Marcy that Henry W. Bamman, charged with forgery in New York, was committed to the Cole County jail and was available for immediate extradition.
Lilburn W. Boggs Papers, 1838-1839 (C1753)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Acts of the General Assembly during the administration of Governor Boggs, concerning organization and boundaries of Clark, Buchanan, Grundy, and Platte Counties; declaration of Ni-chi-ne-ba-to-na River as a navigable stream; and payment for services of grand jurors.
Lilburn W. Boggs Proclamation, 1839 (C2403)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Relative to difficulties existing between the Territory of Iowa and the State of Missouri in relation to the boundary line between the two governments.
Lilburn W. Boggs Petitions, 1837-1839 (C1764)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Petitions and correspondence requesting the release from prison of William Hildebrand, Jefferson County; the pardon of Mat, an enslaved man belonging to Thomas Latimer, St. Louis County; the pardon of Alfred Hawkins, Carroll County; and the pardon of Frances Dillon, St. Louis County. All were granted by Governor Boggs.
Lillburn W. Boggs Letter, 1837 (K0221)
This collection was removed and transferred into K0025
Abe Bograd Oral History Collection, 1977 (K0267)
.1 c.f.
Interviews touching on many aspects of Bograd's life, including recollections of his early years in Russia; his family's immigration; his education; the neighborhoods he lived in; his social life, and the political climate of the city under Pendergast; and his employment with the Kansas City Star.
Christopher and Linda Bond Photograph Collection, 1870-1917 (P0091)
18 photographs
10 b/w photos of the Capitol (completed in 1917) while under construction; 6 views of previous Capitol (completed in 1840) and 1 photo of Missouri River bluff; photographic copy of litho of Jefferson City in mid-1850s and 1 photo of temporary Capitol building.
Christopher S. Bond Speech, 1971 (C3299)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Inaugural remarks of state auditor of Missouri, January 11, 1971.
Kit Bond Portrait, no date (P0562)
1 photograph
Autographed photo of Kit Bond.
Boone County (Mo.) Home Rule Interviews, 1981 (C4542)
0.05 cubic feet (1 folder, 29 audio cassette tapes)
Interviews primarily with local government officials on the topic of “home rule,” conducted as part of a 1981 county government political science course at MU.
Boone County (Mo.) Records, 1821-1914 (C3041)
0.2 cubic feet (9 folders, 13 volumes on two rolls of microfilm)
Early minutes of the Boone County Court, 1821-1822, 1830-1839. Deposition and will of Ira Nash in early court case, 1844. Minutes and premium book of the Boone County Agricultural and Mechanical Society, 1852-1874, Registration books for physicians, surgeons, dentists and osteopaths, 1874-1914. Books listing marks and brands and dog registrations for Boone County.
Boone County (Mo.) Muleskinners Records, 1983-2015 (CA6228)
0.7 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 1 computer disc
Programs, meeting minutes, press releases, membership lists, correspondence, newspaper clippings, financial records, newsletters, and annual reports of the Boone County, Missouri, Democratic organization, 1983-2015.