

Marilyn Hope Lake Papers, 1955-2016 (CA6627)
12.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of an author, instructor, and educational association executive include writings, correspondence, greeting cards, journals, and miscellaneous personal and professional material.

Phyllis Langsdorf Papers, 1977-2018 (S0383)
0.3 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Phyllis Langsdorf Papers contains photographs, newsletters, and program booklets documenting Langsdorf volunteer work with the Craft Alliance Center for Art and Design and Barnes Jewish Hospital.


John E. Lankford Papers, 1934-2018 (CA5175)
12.1 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The professional and personal papers of a history professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia include correspondence, publications, research and teaching materials, biographical information, photographs, poetry, financial records, and miscellaneous material.

Raymond W. Lansford Oral History Collection, 1985-2010 (C4725)
0.1 cubic foot (5 folders), 7 CDs

 Finding Aid

Oral history of the life of Raymond W. Lansford. Landsford served in the United States Air Force during World War II and flew 30 missions over Europe. There are recorded interviews along with transcripts of the recordings. Additionally, there are materials that detail portions of Raymond's life before and after his time in the military.


League of Women Voters of Missouri Records, 1911-2023 (S0232)
23 cubic feet, 536 folders, 7 audio tapes, 56 rolls microfilm

 Finding Aid

The collection contains correspondence, photographs, publications, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and memorabilia dating from the League's creation in 1919-20. In addition, the records (minutes, treasurer's reports, and publications) of the Missouri Equal Suffrage Association, for the years 1911-1919, are included.


Leawood Women's Club Records, 1960-2013 (K0428)
7.6 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Scrapbooks, minutes, annual reports, newsletters, Yearbooks, and bylaws for the Club in Leawood, KS.

Kate and Eugene Lebovitz Papers, 1964-2013 (K1310)
0.2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

program: Harry S. Truman Commendation Award Dinner, 1965; newspapers: KC Jewish Chronicle, September 11, 1964; January 22, 1965; The Buffalo Jewish Review, September 27, 2013.


Frederic Sterling Lee Papers, 1972-2014 (K1317)
34 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The papers of Frederic Sterling Lee, former Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, contain his personal and professional research files, correspondence, writings and edited works. Dr. Lee was internationally known for his work on alternative microeconomic theory.


Lee’s Summit Underwater Rescue and Recovery Team Collection, 1988, 1998-1999, 2014 (KA2626)
.04 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a certificate of recognition, correspondence, and a book related to the Lee’s Summit Underwater Rescue and Recovery Team.


Marian Sunie Sherman Levin Papers, 1940-2010 (K1211)
0.09 cubic foot (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Marian Sunie Sherman Levin Papers contain articles and books with advice for grandparents and senior citizens written by Sunie Levin, as well as a copy of the 1940 Congregation Keneseth Israel Beth Sholom Synagogue Schools yearbook.


Andrea Levitan Papers, 1978-2011 (K1293)
0.25 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The collection contains material relating to the youth, education, community leadership, and extracurricular activities of Andrea Levitan. The collection also includes material relating to Levitan family history.

Christopher J. Lewandowski Papers, 2003-2016 (R1358)
0.25 cubic foot (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection of bluegrass related materials included souvenir programs, booklets, magazines, festival flyers, personal band posters, newspaper articles, band photographs, photo albums related to bluegrass performers.


LGBTQIA+ Periodicals Library Collection, 1986-2014 (S1177)
5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The LGBTQIA+ Periodicals Library Collection contains national publications pertaining to LGBTQIA+ parenting, political and legal groups, travel, and HIV/AIDS.


LifeBridge Partnership Records, 1952-2021 (S0280)
2 cubic feet, 1.9 GB

 Finding Aid

The LifeBridge Partnership Records contain meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, and histories documenting its mission to help individuals with disabilities become independent and active members in their communities. Materials of interest include a feasibility and need analysis commissioned by LifeBridge in 1983 to evaluate and recommend a centralized recreational facility for the St. Louis Region’s disability community. Also included in the collection are LifeBridge Partnership's born-digital files, including board meeting minutes and resolutions, newsletters, and strategic plans. Topics of interest consist of LifeBridge's reevaluation of its mission, name, and logo; program support services, including transportation services for clients; and LifeBridge's updated health policies and fundraising strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The materials in this collection date from 1952 to 2020.


LifeWise StL Records, 1902-2019 (S0352)
37 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, photographs, and VHS tapes chronicling LifeWise StL's (formerly Kingdom House) 120-year history of providing social welfare services to St. Louis's poor and immigrant population. Materials of interest include photographs of the Syrian Pioneers,' a LifeWise StL boy's club that catered to the Syrian youth in the early 1900s.


Linguistic Society of America Records, 1901-2020 (CA5969)
54.6 cubic feet, 10 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette

 Finding Aid

Addition of records of an organization dedicated to research and publication in the analysis of language. Includes publications, programs from annual meetings and Linguistic Institutes, publicity clippings, and materials concerning affiliated organizations, various committees, and Ebonics. Also includes correspondence of George M. Bolling and Bernard Bloch, who were both editors of Language and presidents of LSA.

Robert Lipscomb Papers, 1945-2019 (SP0053)
0.4 cubic foot (20 folders, 1 cd)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Robert Lipscomb Papers consists of photographs taken or collected by Robert Lipscomb in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as an oral history interview with Robert. The majority of the photographs were taken during Robert's career with the Missouri Conservation Commission and include images of Missouri's forests and landscapes, in addition to fire lookout towers across South Central Missouri.

Literacy Action Corps of Columbia, Missouri Records, 1969-2022 (CA6232)
1.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Administrative records of the organization including minutes, correspondence, newsletters, promotional materials, membership lists, and photographs.


Literacy Investment for Tomorrow-Missouri Records, 1989-2013 (CA6354)
4.1 cubic feet, 2 DVDs, 5 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

The records of an organization devoted to developing and promoting adult and family literacy resources include meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, publications, and miscellaneous administrative material. The organization ceased operation in 2012 after more than twenty years of providing training programs and technical assistance throughout Missouri.

Anita Boresow Loeb Papers, 1921-2010 (K0659)
9.25 c.f.

 Finding Aid

An autobiographical family history entitled My Wonderful Life written by Loeb, community historian and active member of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Also a panoramic photograph of the Southwestern Keren Hayesod Zionist Conference, 1921.


Loosely Identified Records, 1974-2012 (S1096)
0.5 cubic foot (8 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Loosely Identified Collection contains flyers, membership lists, newspaper clippings, and poems of Loosely Identified, a St. Louis-based women’s poetry group formed in 1974 to promote the cause of women’s equality through progressive and empowering poetry.


Loughlin Studios Architectural Records, 1976-2019 (K1398)
4.09 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Loughlin Studios paper drawings and AutoCAD files dated 1976 to 2019.

Helen June Knox Loughran Papers, 1948-2011 (K1256)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal papers of former Kansas Citian, Librarian and Clerk of the United States Supreme Court. Includes correspondence, records of a trip to Europe, genealogical information and photographs of family. Also photographs of Supreme Court Justices, friends and co-workers at the Court


Joann S. Lublin Papers, 1976-2022 (CA6712)
5.75 cubic feet, 2 oversize volumes, 4.4 GB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The papers of Joann S. Lublin, author and longtime columnist for The Wall Street Journal, include sixteen volumes of newspaper clippings and recordings of interviews conducted for her books Earning It and Power Moms. Also included is research material and interviews which were used to write Earning It, publishing records, and drafts of the book.

Lupus Chili Fest Collection, 1982-2017 (C4503)
1.35 GB of digital files (54 tifs)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains posters and background material concerning an annual chili festival held in Lupus, Missouri, from 1982 to 2016.


Lyric Opera of Kansas City Records, 1958-2013 (K0646)
39 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Opera and Opera Guild including scrapbooks, photographs, printed materials, public relations files, financial records, minutes, bylaws, and newspaper clipping.



Brian Mahieu Papers, 1980-2016, bulk dates 1987-1999 (C4495)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders, 2 oversize items)

 Finding Aid

Personal papers of a plein air landscape painter from Central Missouri include writings, correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous material.


Gerry Mandel Papers, 1958-2020 (S0393)
3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Gerry Mandel Papers consists of correspondence, journals, photographs, and story drafts chronicling Mandel’s career in advertising and as a freelance writer and producer. Also included in the collection are video biographies of the elderly in St. Louis.


Joan S. March and Walter I. March Papers, 1976-2011 (K0746)
0.3 c.f.

Papers of active members of the Jewish Community in Greater Kansas City. Includes posters and photographs relating to events, particularly the Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy of which Joan March was a founder.


Irene Whitley Marcus Collection, 1885-2019 (K0452)
40 c.f.

Personal papers, collected items, and photographs of an African American educator, whose collection documents the history of the Black community in Kansas City from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century.


Morris B. Margolies Papers, 1915-2010 (K0582)
11 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal and professional papers including correspondence, letters, and cards to Margolies, Rabbi at Congregation Beth Shalom, and his wife Ruth, who was active in Hadassah, the Beth Shalom Sisterhood, and the Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Also lectures (VHS) Rabbi Margolies gave at Beth Shalom during and after his tenure as Rabbi.


Evelyn Belle Marks Biography, 2010 (K0504)
0.02 c.f.

 Finding Aid

A memorial family history book honoring Miss Marks.


Henry R. Marnett Railroad Collection, 1899-2012 (K0734)
6.19 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Henry R. Marnett Railroad Collection contains materials related to the life and interests of Henry R. Marnett. The collection consists of various materials including photographs, negatives, slides, postcards, and ephemera representing Marnett's family and his favorite hobby, trains.


Sam Maronie Papers, 1960-2022 (S0396)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection contains correspondence, story drafts, photographs, and storyboards documenting Sam Maronie's career as a freelance photographer, journalist, and writer for various science-fiction fandom publications, including Starlog Magazine. Also included are original story boards for Maronie’s comics.


Marshall Writers Guild (Marshall, Mo.) Records, 2002-2024 (CA6167)
0.85 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Founded in 1995, the records of a chapter of the Missouri Writers Guild contain essays, poetry, prose, authors' bios, and meeting minutes.


William Mathis Papers, 1968-2011 (S0662)
38 cubic feet

The William Mathis Papers contain photographs, posters, brochures, booklets, and conceptual drawings created by Mathis throughout his career with MathisJones Communications, a photography and graphic design company based in St. Louis. Materials of interest include photographs of Union Station during its initial rehabilitation during the early 1980s.

Richard Lawrence Matthis Papers, 1997-2013 (K0609)
6 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Matthis is a composer and musician in Kansas City, MO. includes personal records of correspondence, legal files, financial records, personal research, educational and social activities, poetry and musical compositions. Also electronic files containing; music, poetry, correspondence and miscellaneous personal papers.


Lawrence "Max" Maxeiner Papers, 1920-2014 (S0453)
15 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Lawrence "Max" Maxiener Papers primarily consists of photographs documenting Maxiener's career as a freelance photographer in the St. Louis area. Materials of interest include photographs of the flood of 1993, Union Station, and Michael Dukakis and Bill Clinton's visits to the St. Louis area during the 1988 and 1992 presidential campaigns.


Claire McCaskill Papers, 2004-2018 (CA6530)
3.25 cubic feet, 1.67 TB of digital files, 1 CD, 3 computer discs, 18 DVDs, 10 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The papers of a U.S. Senator include senatorial office files, correspondence, photographs, press material, memorabilia, and audiovisual material.

McDonald County Secession Papers, 1961-2015 (SP0013)
.2 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The McDonald County Secession papers contain photocopied newspaper articles dealing with the publicity surrounding the McDonald County secession hoax from Missouri in 1961.        

James E. McGhee Civil War Research Papers, 1848-2020 (CG0047)
6.0 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Research materials, mainly reproductions of originals, accumulated by James E. McGhee, who was a preeminent historian and Civil War scholar from Missouri. Photocopied material includes journals, correspondence, maps, images, chapters from books, essays, newspaper articles, and so on. There are also 11 CDs, two microfiche rolls, two panoramic photos, a WWI-era journal, and one flash drive containing research materials.

Barbara J. McGough Papers, 1945-2011 (S1099)
12 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Barbara J. McGough Papers contains correspondence, photographs, calendars, scrapbooks, and newspaper and magazine clippings pertaining to her activism in the LGBTQ and feminist movements in St. Louis and the Midwest. Interspersed in the collection are newsletters and pamphlets produced by LGBTQ businesses and groups, including Moonstrom, as well as McGough’s handwritten notes documenting the connections and networks she made throughout her life. The collection is arranged chronologically according to the order McGough maintained her papers, except for boxes 10-13, which contain weekly planners, scrapbooks, ephemera, and additional materials not included in the original donation. The materials in these boxes are arranged chronologically by type. The materials in this collection date from 1945 to 2011.



McIntosh Family Papers, 1932-2024 (S0649)
5 cubic feet

The McIntosh Family papers contain correspondence, diaries, photographs, household financial ledgers, military discharge papers, poetry, and scrapbooks pertaining primarily to Denzil and Beverly Crane McIntosh, of St. Louis, Missouri.

Linda McKay Papers, 1989-2019 (S0652)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Linda McKay Papers contain articles, correspondence, magazines, memorandum, newsletters, pamphlets, and reports regarding McKay's involvement in CharacterPlus, and organization dedicated to enriching the lives of students and children by creating high-achieving school environments and encouraging students to becoming engaged with their community. McKay serves as the programming chair and was the founding executive director of CharacterPlus. McKay is also a founding member and board chair of Character.org (formerly known as Character Education Partnership).



Kathy McKemy Papers, 1975-2014 (S0501)
3.2 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Kathy McKemy Papers contain bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters, booklets, and newspaper clippings primarily documenting her involvement with the National Organization for Women's (N.O.W.) St. Louis Chapter. Materials of interest include bylaws and correspondence for the North St. Louis County Chapter of N.O.W., one of the first St. Louis-area N.O.W. chapters.


McPherson Family Papers, 1930-2017 (R1304)
4 cubic feet (56 folders)

 Finding Aid

These are diaries and personal papers of Elizabeth J. McPherson, her daughter, Constance McPherson, and son, George McPherson Jr. They include Elizabeth's diaries of daily life in Ohio and Rolla, Missouri from 1930 to 1977; correspondence and diaries by Constance regarding her travels and Peace Corps service in the Philippines from 1960 to 1964; and George's scrapbook and personal papers regarding his family, extended circle of friends, community activities, and career at the University of Missouri-Rolla from 1969 to 1988.


Medlock-Luecke Family Papers, 1873-2021 (S0039)
6.5 cubic feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Medlock-Luecke Family papers contain correspondence, photographs, yearbooks, family histories, and a yearbook pertaining to the Jim, Kay, Joey, and AJ Medlock; the Luecke family, primarily Robert Clarence and Louise Meers Luecke; and other branches of the family, including the Eakers and the Hodges.

Abe Meth Papers, 2012 (K1300)
0.1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Papers of a prominent staff member at Beth Shalom consist of one newspaper clipping from The Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, May 18, 2012, detailing his involvement with Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews during World War II


Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis Records, 1970-2011 (S0543)
17 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis was founded on October 28, 1972, with a primary mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the gay and lesbian community of St. Louis. Materials include administrative files, publications, artifacts, correspondence, and conference materials, which reflect many of the activities of the church and some of its members since its founding, as well as information concerning the gay and lesbian community in St. Louis.


Alberta J. Meyer Papers, 1913-2018 (C4413)
0.8 cubic feet (19 folders), 1 computer disc, 1 DVD

 Finding Aid

Professional and family papers, including many photographs, from the life of public servant and feminist Alberta J. Meyer.
