Video Collection, 1990-2011 (S0832)
1 cubic foot, 34 videotapes
The Video Collection consists of VHS tapes, DVDs and other video formats of recordings pertaining to St. Louis history. Topics of interest include the Gateway Arch, Fran Landesman, Pruitt-Igoe, and the Saint Louis Zoo. Also included in this collection are oral histories staff members conducted with Judith Styx, James Neal Primm, and Irene Cortinovis.
Elaine Viets Papers, 1967-2018 (S1239)
12 cubic feet
The Elaine Viets Papers contains correspondence, copy-edited manuscripts, photographs, books, and newspaper clippings pertaining to her career as a columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1972-1997) and mystery writer of the Francesca Vierling, Dead-End Job, and Josie Marcus, Mystery Shopper series. Materials of interest include correspondence from fans of Viets’s mystery novels wishing her well after her stroke in 2007, as well as photographs from Viets’s book tours and the set of Viets Beat, a KMOV talk show Viets hosted in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Also included in this collection are scrapbooks containing Viets’s columns for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, written between 1972 and 1995. The newspaper clippings are incomplete, however, as they do not contain her St. Louis Post-Dispatch columns written from 1996 to 1997.
Betsy Wade Papers, 1986-2012 (CA6162)
2.4 cubic feet, 2 audio cassettes
Betsy Wade wrote a travel column for The New York Times, was head of the Times foreign copy desk during the Vietnam War, and an editor of the Pentagon Papers. The collection largely concerns the Journalism and Women Symposium. Correspondence, newsletters, and audio cassettes are also included.
Waters Family Papers, 1860s-2021 (CA6619)
0.1 cubic feet
Photographs, correspondence, and genealogical material concerning the Joseph C. Waters family of Boone County, Missouri.
Webster Groves High School Memorabilia Collection, 1960-2015 (S1203)
0.25 cubic feet
This collection consists of Webster High School yearbooks, newspaper clippings, obituaries, and a photograph.
West County Democrats Records, 2001-2017 (S1218)
2 cubic feet
The records of the West County Democrats contain agendas, board and general meeting minutes, bylaws, correspondence, directories, and reports collected and maintained by previous co-chairs of the organization. Former Senator Harriet Woods and Jo Ann Fox Hughes were among the founding members of the West County Democrats and held the club’s first meetings in the summer of 2001. Since its founding, the West County Democrats have grown to a membership of nearly 170 individuals, who continue to meet monthly and invite guest speakers to lecture on a variety of political issues affecting Missouri and the United States.
Mel and Barbara West Papers, 1987-2023 (CA6688)
0.2 cubic feet
Memoirs of Melvin E. and Barbara A. West. The topics include their childhood, family, missionary work, and the service programs and organizations they founded. Also included are published material from these service programs, poems written by Melvin, and biographical information on both Melvin and Barbara.
Western Historical Manuscript Collection Records, 1943-2010 (CA6463)
17.7 cubic feet, 2 audio tapes, 4 computer discs, 4.37 GB of digital files, 4 oversize items
Records of the organization include correspondence, reports, event files, space planning materials, photographs, materials on the National Women and Media Collection, and miscellaneous administrative material.
Western Historical Manuscript Collection, St. Louis, Vertical File Collection, 1834-2012 (S0694)
4.25 cubic feet, 265 folders
The Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC)-St. Louis’s vertical file was begun in 1968 as part of WHMC’s collecting mission under the direction of Irene Cortinovis and Ina Watson. The collection chronicles numerous St. Louis-related topics, including African Americans, Anheuser-Busch, the Congress of Racial Equality, and the Shaw neighborhood.
Western Historical Manuscript Collection-St. Louis Records, 1968-2011 (S1230)
6.5 cubic feet
The records of the Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC)-St. Louis contains administrative correspondence, meeting minutes, and monthly and annual reports pertaining to the founding and operation of the office. Subjects of interest include the controversy between the State Historical Society of Missouri (SHSMO) and the University of Missouri–Saint Louis (UMSL) regarding WHMC-St. Louis’s desire to remain independent from WHMC, the creation of UMSL’s University Archives, and the development of WHMC-St. Louis’s oral history program. The materials in this collection date from 1967 to 2011.
Debra Weyermann Papers, 1970s-2012 (CA6399)
5.0 cubic feet, 20 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette
The papers of a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and investigative reporter who worked for the Arizona Daily Star, Denver Post, and Santa Barbara News-Press. The papers include research for Weyermann's books The Gang They Couldn't Catch and Answer Them Nothing, as well as news articles, interviews on audiocassettes, and miscellaneous professional material.
Barbara Endicott Wheelhouse Oral History Collection, 2019-2021 (C4602)
38.7 MB of digital files (1 pdf, 2 wmas)
The collection contains two oral history interviews of Barbara Ann Endicott Wheelhouse conducted by her son Paul Wheelhouse concerning growing up in St. Louis during World War II and becoming a psychic counselor, as well as the Endicott, Kobel, and Tuschhoff families of Missouri. Includes audio files and a list of questions and topics covered in the interviews.
Mildred Durr Wilcox Papers, 1859-2010 (CA6640)
1.4 cubic feet
The papers of Mildred Durr Wilcox include correspondence, photographs, business records, family papers, genealogy, legal documents, deeds, and miscellaneous material.
Robert S. Wiley Collection, 1869-1994 (R0521)
8.5 cubic feet (177 folders, 639 photographs, 25 slides, 2 audio discs, 13 oversize folders)
The Robert S. Wiley Collection consists of legal documents, publications, promotional material, and ephemera related to Missouri, specifically Stone County, and to travel, tourism and recreation in the White River region of Missouri and Arkansas. The collection also contains material largely focused on Missouri State Representative Dewey Short and the Republican Party.
Sidney L. Willens Collection, 1976-2010 (K1190)
0.5 c.f.
Willens was an attorney specializing in civil liberty issues in Kansas City, MO. includes correspondence, news articles, Jackson County Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints Reports, and Willins' writings on the value of humor.
William Chrisman High School (Independence, Mo.), Class of 1951 Collection, 1946-2018 (CA6155)
0.7 cubic feet
Addition of brochures, newspaper clippings, reunion materials, newsletters, yearbooks, and miscellaneous material.
Jean Gaddy Wilson Papers, 1959-2011 (C3884)
29 cubic feet (733 folders), 288 audio cassettes, 5 video cassettes, 3 audio tapes
Papers of a journalism educator and author, primarily dealing with research on women and minorities in media. Contains her work on, "Taking Stock: Women in the News Media 20 Years Before the 21st Century," including taped interviews and transcripts of media professionals and extensive research data. Also includes correspondence, speeches, publications, teaching and conference materials, and papers pertaining to her early career in journalism, media, and public relations.
Yvonne Starks Wilson Papers, 1937-2019 (KA2506)
29 cubic feet
Papers related to the life of Yvonne Wilson.
Betty Winfield Papers, 1930s-2010s (CA6743)
0.65 cubic feet, 1 oversize item
Addition of multiple publications and manuscripts, research material, photographs, University of Missouri course papers, and research material on the Little Rock Central High School crisis.
Women as Change Agents Collection, 2015-2018 (S1207)
7.5 cubic feet
The Women as Change Agents Oral History Collection consists of oral history interviews conducted by Dr. Blanche Touhill with St. Louis City and St. Louis County residents who have established themselves as leaders during periods of great change such as the civil rights and women’s movements and Vietnam War demonstrations. The collection documents the interviewee’s personal and professional lives and how they established themselves as successful, enterprising women leaders in the St. Louis region. These materials include DVD recordings of the interviews, as well as accompanying transcripts. The interviews date from 2015 to the present.
Women in World War II Oral Histories, 2014 (S1149)
0.2 cubic foot, 3 folders
The World War II Oral Histories collection contains three interviews conducted by Marie Morgan with women who lived during the conflict. Each interview tells the story about each woman during the conflict, their wartime experiences and life afterward in Europe and the United States.
Women of Achievement Records, 1955-2023 (S0254)
12 cubic feet
Women of Achievement is the oldest ongoing program in St. Louis with the sole mission of recognizing the contribution of women to the quality of life in the area. St. Louis Globe-Democrat publisher Richard Amberg created the awards program in 1955 to offer an annual award to ten women who have made a significant difference in the community. The collection includes bylaws, selection committee files, and newspaper clippings.
Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press Collection, 1961-2013 (C4403)
0.8 cubic feet (27 folders)
Material created and collected by an education and publishing organization working towards media democracy and media justice for women includes publications, campaign and political buttons, and a dissertation on the institute's founder, Donna Allen.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, St. Louis Chapter Records, 1962-2015 (S0214)
14.5 cubic feet
The records of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, St. Louis Chapter contain correspondence, meeting minutes, membership directories, and newsletters relating to the group’s mission to promote world peace and social justice. Subjects of interest include the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II), the league’s opposition to the United States’ intervention in Vietnam, and China.
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Records, 1980s-2020 (CA6671)
1.2 cubic feet, 2 oversize items
The records of the Mid-Missouri Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom contain minutes, promotional material, correspondence, project materials, photographs, a scrapbook, and miscellaneous organizational material.
Woodruff-Stumpff Family Papers, 1901-2022 (S0506)
0.4 cubic feet
The Woodruff-Stumpff family papers contain correspondence, photographs, diplomas, yearbooks, and family tree charts documenting the Woodruff and Stumpff families of St. Louis, Missouri.
Robert Gail and Margie McDaniel Woods Collection, 1920s-2023 (CA5749)
82.2 cubic feet, 5 oversize volumes, 2 oversize items, 41 audio cassettes, 14 audio tapes, and 6 video cassettes
Family papers, photographs, and genealogical records of Woods, Edwards, Hanna, and related families, and historical and organizational records of various Methodist churches and communities in and around St. Louis.
Glenn R. Zander Papers, 1991-2019 (K1384)
.4 c.f.
The Glenn R. Zander Papers contain information related to the CFO/Co-chairman of Trans World Airlines (TWA) from 1990 to 1994. Materials in the collection relate to the monetary hardships encountered by TWA, including filing for bankruptcy in 1992.