Judith Stix Papers, 1978-1999 (S0995)
3 cubic feet
The Judith Stix Papers contains poetry written by Stix. Titles of interest include two anthologies "City of Birds," and "Sweet Length of Days.
Lewis Stoerker Papers, 1965-2007 (CA6423)
1.2 cubic feet, 2 oversize items
Papers of a theatre professor at the University of Missouri largely concern his efforts to establish the Rock Bridge Memorial State Park.
Rose Lesky Stolowy and Sol Stolowy Papers, 1938-2002 (K0434)
6 c.f.
Advertisement film (ca. 1947) for the Midtown Fabric Shop. Also tailor pattern sets, financial and customer records for the Fabric Shop and the Kansas City Custom Garment Company, and family photographs and correspondence.
Andrea Stone Papers, 1973-2015 (C4663)
3.4 cubic feet (74 folders), 5.98 GB of digital files, 5 DVDs, 1 CD
The papers of a journalist from the Bronx, New York, who worked for USA TODAY, AOL News, The Huffington Post, and Al Jazeera America, contain correspondence, notebooks, story files, videos, and miscellaneous personal and professional material. A graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Stone also taught journalism at the college and graduate level.
Edward E. Stout Genealogical Collection, 1890-2002 (SP0068)
3 cubic feet (67 folders, 2 volumes)
The Edward E. Stout Genealogical Collection contains correspondence, genealogical research, family charts, photographs, and manuscripts related to the Fulbright and Stout families.
Alan H. Stricker Papers, 1935-2023 (S0643)
5.6 cubic feet
The Alan H. Stricker Papers contain correspondence, photographs, VHS tapes, and LPs documenting his involvement with the St. Louis Ragtimers, a musical group dedicated to playing traditional Ragtime and traditional Jazz.
Arvarh E. Strickland Papers, 1920s-1990s (CA4995)
32.5 cubic feet, 11 audio tapes, 18 computer discs
Personal and professional papers of a historian, educator, and University of Missouri administrator.
Stumpe Family Collection, 1908-2019 (CA6545)
0.2 cubic feet
The collection contains genealogies compiled by Ruth Stumpe Brent Tofle on the Stumpe family of Franklin County, Missouri, and related Horstick and Wagner families. Includes Dale Carnegie course material; information on Myrtle Wagner, Ruth Tofle, and Lester Stumpe; and miscellaneous material, 1908-2019.
Walt Stumper Papers, 1952-2020 (S0374)
7.3 cubic feet
The Walt Stumper Papers contain zines, flyers, and pamphlets, written and published by Science Fiction clubs and conventions in St. Louis and the United States. Materials of interest include issues of the OSFAN, the newsletter of the Ozark Science Fiction Convention, and early Archon program booklets.
Patrick Walker Sumner and Mott-Ly Punk Rock and Underground Zine Collection, 1981-1995 (K0466)
0.5 c.f.
Magazines, "zines", concerning the punk rock/underground scene in the Greater Kansas City area.
Patrick Walker Sumner Papers, 1979-2013 (K1120)
1.1 c.f.
Sumner is a social and political activist in Metropolitan Kansas City. Includes his topical files, speeches and correspondence, newspapers, fliers and clippings.
Leonard R. Sussman Papers, 1960s-2000s (CA6221)
8.3 cubic feet, 107 audio cassettes, 2 audio discs, 2 CDs, 15 video cassettes
Papers of a journalist and author who served as executive director (1967-1988) of Freedom House, an independent, nongovernmental organization devoted to strengthening free institutions worldwide. Includes articles, clippings, correspondence, diaries, publications, and recordings of interviews and radio and television appearances.
Nan Sweet HerStory Project, 1988 (S0865)
3 audio tapes
This collection consists of interviews Nan Sweet conducted with four politically active members of the St. Louis lesbian community, including Georgia King and Laura Ann Moore.
Symington Family Papers, 1775-2010 (S1211)
0.2 cubic foot
The Symington Family Papers contain genealogical research on the Johnston, Boggs, and Symington families 1775 to 2010, as well as correspondence to members of the Johnston and Symington families between 1817 to 1883.
W. Stuart Symington Papers, 1918-1995 (C3874)
316.25 cubic feet (6937 folders, 321 boxes), 86 ephemera items, 41 audio discs, 11 audio cassettes, 64 audio tapes, 32 reels of 16mm film, 2reels of 35mm film, 3 video tapes, 2 video cassettes, 2 CDs, 5 DVDs
The papers of William Stuart Symington, U.S. Senator from Missouri (1953-1976), include constituent correspondence, family and personal correspondence, limited genealogical and family materials, appointment books and calendars, audio and video recordings, campaign materials, editorial cartoons, select invitations and itineraries, limited pre-senatorial materials, photographs, photographic negatives and slides, press files, scrapbooks, selected Congressional testimonies, speeches, staff memoranda, voting records, and miscellaneous ephemera.
Natalie Tackett Papers, 1967-1992 (C4444)
3.0 cubic feet (171 folders, 2 oversize items)
Papers of an educator and legislative research director relating to her work as the Missouri coordinator for the Religious Committee for the E.R.A. and as the Missouri A.A.U.W. Legislative Chairman and Missouri Division vice president.
Irene B. Taeuber Papers, 1912-1981 (C2158)
63 cubic feet, 2 audio cassettes, 1 roll of microfilm
Irene B. Taeuber, a research demographer, was best known for her work on the population of Asia, especially Japan and China. Collection includes correspondence with leading demographers, sociologists, and Asian specialists; publications and manuscripts; research notes and data; bibliographic card files; and photographs and slides of her travels.
William Howard Taft Papers, 1930s-2000s (CA6103)
11 cubic feet, 1 oversize item
Research notes and miscellaneous papers from a professor at the University of Missouri School of Journalism compiled for his book "Show Me Journalists: The First 200 Years." The work is one of a series of monographs published under the auspices of the Missouri Press Association. Also includes publications, research material, scrapbooks, genealogical material, and miscellaneous material.
Talking Tapes/Textbooks on Tape, 1947-1995 (S0997)
4 cubic feet
The Talk Tapes/Textbooks on Tapes Records contain photographs, compact discs, and scrapbooks pertaining to the organization's mission to provide books to individuals with learning disabilities and visual impairments.
Peter Tamony Collection, 1890-1985 (C3939)
877.6 cubic feet (798 folders, 865 boxes, 6 card files), 14 audio discs, 89 audio tapes, 2 audio cassettes
Correspondence, articles, research files, personal papers, audio tapes, and word files of a noted etymologist and neologist of San Francisco. The collection primarily relates to the study of American colloquial language and neologisms but also includes rare jazz journals and materials on sports.
John P. Tandarich Collection, 1880s-1990s (CA6051)
6 cubic feet, 6 video cassettes, 4 films
Photographs, biographies, and select collected works of several noted soil scientists. Also some University of Missouri bulletins and reports from the early 1900s. Includes abstracts and articles, correspondence, field tour logs, photographs [primarily soil scientists, Universities of Illinois, Missouri], maps, newsletters, notebook by soils scientist James Thorp of Australia, posters, symposium and conference proceedings, reports, and related materials, and miscellaneous papers. Also includes limited family photographs [C.C. Logan].
Gene Taylor Collection, 1971-2001 (SP0066)
1 cubic foot (4 folders, 3 volumes, 117 photographs)
The Gene Taylor Collection consists of photographs, scrapbooks, and congressional materials related to Congressman Gene Taylor, in addition to Sarcoxie, Missouri.
Irene S. Taylor Papers, 1891-1986 (C1220)
1.4 cubic feet (72 folders)
The papers of Irene S. Taylor, a journalist from St. Joseph, Missouri, who worked for several news organizations in Paris, France, in the 1930s, consist of correspondence, photographs, and articles, and records from her service in the U.S. Army in the 1940s and 1950s.
John N. Taylor Family Papers, 1860-1988 (C4457)
4.7 cubic feet (62 folders, 17 oversize items)
This collection includes business records from three former mid-Missouri businesses and personal papers and photographs from thirteen members of the Taylor family of Huntsville and Columbia, Missouri. Also included are documents pertaining to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.
John C.F. Tedrow Papers, 1941-2010 (CA6296)
2 cubic feet
The John C. F. Tedrow Papers includes his research, writings, and correspondence regarding the history of soil sciences in America while working as a professor in the Soils Department at Rutgers University. The bulk of the papers include information on the soils of New Jersey and the arctic region.
Joseph Herbert Tedrow Transportation Collection, 1850-1987 (K0754)
9 c.f.
Collected data on transportation, particularly railroads operating in the Mid-west. Includes photographs, time-tables, notes, and other items.
Temple Beth El (Jefferson City, Mo.) Records, 1935-2016 (CA6474)
0.3 cubic feet
Addition of annual meeting minutes, 1986-2015; board of trustee minutes, 2010-2016; sisterhood minutes, 1935-1986; and miscellaneous material. See also C3914.
Temple Beth El (Jefferson City, Mo.) Records, 1868-1984 (C3914)
0.2 cubic feet
The records of Temple Beth El, a synagogue in Jefferson City, MO, include legal papers, by-laws, minutes, newspaper clippings, and correspondence that document the temple's history from its origination as the Jefferson City Hebrew Cemetery Association to its 100th Anniversary in 1983.
Teresa Gallagher Papers, 1927-1988 (S0871)
5 cubic feet
This collection contains correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, newspaper clippings, articles, photographs, and audio recordings. The materials in this collection document Teresa Gallagher’s involvement with the Thomas A. Dooley Foundation, the Tom Dooley Heritage, Inc., and other organizations and people who worked to continue Dr. Tom Dooley’s mission to provide medical care to developing nations. The collection also includes information regarding Gallagher’s book Give Joy to My Youth: A Memoir of Dr. Tom Dooley.
James and Hope Edwards Terrell Papers, (CG0054)
This collection consists of letters, newspaper clippings, photographs, negatives, schoolwork, and other materials from James Terrell and Hope Edwards Terrell, in addition to letters, drawings, and other materials from members of the Edwards family. The collection also contains playbills, programs, tickets, photographs, correspondence, articles, and newspaper clippings related to the Sikeston Little Theater, as well as its cast and crew.
The Assumption Portrait Manuscript, 1989 (S0592)
0.25 cubic foot
The Assumption Portrait is a 121 page book commemorating the 150th anniversary of
the Assumption Mattese Parish in St. Louis, Missouri.
The Cypher, Newsletter Collection, 1975-1983 (R1345)
0.25 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Cypher newsletters consist of the publications of the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the Organ Historical Society, Inc.
The Ville Collection, 1975-1990 (S0497)
0.4 cubic foot, 19 folders, 9 cassette tapes
This collection contains oral history tapes, unpublished and published manuscripts, and articles pertaining to "The Ville," known initially as Elleardsville, a predominately African-American neighborhood in northwest St. Louis, where African American intellectuals and the elite lived before integration.
The Wardrobe, Inc. (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1970-1996 (C4600)
0.5 cubic feet (9 folders, 1 audio cassette tape)
Records of a non-profit, community oriented organization which operates a thrift shop providing clothing at low or no cost, consisting of Board of Directors meeting minutes, financial statements, price lists, volunteer sign-in books, and a recorded radio segment on the history of the organization.
Theatrical Mutual Association (TMA) Lodge 13 Records, 1910-1995 (K1217)
0.31 c.f. (1 folder 1 volume)
Includes scrapbook containing minutes of the TMA club, and a history of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)-Local 31 by Ray Maier.
Edward J. Thias Papers, 1954-2002 (S0742)
0.4 cubic foot, 11 folders
The papers of Edward J. Thias Papers contain books written and/or illustrated by Thias, including works about his participation in World War II, Missouri architecture, Thias family genealogy, and collected pencil sketches. In addition, this collection contains many unbound, original pencil sketches of various St. Louis and Missouri landmarks and attractions.
Sidney J. Thierjung Papers, 1966-2010 (C4678)
1 cubic foot (1 oversize volume, 8 oversize items)
The papers of Sidney John Thierjung, a Vietnam War veteran, include photographs, a scrapbook, and military service documents, certificates, and medals.
Thixton Family Papers, 1860s-2007 (C4726)
0.4 cubic foot (7 folders)
Photographs and miscellaneous family papers pertaining to Burton Ellsworth Thixton, Deliah Comer Thixton and their descendants in Moniteau, Morgan, and Benton Counties, Missouri.
Thomas M. Binger Collection, 1888-2025 (CA5812)
31.8 cubic feet, 1 audio disc, 4 video cassettes, 20 oversize items
Collection of U.S. railroad timetables, publications, promotional material, photographs and miscellaneous material, and newsletters of Missouri railroad enthusiast organizations, Mid-Missouri Railfans and the St. Louis chapter of the National Railway Historical Society. Also includes some personal and family material.
David E. and Horace E. Thomas Papers, 1904-1985 (C4002)
2.0 cubic feet (114 folders), 4 oversize items
The papers of David E. Thomas, Congregational minister and professor of religion, and his son, Horace E. Thomas, a Columbia, Missouri, surgeon who spent World War II in military hospitals in the South Pacific consist of correspondence, manuscripts, class notes, research notes, photographs, printed articles and pamphlets, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous materials related to their careers, including research for Horace’s medical school thesis, Chronic Radiation Poisoning in Rats.
Kenn Thomas Papers, 1970-2007 (S1195)
43 cubic feet, 978 folders, 268 VHS tapes, 4 photographs, 1 audio cassette
The papers of Kenn Thomas contain correspondence, business files, travel records, a collection of independently produced, small press fanzines, audio/visual recordings, and subject files documenting the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, and Unidentified Flying Objects. Other materials of interest include video and audio recordings of Bob Dylan and the Band, performing in St. Louis area venues. The papers date from 1970 to 2007.
Rosemary Hyde Thomas Papers, 1982-1996 (S0998)
6 cubic feet
The Rosemary Hyde Thomas Papers contain photographs, oral histories, and research papers pertaining to the Landmarks Program, which encouraged middle and high school students to explore historical themes in their community neighborhoods. Materials of interest include oral history interviews students conducted with former Pullman Porters, Webster Groves, and the flood of 1993.
Carol Jo Thompson, History of Overton, Missouri Project, 1977, 1989 (CA6370)
0.1 cubic feet
Project and paper on history of housing in Overton, Missouri, done by a University of Missouri student for a class. Also includes photographs and negatives of Overton, Missouri.
Dorothy Brown Thompson Papers, 1860-1994 (K0695)
52 c.f.
Personal papers, writings, and research materials of Thompson, a poet and genealogist. Includes personal and professional materials: poetry manuscripts, correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, photographs, and ephemera. Secondly, her extensive genealogical research includes specific family lines, correspondence, and historical publications. Also materials of her husband and son.
Alvin J. Thornton Papers, 1940-2001 (C4041)
2.0 cubic feet (72 folders), 1 audio disc
The papers of Alvin "Jack" Thornton, a former World War II B-24 pilot and POW, include photographs, correspondence, diaries, and miscellaneous materials relating to his military service and family.
James Irving Threatt Papers, 1971-1999 (K0732)
41 c.f.
Personal files kept by Threatt concerning his many activities and interests while in public office. Topics include housing, city development, revitalization of the urban core, education, minority businesses and historical agencies. Contains correspondence, reports, photographs, clippings, books and magazines. Also his wife, Doris Elizabeth Threatt (1932-2000), professional and community activities.
Hester I. Thurston Papers, 1955-1989 (K1250)
2 c.f.
Subject files concerning seminars and workshops that Thurston, Director of Continuing Nursing Education at the University of Kansas Medical Center, either attended or taught. Includes correspondence, course outlines, lectures, and other supplemental educational materials. Also correspondence concerning nursing school accreditation committees.
Tibbe-Cuthbertson Family Papers, 1846-1986 (C3711)
1.2 cubic feet (59 folders), 2 oversize items
The papers of a Washington, Missouri, family whose patriarch, Henry Tibbe, and his son, Anton, founded the Missouri Meerschaum Company, include family and business correspondence, genealogy, property deeds, an early history of the Missouri Meerschaum Company, material on a patent infringement dispute, pipe catalogs, clippings, and photographs.
Mark W. Tiedemann Papers, 1982-2016 (S0401)
4.8 cubic feet
This collection contains correspondence, drafts of novels and short stories, galley proofs, and convention booklets for Science Fiction Conventions, including Archon, documenting Tiedemann’s career as a Science Fiction author.
Virginia P. Tindall Papers, 1931-1990 (C4258)
0.45 cubic feet (9 folders, 1 oversize volume)
The papers of Virginia P. Tindall contain information about the Women’s International Auxiliary to the International Typographical Union, photographs, convention materials, and other information pertaining to Tindall’s activities working in labor rights.